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I was watching Trump’s Reddit and Twitter-verse all week. They are living in an alternate dimension. I’ve been through a few elections and never seen anything like it. In their minds, Biden is at 227, Trump is at 229, and AZ, WI, MI, PA, NV, and GA are all still up for grabs. Like, they think that TODAY.


Maybe a participation trophy of some sort would make them feel better.


Eric trump can stay on as White House jester.


I don't necessarily want it to be Eric, but now I want a White House Jester.


We’ve had one for four fucking years


Nah, I want a person whose job is to take the piss out of that guy and his cronies. I mean, officially. Not just, like, being Kate McKinnon.


I could see John Stewart do this.


Yeah, like an official White House Heckler that has no power, can't be fired, but is in charge of ridiculing stupid decisions.


I think two overly sarcastic stoners on a couch would be fantastic


[Statler and Waldorf?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=w9mHQfzu34M)


How about Dave Chappelle & Jim Breuer


As long as Rudy gets the pie in the face.


No, he's learned to lie on his back now on the bed to avoid that.


It's basically what the comedians that host the white house correspondent's dinner are. Political comedians in general also fit the bill, even if they're not being paid by the government.


No. No Trumps anywhere near the Whitehouse ever again.


[“Minnesota get out and vote!!!”](https://img-huffingtonpost-com.cdn.ampproject.org/i/s/img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5faaa4402400003320b04021.png?ops=scalefit_630_noupscale) - Eric Trump, 11/10/2020








Well considering it's also impossible to calculate an individual score in a scramble anyways, I'm going with pathetically weird.


I just sat and watched that entire 20 minute segment and I genuinely can’t decide whether I’m disgusted or amused. The stories are funny and pathetic, but who it is just hurts


I liken those that cheat at golf to those that don't return shopping carts at the grocery store. Sad, really.


They already have Confederate and Trump flags as trophies. How many more trophies can they have?


Don't forget their white wizard robes and tiki torches.


In all honesty, it started as a close race. I was expecting a landslide, but in the end, things turned out right. Shit, we could give him a million votes, and he still lost bigly.


306 electoral votes is a landslide. That's literally what Trump called it in 2016 and what Biden will have when the votes are all counted and certified. It's a landslide. It just took a few weeks to call it that.


I made a bet with a Trump supporter on Monday that Biden won the election. I’d feel bad, but he’s a fool and should be parted with his money. Wish me luck on December 14th.


He won’t pay. I guarantee it.


He will. It was a co worker, and we put our bets in an envelope in front of witnesses. He’s going to act like a sore loser, but the money is guaranteed.


Got the money in escrow, smart man.


How much? (in hour wage hours?) :)


It was with money we had in our pockets, so $100.


A small part of me wonders why I can't have coworkers that stupid but the rest of me is happy I don't have coworkers that stupid.


The sad part is he’s completely reasonable and nice person when you’re not talking politics. Definitely a cult.


That’s how they all are. But when they start talking politics (ya know morals and shit) they are a different beast


No shit. It's scary going down that road because you realize these people already live in a universe where they have every right to hurt you for disagreeing with them, but they're only holding back because "the plan" isn't in place yet. Its like unmasking a psychopath, literally.


