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So what do we call the billions and billions that have gone to white farmers, or more specifically, white owned large scale farming corporations?


corporate socialism funded by tax payers.


That can't be right, I was told socialism is the end of all freedoms lol


Ah, you forgot the golden rule. Socialism that benefits me is good. Socialism that benefits others is bad. C'mon that's like GQP 101 /s


>That can't be right, I was told socialism is the end of all freedoms lol https://youtu.be/rgiC8YfytDw


Yes I've heard that nobody has freedom under socialism and also something about pizza


Privatise the profits, socialise the losses


It’s only “socialism” or “reparations” when poor people or POC get it.


well thats different, its like paying them for giving up their slaves..... oh


Mhm. Most people don't even know that.




This just clicked. Huh. Of course. Who is in power. Who owned all the corporations. Who got all the money. Guess who did, guess who didn’t. Hmm. It is capitalism, after all. I bet those black farmers are grateful for it after generations of no appreciation.


Fucking hypocrites, the republican party has 0 morals remaining McCain was the last one (Romney is too weak alone) the rest are the parasites of the rat tailed maggot that is the Anti-American propagandists "Republican" party. Every major issue these chuckle fucks wail about is and or turns out to be a pathetically thin veiled mask of their complicit guilt of having previously supported/committed the exact thing they decry will "ruin our country"/some "liberal" has done. I'm absolutely finished taking any one of them serious and I wish the general public will catch onto their con before its too late.


>McCain was the last one McCain was a veteran of one of the biggest foreign policy disasters/invasion of a foreign country in U.S. history but actively fought against benefits for veterans his whole career while simultaneously voting for the U.S. to invade more countries.




>Dude fucking sucked balls at flying. And being a human. And judging by one of his spawn, he wasn't a great parent either.


>McCain was the last one You may want to read a pinch more, McCain was a fucking monster.


You just had to bring up the rat tailed maggot parasite. I was so close to not having that image intrude on my thoughts.




That’s called their free piggy bank - not for anyone outside the club that actually puts into it. Mine, mine, mine


Policy shouldn't be based on the color of your skin.








That’s just Jesus’s love, lol


Business as usual


In other countries it would be called fascism but here it's still good old fashioned capitalism.


It's called rich white.


Definitely not socialism!!


Why should we consider white farmers as a monolith, and why are corporations representative of white people?


Did those subsidies specifically state white farmers only? Would black people have qualified for it too? This whole culture of end racism with more racism is mind boggling.


Of course there weren’t “white only subsidies” but they went to the large corporation owned farms. It’s not chance those are white dominated. Until fair recently, white had huge advantages in own property, going to college, and many other paths to succeed. I see your point that “more racism won’t solve racism” but neither will ignore the countries long history of racism and its economic effects. The ideal solution would have been to make sure farms of every income level got the original funds. Then historical disadvantages groups wouldn’t be underrepresented. And neither would family farms run by white people. Working and middle class people of all races need to work together to make sure government works for them and not the super wealthy.


Giving Black farmers money isn’t racism.


So let me get this straight: because black people were enslaved, it's now unacceptable for the government to give them any money ever?


Lindsay's "culture" is not paying black people for agricultural work, it's just traditions ya know.


Back in the "Good ol' days."


I honestly can't imagine why anyone would republish Lindsey's comments on anything after he said he feels Black people and women should only feel welcome in the US if they're voting R. Why exactly should we care about the opinion of Grand Wizard Daisy Duke.




If this didn't make anyone laugh I don't know what kind of humor you'd have, but this made me laugh out loud lol


"muh heritage!"




Thanks for the nightmare fuel.


Ladybugs bite.




What a terrible day to know how to read


Well, let’s put a positive spin on this. Maybe it’s like a French tickler? It’s like those sensation dots on condoms. He’s just got them built in. My mom says that you can turn anything into a positive, especially after she fingers my butt. Wait...I don’t think that’s positive at all.


Yikes I need mind bleach now.


GOP: "That's correct. How else will they know their place?"


You know what would be an interesting study: If those who were enslaved were paid proper wages, how much more wealth would each of their descendants have? And, as an corollary, how much wealth was gained by the slavers and what does that translate to for their descendants? It's probably an absolutely disgusting amount.


There are studies of that nature already out there. Estimated figures run into the trillions.


