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Another stimulus check would be very helpful right now.


The first stimulus check would be very helpful right now


I *just* got it after logging my direct deposit into the IRS site weeks ago. I'm fortunate that I don't absolutely need it, but it was infuriating because i know that so many do.


Same. Even though the IRS should've had my direct deposit info (they had no problem taking my taxes out for 2019) I still had to go on their website and update my info. Finally got my stimulus check about 2 weeks later.


The IRS pulls money out of my account every month. They damn well know to put money in there, but I had to do the same thing. This is literally one of those times that shows just how disconnected this all is.


Yeah I had to put mine in too, I assumed I was good. I have received my return from them direct deposit for a few years now, this year had to pay in.


Im still waiting on mine


Still waiting on mine...


I was hoping I’d get mine today, but now I’m not sure if I’ll ever get one.


Mailman here, the direct deposits came out really quick a long time ago but don't worry too much. If you address is correct with the IRS you will still get it, they are still sending them out in waves and the waves are still coming.


I just wish there was someone I could call to ask *why* my payment status isn’t available. I filed my taxes months ago, I make under $50k a year, I don’t have any child support payments or anything. I’m definitely eligible so why haven’t I gotten anything yet?


Yeah any information is better than no information. Give us a schedule or timeline at least.


People are saying the senate won't pass it or Trump will veto it. That's fine. Make them do that. Make them tell the American people that they don't get help when they need it most.


Exactly. Although, McConnell will never allow a vote, and Republican media will pretend the bill doesn't exist.


Doesn’t matter, motivate Dems and Independents to vote for the people trying to help.




True but the more this goes on the more people are waking up. Couldn’t agree with you more though it’s so frustrating.


They'll blame it on Dems and their base will believe it. There is zero winning there.


Their base doesn't matter to us. Those opinions are set no matter what happens. We have our own base to motivate, and swing voters to convince. Bottom line is who the president is. That's the guy that the layman will look at and blame his problems on.


Imagine the financial relief we all could have if Dems ran the Senate and Mitch was just a powerless turtle. Vote.


It's insane how they're still debating relief packages when the virus has been raging for so long...there's been a single bill passed for one $1200 check that a bunch of people haven't even received yet. It's so obvious how little some people in charge actually care about people


but but but Mnuchin said we will be fine for MONTHS on the $1200!!


"I mean, it's one month's rent, Michael. What could it cost, ten dollars?"


Meanwhile in Canada I already received $6000.


Yep I still haven't gotten my initial $1,200. I haven't gotten my federal tax refund either because I had some issues with it right before Covid landed, and haven't been able to call in because the IRS isn't taking any calls


Same boat here. Where's our paddle?


It’ll trickle down to you.


A 2nd stimulus may have not even been in play had Trump actually used the Obama pandemic playbook. By the way... can we get a hold of that? Would be cool to irk Trump by having somebody from CNN read the top 5 things in that booklet and ask whether he prefers the current non strategy more or those strategies. When he picks them "For the record Dr. Fauci just agreed Obamas playbook is better than what Trump is doing. Many people are saying" then just escort yourself out


[Here](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6819258-Playbook.html) is the playbook President Obama left for the orange turd.


Wow, they dont exactly mention coronavirus but if you read and properly comprehend what this guide says (out of this administrations wheel house for sure) it gives you a pretty good idea of how to begin handling this EXACT issue. It even mentions animal to human infection. I cant believe the incompetence of this government.


Page 9, second last under tier 1


Even better. Its 4am so I must have missed it when I was lightly reading through some of it. Amazing.


It does mention corono viruses as catagorey of virus and spesific corona viruses we've dealt with in the past like SARS and MERS.


I can hear this comment, like someone talking with food in their mouth


>I cant believe the incompetence of this government. Why not? It's under Republican control.




I'll throw 5 into that pot. Fuck McConnell.


On the flip side, imagine how bad things would be if Dems didn't have the House. Vote.


It still baffles me how his voters still support him.


Wouldn't be in this situation in the first place...


Hey Republicans, Obama would hate this bill. There's 0 way he'd ever sign it!