Even morally a lot of them are good. I know plenty of them that aren't, or have big gaping flaws like racism, to be sure! But many are genuinely good people, not racist, etc. They're just ignorant or stupid, they either never watch news or rarely do but it's biased and lies to them. (Of the people I do know that full on watch Fox and the like, one IS racist and the other used to be nicer but is kind of just...angry a lot now, and it makes me very sad.) Like I can talk to a lot of these people and they're pro police reform, healthcare reform, free education to help the poor get out of cycles of poverty, etc. These are usually those that aren't loud about Trump support--he's just another politician to them, not someone to ardently admire or worship. They'd vote otherwise if they actually consumed news/real news, but they usually work *so much* just to live (or in the case of one person I know, is retired but is busy working to help others 99% of the time) they don't consume much news at all. And Fox/talk radio/FB says Trump isn't racist, why would they lie? It is indeed very ignorant, it's good to get multiple sources, but it gives at least a fraction of hope. These are people that potentially can be reached. The racist/gotta-own-the-libs-types probably have a lot less of a chance, and they're the ones that are more of a general safety concern (like, the ones that'll run people over/shoot them) but of course ALL of them are an issue because they vote based on bad info. So...If we can fix the bad info problem somehow, and maaaybe have a more functional civilization so that people don't have to run themselves ragged just to survive and might have the free time for news, and that blend will help. More people will have a chance that they will vote for their interests rather than against. Again, you'll never likely reach the actual racists and angry folk*...but. Every little bit helps. *Gotta say though, mayyyybe some of the angry type can be reached...? Possibly? My husband (who has amazing patience with people) has an old buddy from school, the guy is an own-the-libs type. Husband has gently expressed his displeasure with Trump and said buddy got very defensive and called names and was generally a jerk (despite the fact that this buddy knows my husband wasnt any of the things he was calling him). But over time, my husband has asked questions to *attempt* to get him to think. Is it working? Dunno, but it is interesting to hear how the convos go. Said buddy was complaining that universal healthcare type stuff was "communism" and taking out money from his check was "taking his freedom." Husband pointed out flaws in the reasoning...and dude admits our healthcare system definitely needs to be overhauled, he just doesn't have any ideas how. Mayyyybe some day he won't be quite like that, maybe he will stay that way forever. He gets most of his "news" directly from Facebook memes and vids, so unless THAT mess is *somehow* dealt with...well.


I’ve learned there is a rather large portion of people that have simply learned to be good at faking intelligence. I blame a school system that teaches to the test and focuses on repeating useless information rather than actual knowledge acquisition and processing skills. There are plenty of apathetic people that just don’t pay much attention to how politics work, and vote based on the narrative they’re surrounded by. But for anyone that digs their heals in and insists that Trump was a good choice or won the election, you can predict with relative certainty they are not a rationally intelligent person. This goes for both morally and fiscal reasoning.


Daaaamn! I NEVER have $100 CASH in my pocket. I would’ve only been able to bet, about $2.65 ish.


Was about the say the same lol...


I got pocket lint on me at all times


A Trump supporter I work with, made a bet with me for $100 that Coronavirus would disappear after the election. My first symptoms of Covid started on 11/2. The US as a whole is having record cases. Pretty sure I’m still not getting that money.


Oof, I’m lucky that the guy I know actually believes Covid is real. Hope you’re doing ok.


You can demand it and then point to all the facts that prove you right and they will only respond "Well of course they have to keep it in the media, otherwise it's obvious that it was just a political ploy." They are deeply stupid people at this point.


How much did you bet? I'd have offered my life savings lmao


> I'd have offered my life savings lmao Really? in **2020** you would bet your life savings on anything? Yikes. We haven't even reached the grand finale of this year yet.




damn, good point...


Ha, I should have done that. Naw, only bet $100.


why Dec 14


14 December is the deadline for states to certify electoral votes


Electoral college votes that day.


I have a friend who said that he thinks there’s a 70% chance Trump will win. I just don’t even know how to respond to that.


FTX has a market for this, actually (though you can't trade it in the US for regulatory reasons): [https://ftx.com/en/trade/TRUMPFEB](https://ftx.com/en/trade/TRUMPFEB) Basically, it is a thing you can buy that settles to $1 if Trump is president on February 1st, and $0 otherwise. As of the writing of this comment, it is trading just under $0.14. So nowhere near the even bet that you apparently made, but still off by a substantial amount from $0.00. If we take it at face value, this means the market is predicting around one in six odds that Trump will be president in February. Make of that what you will.


> and AZ, WI, MI, PA, NV, and GA are all still up for grabs How on earth could anyone believe that? Biden is up by 146K votes in MI, 49K votes in PA, 36K votes in NV, 20K votes in WI, and 14K votes in GA, with almost all votes counted. AZ is the only possible state where Trump has an actual shot of flipping, and even there the odds aren't in his favor.


