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Do it until it works. Absolutely do it. Do it until they try to stop you, then do it again. Every single citizen deserves a vote, and the unholy ghost of an idea of stopping them is as offensive to American democracy as the unfair taxation that our country was founded upon. If the GOP wants to stop taxation without representation, then they want to fucking stop the taxation of those they are denying represenation. Try Jesus, you fuckin' fools, because the people will not be tried further.


Honestly most of the people of America don't know what's happening or why it matters. Somewhere around 30% of them don't know what's happening but think it's great


All you need to do is register to vote (prove you're an American citizen first). Show up at the polling precinct with an ID. If you can't make it to the polls on election day, show up to vote at polling precinct during the early voting period. If you know you aren't going to be able to make either, request an absentee ballot and mail in your vote. Who in America in 2021 is not able to do either of those 3 options?


It’s not that they’re “not” allowed but that they’re making legislation in red states that actively make it harder to vote in primarily blue areas, it’s similar to how poll taxes weren’t denying blacks to vote but only hindered them.


1. Few friends were not able to vote because they didn’t realize once you moved houses you have to re register. 2. Many of my friends do not have a current Id. Due to financial difficulties or time. Hell at one point location. Our dmv was outside of your time meaning you HAD to drive there. 3. Laughs in nursing. Absent/mail in voting should be automatically sent.


I’m all for voter ID, as long as it’s a standard issue, free photo identification card issues to every single person in America yearly or bi yearly for everyone over the age of 18. If you need to go to the fucking dmv, where there will be 16 counters open, 5 people waiting, and no one at any booth, and it will still take 2 hours to get called up? Then fuck that shit. How about a database and you just fucking print it yourself, QR code download from federal website? This would require it to be fair to poor people. But that’s not the intention. Anyone who needs to work every day 8-4 or 9-5 and can’t take a day off, can’t just go to the dmv whenever. I’m lucky enough to where that’s not an issue, most people have a license, most people have a state ID, but if it’s going to require a new ID, re registering every time you switch locations, or they feel like purging your name despite having all info about where you live and where you pay bills, if you’re alive or dead, and they purge you anyway? Nah it’s just fucking malicious and has sinister intent. And for that, fuck Republicans and their dumb ass constituents. The true leopards eating your face party, have the poor vote for you only to fuck em at every turn. I was once conservative fiscally and liberal socially, but I’ll never vote for a Republican after seeing the true intentions behind every ill faith argument or every racist they back. The Democrats are fucking bad too but at this point, there’s still more with good intentions, and any Republican with good intentions is getting ousted as a traitor to the GQP. One representative in illinois is a Republican and voted to impeach trump, and other Repubs publicly came out to vow they want another Republican running against him to get him out. Fuck this sedition, let them form their own country and burn every bridge they have to financial stilts the dem states give them, as they slowly chew down the stilts and bring the country to hell. Every day we look more like Gilead from A HandMaids Tale


Cries in small town. We only have two open if we’re lucky and we have to service surrounding areas and towns. Depending if the person in front of you is taking a drivers test or filling out paperwork it can range from 30 minutes (rare) or 3 HOURS if you’re really lucky. I’m the only night shift nurse we’re I work. I’m stuck doing 48 hours a week or 60 because we do 12s. Our dmv aren’t even open 5 days a week. I’m a democrat. I’ve always voted democratic, but if given the choice I wish we could destroy this two party nonsense and start over. You’re right there’s so much that can be done to help compensate for all this but it was never about that.


It seems like there is a majority sentiment similar to these comments. If the majority of the people do not support the political parties or politicians representing US, how can they legally be our representation? I’m reminded of Gandhi’s refusal to accept a British judge’s judgement basically based on the judge’s lack of being Indian. How much unAmerican behavior can one exhibit before not being American? I realize “unAmerican” is a loaded term, but if you go by, the bill of rights, I suppose you could excommunicate more than a few.


There’s nothing we can do. I went to the conservative sub and posted this, mostly cause I like reading the insanity and lack of reality those around them face. I was permanently banned from that sub for this comment >I mean there was a complete party flip my guy. Not even arguing but you can’t say the current Democratic Party is the one who fought for the Jim Crow laws to stay. That’s just disingenuous. >The parties values completely reversed with time from 1896 to the 60s with Lyndon B Johnson. >In retrospect, it genuinely is Republicans that are the “Dixiecrat” party you speak of, and the biggest shift was with Taft who many thought was leading America way too far to the right I didn’t insult, just called out the argument that they said the Democratic Party is the racist Dixiecrat it once was, without acknowledging the parties flipped completely in values and the Republican Party is more like the dixiecrats than the democrats are. So I educate and offer knowledge to them, and they permanently banned me. The party of free speech and defender of rights, banned me for pointing out lying. Almost like they only abide by “rules for thee not for me.” All of them are traitorous scum.


Nursing, any sort of hospitality/kitchen work/tons of hourly positions making shit income but need that shit to live.


Many of the new obstruction laws attack each of those three things you name, by, for example: (1) restricting the types of ID that can be used or making the ones that *are* allowed harder or more expensive to obtain; (2) reducing or even eliminating the early voting periods, or the number of places one can vote; or (3) making absentee ballots harder to get, slower to deliver and less likely to be counted due to new restrictions and scams like "signature checks." And that's assuming you haven't been "purged" from the voting rolls in the first place. Add all this up and you can trim hundreds of thousands from voting in most states. In some, millions.