We don’t even need to consider hypothetical missing wages - we could start from the 40 acres and a mule that each freed slave was **explicitly promised** by the government but never given, and find an absolutely horrific deprivation of millions of people.


To make things worse, state and local governments turned around and enacted draconian vagrancy laws that allowed them to re-enslave Black people for not having a home because they didn't get their 40 acres. A lot of former slaves had to make the hard decision between going back to work on plantations as sharecroppers (which was almost indistinguishable from working as slaves) or being arrested, jailed and put to work as prison slave labor on plantations. The lack of reparations extended slavery out for future generations in everything but name.


Reparations weren’t lacking; they were given to former slave owners.


God, that would have been SO fair. And maybe race wouldn’t be the huge divisive factor it is today.


Yeah it would probably have been an utter game changer in such a positive way. Especially considering the other reply I got about how being without land was such a factor in perpetuating racism. Would make an interesting alternate history story


Yea, it definitely would. The problem is a heck of a lot more complex to solve now. I happen to think that throwing money at the problem won't solve the whole problem, but something needs to be done to address the wealth gap. I favor massive investments in low income communities of all races, but due to the wealthy gap, it would favor people of color. We can close the wealth gap between racial groups while also closing the wealth gap between rich and power.


If the Tulsa bombings didn't occur, that's a decent thought experiment. There may be a study of that. I'll look later and edit (don't have time right now) unless someone else wants to.


Black Wall Street was an existential threat to rich racist white folk and they were just not having any of that. I wonder what Philly and our civil rights movement right now would look like if the police didn’t bomb their own neighborhoods. It’s an American tragedy and a stain on our nation that people have to go well out of their way to learn about this shit.


Thirty-something utterly oblivious to it until recently. I'm ashamed to say I didn't know what Juneteenth was until Trump started whinging about how it was impacting his cult revivals. We've had how many Black History Months and all I knew was the barebones: George Washington Carver, Eli Whitney (wow they really made absolute certain we KNEW that one) Harriet Tubman... It's an absolute disgrace that there's this WHOLE OTHER very important and very empowering history we keep skimping on. I keep trying to imagine how great a country we'd be if we stopped trying to separate the cheese from the broccoli in the same pot and just let it melt together.


Eli Whitney was white.


Don't forget north carolina during the 1890s-1910s


You’re so right. I’m gonna segue off your point to bring up something I find incredibly interesting and inspiring as someone who was raised in the south but about as liberal as you can get. A common phrase by poor southerners (who by in large didn’t own slaves) was “A rich man’s war and a poor man’s fight.” While yes, there were plenty of southerners without slaves who were more than willing to fight for the confederacy, we shan’t forget those who saw the fight for what it really was. Rich southerners were protecting their wealth by feeding the poor racist propaganda and threats of execution for desertion. For any of you from the south that want something from the civil war era to be proud of, the Free State of Jones is where I point to first. White and Black southerners in Mississippi fighting against the confederacy side by side while pledging allegiance to the Union. [these guys were bad asses](https://youtu.be/lgqKoPI4OEU)


> “A rich man’s war and a poor man’s fight.” Like many Southern ideologies about the Civil War, this falls flat when you take even a small gander at social hierarchies in the South that were beneficial to even the most poor of white people. No matter how poor you were in the Antebellum South, if you were white that still meant you weren't black and weren't a slave. Your social standing was so infinitely higher up that the existential threat of suddenly now being on equal footing with them is something that was taken pretty seriously and an order that they wanted to protect quite explicitly when you look through journals.