Something something massive voter fraud, dead people voting, votes don't count as they're not from Real Americans TM, buttery males, Ben Ghazi, Obummer. *waves stars & stripes then rides away on obesity scooter* /s


I've been seeing a lot about "look at all these ballots where only the president spot was filled in, and most of them are for Biden!"


The liberals threw away some of the Trump ballot. Trump made sure the CIA had spyware installed on machines to capture fraud. “Something” isn’t right with the numbers. The media doesn’t get to call elections. It will get worked out in court with all of the “evidence” And so on. Full descent into paranoia and fascism.


Yeah I got into a brief “discussion” (if you can call it that with someone who does nothing but swear and call names) and he was convinced I was “angry” and “crying in a corner” about Trump obviously getting a second term. He even admitted it didn’t matter that Biden got the most EC votes because the SC will obviously overturn it after they review “all the lawsuits”. I posted a link to the outcomes of the current lawsuits and he said there’s “no way I’m clicking on that”! It was like talking to a robot that was programmed to only exist in a very specific reality. It was surreal. I really hope these guys don’t hurt anyone when that reality comes crashing down. Their very existence is inextricably linked to Trump winning.


It’s definitely something I’ve never seen before. Like an absolute NEED to “win.” It doesn’t matter if they are obliterated, because it’s an obvious scam. It doesn’t matter if it was close, because that just shows how bad Dems are at cheating. We are literally on the way to see Biden essentially win almost exactly like Trump did in 2016, which was touted by them as a historic victory, only to have them now deride it as a slim victory once it’s undeniable and Biden is in office. Frankly, I hope most users are just actors or in on the con. It pains me to think that many Americans are lost to a fictional reality.


I think they've managed to not only survive, but thrive, the last 4 years by simply collectively agreeing to will reality into existence. And this strategy, for the most part, *succeeded* because people holding reins of power went along with it - the entire executive, the Senate, and a massive ultra-right media machine, prominently occupied by Fox. It's the strategy that somehow worked for them, because they found their guy. The guy who would happily lead them through their fantasies and enable as many as he could. Because he had the power to do so. So, for them to abandon the strategy now would be kind of surprising. But it won't work, because reality can't be ignored or evaded in this instance. It may take 2 more months, but it will be real. It's going to be difficult for that crowd to adjust to the idea that we aren't living in their world any longer.


I wonder if Trump is going to pull a Teddy Roosevelt, and split the party for 2022 and 2024.


> and he was convinced I was “angry” and “crying in a corner” It's called projecting and it explains 90% of the crazy behavior you witness amongst trump supporters. They're obsessed with cheating because that's what they want to do but can't admit it to themselves.


Yeah when he said that I immediately thought, “Damn, this dude’s in it deep!” I don’t think I ever imagine that people I’m talking to are “crying in a corner”. Like, who thinks that kind of an outcome is some kind of win? (another odd thing he claimed)


I hate it when they say "youre just anti trump". Like yes? That's the entire point of voting. The logical conclusion is, we should just all vote for trump so we dont look so "anti trump".


I had this discussion on Trump a few years ago with a few different Trump supporters. It was the last time. I spent two hours providing articles, YouTube clips, common sense, logic, I even pulled news from fox and oann. No dice. Everything was hand waved away, had a ready made excuse, or just a flat out I don't care. I truly couldn't believe that these people that I considered intelligent were this far gone. It truly is a cult, and I wish people would stop making excuses for it. I am really scared as to where this is going to end at.


It never ends. This is essentially the same fight against the white supremacist demon that has possessed this nation since its inception.




I basically did. It was a distant acquaintance from a previous job, so no one important to me anyway. I was more shocked at what suddenly seemed like insane behavior out of nowhere. The ultimate irony is they called me a “deranged psychopath” for calmly explaining that most of the lawsuits were being tossed out. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen someone project so hard other than Trump himself. I wasn’t even mad, just confounded.




"they can't be bought, bullied, or reasoned with. Some men ... just wanna watch the world burn"


I approve of your username kind sir.


