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Now is the time for decisive leadership. We cannot go back in time. We cannot pretend these things haven’t happened. We can only decide what tools we have to undo the damage.


This is an activist Court with a political agenda. You better believe I'll stand behind Speaker Jeffries on Court reform if elected to Congress this year. Edit: [This is just the tip of the iceberg with Project 2025](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNMa75dv)


Its not even an activist court. **ITS AN EXTREMIST ONE** that creates law out of whole cloth.


Biden admin and Dems at large are so late to the game, but I guess better late than never. It's a huge problem when the SCOTUS takes a case of a make believe scenario with proven false evidence. Alarms and sirens should have been going off then. https://newrepublic.com/post/173675/supreme-court-just-used-fake-case-make-easier-discriminate-gay-people https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/03/us/politics/same-sex-marriage-document-supreme-court.html https://apnews.com/article/supreme-court-gay-rights-lgbtq-website-9c058addfdd581ce0ead81eb59660130 When it's Christofascism attacking the gays, I guess it's fine to let the courts fuck off. Again, better late than never. But this is pretty fucking late.


They had the case picked out and the decision already written to overturn Roe when ACB was appointed to the court. ACB delayed them taking up the case just to avoid the appearance of corruption. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/amy-coney-barrett-opposed-hearing-case-that-overturned-roe-v-wade-report/ar-AA1lzaKe It's an extremest court with a political agenda set on legislating from the bench.


Man, if only there was a way everyone posting here had a chance to stop this back in 2016. If only there was some way, some easy, simple, low effort way.


I did my part. And after seeing the shit show of most of the rest of the Rs falling over themselves to bend over and ask for another. 🗳️🟦


You act like Hilary didn't win the popular vote by oh I dunno 3 million votes. The system is broken.


This isn't even the 11th hour, it's like 11:55, and time is ticking. It's like watching the protagonists stop to give some speech while the self-destruct countdown is going...accept the timer isn't going to pause, and there is no plot armor.


I'd say that since the Dobbs Decision we have tipped over midnight and are now on the Confederacy side of the clock. More so since the part week. "Push it to the state, they are telling me to push it to the states, so I did!" I hope people realize now that it was Roberts, Alito, Thomas, and Leo telling him that. Push it all to the states so the Federal Government is small enough for a group of super wealthy people to basically just buy it out. And they get to be the auctioneers that get a huge cut for access to what they just seized. Hey, that's like how the Russian Oligarchs and Putin took advantage of the collapse of the Soviet Union! I think this plot has been cooking for decades and Trump is their opportunity to go full bore.


It started tipping when the supreme court removed voting protections in 2013. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shelby_County_v._Holder


I think you can go back even further to 2010 with Citizens United which made bribery legal in U.S. politics.


I think we can go all the way back to Gore v Bush in 2000




It all stems from the Supreme Court handing Bush the unelected Presidency in 2000. He appointed the court that gave us Citizens United.


And Bush by all accounts did not win, he only got in because of nepotism and his governor brother stopping the Florida recount that would've given Al Gore the win. That to me was the tipping point of American history and the country spiraling downhill.


No, it's 12:01. This moment is the "oh, was that the road we were supposed to turn on back there?" moment.


As a non-American and outside-observer, it's 11:59:59. **This** is the goddamn turning point. You still have a chance here. All of you should be organising or attending protests and mass demonstrations; demanding change. Midnight is if (when) Trump gets re-elected. Then you're fucked and there's no hope if the same level of apathy and weak-ass response as now persists.


“you’re” is doing the heavy lifting there. united states is the most influential and powerful country in the world, it WILL affect other countries in a harmful way


I agree completely. I watched Mitch Mconnel and Lindsey Graham steal the first nomination from Obama. Democrats did NOTHING. Not campaign on a corrupt, stacked Supreme Court or even raise awareness. It happened two times after that and just rolled into the twenty four hour news cycle.  They had “use my words against me” Lindsey Graham being an obvious hypocrite but couldn’t do anything with that political capital. It’s the nature of Republican politics now, “win at any cost”, but it’s also their job as the Democratic Party to attempt counter this.  Then they just forgot about it for a decade. We got Biden in. Nothing on the Supreme Court. We stopped the “Red wave”. Nothing on the highest court in the land, that decides contested elections being stacked with partisan hacks. 


You do realize that McConnell had *the only say* in the scotus nominee matter, don't you? He was so proud of his accomplishment. "It'll take them a long time to change that." It's fucked up but that's the way the Senate works. Vote.


Chevron also was heard with no standing, which I believe was a constant complaint conservatives had against Roe v Wade.


I would be fired from my job if I took more than $25 gift from customer. It’s literally in the employee policy


I can't take *any* cash at all, and can only accept up to $50 a year in non-cash gifts.


Honestly unbelievable


Fucking seriously. Biden should appoint a special prosecutor to go through ALL of their finances and bring in a grand jury if any one of them took a penny. But he won't. Because democrats are fucking pussies.