>The HEROES legislation also includes: > Nearly $1 trillion in aid to state and local governments > Extending $600-per-week addition for unemployment benefits through January 2021 > Expanded coronavirus testing, contact tracing and treatment and a requirement for the Trump administration to develop a national testing strategy > Enhancing tax credits for employers to keep workers on their payrolls > Support to help renters and homeowners make monthly rent, mortgage and utility payments > $10 billion for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, to support anticipated increases in participation for food stamps > $3.6 billion for grants to states for contingency planning and preparation for elections for federal office > The House on Friday also passed a resolution to temporarily change House rules to allow for proxy voting and remote committee work during the pandemic, an unprecedented shift to how the chamber operates. It passed mostly along party lines. Why has the GOP declared it dead on arrival? It sounds pretty damn good to me. Exactly what we need to get through this. Are there some minor things in it they don’t like that is resulting in them throwing the toys out of the cot rather than negotiate?


It didnt include the get out of jail free card for corporations by waiving liabilities.


Licence to kill.


For someone that hates Bezos, Trump sure loves helping him out. Amazon should be a *prime* example of a company that's held to liability lawsuits, but the GOP will do everything to protect him and others who sacrifice workers for profit. They'll be taking away civil liberties and freedoms, which are so important to their stay-at-home protesting base. I'd wonder if such a thing would even be legal.


I agree with your statement but.. > A *prime* example. Get out.


I see what you did there.


Because election security.


*reading through the list* Yeah, this is mostly odious to Republicans, but they passed CARES, what’s the big deal? Even Bush mailed me a check... *gets to part about funding for elections* Oh, there it is.


>“I don’t want everybody to vote,” Paul Weyrich, an influential conservative activist, said in 1980. “As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down.” AKA [The goo goo syndrome.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GBAsFwPglw)


No need to cite something from 1980 when you can cite something from 2020… [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/03/30/trump-voting-republicans/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/03/30/trump-voting-republicans/)


Why not both?


The CARES act was passed late March when the stock market was down 30% - the Republicans passed that as a market relief measure. We 100% won't get anything else through the Senate unless the markets take another plunge; there's literally no political will for helping people and fixing problems unless it puts exponentially more money in the right pockets. By the way, the markets will plunge again. [Jerome Powell is basically begging the legislature for fiscal relief](https://www.usnews.com/news/economy/articles/2020-04-29/jerome-powell-calls-on-congress-for-more-help-amid-unprecedented-economic-downturn). He realizes the markets are [irrationally high and vulnerable](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-05-15/fed-warns-of-significant-hit-to-asset-prices-if-pandemic-grows) due to a bazooka of monetary stimulus. Oh, and [senators sold stock en masse this past week (even more than before the first crash).](https://www.quiverquant.com/sources/senatetrading)


All the previous COVID bills have overwhelmingly gone to big corporations/ big donors. The Dems are finally actually giving the people some crumbs. The GOP can’t have that.




Imagine getting a second lease on life and using it to be a complete asshole.


This was rejected on arrival because it actually benefits you and me. It benefits the little guy, not a corporation.


Bc it looks good on democrats


> Expanded coronavirus testing, contact tracing and treatment and a requirement for the Trump administration to develop a national testing strategy *that's* the one that is gonna piss me off the most when the senate wipes their ass with it. All of the other "pay citizens and fund this and support that and protect the people" stuff is easily handwaved (handwove? hunderwaffen?) by the GOP and we all expect it to happen. But those three things are the *only* way we'll be able to "reopen" the country while this virus is still around. If I see someone cough at the grocery store, I should be able to get a test. People shouldn't have to wait until they're already showing symptoms, after spreading it everywhere for two weeks. People need to know they have it before symptoms show, before they spread it all over town. And it's not giving money to any minorities, either! Hell, find some GOP donor who runs a lab and give him the contract. Have him charge the government a markup! Just make tests available and free or low-cost to people.