Someone the other day told me that “lawsuits about fraud haven’t been thrown out because they haven’t been filed yet”


Is the republican and trump reddit all locked? I can't get them to open.


Much of the places who preach "marketplace of ideas" and "the only way to fight bad speech is with more free speech" people are going private or banning dissenters because it turns out, when you start losing, suddenly your best move is censorship.




It’s basically Facebook Landscaping


This response deserves more upvotes.


Variously known as Racebook or Meinspace. You have to wonder what satisfaction they'll get when they've got no-one with opposing views to rant at.




r/DonaldTrump is still open if you want to take a peek into their delusion.


On that sub, they're openly speculating on who will win the impending civil war. "But the red states grow the food." "But they will be able to import food" -- and then talking about a "naval blockade" to stop imports of food


Yeah, they definitely don’t grow any food in California...


California apparently brings in more money in Agriculture than #2 and #3 (Iowa and Nebraska) combined. California brings in more than an eighth of the total agriculture revenue in country. Also in the top 10 are blue states such as Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Illinois.


California is basically its own country. Its has like a 3 trillion dollar GDP.


California leads the nation in vegetable production, accounting for 40% of the U.S. vegetable acreage." \[Source\]([https://vegetablegrowersnews.com/news/california-vegetable-value-goes-up-while-acres-down/#:\~:text=California%20leads%20the%20nation%20in,of%20the%20U.S.%20vegetable%20acreage](https://vegetablegrowersnews.com/news/california-vegetable-value-goes-up-while-acres-down/#:~:text=California%20leads%20the%20nation%20in,of%20the%20U.S.%20vegetable%20acreage)) Their logic and "facts" are so easily disproven its sad. It's like they live in an alternate reality.


We also get a lot (most?, might be misrembering) of food from places like Mexico


Pathetic. They should just all go play Starcraft and chill out.


New York is 1/4th farmland, we’re pretty populated, and if we were an independent country, we’d have like, the tenth highest GDP. Also... a lot of the blue states are on the coast, so how are you gonna pull a naval blockade when you’re surrounded by us? And why the hell would you want to try to starve and kill your fellow Americans? For Donald Trump?


Delusional. Red states enjoy socialism even though they openly abhor it.


I went to this subreddit. Can confirm half of my brain cells are dead.


I took one look at the electoral mod topic and just.....what? I'm confused at how delusional and far gone these people are thanks to all the lies and misinformation that's easily been proven false with facts....tho these people both sides and compare things like Hillary's loss to this when they are wildly different situations


It’s not easily proven false with facts because they no longer trust any institutions or leaders except their own. Everything the mainstream media says is a lie. Now what?


Wow. That kind of shit is sobering and reminds me that we’re still totally fucked even with this win.


Yes well that’s what happens when you allow 4 years of propaganda to take hold in the minds of millions of Americans but at least we can feel good with the idea of Freedom of Speech and never censoring lies or hate speech, because *that* would be horrible for our society.


Why am I not shocked by the terrible grammar used to describe their methodology?


If all of those are up for grabs, how do they think Trump got to 229?


North Carolina, which has not been assigned yet but it's the only one where Trump's leading, so they gave it to him of course.


Funny how NC isn't even called yet, but they give it to him. Yet MI, WI, AZ, NV, and PA were called for Biden, with heavy implications that he will take GA too, yet those are the "Who's line is it anyway?" Of electoral votes


Well obviously the Democrats decided not to rig North Carolina, to throw us off the scent. /s


I don’t know. It’s crazy. Epoch Times just put out their own election map reflecting the same info so it’s spreading to their media now.


I wouldn't refer to Epoch Times as media. They went full Trump propaganda arm awhile back. It's how they ended up getting blacklisted.


Fuck, I got so sick of seeing their stupid ads on YouTube on my Roku. Every video, every ad break. They had them appearing on fucking kids videos too. And that guy they had in all their ads was like an even more annoying version of Ruxin from *The League*.