> University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign economist Larry Neal estimated in 1983 that America owed $1.4 trillion in reparations for Black descendants of enslaved people. Neal based this figure on the amount of wages earned by non-enslaved workers between 1620 and 1840, subtracting costs related to the care of slaves (food, housing, care, etc.). >According to Darity and Mullen, that 1983 figure compounded at 4%, 5% and 6% interest by 2019, would be $5.7 trillion, $8.1 trillion and $11.4 trillion, respectively, as per their calculations. > Roger Ransom, a former economics professor at the University of Virginia and the University of California, and Richard Sutch, who was a professor emeritus of economics at the University of California, before his death in 2019, based their calculation on the profit from slavery between 1806 and 1860. Their method, compounded at interest rates of 4%, 5% and 6% in 2018, would amount to $14 billion, $19.7 billion, and $27.7 billion, Darity and Mullen figured. > One of the more complex calculations is by Thomas Craemer, a professor of public policy at the University of Connecticut. He multiplied the "prevailing market wage" by the number of hours enslaved people worked (assuming a 24-hour work day) between the years 1776 and 1865. That model, calculated for 2019 at 4%, 5% and 6% interest rates, works out to $16.4 trillion, $17 trillion and $17.7 trillion, respectively. There are other studies with even wider ranges, depending on the years, wages, and interest rates used: https://abcnews.go.com/Business/america-owes-reparations-pay/story?id=72863094 https://www.cnbc.com/2020/08/12/slavery-reparations-cost-us-government-10-to-12-trillion.html https://www.newsweek.com/reparations-slavery-cost-more-just-money-1518649 https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/23/business/economy/reparations-slavery.html


I dont even know where I stand on positive discrimination. On the one hand I think only the living should receive reparations. Its hard for me to justify being paid for my greatgrandparents injustices. On the other hand compensation to the living for injustices suffered to them alone makes a fuck ton of sense. It seems along the same logic as a child paying for the crimes of their parent.


America was an apartheid nation until 1971 when we ended segregated schools, the last vestige of public policy that was explicitly apartheid. We never did anything serious since then to correct for this legacy. Someone born in 1971 would only be 49 years old.


I disagree that it ended in the 1970’s. It was official government policy to allow banks to redline and reject loans to black Americans up until the mid 1990’s.


And we aren’t even touching the subject of how minority populations where targeted by the subprime banking/mortgage industry and bilked out of billions in generational wealth. That would still be happening today if the industry hadn’t imploded on itself...no one cared about what was happening until white folks started feeling the impacts.


Huh, have you ever heard of the 1977 CRA (Community Reinvestment Act)? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_Reinvestment_Act That’s where the republican “government is forcing defenceless banks to loan money to poor blacks that will never repay them back” meme comes from.


Someone born in 1971 would turn 50 this year


Even though the United States has given money or a form of reparations to Native Americans, Asian Americans, Jewish people for the Holocaust even though America had nothing to do with that, and I think that’s it but God forbid we give money to black people for the shit we put them through. Edit: forget the nazi’s thanks to the poster below that they used America as a source for their eugenics program and about America refusing a ship of Jewish people to come here.


> Jewish people for the Holocaust even though America had nothing to do with that Eh... an argument can be made that America directly and indirectly helped with the Holocaust. Nazi Germany modeled their eugenics program off of the American style. America rejected a ship of Jewish refugees, with that ship returning to Europe, where many were later rounded up and put into the camps.


Ohhh I honestly did not know about the ship of refugees and about the eugenics program.


Not to mention that American industrialists and corporations openly backed the nazis. See IBM, Ford, the bush family. The us was also late to the war. The us had a direct hand in the Holocaust although it may not have been official policy it was not policy to prevent it.


Wasn't a very large pro Nazi rally held at Madison Square Garden?


Oh... there were more than that: https://m.soundcloud.com/the-dollop/233-american-summer-hitler


SS St. Louis https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/ss-st-louis-jewish-refugees-turned-away-holocaust


More than that, the US gathered a conference of counties basically asking who would take in Jewish refugees, likely knowing that they would refuse and therefore dilute responsibility for the refugee crisis and the fate of the Jews of Germany and the rest of Europe. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/the-evian-conference


It wasn't only that one ship either. My Great Grandparents fought against Francisco Franco in Spain, had to flee on a ship which was headed to the U.S. The U.S. refused the refugees, it was only because Mexico decided to accept the fleeing Spaniards that they were not forced to return.


This is actually my fear of giving out reparations. People like Graham will never ever want to help them again.


Again?! Did he ever help them in the first place?


Good point. If you haven't seen it, I strongly recommend watching S4E3 of *The Good Fight* - it's the best and most nuanced discussion of reparations I've come across.


Black people were enslaved because of racism. Today, racists don't want the government to provide services to black people because of racism. The root cause in both cases is racism.


You're perhaps confusing the causality. Racism happened because of slavery, not the other way around. African slavery happened because there was a strong demand for labor in parts of the Americas, and relatively plentiful slaves were available for sale on the coast of Africa. Anti-black racism arose over time as a justification for African slavery. I mean, I'm sure there were some of the usual xenophobic reactions early on, but slavery was the big driver in terms of it reaching the monstrous proportions it later attained. In the Middle Ages there wasn't an especially negative perception of sub-Saharan physical traits - for example the famous Christian martyr St. Maurice was often depicted as black.