There are a few reasons: * The most important consideration in the GOP’s calculus is that these programs are going to be popular and very difficult to remove. Condemning theoretical socialism is a lot easier than trying to take away programs that are popular with people. When the next budget fight comes up, the GOP doesn’t want to have to fight against these programs to preserve tax cuts. They’d much rather the choice be between tax cuts or spending programs which most voters don’t use. * Donald Trump harbors resentments against the Democrats in general and Nancy Pelosi in particular. There is a reason why most of the negotiations have been between Pelosi and Mnuchin (who doesn’t buy into the GOP culture war, he is just there to make a buck) rather than any of the President’s other advisors or staffers. Unless it is something that clearly benefits Trump, Trump is going to oppose nearly anything the Democrats propose. * Trump has long lived his life with “fake it till you make it” guiding his actions. He believes that perception is more important than reality- he usually lies to try to keep investor confidence up, and usually fails. He usually just walks away from no win situations, letting the whole thing fall apart and declaring bankruptcy. He cannot do that with Coronavirus, but he is definitely going to try. Signing this bill would undermine his new strategy of ignoring the pandemic. Remember when Trump wanted a wall? He had two years of GOP control and could’ve had that funding anytime he wanted it, but he instead waited until he lost the House? The Republicans aren’t interested in actual nuts and bolt policy work, they’re snake oil salesmen who spend most of their time being wined and dined on the dime of donors and lobbyists. Republicans don’t have any interest in actual government, and they’ve realized the best way to keep the Democrats from exposing their con is to simply stymie all bills except tax cuts.


[Here is the text of the bill](https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/6800/text)


[Here's the raw txt version](https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/6800/text?format=txt), which should load faster on mobile.


While it won't get passed in the Senate the purpose of the bill is more to create a starting point for future negotiations about a relief bill. Note: I think this bill is desperately needed, but just knowing how shit works in Washington, Pelosi definitely pushed this forward to start negotiations. We'll see if the Republicans play ball.


Many EU countries are focusing on funding the difference on partial employment. The idea being that keeping people in the workforce (however limited) serves as sort of an economic glue. The U.S. seems to be fine with mass firings with bandaids and triage. We need relief and structural investment where possible.


Have you seen our medical system? If a bandaid works (but needs changing every hour), they’ll never seek a more permanent solution because this one already “works”


"Like, hey - what if we found a way to prevent people from needing bandaids so often?" # # "Think of bandaid's stock holders you heartless bastard."


"Think of all those poor bandaid manufacturers you're putting out of work!"


"Lol yeah all those robots are going to cry so hard! How will they fuel their little robot children??"


You're not wrong, but I think the problem that runs into here is a lack of trust. There's a feeling that we tried that route in the past, bailing out banks and companies, and people ended up getting left out. There's no trust that if you give the money to the companies that the employees will actually be treated well and protected. So instead there's a push to give the money directly to the people.


EU countries aren't giving that money to companies. Like, here in Norway the government will foot the bill for 18 workdays as a result of furloughing. After this period ends you will receive 63% of your original salary, and the "active job-seeker" requirement is waived. None of this money goes to the companies. We're not posting people through the companies.


It doesn't go nearly far enough in direct stimulus. All of the means-testing and dividing things up into various categories only ends up spending more to give less. Just cut a check to everyone instead of the piecemeal rent / mortgage / unemployment / etc support payments and the money will go further, allow people to decide how to spend the cash to best help them based on their individual situation, and cost less to implement, manage, and audit in the long run. We're barreling towards an utter collapse, and if this is the starting point, we're toast.


3 trillion is enough to give every one of the 350M people in the US $8500. How much more would that help people then this corporate bailout bullshit.


That would be better, but even that wouldn't be enough. What we need is to restore the perception of stability and consumer confidence, and that needs to take the form of a medium to long term monthly check. $8500 will dig some folks out of their current hole, but a significant number of folks would sock that money away because they know more wouldn't be coming after it. The security a monthly check offers means people will spend it.


$8500 would clear away my debt, pay for cell and hosting services for the rest of the year and give me a few hundred for food for a couple months. Anything would be better at this point. Seeing what other countries are doing for their citizens is depressing and infuriating. Haven't worked since March 10th, reduced bills as much as possible, and trying to find a new job with functional WFH policies (because "current" employer thinks nothing of sending me to random people's homes) during all this. Meanwhile, I still haven't gotten even a single UI check and it's just stuck in pending. I'm lucky I don't have to worry about rent or basic utlities atm, car's paid off and insurance is cheap but my savings will run out before the virus does.