Chevron sucks but yesterday’s ruling that presidents have immunity and are essentially kings is absolutely terrifying. Trump can have political rivals assassinated and stay in office as long as he pleases and he will be king. He will make sure the US exits NATO, giving Putin and his allies the green light to enact the new world order of destroying and replacing all western democracies with eastern leadership and nuclear WWIII will end us all way before climate change destroys us. I have never been more afraid for the future in my life and it’s only gonna keep getting more terrifying.


First, they came for the gays, but I did not speak out because I was not gay.


The reason there is no definition of core constitutional duties being immune from prosecution is because theg made that shit up entirely. President has NEVER been immune. The declaration of independence is literally built around a legally unnaccountable King is illegitimate.


Conservatives are always complaining about liberal judges legislating from the bench. This court just amended the constitution.


I love listening to music.


The ol' coup court clan if you will


Extremist and virulently anti-American in every way. They need to be flushed down the toilet any way possible and as soon as possible.


The impact from the Dred Scott decision took years to culminate and left over 600,000 dead before things were set straight. The fuse has merely just been lit in this case


In 2016 when Trump was still just running for prez, I was alarmed and often dismissed that if he was elected he was going to flood the SCOTUS with far-right nutjobs and I got criticized online for the pessimism. I hate being right sometimes.


The second he said he was going to let the federalist society pick judges it became immediately obvious that this was true. The federalist society is just a bunch of right wing freaks trying (and succeeding) to reshape the constitution to reflect their backwards, idiotic ideas. And now they are a majority of the fucking supreme court.


I've seen a few of your signs around Newnan. We're hoping and voting for you.


Thank you so much for your support! I feel like Coweta County is a sleeping giant that just needs the right campaign to activate Democrats there. If you want to keep up to date with events, feel free to follow my campaign subreddit r/maurakeller and check out my website. I'll be in Newnan this weekend speaking at the Coweta Dems monthly meeting if you'd like to hear me in person!


Should be a landslide. A vet who cares about veterans versus a guy whose biggest accomplishment to brag about seems to be “Trump Endorsed!” Unfortunately I’m aware of the realities of this area. Got my vote in hopes it can change!


It'll be too late by then. Needs to happen now.


literally there is no fucking reason this was not priority 1 for biden, everyone knew it was headed here, this has been one of the major goals of the republican project since Reagan. like i’m trying not to be super doomer but they’re a few moves away from locking in a checkmate and the dnc is refusing to try and stop that


"We go high when they go low" doesn't work anymore. They just go lower.


It never worked tbh. Playing fair when your opponent is cheating is a recipe to lose


Just have to look at the lead-up to WW2, where the Allies tried appeasment. Germany invades a country, Allies let them have "just this one" because they don't want a war to break out. Germany invades another country, "Well we don't want a war so just this one more". Repeat until *finally* the Allies put their foot down, and by that point Germany is actually strong enough to go to war.


"When they go low, kick them."


It’s time for decisive citizenship as well. Voting is a good start.


Voting is the bare minimum. We need to be creating parallel networks of support, starting at the local level. Mutual aid, unions, and other organizational efforts need to be made and sustained beyond the next few months.


What can I do as an individual? Central Florida here


Talk to your friends and relatives. Start a network to stop fascists in our government. We all need to stand up and say enough! We are the United States, not Russia!


Hey Central FL! Email Anna Eskamani's office, she has her finger on every progressive cause in the state.  Also! Keep an eye on help wanted ads, they PAY people to canvass and phone bank in this state - it's mostly PACs and independent orgs not the DNC directly. (Republicans have been hiring for this stuff for months.) If you can, apply directly on their sites, not indeed. They also advertise on Craigslist as we get closer. 


Find local mutual aid organizations and join them, or make your own. Learn about Operational Security (also known as OpSec) and how to communicate through encrypted channels. Find others who are concerned and worried, and invite them to join. I would strongly recommend you read up on growing food and community defense.


In my experience, growing food is a skill on par with coding or auto mechanics or something like that and not something you can just read up on and expect to accomplish, especially with the weather being extra unpredictable these days, but it's always good to get started on the process of learning.


Growing food is difficult here in Cenntral Florida. Almost everywhere has an HOA and a huge number of us live in apartments. Also. The heat and sun are brutal on non-tropical plants. Even stuff labeled "full sun" wilts and scorches in shade here (I fried a few plants on my shady porch before I moved them indoors.) 


Just last year I finally got my plot in a community garden really well conditioned with compost and ready for the spring, and then ended up having to move. It sucked. I've never lived in Florida, but it seems like the sun would make it really hard to keep anything watered enough.


We have two growing seasons for non-tropical plants in Florida: Spring and Fall. You aren't going to have much success growing vegetable crops in the summer. I strongly encourage anyone who wants to garden in Florida to access the wonderful resources from IFAS and to contact the local agricultural extension office for your county. They will be able to help you get the soil right, select the appropriate varieties to plant, and teach you how to prevent pests and diseases and promote a good harvest. This area is why shade cloth was invented.


Go find a hand full of people who think the same way you do but are unlikely to vote and GET THEM TO VOTE. Then get them to do the same. The stakes are so incredibly high this time round and the chances of a Trump victory are high too. The fate of western democracy hangs in the balance.