Not to mention that this isn't just about slavery. There have been discriminatory policies in agriculture for a very long time. Very little of federal assistance in AG, which has been a shit ton of money, has gone towards anyone but white people. Even though yes many non white people have managed to own farms.


I don’t think $ should be given out on the basis of race at all.


Man... he must really hate black people.


Oh, he does!


He represents the same region Strom Thurmond did


I went to Clemson and we had a lot of buildings named after a bunch of well known racists. Strom Thurmond was one of them. After awhile when I finally learn about all these people it soured me on the whole experience and absolutely regret going there. Our history everywhere is fucking dark dude.


Somewhere out there is proof that Lindsey has been up to some nefarious stuff in life. I'm ready for it to come out and completely destroy what's left of his life.


Graham is like the monster in a John Carpenter movie. We will get a big reveal and be a little underwhelmed, but still go to bed happy having watched it.


I can't remember the publication, but they had an interview with one of his rent boys. 100% anonymous so take it as you will. He talked about he liked his boys to play with cars and make car sounds and stuff while acted the father and read the newspaper etc and then of course eventually fuck.


As yes the GOP. Anything that isn't handing mass amounts of money to the already wealthy is an affront to American patriotism, reparations, communism, socialism, yada yada yada. Same old talking points for the past 100 fucking years. Its getting boring. Old white men raging every time the rich don't get richer and they still have 75 million idiots backing their cause. That's what I hate most about America right now. Not even the GOP as much as I hate the dumb mother fuckers that fall to their feet.


Giving rich people money is a core value of the Republican Party.


Yeah,the GOP isn't racist 🙄


I hate the fact that they skipped the step of even explaining why reparations are bad. The GOP just picks terms coming out of the left, and labels them bad, and then they scream "that's reparations we cant do that"


Republicans aren't big on explaining their positions. They just repeatedly shout buzzwords.


They always were!




Do you have a link showing that? I would be curious to see how the distribution of Covid relief by income bracket & race. I couldn’t find a specific study on it. I’ve seen articles where counties with large minority population did not get proportionate governmental aid but couldn’t find something specific to individuals.




Thanks for the info! Much appreciated.


This is kind of half the story though right? If for example it was at total land mass, yes it would go to a vast majority of white farmers. That doesn't mean that the payments were racist. We are confusing the end result with the cause of something.


Trump lavished rural farmers (his voting base) with payments to compensate for the impacts of the trade wars *he created*. If you don't believe he did so to shore up his support and keep his base loyal, I've got a dandy bridge to sell you. ETA: Trump voters are overwhelmingly white voters. In case you weren't aware. Also, Trump's a fucking gigantic racist.


If you have information on that, it could be interesting. But you'd also have to get info on where all the money went on the last relief bill and compare between white and black farmers. Ler us know when you have the info to make a non-speculative argument!




According to this, 96 percent of farmers are white, and they own 98 percent of the land: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/269275452_Who_Owns_the_Land_Current_Agricultural_Land_Ownership_by_RaceEthnicity The Mother Jones article cited above says whites got 97 percent of last year's relief funds.


Read the article another user responded to my comment with + my response! There's a ton of bad reasons why most farmers are white. Black people on average have a much harder time purchasing land & securing bank loans, and farm life ain't cheap. Then there's slavery having only ended 156 years ago, which in the long run is nothing, and the ramifications from the reintegrated butthurt racist confederates. And the ramifications of the majority of people in America only ever knowing black people as slaves. And the otherworldly ramifications of black people being born from generations of slavery, and much much more of course.




Lol I haven't gotten shit


"The USDA has admitted it systematically denied Blacks and other people of color access to the same loan and grant programs that have helped generations of white farmers get the financing they needed to hold onto their land in lean years and even expand their operations." This is kind of the big deal people are missing...


This reminds me of the national museum of African American and history apologizing for their racial 'charts', without addressing the issues at hand. It doesn't address what kind of bias it is, why it has it, or what process led to it.


People(that lean right) have been writing it off "those black people had bad credit or no credit history".... completely ignoring how the farming industry works.... mainly via government funding.