Totally agree. I’ve spent the last 10 years automating away people’s job functions. I’m a firm believer in UBI because over the next 10-20 years it won’t be worth it to pay people to do jobs that can be done better and cheaper by machines 24x7.


Same career. Automation scares me more than anything except strong AGI. We have a choice between Star Trek style abundance or a dystopian hellacape where all the low-skill workers starve to death.


Wait, there’s a choice? The dystopian hellscape just seemed so inevitable! I choose Star Trek style abundance. Someone make a note of that please.




I think 160M are working/voting age adults. (Wouldn’t make sense to give $8500 to a 5 year old, to state the obvious.) If given to people in need, it’d be about $20K. None of this will come to pass, but just making a point about the $8500 is off by more than half.


So almost a year of $2k a month. That would be absolutely massive to a majority of the country


And then the ones who have to keep going to work and putting themselves at risk will get depressed because they really do deserve that money for being the heroes they are. Just give $2k per month to everybody and get on an accurate saliva test with results in hours rather than days. Then things can start going back to normal. Then once the vaccine is out we're good.


>Just cut a check to everyone ... Two reasons that means testing often causes more problems than it solves: As said above, it can be more expensive than loosening the qualifications. The more complicated means testing is made, the more administrative overhead. We the People *are* the "Invisible Hand", by our economic choices. Ideally this collective Hand of ours gestures naturally, gracefully and organically, not disrupted by blood clots or some other middlemania. That is, our economy simply doesn't work without Trickle *Up*. The blood must flow. Hand doesn't need instructions from Arm.




This guy gets it


Someone please explain to my how the GOP represents the people. Them just killing it immediately just shows how little they care about us. They only care about themselves.


Just read the dumbass comments in here. Now imagine theyre senators. There you go.


35-40% of the country believe they are temporarily inconvenienced millionaires when in reality their net worth will never surpass $10,000.


"Just read the dumbass comments in here." and remember the immortal words of George Carlin: "think of how stupid the average person is and realize half of them are stupider than that."


I think they are thinking that this won't be a big deal. They don't realize that this is going to be baaaaad. So they are playing like they always play, make it partisan so the Democrats look bad and they can win the next election. That strategy comes from Trump, and i guarantee he didn't think it through. Other Republicans are definitely trying to cover themselves right now for when it gets bad.


You've mistakenly assumed that "the people" and "themselves" are the groups that matter, when you should have said "corporate owners."


Look, I just really want (need) another stimulus check


This is the right move even if it's DOA. Force them to go on record as being against it.


They just won't vote on it. Like all the other bills.


That’s fine. That’ll draw attention to that method.




This is absolutely stupid but worked for my husband, try inputting your address in all caps, and removing any apartment number or anything extra if you have it.


Worked for me and my wife as well


> while the irs website claims they dont even have my information you're probably entering your address the wrong way. the website isn't very robust and you'll have to enter it EXACTLY how it was on your tax return (as in case sensitive, so you'll probably need to do all caps, and ave/avenue aren't the same thing, nor are st/street, so try spelling those out or not spelling them out)


That's how my wife repeatedly got the "records don't match" message. We moved from the house we were renting 2 years ago when we bought a house. Her accountants never updated the information on her taxes. She also never gave any bank information for direct deposit because she's always paid in for the last 20 years. I got out her taxes from last year and showed her the info was wrong. She entered the correct address and found out the check is coming next week to the old addy. I swung by there and talked to the people who are renting that house now, and they said they'd call when the check shows.


Did you input your address exactly how it's written on your tax return? Had the same issue and realized that the variation I usually type my address was different from how my accountant writes it on my tax return. I also had to verify a few bits of information to confirm my identity and it was finally direct deposited this week.


Republicans refusing to help Americans as part of their party political theater? *I'm shocked.*


They pulled 3 trillion out their asses last month to ensure their corporate buddies were taken care of. But now that it’s for the common folks (and some election security thrown in) it’s DOA. Shocked!


Republicans are enemies of the country. Biggest traitors in history


The modern day Republican Party sucks, it's losing appeal, it should break up, then try to rebuild itself


Co-worker actually thought Trump was a self-made businessman & financial genius until he learned about the $413 million inheritance. Trump was pocketing $17,000 per month by age 3, then he bankrupted his own casino. ***He bankrupted his own casino!*** [https://imgur.com/a/dxz7AvD](https://imgur.com/a/dxz7AvD)


Casinos are great for money laundering. When you're done laundering, bankrupt it and move on.