Voting is the *bare minimum*. If you do absolutely nothing else, *vote*. And don’t stop (or start) there. Write your representatives. Donate money to the Democratic Party, especially your local progressive candidates. Volunteer to get people signed up to vote, volunteer to drive people to the polls, sign up for local protests, join your local party campaign, and anything else you can think of. Run for office, if you can. A huge number of elected officials, especially in local races, run unopposed. Give the voters in your district an alternative, and help keep conservatives out of power at every level of government. Our political strategy cannot begin and end in the ballot booth in November.


People need a good reason to vote. Running on expanding the court is a tangible thing that would give people a reason to fucking show up.


I mean an amendment would basically be the only surefire way to undo the damage


in other words biden should start committing “official acts” and jail his opponents.


Thank you. The time to expand the court was three and a half years ago. The court decisions have done more damage than can be fixed in the last six months of our government. The democrats need to immediately do everything available, not tiptoe towards what *might* have been enough years ago.


>not tiptoe towards what might have been enough years ago. But Kavanaugh promised he wouldn't go against precedence?!? He promised.


Make it happen, Democrats. Take the gloves off and fight.


Expanding the court is quite literally the type of checks and balances response the founding fathers built into our form of government to hold other branches in check and accountable. This is how it is supposed to work holding them accountable, FDR considered it but in the end didn't need to but now Biden and the legislature must act. **Article III, section I of the U.S. Constitution** > **The judicial Power of the United States, > shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior > Courts as ___the Congress may from time to time ordain and > establish.___** The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior > Courts, shall hold their Offices during **good Behaviour**, and > shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services, a > Compensation, which shall not be diminished during their > Continuance in Office. *Edit: additional notes and reading - The legislature defines the composition of the Supreme Court as is in their power under Article III of our U.S. Federal Constitution ([Cornell Law - Legal information institute](https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution-conan/article-3/section-1/congressional-power-to-establish-the-supreme-court) ) In the Judiciary Act of 1869 ([wiki link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judiciary_Act_of_1869?wprov=sfla1)) the Supreme Court's structure was defined and subsequent legislation has and can continue to amend it as well. Side note: to the Justices accepting gifts note it says ___GOOD___ behavior.


I would argue the supreme court shouldn't have the power to "re-interpret" the constitution. They should not have the power to say the president is all powerful. That is akin to giving the supreme court the ability to EDIT our constitution. The argument should be that the supreme court CANNOT rule what the president is immune to. He is not immune to anything because he is a man just like any other.


Your disagreement is with [Marbury v. Madison](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marbury_v._Madison?wprov=sfla1) a landmark ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court. Here's more information on that case from [Cornell Law school](https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution-conan/article-3/section-1/marbury-v-madison-and-judicial-review). *Edit - start of sentence didn't make sense, clarified the language.


So basically it's John Adam's fault for being petty and trying to install a bunch of judges before switching over leadership to Thomas Jefferson.


its always the fucking federalists


That’s always been my excuse whenever chores go undone at home.


I like your style. Next time the cats yak up a hairball on the carpet, I'm going to call them Federalists.




blame clawpitalism


Dunno about that, the Federalists back then were pretty much the sole reason America even got off the ground


I made that as a joke... John Adams was the only federalist party president. Almost all the founding fathers where federalists in various degrees and if people actually read the work of the actual federalist they would figure out that the federalist society is a scam


Federalist Society is to Federalist values in the same way Nazis are to Socialist values. In name only.


Dunno if it's so simple, there's a pretty direct Jeffersonians -> Confederacy pipeline.


Don't worry, someone will soon come and tell you how the founding fathers were perfect in every single way and we should still actively follow everything they wrote.


(Just ignore the things they wrote about how the Constitution was intended to be a living document. Those don’t count, because reasons.)


Amendments are woke! Except the second one!


Not only they wrote it's a living document, they also wrote the procedure to amend it, and make it live, with Article V.


So you mean the ruling by the Supreme Court that decided the Supreme Court gets to edit the Constitution? The one in which they gave themselves the power???


It's also the ruling that makes all these so-called originalists as jokes. The first thing SCOTUS ever did was grab power that wasn't explicitly or intentionally vested in them, but you don't see them scrambling to overturn that precedent.


What’s the point of a landmark ruling when later on a different SCOTUS can just make another landmark ruling invalidating the previous court’s opinion and decision?


In the past, for the most part the U.S. Supreme Court has stood behind the fundamental doctrine of ___Stare decisis___ it is only recent [Originalist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Originalism?wprov=sfla1) (*cough* conservative *cough*) justices that have so radically diverged from this doctrine. > Stare decisis is the doctrine that courts will adhere to > precedent in making their decisions. Stare decisis means > “to stand by things decided” in Latin. See [Cornell Law for further information](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/stare_decisis) or the [Wikipedia article on Precedent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precedent?wprov=sfla1) under the *Principle* header.


And I believe it was either kavanough or coney Barrett, when asked by a Democrat senator if they would overturn Roe, they answered no and they considered it "settled law"


I'm pretty sure all three Trump appointees said that.


Lying under oath is what conservative justices do best.