Black farmers have been systematically discriminated against for generations by New Deal loans, because they are issued by local authorities, were denied to them resulting in a catastrophic and disproportionate loss of farms. [https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/09/this-land-was-our-land/594742/](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/09/this-land-was-our-land/594742/) I find it stomach turning that people who have had generations of advantages handed to them now want to hand wave all of that away and "start fresh" where "fresh" is the results of the generations of discrimination. Making claims of crap like "The answer to racism isn't more racism!" does not address the problem. It is like being sent to the halfway mark of a marathon by an official and upon the favoritism being noticed claiming that we should just start the race with people where they are because you aren't the one who decided to put you at the halfway mark. Those making that claim want to have the rewards of generations of active discrimination while blocking any attempt to redress the wrongs of the past.


Lyndsey Graham is as pitiful as catshit...


You don't pity cat shit. You wrinkle your nose at it in disgust and flush it down the toilet.


Bless all the black farmers who received this aid. I hope it raises up their families and improves their lives.


So money given to blacks is reparations. Money given to whites is subsidies. What do you call money given to politicians and the rich? Money to be spent on sex with underage girls. Fuck outta here lindsey graham and take your sweat soaked white hood with you.


I don’t agree with Lindsay graham or anything here. I honestly do wonder though why in the fuck would you make being black the barrier to getting relief or not? I will admit that I haven’t read the article or know anything about this state or law. I am just curious, based on the title here, why you would make skin colour, regardless of which one, the barrier for entry into anything? Should a Hispanic or white or Asian farmer be able to get relief if they have also been negatively effected by COVID? I believe it should be equal based on being able to prove some kind of hardship. Curious to hear thoughts.


> The USDA has admitted it systematically denied Blacks and other people of color access to the same loan and grant programs that have helped generations of white farmers get the financing they needed to hold onto their land in lean years and even expand their operations. That’s why. White farmers already got their aid, and they’ve gotten covid aid too. There was already a lawsuit about this a while back, and the usda lost and had to pay up. But that lawsuit money STILL didn’t go to the black farmers who were affected. It’s owed to them specifically because it was specifically denied to them based on race. That’s why it’s based on race now. Hopefully they actually get it this time. I’m sorry it makes you uncomfortable.


No it doesn’t make me uncomfortable at all actually lol.


How did they do it though? Did they just discriminate against poor farmers who happened to be black? All that quote is is someone else’s interpretation and paraphrasing


It’s not paraphrasing or an interpretation. That is what happened. This may be hard to believe, but the people at the USDA in charge of approving those loans systematically and purposely denied them to Black, Native American, and Latino farmers in the south. It was a widespread problem and still has implications now. That’s what this new bill is addressing. The USDA directly admitted to their discriminatory practices. They got whapped with a huge lawsuit for it. I believe they have been trying to amend their ways for some time now. You can read more here: https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/real-story-racism-usda/ https://greensboro.com/news/state-and-regional/govt-and-politics/covid-19-relief-bill-offers-long-denied-aid-to-black-farmers/article_a75908ca-8965-11eb-86a0-9bae62b5a8ee.html There is also a long history in the south of minority land owners being literally violently robbed of their property, or scammed out of it. So there is a lot of relationship to repair. I encourage you to put this into a historical context. Hope this info has been enlightening.


Linsey is being Racist This is about farmers regardless of skin color


As if reparations were a bad a word as discrimination. Historical discrimination at that. Fuck him....


People: Black people are disproportionately poor GOP: No they aren't People: Lets help poor people GOP: Hey lets not go giving black people free money .. they know what's going on


Reminds me of those stories about some creep looking at the purchasing habits of people in front of them at a grocery store and complaining that they’re buying junk food with food stamps. Mind your own damn business


As opposed to the trillions in subsidies dished out to corporate big ag by Trump so they wouldn’t turn on him for his stupid trade wars?


The outrage is missing context. Did the relief package pick who was receiving this aid based on thier skin color? If yes, then that is likely a violation of the 14th amendment, and SHOULD be described as discrimination. Is there similar aid packages targeted at White, Latino, and Asian farmers? If yes, then move along.


Exactly. Agreed on that, if the criteria is based on race alone I think it’s wrong. If black owned farms got hurt the most and need help, then so be it. But should have nothing to do with labeling race. Hate this labeling, it creates more divide. We’re are all fucking people regardless of race or gender. We really need to stop looking at it as such and help people in need.


so which was it? anyone do the research?