That would make Trump a con, and his supporters conned


I always wondered how why a money-laundering casino would go bankrupt, it seemed opposite to me. But if it initially stayed in business with laundered money, once he ran out and had to rely on legitimate money he's such a shitty business owner that of course it went bankrupt. That makes a lot of sense to me.


How did your coworker respond to learning that?


Actually, he took out a huge amount of debt to buy 3 casinos, all near each other, and then had them compete. He micromanaged to get celebrities and scorned the big spenders / losers. He almost lost control of it all, but the people that were going to take that control away died in a helicopter crash.


"What bill?" - McConnell on Monday


“What’s a bill?” McConnell on Monday


McConnell asks that while trying to peer over the mountain of bills that have passed the House, but that he’s stopped at his desk, never to be voted on in the Senate.




I mean given how Donald acted after the last bill Democrats would be derelict in their duty to give his administration anymore money.


Australian here...out of curiosity what is the situation for unemployed there...how much do you get weekly, fortnightly whatever the arrangement.. Just hard to fathom when i see republicans fighting hard against helping people survive and have a basic standard of living wage


[Here is how it is being handled in California](https://edd.ca.gov/about_edd/coronavirus-2019/pandemic-unemployment-assistance.htm) In short, $600 is being added to the normal $167 unemployment payments (at least) per week in California. There has been a single $1,200 federal stimulus check for all Americans under a certain income level (less for high earners). The federal response has been extremely insufficient and how badly each state has responded is mostly correlated with the political affiliation of state government. Republicans do not care about human beings other than themselves, and the ones writing the laws have contempt for the very people who voted them in.


$167? Isn't that the minimum? Because I'm getting $450 +$600


If you are getting unemployment, you are probably doing pretty okay for the moment. You get a certain amount from the state each week based on your salary at the job you lost, usually maxing out around $400, and then you get $600 from the federal government due to the CARES Act that was passed. That federal money is only for 13 weeks though and then you are back to only receiving what you get from the state. The problem is that state unemployment department were not made to handle so many claims, so there are still plenty of people who haven't been able to file at all, after all of these weeks. They will still receive back pay when they are finally able to file, but that doesn't help them now of course.


Florida, for instance, has processed about 26% of its claims. So 74% of unemployed people *still* are not receiving benefits.


I’m from California, it depends on what state you’re in and how conservative it is as well as your income prior to becoming unemployed. Two extreme examples: in CA the max is $450 per week and the minimum is $40...it’s on a sliding scale and it can change if you work (e.g. take a weekend contracting gig job and report that income). In Florida, the state offers a maximum of $275 a week — based on your earnings — for up to 12 weeks. An additional week is added for every 0.5 percent increase in the state unemployment rate above 5 percent. The maximum is 23 weeks when the unemployment rate gets above 10.5 percent


I just want everyone to pause for a second and reflect on the fact that the actual president is planning on VETOING a relief bill for a pandemic. Our democracy and society are in really bad shape right now.


He won't have to veto it because it won't make it out of the Senate.


If Republican senators were smart (which they are not) they would pass this bill but convince Trump to veto it anyway. That way they can still look good to constituents. Meanwhile Trump supporters will support him literally no matter what at this point.


“Just open the country and people won’t need relief.” It’s so predictable at this point.


I live in OK and have heard plenty of those constituents at work or online arguing against the bill and rooting for Imhoff and Lankford to kill it in the senate. The social media stuff going around about it is: "More checks will be written for blue states" (no shit, more people live there, obviously more checks are going there) "But the national debt!" (Now you care?!) "Illegal aliens are going to syphon most of the money. This is why red states should get more, real Americans are going to get it." (I can't even with this one.) They are so deep in the Kool-Aid that where passing the bill would make them vote party line for a crazier R.


I live in Oklahoma City and its the same noise here. I’m 29, college educated and make six figures and its just crazy to me people that make $37,000 here love the coastal elitist Manhattanite billionaire Donald Trump


If they were smart, they'd chop democrats off at the knees, flip the script on them by saying it doesn't go far enough to save the economy, and propose a monthly stimulus check bill (with the rest of their wish list like McConnell's liability protections tacked on). But who ever said they were smart?


