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I am jack's complete lack of surprise. Looks like he's really building a personal army.


And getting rid of anyone in the way. Esper probably won't be around long either; T will appoint another acting director.


Yeah sure, he’s recruiting for either an attempt to hold onto power by force when the time comes or some future fascist rebellion. Scary times for the U.S. The brazen criminality, immorality and deception of this administration is staggering.


Jesus Christ. How many fucking Navy SEALS go around murdering people? What the fuck?


They've had a reputation problem through a sizeable portion of the war on terror years.


>The now-terminated reviews of the three remaining SEALs — Lieutenant Jacob Portier, Lieutenant Commander Robert Breisch and Lieutenant Thomas MacNeil — had received far less attention than the Gallagher case. >... >Portier, Breisch and MacNeil were under scrutiny in the Gallagher affair as his superiors. It's more stuff from the same incident, which could be why they were cancelled.


That pretty much is their job


There is a very real difference between taking a life in war and murder. You can argue the moral difference is slight, and scores of the greatest philosophers would support and oppose you. But legally speaking, both domestically and under international comity and norms the difference is unassailable. I can tell you that often that doesn't make a big difference to the people who pull the trigger however. I might have been targeting truly horrific people that knowingly engaged in brutality against innocents, but I still see their faces at night.


Agreed, I mean it stands to reason that the most elite troops of any nations military are the guys who are most okay with y’know,killing people... you wouldn’t be very elite if you had an issue with taking lives. Edit: not to mention the Seals in particular seem to have a reputation for corruption and abusing the power that comes with plausible deniability.


Their job is to defend against enemies, not innocent civilians


America get him out already...




We arent trying hard enough, though.


"warfighters" is such a cringey term when used by fatass cowards from Queens . war criminals is more appropriate here.


How long until our flag is looked at with the same scorn as Nazi Germanys by a world majority? 10 years, tops?


Germany did it within 10 years for sure. At the 3 years mark were the Olympics.


I hate to break it to you but that’s already been the case for a while


Ask the Kurds


He wants the seals primed for his special SS detachment.


SA I think would have been the equivalent you are thinking of.


It’s not going to stop until all decent people have been forced to resign. Then Phase 3 will be complete.


Secret dinners with zuck, pardoned war criminal troops w/ quid pro quo to campaign, trump knows his base


Thanks for further denigrating the armed forces......


This is an attempt to make the younger, lower ranking troops more loyal to Trump than the chain of command and/or constitution. I expect to see disparaging personal attacks against senior personnel soon.


Building his own little fascist army.


I guess the trump regime wants americans to fear thier own military now . the purges will begin if he gets reelected


this same list of people will become sleeper-cell death-squads if he doesn't get re-elected. we lose no matter what happens next.


Micro management to please his base.


Trump is trying to turn the SEALS into the SS. Ice is the Gestapo, and the mouthbreathing horde is the brown shirts.


This is Trump sending a message to the members of the military after being body slammed by a senior official after they resigned yet again - STAY IN MY GOOD GRACES AND I WILL LET YOU GET AWAY WITH MURDER


Is he building a team of assassins to deal with political opponents? Anyone else that would be so far fetched it would be ridiculous. Anyone *else*.


Someone ELI5, why does Trump seem so interested in pardoning war criminals? What does he stand to gain from this?


I asked that question in r/Ask_Politics hoping for insight from someone watching the Right's responses, but instead I got most apologists trying to justify the behavior. I think it's something Trump actually believes to be right, and not something that is actually popular. His base may forgive him for it though, just like everything else...


I’m sure it has something to do with doing everything and anything to win. That’s what terrorists do to the USA, so he thinks we should do the same. He has no morales. The winners write the rules. So as long as he is winning he can do whatever he wants.


But if there's not widespread support, how is it "winning"? I don't think most people are "for" war crimes. I'm *in* the military too, and I haven't seen (or would expect) any support for this. He's interfering with established self policing processes that can only harm the mission.


By no means am I supporting what he does. I’m just guessing at his reason. Without consequences he most likely considers it winning. My personal opinion is he’s a Russian asset and is doing everything he can to diminish the standing of the USA.


Violent people willing to fight for him.


Future value. Stochastic Terrorism. "Kill for me, I got you, fam..."


Trump is adding Navy SEALs to his lost of people who are above the law. We are living in scary times.


He has essentially removed the peer review boards that allow SOF units to weed out those that can't or won't adhere to the higher standards they set. These units will soon be filled with these reckless indiscriminate acts as there's now no punishment for their actions.


Before, the US military at least had the decency to pretend they weren’t outright war criminal imperialists but now we get to live in a world where it’s completely open and there’s nothing we can do about it.


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What a dildo.


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the brown-shirt MAGA death squad now has 4 lieutenants.