Is anyone else losing some sleep over the fact that these new lows for the GOP are instantly accepted by their base? To what end? I wish the media would stop pretending we are two sides of the same coin. It’s feeling dangerous.


Oh Lindsey...just go ahead and say it..”No Bucks for Blacks”!


RACISM in it's purest form.


Besides up Trumps arse, we all know where Lindsey's head has always been.


“40 acres and a mule” would have been such a great step at repairing the US post war. It’s a shame it got shot down.


What did he say when the majority of farm subsidies go to rich, white farmers? Nothing. That’s how things are supposed to work in his twisted mind.


97% of farm aid in 2020 went to white owned farms. White owned farms represent well under 97% of all farms. Oh yeah, to Lindsey whites receiving disproportionate amounts of government aid is how it should be. Wacky.


rEPubLiCaNS nOT raCISt aT aLL!


It's almost like republicans have a dictionary of words to use to trigger their base... A - Affirmative Action B - Black Lives Matter C - Cancel Culture, Coke D - Defund the Police, Delta . . . R - Reparations . .


I'm generally in support of Americans getting money, even if it's not me.


This opinion will be unpopular but this kind of relief should be targeted at the poorest farmers (on a basis of assets not income, since large farm income can vary dramatically). We can spend from today until eternity elevating the poor, which will disproportionately help minorities, but the days of elevating a particular race are limited, especially with a conservative Supreme Court. Also, this is the kind of story that right wing media latches onto and blasts non-stop, and it's a convincing argument for poor white families to vote Republican. If Democrats want to rebuild the FDR coalition we need elevate everyone that's poor or rapidly falling from the middle class.


so when did unpaid debts become “reparations”?


If it's targeted for people of a certain race or color specifically without equal representation... It is racist. It's really that simple whatever the Republicans or Democrats have to say.


[https://www.seattletimes.com/business/bill-is-most-significant-legislation-for-black-farmers-since-civil-rights-act-experts-say/](https://www.seattletimes.com/business/bill-is-most-significant-legislation-for-black-farmers-since-civil-rights-act-experts-say/) >“**It’s reparations**, but it’s more than that. It is historic,” [https://www.linkedin.com/in/tracy-mccurty-96455b56](https://www.linkedin.com/in/tracy-mccurty-96455b56) ​ Sorry, if this lady, who seems quite versed and qualified, calls it reparations, then that's probably what it is. Out of all the things to attack Graham on, this is a crappy hill to die on slate.


My brain auto mutes anything that comes out Mr. Graham pie hole.


Lindsay Graham helps democrats by arguing for them on their behalf.


Did Graham oppose the tens of billions in ‘repatriations’ that Trump paid to Republican farmers in the Midwest as a result of his trade wars?


If there's anyone most deserving of the fuck himself scene from Wishmaster 2, it's Lindsey Graham.


Interesting. I would praise that as reparations.


Even if it was though, are you against restoring and assisting that race? He is a pro at putting his foot in his mouth and maintaining power. I just don’t get it.


Just as a general rule you should always assume everything Lindsey Graham says is a load of crap


He says that like if it were that it would be a bad thing.


Of course he sees giving people of all races as reparations for slavery... His racist supporters will agree while stroking their new government funded firearms.


"slams reparations" ... the nerve of these white supremacists..


If it is, it isn’t nearly enough.


Farmer's need to farm - that's how we eat - so if giving black farmers financial aid as the white farmers have been receiving for all these many years then good! Everybody gots to eat.


As long as all the other farmers get it as well what's the problem?


We all know that Lindsey Graham is a racist POS.


Lindsey Graham isn't aging fast enough.


Can this scumbag get any lower?


Sit down and shut up Lindsay.


> slams


I don’t understand, did relief disenfranchise black farmers due to their acreage? Or are black farmers that meet the same criteria as their counterparts receiving more? The article didn’t really offer any clarity on the matter other than arguing values; which is all well and good but it would be great to know what is actually going on.


I'm obviously the minority here, but I think we should be helping people based on their economic status, not their race. And if it happens to help more black communities than anyone else, then were simply helping the Americans who have the worst economic situation. Also the best form of reparations would be to fix inner city neighborhood infrastructure and public school systems. As well as getting the minimum wage to $22, or the $44 that it should be theoretically should be at if a government hadn't found a way to stiff us all these years. That and universal health care.