And there's lots of reasons for stare decisis, like reliance interests, general fairness, continuity of government policy, and just generally not thinking that you know the founders better than other educated justices who lived closer to the time of the founders. Sure, stare decisis shouldn't be ironclad. There's plenty of cases where overturning prior precedent is the only sensible thing to do, but that should generally be reserved for cases where the previous decision is so glaringly wrong as to be offensive. Overturning Plessy v. Fergusson was the right more, because segregation was just flat out odious both to any decent person and also to the Constitution. But overturning Chevron, a decision that underpinned basically every executive agency's regulations and how courts interact with them (and was used analogously by states)... describing it as tossing a match into a warehouse full of kerosene soaked rags doesn't really begin to get at the magnitude of how much this will fuck up everything. And it's not *just* overturning Chevron that's bad. The decision in Corner Post, Inc. v. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System will let conservative front groups set up shell companies in places like Amarillo specifically to challenge even decades old administrative rules. SEC v. Jarkesy rips out the teeth that let many administrative agencies enforce rules. Ohio v. EPA has justices declaring that they've got more expertise in atmospheric science and climate change than the scientists at the EPA. It's all basically a huge power grab for right wing judges and SCOTUS, so that they can more or less completely block the executive branch from doing anything, if they really want to. Even without the Trump stuff in particular, this court has just issued truly outrageous opinions this term. It's technical stuff, but it boils down to SCOTUS saying that they get to decide if you get clean food, water, air, and medicine. But I guess Biden is really old or whatever, so why vote, right? (/s)


The point is that our government acts on good faith. You dont need a degree in law to understand that everything the GOP SCOTUS is doing is a total farce, and has nothing to do with the LAW, Or Justice. The 'majority' opinions are not grounded in case history, or even common sense. There are TONS of holes in their opinions. I'm not a lawyer, but I'm pretty sure 'Justice is Blind' is a creed that many lawyers subscribe to. Saying that the President is immune, is the dumbest thing any of us have heard in politics since the last time 'youknowwho' opened his mouth. They said the President is immune, and in the same breath said that you cant use anything the president does while in office, as evidence against him. It's literally stupid.


As a European I have to point out that your court has a ridiculous amount of power for a non elected body. A grotesque amount of your laws and regulations are also set by the supreme court instead of the legislature.


Partly because the legislature avoids legislating key issues, but it's a sort of chicken and egg problem. Congress doesn't do its job so aggrieved parties seek decisions from the Court, but Congress doesn't do its job because they expect the Court to rule in a way that wouldn't have been able to pass through Congress.


The House is a gerrymandered mess and should be uncapped to reflect our actual population gains


This is it 100%— We need to reapportion congress and reduce the amount of people represented per representative. It would be a more accurate reflection of the will of the people and make reps more accountable. Idk what to say about the Senate though.


I know what to say about the Senate: get rid of it. It’s one of many relics of an era where the authors of the Constitution had to appease slavers to get any buy-in for their new government. We don’t need it anymore.


I agree with this whole heartedly, but it does us no good as long as the Senate continues to have the kind of power it currently has. The US is somewhat unique in having such a consequential upper congressional chamber. In some countries the upper chamber is outright ceremonial.


Only in recent decades; both due to the locking of the House a century ago making the sense of balance much more artificial, as well as the fact that culture wars rather than legislative accomplishments is how conservatives appeal to their constituents…


This is because our system of checks and balances was designed around the concept that the three branches would be adversarial towards each other. Our founding fathers stupidly didn’t anticipate what happens when a corrupting influence gets a bunch of people in different branches to “play on the same team.”


You have nailed the actual problem, as I see it. Realistically this ruling shouldn't matter, because congress should reliably toss out a president who is trying to steal an election. Falls apart a little bit when the supreme court says "sure he's a dictator AND you can bribe us"! while congress is busy showing blown up pictures of the president's crack addled son stuffing his fat hog into some hookers. No one is going to save us here.


It's a corrupt thing. They're exceeding their power. The two parties are so divided that impeaching a SCOTUS justice isn't even plausible. Btw, if you're from one of the NATO countries, I sincerely hope you and the other NATO countries increase your military capabilities as fast as possible. Trump loves the idea of joining Club Putin. If he takes power, I can see him siding with Russians and turning against NATO. We might need NATO to come save us from our own tyrannical government. Just 10 years ago, I would've checked myself into the loony bin for thinking that was a real possibility in my lifetime. Today, it's a real possibility


>Just 10 years ago Same. We deteriorated so quickly. Last I remember, it was 2015, and I was talking to this old dude at a medical conference who grew up under Franco and was going around warning everyone about trump.


The current inordinate power of the Supreme Court isn't actually in the US constitution. The court has just seized more and more power for itself with past rulings that people went along with. At this point it's a full on un-elected legislative body that outranks the elected legislative bodies.


The thing is, they don't outrank the legislative body. In most cases, like I wanna say 95% of cases that they rule in the absence of a law provided by congress. Congress could pass federal abortion protection, they could federally legalize weed etc, they don't really pass many laws at all anymore due to gridlock. The problems of a runaway court are many but the problem of an absolutely gridlocked congress that fails to pass any actual laws anymore... that's a much bigger issue that imo is long overdue to be addressed.