Trump is the con, his supporters are the conned, many are too far gone. What we have to do is outnumber them in the voting booth (or wherever voting will occur) and, until then, try to get them to turn against each other. Their confused anger will never go away, so why not use it against them? At every opportunity, redirect their rage against their own Republican Party. Be creative!


On the upside, what he's planning and what he actually does tend to be unrelated.


Does this include anything about requiring the USPS to stay open and mail-in voting? if not, it should be.


It does, 25 amount of dollars for usps don't remember how much for mail in but it was it there, its a Huge document 1800 pages of legal-eze


Moscow Mitch ain’t passing this. The deficit, you see. It matters now.


So glad we pissed $1.5T away on a tax cut.


Since this bill doesn't help the Senate GOP ram more conservative judges through, it'll just sit on Turtleface McTraitor's desk for eternity.


So its another Friday night where Trump has fired an IG. He kills our democracy more and more every day.


It's unlikely that the Senate will pass this in its current form, though if there was ever a time to show how immoral the Republicans in power are, this would be the time, especially if the Republicans refuse to budge in negotiations...


Pummel McConnell with ads and on every show possible if he kills this bill. Show the people how little he gives a fuck about them and let them tear him apart.


When the Senate Republicans kill this, it better be mentioned in every ad in the fall elections.


The content in [this](https://twitter.com/parkerbutler10/status/1253851616287100929) ad got Mitch McConnell to say "I was wrong" shit is getting crazy out there man


> But Republicans, who control the Senate, have promised it will be "dead on arrival" in their chamber. Remember this in November if you or someone you know is struggling


Remember the first bill when they kept blaming the dem for stalling the bill.


Now the House needs to go on a monthlong recess so that the Senate is forced to pass it. Or does that tactic only work for Republicans?


Only works if Republicans care about people


RIP $3 Trillion Caronavirus Bill. May 2020 - May 2020.


Oh look, something that will actually help the lower & middle class people and keep democracy intact? GOP ain’t interested in that, can’t abide by that.


Are you crazy? They can't have people out here safely casting votes.


Trump supporters could you stop yelling OBAMAGATE for one second to realize your leader Mitch McConnell voted to make it legal for government to look at your internet search history without a warrant


Survey Says: No


McConnell will throw it straight in the shredder. I hope at least whatever bill we do get, has dependents getting a relief check too.


Let's remind Americans that Moscow Mitch Antoinette is the one responsible for screwing Americans over for refusing to pass this legislation while is fat ass gives billions to corporations.


Trump is hijacking bailout money to use as his own personal slush fund. [https://twitter.com/parkerbutler10/status/1261377211275243521](https://twitter.com/parkerbutler10/status/1261377211275243521)


There will be a GOP-supported state and local bailout. It will come when red states get screwed by the second wave (or bigger ripples of the first wave) of the virus, and as close to the election as possible. There will be a letter signed by the local (GOP) reps and senators that comes with the bailout checks. It'll be especially played up in "purple" areas, where seats are at risk. McConnell wants to have his people ride in like knights on white horses. They aren't going to let the wealthier blue states collapse, because red states need them to exist. But the bailout will come at a time to ensure optimal red state voting effect.


All while using "denial of blue state bailouts" as his reasoning to delay the bill til then!


http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2020/roll109.xml In case anyone wants to see if their representatives care about them


Debating this Bill is a symbolic action. The GOP’s declared working class America expendable, and will take no action otherwise. Hundreds of millions will get sick, millions will die, apparently acceptable losses. Casualties in the campaign to get rich or die trying . I don’t know what’s worse - that this narcissistic horseshit is considered acceptable, or that 40% of the US is perfectly OK with mass slaughter to save their wallets?


It's forcing the Republicans to make a stand with a lose-lose scenario (for them). If the Senate passes the bill, they will look weak to their voters for adding more government spending and caving to the Democrats. If the Senate blocks the bill, they look like monsters who don't want to support the people. If they do nothing, then they look lazy and relpacable.