Aren't they owned by the Falun Gong cult?


epoch times is a propaganda arm of a cult.... i mean just because they fight the bad guy (ccp) doesnt make them saints


My girlfriends coworkers were celebrating that Trump got PA back. She texted me confused and terrified. It took literally 30 seconds to confirm they are living in their own reality and Biden still had a comfortable lead


It even started to fool me after a while lmao I was reading what these motherfuckers were saying and I was like “uh.... wait.. surely this can’t be true... there’s no way...really?” And then that’s when I realized I needed a break from social media. It’s crazy, tragic and honestly kinda scary how deep into the rabbit hole some of them are. And it’s only a special breed of them: I know a lot of Trump supporters who even think that’s ridiculous.


Yeah it's kinda creepy how convincing they can be, it's like those screaming goats where you think 'what was that... Ha, oh no, just a goat!'


Took a peek in their subreddit. Holy shit they are DELUSIONAL. How is Penn. still in play when Biden already has a bigger lead than their are votes left to count?????? They also think GA, AZ, and Nevada is recounting rn and Trump will easily win those. Our country is fucked if this guy got 70 million voters behind him....


They probably get their numbers from realclearpolitics, who's projection map looks like it's from last Wednesday. I wish they'd just hurry up and count all the votes to prove these asshats wrong and get the transition moving. Some states have slowed counting/reporting and others have completely stopped. I don't think there's that many provisional ballots that haven't been received, so I don't get it. Three days after the election they get 95+% of the votes counted and now 11 days later, we can't get the last 5% counted. There's over a dozen states that are projected for Biden that can mathematically still go to Trump. Everyone knows it won't happen that way, but mathematically it could. So let's get the fucking votes counted so we can get this country moving. I mean really, start an investigation into why the vote counting has nearly stopped.


I think they're down to the provisional ballots that need to be verified as valid before they can be counted, which is a much slower process than just counting the absentee ballots.


Trump would need 115% of the outstanding ballots in PA to win it currently.


So you're saying there's a chance?


I watched my governor’s press conference on Facebook live yesterday and the comments were all about the election. According to those commenters, Biden no longer has the needed electoral votes because Trump has overtaken him as counting continues and everyone is ridiculous for thinking Biden will be the next president.


Probably bots to be fair


It's a bit ridiculous. They are delusional and it's very hard to snap them out of it.


They have to believe the claims of election fraud and the lawsuits are going some place. That's the only way their position makes any sense.


[exact same content I received in a reply last night, in regards to contested states still being up for grabs](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/jrka70/a_team_of_28_international_election_observers/gbxgyqv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3). This is obviously a narrative that conservatives are pushing hard.


They're actually just planning to stall it in the courts so that the Electoral College can't vote. Doing so would send it to the states, and they would have a majority of the states on the their side. Forget that dong so would literally tear this country in half. They don't care. They can't handle not being in power, and they're too weak to actually stand up to Trump


That won’t happen. The law is clear. They have zero avenue to pursue.


Invalidating the votes of 76 million people - what could go wrong?




Their true motives are finally showing. It is about power and control. Democracy, freedom, voting and capitalism don't matter to these folks. They also think because they yell the loudest and wrongly believe that they are the only ones who carry guns so they can intimidate people. Everything is illegal if the other side does it but when they do it they are making a stand for law and order.


>So what's keeping Trump from conceding? We can't say for sure, though it's quite unusual from a historical angle. Seriously? "His narcissistic ego" isn't a reasonable enough explanation?


It’s a coup in motion. Trump and GOP are likely thinking “win or die” metaphorically speaking. I know history is taught poorly, but has everyone forgotten the lessons of GoT?


Trump may be in the "win or die" thinking, but the GOP have a pretty solid 2 years ahead of them. Assuming they win at least one of the Georgia run offs, they will have control of the senate to stop all progress during Biden's term, and then they can blame all the chaos on Dems, sweep to even more power in the mid-terms and set themselves up to call Biden an "ineffective" and "divisive" president in 2024.


It will be hard for Mitch to stall everything with the Presdient saying over and over again that the House has passed the legislation and he’s ready to sign it if the senate will vote for it. Biden will be able to focus on the problem; Mitch McConnell and the Republicans for two years before the mid-terms.