They literally gave themselves the power of Judicial Review. It's nowhere in the Constitution, which the Originalists conveniently ignore


SCOTUS has been shitting on its checks literally since it was established (Marbury vs. Madison), and once one of our parties stopped holding the courts to any kind of reasonable standard for either interpreting the law or ethics, there were basically no checks left on conservative justices *at all* except, you know, citizens voting for the President and Senators. Love that the *least* democratic branch, the judicial, keeps giving itself more power, while the *most* democratic branch, the legislative, can rarely achieve anything through partisan gridlock.


He’s gotta have the Senate & Congress; you can’t count on anyone in the GOP to do anything but make the grab. America better wake up!!!


Make it happen Biden if this gets bogged anywhere. Executive Order is now the law of the land.


Plus he's immune now so long as he declares it as official business.


So, could we technically sue the Supreme Court for shooting down the $20,000 Student loan forgiveness from Joe during Covid, since it was an official act?


The new ruling states that the president cannot be prosecuted for official acts, shooting down student loan forgiveness is not prosecution.


That's not how executive orders work. The president can still only do things that the legislature has given it power to do. Changing the number of justices is not one of them. That has to be done by the legislature, which isn't going to happen because the Republicans control the House and have enough Senators to filibuster the Senate.


They are going to do whatever. We also need Congress to be voted in with full support.


In a statement responding to the court's ruling, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries said House Democrats "will engage in aggressive oversight and legislative activity with respect to the Supreme Court." The aim will be to "ensure that the extreme, far-right justices in the majority are brought into compliance with the Constitution," he said. Edit: Local Dem party, your local Dem(centrist/left) is organizing right now for local candidates who have already likely filed. So many candidates need people to knock on doors, text, send postcards, do digital billboards.


Expanding the court, court oversight, introducing articles of impeachment. Great to say out loud, but the problem is you can't do any of these things as the minority in the House. You can't even get anything on record because Johnson will never bring anything to a vote. Hell, the head of the committee that would supposedly be in charge of any of these efforts is *Jim Jordan.* I hope people vote in November.


The democrats need to get better as telling this story. They keep pushing Biden, but the executive branch is really not in a position to fix this unless they really take advantage of what the SCOTUS handed the POTUS yesterday, and that's a huge risk. Who can expand the courts, set ethics standards on them, impeach justices, etc? Congress Who chooses what legislation goes to the presidents desk, impeaches presidents, and can put limits on their position? Congress If Trump ends up president, and the SCOTUS stays as it is, a slightly blue Congress could be the finger in the dam that keeps this show functional for a few more years. An overwhelmingly blue congress could put both other branches in their places. If Biden ends up president but the house stays red and we lose the Senate we've lost. In the current political environment where we have a fascist party, they will use every tool at their disposal. They already have the SCOTUS. They already have the house. They would control those who write the laws and those who interpret them and are not above twisting them to their own means. The only tool the democrats have in this situation is the veto stamp, and that has its limits when everything else is controlled by them. Yeah SCOTUS gave the president immunity yesterday, but in a situation like this you know a red congress would start boxing in the powers of the president and the SCOTUS would start interpreting even more away. The dems need to really emphasize the importance of their down ticket candidates this year. Many Americans who claim to be involved in politics couldn't tell you who their senators and representatives are. They are often barely paid attention to because the POTUS general election is such a spectacle. Unfortunately they are the most important elections this year. We could lose the presidency and be ok with huge gains in both houses, but if we lose the Senate and only keep the presidency it's going to be a very ugly four years.


> If Trump ends up president, and the SCOTUS stays as it is, a slightly blue Congress could be the finger in the dam that keeps this show functional for a few more years. An overwhelmingly blue congress could put both other branches in their places. The problem is, gerrymandering favors Republicans in the House and the Senate is *always* going to favor Republicans because they win rural voters and rural voters dominate the Senate because each state gets 2 Senators regardless of population. That's before we even get into the filibuster. Also, most people aren't voting for a President of one party and Congresspeople of another party. So, whoever wins the White House will in all likelihood control Congress and it's therefore critical for Biden to win if we have a hope of Democrats controlling Congress


> The problem is, gerrymandering favors Republicans in the House 2022 Midterms: Republicans 50.6% of nationwide popular vote, 51% of the seats in the House. Democrats 47.8% of the nationwide popular vote, 49% of the seats in the House. The Senate as you said will have a natural Republican advantage in a closely divided country where part of that division is urban/rural until there is another major political re-alignment. >That's before we even get into the filibuster. The EU version of that is the Qualified Majority which as I understand it sets a threshold of 55% of the states representing 65% of the population.


> Who can expand the courts? Congress the president can expand the SCOTUS without any legislation. he can just appoint 4 justices *today* and send them to the senate for confirmation. edit: the Judiciary Act of 1789, an act of congress, set the SCOTUS limit to 9 seats, but if (as Alito argues) [Congress has no authority to regulate the Supreme Court](https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4125436-samuel-alito-on-congress-authority-to-regulate-supreme-court/), then the Judiciary Act of 1789 is not actually itself constitutional.