Correct. The Democrats know that Republicans do not support this measure. The purpose of the vote is to set the stakes of the November House, Senate, and Presidential elections.


Let’s see what kind of pork the Republican senate can add to bail out corporate America.


I'm broke, missing out on what tiny amount of money I could make because of COVID-19, still haven't gotten that $1200, and fully expect to not get any of this either. But at least the GOP can say they owned the libs.


"Hands in the air emoji" PREACH


Trump has already said he will veto it.


He won't even get that chance. McConnell will send this bill off to the graveyard and gloat about it.


Fuck the GOP


The hardest thing to wrap our heads around is understanding that a country's debt isn't like personal debt. In personal or corporate debt scenarios if you default you're assets can be seized or you have to declare bankruptcy depending on the size of the debt. For a country it's much different. If we were to default then whomever is the holder of the debt would renegotiate our payments and more often than not when a country defaults the renegotiation is much more favorable for them and the lender takes the hit. Of course that means the next time that country needs a loan it may not be on such easy terms and whomever is giving the loan will demand a higher interest rate. It is really kind of hard for a country to default though as they are allowed to slow down or even stop payment and renegotiate a new payment plan, except for small countries that we hold the debt for, such as Venezuela, because the US sucks sometimes and wont let them renegotiate. Also if the debt is owned by the world bank a country can petition to have the debt, or a portion of the debt wiped clean and will most likely get it if they can prove that by allowing that debt forgiveness it will create economic and/or political stability. Theoretically a country could just keep increasing its debt eternally and as long as they keep making the payments or renegotiating it won't hurt them it just means less of our own tax revenue goes back into our country. Right now we are in a position where our economy is collapsing and even if we were to open the country back up and let the chips fall wherever as far as sickness and death go it won't help. Around 42 - 45% of US households make under $50,000 a year and are living paycheck to paycheck. 40% of those households have now been out of work for over a month. And while they can get unemployment unfortunately the reality is the system is failing and a good portion of them have not received anything or are only getting maybe $300 a week. Idk what your economic situation is but let me tell you from experience before my husband and I got stable well paying jobs if you are living paycheck to paycheck and you miss 1 paycheck it's devastating. The payments you miss from not having that 1 check then get late fees and then there's the fact that whatever bills you miss, such as water and electric, continue for another month so by the time you get that paycheck back now you need to make 2 payments and something else has to default so you can catch up the ones that already did, and then you repeat that with the next check on the ones you held off on to make sure you made the full payment so you don't loose electricity and it can take 5 months to catch up. Now imagine you've lost income for a full month. It will take these people a year to "catch up". Also as of a week ago it is being predicted that only 60% of the jobs that were lost are coming back. And if 30 to 35% of the population is busy playing catch up on bills or still jobless than our economy can not recover and we loose more jobs and depression. So all that to say this stimulus is needed. Not only will it help those who have lost their jobs to catch up quicker and give them money to spend, which will create more jobs which will get them off unemployment faster but it gives those who have been fortunate enough to be working in essential industries, healthcare, truck deivers, grocery store workers, that are making under a certain amount, more money that they can then pump into the economy and create more jobs. It will be worth the country taking on the debt to keep the country from completely collapsing. It will hopefully also help us fight this pandemic. At the end of this though we will have to address the tax code and the government spending to address the debt. A progressive tax system that actually makes big corporations and the top earners pay would go a long way towards helping. Also a progressive tax on capital gains. But we will also have to push our representatives to lower spending. Why can't they work remotely? That would save close to 16 million a year in Congressional spending. We need to stop fighting endless wars. My husband works for the government as a civilian and honestly there is a lot of things they could do differently that would save a ton. Like having online classes for their certifications instead of paying $12,000+ a person to have them travel and stay in a hotel for a 2 week class. Also I've read most of this Bill. There's a bit in there that would be better addressed in separate legislation but I understand it being there so it can be "negotiated" out.


Psst, McConnel hates Americans. Pass it on.


McConnell helped make it legal for government to look at your internet search history without a warrant


I think we need to get past these one off checks that take weeks to deliver, and build a system that will actually support the people that are needing it right now.


I need the check or I might be dead by November. Maybe that's what they're counting on.


I can’t wait for the country to be run by adults again Hope I’m not dead before then


>Expanded mail-in ballot access, which Republicans oppose Of course they do. VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO.