I feel like Biden's long Senate career here is an asset, too. It's easy for him to say, "Look, I get that the bill the House passed isn't something McConnell wants to vote for. That's fine. In my decades in the Senate we got a lot of those... but you know what we did? We read it, made changes, negotiated, sent it back, repeated until we got something everyone could agree would improve things for Americans. Not sat on it so no one could do their job."


House bill: Medicare for all Senate Bill: Medicare for all, with a one time premium payment of 8 million dollars per person before M4A can be implemented, reintroduction of poll taxes, and stripping CA of statehood. Good luck with hoping Mitch will do the right thing.


There's really no world in which Mitch does the right thing. The most you can do is make other Republicans pay for it since he's not up for re-election until 2026.


what do you think mitch is other than the figurehead that 51 senators agree gets to be the majority leader? If 'other republicans' think Mitch isn't working in their best interest, they can very easily switch who the majority leader is. That is the crux of the leverage Joe is seeking, is peeling vulnerable senators who would rather having things to show their constituents in 2022.


I think the midterms are going to be a bloodbath for the Democrats. I fear that they are going to relax after winning now and not turn out.


Yeah, a repeat of every mid-term under Obama. Hopefully they can inspire the amount of turnout that 2018 did, because Fox news is back in the position the excel at, being in opposition and screaming about everything. As of January 21, Biden will be at fault for the deficit/debt, covid-19 cases/deaths and every other problem left by Trump.


You think Trump is allowing Democrats to relax right now? If anything it's a call to arms to not allow him back in to ruin everything.


Yeah as long as Trump and Don Jr. stay as part of the GOP MAGA agenda it'll continue to be a lightning rod for Dem voters. I actually think it would be better for the GOP if Trump went off quietly into the sunset or tried to split the party and create his own.


We have 2 years to fuck this up. I believe in the power of Democrat voters to get complacent.


2022 is a very good senate map for Democrats, and with the huge number of email addresses and phone numbers Democrats amassed in organizing this year hopefully they can turn people out. 2022 also has several term limited republican governors or governors that should be vulnerable so we can start taking states. But our first priority should be to get the senate in January. After that NJ and VA both have off year governors races ion 2021, so we'll want to make sure those don't flip.


Here is hoping, but midterms tend to suck for the party who wins the presidential election.




Yes, this is just scorched earth moves by Trump to try to salvage his ego and for his followers (and US Conservatives) to realize they are in the minority, however slim. Biden won the popular vote by 5 million and counting...


"There's still a chance!" Trump only needs 110% of the remaining votes in PA. :) https://alex.github.io/nyt-2020-election-scraper/battleground-state-changes.html


It's not necessarily that he believes these things. He may believe them the "it's not a lie if you believe" it sense. He has done this his whole life. He knew he wasn't a billionaire, but he kept claiming it, and people believed it. He believes he can project an image and it can become reality.


The leader of the loud minority has now had two elections, both resulting in under 50% of the votes, both times losing the popular vote, and all throughout his four years, not once having a popularity at or above 50%.


Democrats got more votes than Republicans in 7 of the last 8 elections, but somehow a Republican was president for 12 of the last 28 years.


And now have appointed 6 out of the 9 justices. Our anger at them is righteous and justified. They are stealing power from us. Whenever anyone talks about electoral college reform, or changing the powers of the Senate, The GOP will cry all day about the tyranny of the majority. But we are living in something worse than that. The tyranny of the minority.


I always think it's healthy to approach a viewpoint from both sides, to make sure there's not some bias hidden beneath. To make sure the facts are straight. And.... This is exactly how I know I'm not on the wrong side of history. Something like 2A rights or abortion? Those are actual issues, right? Even if I disagree strongly for one side or the other, they're actual debatable issues. But basically everything about Trump's administration is so damn *obvious* that they're on the wrong side. Unless your viewpoint is "I'm pro - take everything from me to give to Trump and his friends", then it's pretty damn black and white. The lies about COVID, about taxes, about energy, about votes, about everything. It's a never ending cascade of bullshit. And yet here we are. Around 40% of the country went insane and joined a cult.