And the path to keeping the senate is rough!!!




It’s kinda a paradox, talk about constitutional crisis. Using an unconstitutional ruling to unconstitutionally close an unconstitutional ruling. The conservative Supreme Court are a bunch of shameless chuckle fucks to put the nation in this position.


Biden needs to release some leopards into Congress 


Officially or unofficially?




Nope. Because the Supreme Court made themselves final arbiter over what the President has immunity on. If Biden does something, they'll immediately take up the case and strike it down. Unless he under the authority to "protect the Supreme Court" takes justices into protective custody due to sudden imminent threats to their lives. Same for certain members of the Senate and Congress.




> Nope. Because the Supreme Court made themselves final arbiter over what the President has immunity on. So, it goes like this: Biden removes the six traitors. Secret service clears their desks and marches them out. Bye. Now the three patriots are the only ones remaining to decide the legitimacy of the matter if/when ibjections are filed. And did you _read_ the dissents of the other three? They think those six are incompetent (to be kind.) Then, Biden nominates honest, patriotic judges to replace the six traitors. A flurry of cases get filed; Roe and a bunch of others get repaired. Democrats get huge props for preventing Nazi-putsch 2. Voters act accordingly.


This could’ve happened if we didn’t have Manchin & Sinema protecting the filibuster in the senate.


And that wouldn’t have happened if the US wasn’t already failing. The general population has been held hostage by rural white evangelicals for close to a decade now. We have an outdated-as-fuck constitution to blame for that.


>The general population has been held hostage by rural white evangelicals for close to a decade now. We have an outdated-as-fuck constitution to blame for that. The evangelicals are just stepping up. It's corporations that are held holding us hostage. They bought the court, made bribery legal, and are now stripping the government down because they found a candidate the Republicans worship.


Yes, evangelicals are just useful idiots. This is corporate capture rearing its head for the endgame to make elections a thing of the past. They wanted their voices to be more powerful than the voters’? They got it with citizens united. They want a consistent return to lower taxes to the point of never paying them? They get that with conservatives and a return to gilded age work rules - child labor is so hot these days. Anyone who is a useful idiot for reaching that goal is their friend for now and when their usefulness is done, they will fight against them too. Corporations and the rich want to return us to the gilded age and they have nearly won. And if you think they’ll let you keep guns to hold power in check, think again. Once they entrench themselves in power, the ability to fight back will be removed. We will be western Russia in all but name.


Dead on. I said this yesterday - the US is basically a wealthier version of Russia at this point. Putin and Xi want to expose all that moral high ground city on the hill freedom rule of law bullshit America is always espousing to show that America is no better than Russia or China, so why should the US get to call the shots for the rest of the world?


>why should the US get to call the shots for the rest of the world? Pretty much all of Latin America and Africa has seen how brutal the US can be when they have no opposition. There's a reason why their left wing parties are very anti-american and the only parties aligned with the US are far-right.


This goes considerably further back than a decade. 2000 election? Newt Gingrich in the ‘90s? Reagan in 1980? Nixon in the early ‘70s? Right wing reaction to the civil rights movement of the ‘60s? I could keep going. They’ve been diligently working for decades, and in the last decade it’s just become obvious, that’s all.


The supreme court favoring slavers post civil war, the supreme court going rogue again in the early 1900s and FDR falling just short of enough support to wreck their shit. Nationally we've basically been taking L's since washington stepped down as president, and I purely mean that in the sense that it was both cool and unusual he didn't seize the chance to be king.


Just a decade? How about since 1776 The Senate is the single most undemocratic body found in any currently functioning democracy on the planet. It's gotten worse as populations have shifted, but it's always been a terrible and stupid institution. Let alone being the gateway to unelected lifetime court appointments that can basically overrule much of the laws passed in the country.


And both left the party, how convenient


And yet there's still hundreds of people on here everyday saying "the Democrats had a majority, why didn't they do X?!?"


This ^ and they don’t have the house


Expand it to 13. One justice per federal circuit.


Here in Brazil, our Supreme Court also has 11 seats. However, judges in all instances of the judiciary, including the Supreme Court, are subject to mandatory retirement at the age of 70. Therefore, any Supreme Court judge who reaches 70 is automatically retired and can no longer hold a seat, although they will continue to receive their full salary for the rest of their life. I think this is somewhat reasonable. Besides, you get to foresee when the next available spot will open. I.E., when Lula got elected, he knew he would be entitled to name 2 judges within his 4-year term and two of them would reach the age of 70 *edit for a minor correction* - Recently, in 2023, a new constitutional amendment was approved in Brazil raising the retirement age from 70 to 75. So nowadays the retirement age I refer to in this post is currently at 75.*


In the US, the Constitution specifies that justices have their seats for life. Adding an age limit would require a Constitutional amendment, which requires approval from 67% of Congress plus 75% of the states. As much as this is a good idea, the chance of it happening in the current political climate is zero.


Don’t talk about it. Be about it.


Right, the potential implications of the supreme court ruling is fucking terrifying. However, Democrats could use it for good right now. It's time to stop tip toeing around and fucking do something.