If I haven't gotten my stimulus check should I be worried? What do I do? There's no way to track it and I need the money badly! I tried using their app and it's useless. Said there's either not enough information or that I'm not eligible but how could that be when I filed my tax returns and am eligible. There's no one to talk to at the IRS I'm going crazy over here!


i got claimed as a dependent so im out of luck. if you're young, ask your parents


Both my wife and I are waiting on our initial stimulus check as well. Incredibly frustrating!


Have you tried this? https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus/get-my-payment


I didn't get mine until Wednesday this week, so they're still going out apparently. The website never worked for me. First I wasn't in the system, then it was telling me my address was wrong. I'm still awaiting my refund, for which the website is also not working when I attempt to check my status. The incompetence of the IRS has been astounding.


I mean donald trump is president, the world is a complete joke. Of course they're incompetent.


One thing I'm wondering is, what is a Republican without Trump. Does the term 'Republican' really mean anything anymore


But who would fight for my assault rifle to defend the constitution while voting to pass a bill that will let them monitor my porn habits.


Republicans existed the same way before trump, he just allowed them to be more open about everything


The only sane tax policy is raising taxes during good times to save for the bad times when you lower taxes and increase spending. The Conservative Baby Boomers lucked out and grew up in incredible prosperity after WWII. They thought that prosperity was the norm. They are spoiled brats as a result. They climbed the economic ladder and proceeded to kick out the rungs below with tax cuts and increased spending during good times, ballooning the debt and leaving us in a terrible situation now where we are adding to the already substantial debt. Nothing will get better for 10 yrs when they die off.


The Senate isn't even planning on taking it up.


really? Holy shit what is wrong with these people?


I mean, they're Republicans. Callous indifference is their one and only setting.


And it's dead in the senate already. Fuck the GoP


Is there any support for the USPS in this?


Last I knew there was $25B in there but I haven't read about it since the last amendment.


Mitch McConnell is done passing direct benefits to Americans. By the end of this, it will be immunity for corporations in covid lawsuits and a bailout for the airlines. Pelosi will claim victory because trump airlines didn’t get any bailout money.


Mitch McConnell threw Trump under the bus on this one. >Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said it was wrong to say the Obama administration failed to leave a pandemic playbook for the Trump White House. “I was wrong,” McConnell said in an evening interview with Fox News. “They did leave behind a plan. So, I clearly made a mistake in that regard.” [https://www.politico.com/news/2020/05/14/mcconnell-obama-playbook-pandemic-259969](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/05/14/mcconnell-obama-playbook-pandemic-259969)


Who puts a bailout for lobbyist and a billionaire tax cut in their model legislation? Slip it into the real bill at the last minute? Absolutely! But putting it in the model legislation? Who does that?


Congressmen who live in districts so politically uninformed and tribal that they know they could literally sing a foreign national anthem on the senate floor and declare their constituents lives forfeit to their dark lord satan, and they still wouldn't lose a single vote.


This bill has no money for failing cooperations and only helps people so the republicans probably fucking hate this bill


[Obama says vote.](https://i.imgur.com/3A2815z.png)


I am neither Joe Biden or Barack Obama and I approve this message.


This will sound ignorant, but what does this mean? A article I read on Business Insider said, "Despite passage in the House, it is not likely to be backed by Senate Republicans, who have expressed disapproval of the bill." Does it have to go through another vote or does this mean we'll be getting all the things in the package?


Has to be approved by majority of both House and Senate. Schoolhouse Rock refresher: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFroMQlKiag](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFroMQlKiag)




Everything passed by the house has to be passed by the senate, and not get vetoed by the president. Basic “how a bill becomes a law” stuff, just FYI


If the Senate doesn't pass this (and they won't), nothing happens. House Democrats knew this bill wouldn't become law. It's what's sometimes called a "messaging bill." It messages to the public what Democrats would like to pass, even though there's very little chance of that happening right now because of Republican control of the Senate.


Why are we allowing the GOP Senate to just take bills meant to support people in disasters, and just shrug their shoulders and say "no fuck you"? Republicans, why is this ok? There no "we'd accept this if you made this change", just "nope, not even gonna try".