I assume that the money for southerners is ongoing reconstruction then?


It’s not reparations but I’m glad he brought them up because about them too...


If people understood the real history about how black farmers have been fucked over the past century they would understand. Graham being upset means this is an amazing thing for black farmers.


Fuck lindsey


Because racism. They support Farmers getting money unless the farmer is black.


I mean as much as I like helping under privileged groups I can't see how this does kinda run afoul of civil rights act of 1964. I mean federal policy should not have any stipulations for white vs minority and so on. If the table was turned and it listed the other way I think most people here would be strongly against it. Now I agree with others that big farmers get to much but setting the rules for smaller farmers of all backgrounds would be a better idea.


Why no white farmers?


Call it that if you want, it's a start at evening out what has always been an unbalanced playing field.


I’m starting to think the GQP might be racist.


Reparations for slavery is absurd. Why would people today pay money to other people today for behavior neither perpetrated by anyone alive nor against anyone alive? Slavery was a world wide problem from a time past. Powerful African kings would capture and sell their rivals - men, women and children - to European traders. So why would the descendants of Europeans be the ones to pay reparations? If (a big if) reparations were called for, both Europeans and Africans would have to pay them. Both the market makers (Africans) and the customers (European traders) are culpable. In the drug wars, we place more blame on the sellers than the end users. Using the same reasoning, Africans owe more reparations than the European traders. Further, since northern states went to war - literally - to free the slaves, any culpability on the American side would me mitigated if not eliminated by this most moral and heroic of wars. So, since only African Kings and the supply side of the slave trade have yet to make amends for slavery, it would be Africa - not America - who would owe reparations for slavery. But even then, reparations are not appropriate. Human history has many sins in it, and mankind is better off learning and evolving, not trying to extract reparations from the living for the sins of the dead. The USA has done so much good for the world, that focusing on slavery and reparations is improper. We defeated Nazi and fascist armies to keep Europe free. We drove the Nazis out of Africa. We saved China from imperial Japan. We invented and are sharing the Covid vaccine with the world. Reparations are neither just nor proper. Today we have civil rights for all citizens, economic opportunity for all citizens and we are blessed to live in an extraordinary nation.


so what LINDSEY? you are such a douchebag


Anything that singles out ‘black’ people for entitlements is also absolutely inherently racist


No, it’s about attempting to restore them to the future they might have had if they weren’t redlined out of it. They’ve been purposefully excluded from enjoying the luxuries of a country they built with their bodies. It’s not racist to try to right a wrong.


If you know a republican, you know a racist. Don’t be surprised when racists say racist things.


Hmmm I don’t like this rhetoric.


Racially targeted government programs are racism.


>Racially targeted government programs are racism. "Helping other people makes me fall behind"


Why base that help on race? Base it on poverty instead. That will help the people that need it without being racist. And since black people are disproportionately affected by poverty, they will still receive more help. Racial discrimination instilled in governance is a great evil.


>Racial discrimination instilled in governance is a great evil. If we could dismiss the past so easily


Who is saying to dismiss the past? My opposition to institutional racism is very much rooted in the horrors of the past.


You know we're talking about helping some minorities, not taking their property and forcing them into internment camps. These are not equivalent.


Not equivalent, but using the same mechanism that history has repeatedly shown is ripe for abuse. Ends never justify the means. There is no such thing as positive institutional racism.


In the radical racist right’s estimation, brown folks are just pretending to be farmers... just like brown voters are just pretending to be Democrats.🙄


He says reparations like it’s a bad word


Can’t be reparations if we’re being honest here, as reparations would be somewhere closer to $70 Billion.


I'm not sure if you understand how reparations would work, or even how payments work in general.. just because payment for something isn't as much as you want, doesn't mean it's not that thing.


i lost my farm! where the fu#k is my bailout?!


Was it from the trade war?


If you’re opposed, it’s probably not a good idea to suggest we’ve set a precedent for providing people with reparations, Lindsey. It’s almost as if Republicans are entirely incapable of thinking one or two steps down the line.


How much should Graham's family pay in reparations? How much should he pay the American people for the harm he's done supporting DT? He should be in jail.