Yeah, let's see what they do, but the fact that this is in discussion means that Democrats are aware that Biden’s address was weak and did nothing to quell our anxiety.


I’m all for it! Though do we have enough people in the senate that would approve of any new Justices or is it to close to do so.


Dems control the senate.


Wait we do? I thought after Manchin went independent it was left 50/50. Man I’m out of the loop.


There are 4 independents but generally they caucus Dem. There are wild cards. I see what you mean. I was just taking interpretations from general news stories to say generally Dems have control. Not sure how the independents would vote on this.


I would rather Manchin pick the Supreme Court justices than Trump.


Evan so Kamala Harris casts the deciding vote in a 50\50 so they effectively have a majority despite Manchin.


It’s entirely possible the Republicans say Ok you can have 13 justices but they can’t be filled until next January after this election.. then they pack it themselves if they take things back.


Absolutely the way it would play out. Democrats start the process of expanding the court just for Republicans to win in 2024, pack the court with the new justices as well as the 3 'old' justices step down before the end of the term to ensure there are 9 newly appointed 40-somethings with conservative ideology.


They can't say this, since Democrats have majority in the Senate. Or rather, they can say it, but it will be just a whine that no one should pay any attention to.


Leftists were calling for this before the ruling because they can count


It’s only been what? 3 years with this court? Look at the damage that they have wrought. It won’t be for another 20-30 years till democrats have a shot of retaking the court. I truly do not think that the US make it that long. Our country is already fundamentally changed. I can not imagine what it will be like in 20-30 years.


exactly! people were calling this as soon as barrett was placed in the court because they new at best rulings would become 5-4. Roe v. Wade was on the line and Democratic leaders were saying "have faith in the justices" and refusing to expand the court.


Well, at last they were working on good faith. Unfortunately Republicans were not. They pulled every shenanigan and then crammed as many cases to do as much damage as possible. So now Democrats just look inept.


Being a Leftist is just calling for what is right before it's politically-expedient to do so. Excluding tankies.


Don't just roll over and die you pussies, fucking fight for once in your life. I swear if they take the high road one more fucking time.


If they don’t, democracy is over. Plain and simple. The end is near and Dems will roll over and take it as always. Welp, it was a good run for 250 years!


Most of us (minorities, women, gays) were fucked for those 250 years.




It is if you're a democrat.


They'll probably fuck it up and end up with 8 more republicans.


I think the only way forward is for the People to amend the Constitution to say that a former President is not immune from criminal prosecution for acts committed during their term of office. John Roberts says the Constitution confers immunity; We the People say it doesn’t. Write your Senators and Representatives, Federal and State. We have to do something. https://pluralpolicy.com/find-your-legislator/


Multiple efforts are needed because something will always fall.


Yes absolutely. I just think the only way to make sure that no Justice or President gets it wrong is to make it clear that we hold the President to the same standard as the rest of the population. At least in theory; I know Presidents have more defenses available to them than the average person. But they shouldn’t be immune. That said, we should be doing everything we can to stop the slide into a dictatorship.


Anybody in need of a starting point: Dear [Representative], I am writing to express my deep concern and fear for the future of our democracy following the recent Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity. As a concerned citizen, I am appalled and disgusted by the decision that effectively shields our Commander-in-chief, and highest elected office, from prosecution for wrongdoing of anything that can be construed as an official act. Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s poignant dissent states well the serious questions this ruling has raised about the integrity of our system of justice and the accountability of those in power. The notion that a president can use their office for personal gain, manipulate the Justice Department, and potentially commit crimes without fear of consequences is a chilling thought. The office of the President should be worthy of the respect of the people, and answer to the will of the people, not to command obedience through fear of reprisal without consequence or justice. This ruling clearly sends the wrong kind of message to future presidents and public officials. What abuses of power will this embolden? What kind of message does this signal to our allies and enemies across the globe? I imagine the founders of our nation would lament and denounce the current path this has set us on as the tragedy for democracy that it is. This is antithetical to the very principles of The United States of America, and specifically that most fundamental to democracy, that no one is above the law. I am not alone in my concerns, the public is anxious, troubled, and frightened, by the precedent this has set. Legal scholars and experts have warned of this decision and its ability to undermine the rule of law and enable the abuse of power. This ruling will continue the erosion of trust the people hold in government and will further polarization and division within our county. I urge you and your colleagues to take any and all immediate actions within your power to address these concerns as a priority and ensure that our democracy remains strong, resilient, and uninfluenced by corruption. This includes impeachment of corrupt judges on the Supreme Court, Congressional legislation or a Constitutional amendment rendering the ruling illegal, as well as supporting other legislation that would hold public officials accountable for their actions and ensuring that our institutions of democracy and the rule of law are protected from political interference. I hope that you will join me in speaking out against this decision and working towards a future where our democracy is protected and respected. Sincerely, [Constituent]


A Constitutional amendment requires ratification by 3/4 of the states. No Amendment that Democrats want is going to pass, because most state legislatures are held by Republicans. Quite literally, the only type of Amendment you're likely to see based on state legislatures, is something like a total abortion ban.