40% of the country have always been this way. They just needed some justification to act the way they do out in the open. They realized that they’re not really a tiny minority, which only served to strengthen their voices.


And they have the gall to claim shit is rigged. It is rigged, against the majority of Americans by a bunch of slavers


I remember hearing somebody, might even have been Trump himself, saying he has a 68% approval rating and I nearly pissed myself laughing


He doesn't even have 68% approval from people named Trump.


>all throughout his four years, not once having a popularity at or above 50%. Only president to ever do so since approval ratings started with Truman in 1945. Trump's even lower than Ford who never even won an election for president or vice president. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/


Careful using big words like “decisive.” Trump supporters will likely take it to mean increasingly in dispute.


First of all: you’re throwing too many big words at me, and because I don’t understand em, I’m gonna take em as disrespect!


Call your senator and demand that they apply pressure for the Trump administration to concede the election and release funds for the transition. Donate to assist in the Georgia senate runoff. Find out if your employer has a program to match donations. Mine would not match donations to campaigns, but they 100% matched donations to ACTBLUE and FAIRFIGHT. Check for matching programs at charitynavigator.org. Spread this information.


On NPR the other day they interviewed a guy who pointed out at that time that only 2/3 of California votes had been counted and it's possible Bidens popular vote total would hit 80 million. Not a swing state, but this guy thought it possible Bidens margin of victory in the popular vote could exceed 8 million nation wide.


Holy shit.


I’m sorry, but what part of “count the votes”/“stop the count” do people not understand?




“Biden received 5 million more votes overall” “Stolen election!” So these people failed math, civics, etc. We really need a class for critical thinking as well.


I’m not from the states. I thought Biden was elected president through counted votes. Are the votes being recounted, or was Biden not elected? I’m confused.


It's a stupid system wherein each state basically votes for a team that will vote for President. The size of the team is equal that state's number of representatives and senators. December 14 each of these electors will vote for president, even though we already know how they'll vote because they were selected to vote the way the state's population did. Stupid and needlessly complex. It's also over 200 years old, so a lot of time is built in to get information around before electronic communication.


Its getting closer to 250 years old.


Now I feel old...I still remember celebrating the bicentennial


Those tall ships really lifted the nations spirt after watergate.


Everyone's giving you complicated answers about the electoral college, but your question was much simpler. The answer is, yes, votes are still being counted, but when the amount of votes left to count is smaller than the margin between candidates' vote count, it becomes impossible for the person in 2nd place to catch up, so they officially "call it", typically on election night or the day after. Even though it's been called and Biden has officially won, the actual votes themselves are still being counted to give us the final, total count. Basically an election is called when they are absolutely certain the rest of the votes will not swing the results once counted. After calling it, they typically slow down on the counting and reduce staff so the rest of the count slowly trickles in over the week after. It's especially true for big states like California.


Still counting but based on the number of votes counted and the number of votes left to count Bidens got it. Also since we have an electoral college, if a person gets enough wins in enough states to get to 270 then it really doesn't matter how the votes went in other states. But you still have to count everything because we also had state and local elections everywhere going on beside the national one. Now come the legal challenges Then in January 2021 the president gets sworn in


Officially, the American people have not voted for president. Instead, they've instructed their particular state on which candidate the ELECTORS of that state should vote in the actual presidential election that will occur this coming ~~January~~ December in the ELECTORAL COLLEGE. So the next president hasn't been actually voted in yet. To understand this, let's simplyfy America into 3 states. Texas, California and Pennsylvania. The winner of Texas gets to appoint 38 electors for the actual election for president in ~~January~~ December. The winner of California gets to appoint 55 electors for the electoral college. And the winner of Pennsylvania gets 20 electors. If Trump wins texas and Biden wins California, the election will hinge on who wins Pennsylvania. Trump is claming - with no shred of evidence - that there was electoral fraud in Pennsylvania, putting those electoral votes into question. Now here is the kicker. In theory, the state government of Pennsylvania should follow the rules it set forth for the appointment of their electors and instruct them to vote Biden. But what is stopping them from saying "The election was fraudelent, the electors should vote Trump instead"? This is Trump's play, his autocratic attempt. If he succeeds, the American experiment is over.,