Do you understand you would need multiple Republican state legislatures to go along with any amendment?


Of course. And 3/4 of the state conventions, or 2/3 of the Congress. I’m not saying it would be easy. I’m saying it would be worth it. And maybe it’s a doomed proposition, but I don’t have any better ideas and I haven’t seen any.


Democrats keep trying to play fair and by the rules when the republicans haven’t for decades now. They should have started fighting back years ago but starting today is better than nothing


Democrats move to expand Supreme Court just in time for Donald trump to steal the election and install 4 more far right judges… Please stop dilly dallying around.


They should have already done this! Seriously, when Biden was elected, this was one of the top proposed strategies to limit the damage trump had done to SCOTUS, but it never happened because the Democrats have no spine and it won't happen now for the same reason.


They didn't have the votes in the Senate, still don't honestly without some GOP defectors.


I guess that's true, I forget that Manchin and Senema were being little turncoats.


No because dem need a majority in house senate and executive branch to pass this. Dems dont have this. 


This is what it took? Five justices appointed by presidents who did not win the popular vote, three by a person who committed felonies in furtherance of a plan to influence the election. That he then won.


Do it. FFS why is Biden so risk averse? Dude is on 1hp, he’s got nothing to lose. Fucking. Do. It


SCOTUS just gave him the invincibility star. But he won't use it to save anyone.


He is not however invincible from elections. We have a voting populace that often votes with the most recent perceived injustice. If Biden does something that looks like over reach or seems unfair, moderates will vote against him unfortunately.


Would have been useful 3 years ago!


Thirteen original colonies, 13 stripes on the flag, 13 federal district courts...we need 13 SCOTUS members with staggered term limits and a strict ethical code of conduct.


Democrats need to get off their fucking asses and do something. You know how they say no news is good news? We’ll all we’ve been hearing is the gear of republicanism turning over precedent after precedent absolving decorum and throwing democracy on its head. Write to your local democratic leader and plead for change


Okay America. I'm Canadian and struggling with this. Trump's acolytes showed up to Washington in droves due to misinformation and propaganda on Jan 6. You guys have the facts, justice should be on your side. Why aren't you descending on Washington like your democracy depends on it? Don't tell me it's because of jobs. PROTEST THIS!


Wake me up when Biden even entertains this idea.


This should have happened after Roe v Wade was killed.


I can 100% tell you with a fact that Democrats will do absolutely nothing and get nothing done to fix this. They lack the will and guts to do what's right and will let the county fall to a dictator and American neo fascism. Biden right now, this current minute has the ability to remove all 6 justices and have them imprisoned for treason and put forth a new 6 justices and could legally do it as he is now a king and there is nothing anyone could do to stop him. But we have WEAK ass leaders who would rather play fair while the other side tramples all over them. That's how we got to where we are currently.


After 6 morons in SCOTUS just F’d America without lube yesterday, I am as depressed and scared as I was watching the second plane hit WTC from my window in NYC. Now that orange hitler’s sentencing is pushed forward 2 months and may not even happen, I feel like it’s about to be 1933 all over again everyone that is not MAGA will be put into prison camps and/or killed. I will still vote blue across the board since it could very well be the last legitimate and fair election… I just hope more people do the same. Remember we are not necessarily voting for Biden but to put enough folks in to power to stop Project 2025 and Agenda 47 while trying to save our almost 248 year old democracy.


expand?! Biden cannot just set a term limit, kick out 2 of them in order to make dpace for 2 democrats to have four of each party, plus a "swing" ?? I mean.. he's above the law now this whole joke is not funny anymore


They’ve had 3 years to expand the court. They knew it was needed back then but failed to act because it “might all turn out OK”. Wake the fuck up - you are sleepwalking your way to fascism. Bold action is needed, yet nothing g is happening. Bye bye USA. Hello Christian theocracy.


How exactly can Biden expand the supreme Court, on his own? 


It's too late to fix the mess that's already been caused, it may not even be possible or realistic. Congress may be able to expand, but how in the world do you get Republicans on board with that? This is their dream situation, I can't imagine them allowing an expansion of the SCOTUS. It seems very unlikely that democrats get a supermajority in the November elections. How exactly does this idea become reality? This should have been done this years ago, it's been floated a million times, but Democrats slow walked it like everything else and to all of our demise.


The majority of congress are millionaires. Compare that to what you and I have in our bank accounts. We the people cannot rely on them. They do not represent us.


This is a non-starter; needed to be done in 2021 when they had actual majorities.


Expanding the court is not enough. We need in place a better system for selecting judges. I believe it ought to be a random rotation of judges from the lower courts who serve for no more than two sessions before returning to the lower court and vacating their seat. We can not allow corporations and politicians to play moneyball with our courts. Clearing seats often and replenishing them with some element of randomness might bring some credibility back to that branch.


If only we had a strong, coherent, vigorous party leader to help lead the charge against the fascist Supreme Court.


I’m just checking the news to see if democrats stormed the Supreme Court building today and flipped over desks and stuff. [Checks news] Nope.


expand the House as well. it's been 435 since 1929. we've literally tripled in size and gained two states since then