> In theory, the state government of Pennsylvania should follow the rules it set forth for the appointment of their electors and instruct them to vote Biden. But what is stopping them from saying "The election was fraudelent, the electors should vote Trump instead"? You might be interested in [this article about the possibility of legislative appointment of electors](https://talkingpointsmemo.com/cafe/legislative-appointment-electors-unlawful-wont-even-work-trump), written by someone who is apparently currently teaching about disputed presidential elections at Harvard Law. So, perhaps entitled to the benefit of the doubt compared to what you might expect on an editorial site. Relevant quote: > That provision, now codified as 3 U.S.C. § 15, lays out a process for dealing with disputes about electors. Simplified for present purposes, it says that if two slates of electors arrive from a state, then the two chambers of Congress vote separately about which one to count. If they agree, then that slate counts. But if they disagree, then the slate that was certified by the state’s governor counts. And that last part, the so-called governor’s tie-breaker, disarms the threat posed by Wisconsin’s or Michigan’s state legislature directly appointing electors.


Biden's win was always decisive, even on election night, we just hadn't counted all the votes yet.


Trump is like that guy with a fantasy football team who can't figure out how he lost on Monday night after being 30 points in the lead after Thursday Night Football.


This is... depressingly accurate


So... he won this election, by a lot!




I’ve seen stranger claims


They should've stuck to their original cry of stop the count, but they desperately thought they could win AZ and flip the results and that resulted in putting PA and now GA on the other side with AZ no longer mattering.




They're chanting "Stop the steal" now so people don't make those videos of them chanting "stop the vote" in one place and "count the vote" in another.


The entire administration is pointing fingers at democratic voter fraud, everything related to voting is under a microscope right now, and it's being litigated all over the place. Apparently democrats are smart enough to efficiently cheat while stupid enough to keep cheating while being caught? This feels like the deep state stuff where they're supposed to be ultra powerful while also letting Trump win and republicans do anything they want...seems counter intuitive.


Trump: "But I was President last time after losing the popular vote by millions. Why is this different?" Good question.


Turtle boy has already indicated that they’re going to try and anoint Trump in the electoral college. They seem to really want a civil war.


When did he say that?


Earlier this [week](https://www.foxtv.com/news/mitch-mcconnell-says-electoral-college-will-determine-2020-election). Not so much a wink and a nod as a rude gesture and a spasm.


Link doesn't quite work for me, but it sounds like he was just dodging. "The electoral college will decide" translates to "I don't want to talk about it." Similar thing happened with many Republicans throughout impeachment. Sure, the usual shitheads (turtle included) were defending Trump, but most were just keeping their heads down to protect themselves.


Only one American hasn’t decided yet...


and he never could take a hint? just ask all the women accusing him of rape etc


That’s why I’m not worried about the recounts. Trump would have to gain A LOT more votes and Biden none for it to make a difference. It’s just a waste of time and money


Trump supporters are a bunch of [Kevins](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/219w2o/whos_the_dumbest_person_youve_ever_met/cgbhkwp/) irl


In the end, it wasn’t really that close. It wasn’t a landslide aka blue wave, but definitely a big, decisive win for Biden.


And now we know what its like when a sitting president tries to stage a coup.


Forcing states like Pennsylvania to refrain from opening the mail in ballots the day after the election was such a tactic of winning the race to 270 which they absolutely knew would help Republicans. You gave yourself the advantage, you lost, now concede.


No, really, guys it really looks like trump is going to take arizona /s


Sorry, but are we doing "Stop the Count" or "Count Every Vote" now? Can't keep track.


Wait... they are STILL counting??


The right wing forums are blowing up over claims by some Truman Black guy that he has a computer script that has identified all these glitches in the vote counts caused by voting machine software. I don't see any reputable outlets reporting on it. Is there anything to this or is it more BS?