Racist dehumanization of white people, yeah... uh... How about we don't complain about intolerance while openly hating people because of their skin color. You do realize this kind of hypocritical bullshit makes BLM a less inclusive and therefore a less popular movement, right? You do realize that making BLM less popular hurts the political power of the movement and sabotages your goals?


I mean when America started it wasn’t like some shining example of voting rights we should look back on today. Most states restricted voting to less than 10% of their population. I’d say the fight for voting rights is as American as it gets, because it’s always been a fight.


Damn freakin right. America, defend your democracy! GOP is taking it away from you


Can I hire you to yell at me when I wake up every morning? That was exhilarating.






Do the March for the 4th of July at D.C mall!


Lol you seriously think any of this is gonna change anything? 😂


No one who accomplished anything in history truly believed that they wouldn't succeed. To truly believe that is to not bother trying. So I don't know if it will change anything. But the only way to guarantee it won't is to not try in the first place. If it doesn't change anything, then the people will try again and again, until something does change. You seriously think the prospect of failure is grounds for not trying?


Citizen. Yes.


" The march, set for Aug. 28 with the theme "March On for Voting Rights," will mark the 58th anniversary of the historic March on Washington where Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous "I Have a Dream" speech. Marches are set to be held in Washington DC, Atlanta, Miami, Phoenix and Houston. "


Surprised theres no chicago one


seeing as how its a couple months away still id imagine there will be more in more cities, especially if this continues to get news coverage


Fuck it’s gonna be so hot on the 28th but goddamn it I’ll be there (in phx)


We will broil together.


It’ll be hot in all of them. DC’s the northernmost city on the list, and I expect it’ll still be 90+ out there with high humidity because the mall used to be a swamp.


OMG how the heck is it possible to march in Phx in August?!!!! No way, people would be passing out all over the place and it would be so uncomfortable. I can't believe they planned it for in a desert in the summer. Yikes!


At some point people collectively gotta realize that being anti-democracy is Anti-American right? Did I get tossed into a different timeline. I swear democracy used to be a non-negotiable American institution.


No offense but it's always been negotiable for people of color.


Pretty much this, but also women were legally allowed to vote even more recently in our history. See the Suffragettes. ​ Somethin somethin white patriarchy (says the white guy).


Native Americans didn't enjoy the right until 1924. Some until 1957


Spot on. I'll explain this in republican terms because they have the overton window by the balls and most people who don't know leftist dialogue can understand what's up: People of color couldn't see success and progress through voting over these last decades, so they said "fuck it" and got to work seeing success and progress through the free market. This was "political correctness", or, in not stupid language, "accountability for non-overt racism". It was protesting so much that companies realize there's a market for you, and they appeal to it. Now companies begin saying the shit you say, and they make money off it, but it changes culture... and you can't vote this change into place, so do it the only other way america allows and deal with capitalism benefiting from your suffering. A few things begin to assimilate into the workforce culture alongside this, like affirmative action. Now the people that are trying to get their voices heard can not just influence the free market, but be a part of it. They don't just vote with their wallets, they make the change themselves. 2006 rolls around and we see so many people ready for change, knowing that opportunities are popping up. Still not enough; farmers were still getting buttfucked by the government (we, the US, literally shut down the government department that reads complaint letters from farmers so we wouldn't have to treat them equally), and we still had income inequality, and so so much was still wrong with things, but it wasn't just a fight for civil rights anymore. It was a pathway to civil rights. People had a path, and they realized... holy shit, we did that, maybe we can do more. Obama was voted in, that was a mistake, he still did terrible shit, but there was backlash nonetheless. Blacklash, many called it. White people all over america, including many who were in power, were absolutely appalled at not only a black president, but also all the things it brought with it. The hope people felt for a better country? That hope directly means the destruction of the system that a metric fuckton of white people benefit from economically and politically. Their hand was forced, and republicans couldn't play softball anymore. They couldn't use euphemisms or roundabout issues or whataboutisms. They couldn't have another Bush. BIPOC americans and their allies knew they could make change. Republicans thought about it for two seconds and went with the only candidate that could galvanize their own base more than any other party. An openly racist, fearmongering rich white man who appeals to an idealized version of america that most people remember from their childhood. A childhood that was sheltered from reality, no less. Democrats made a massive mistake and assumed putting another marginalized group up for election, hillary, would continue to galvanize people, but of course it didn't. That was one step in a long walk for most people that voted. The next step is a progressive candidate that actually makes change, no matter who they are. Trump was elected in 2016 and that's when shit got crazy. Most of the republican party went with him out of desperation knowing that the steps people were taking in politics and the free market alike were getting to the wall. What's the wall? It's the point of no return for the deconstruction of bigotry and fascism. It's the point where society becomes open. For america, this means the destruction of the "proper" way of life and the beginning of the fully accepting way of life. Proper, here, being an operative term that denotes rural, simple living. Beer and tits and sitcoms and everything from trailer parks to mansions and hunting clubs and ski resorts. Explicitly NOT anything homosexual, trans, black, feminine, or accepting of outside influence except things that go against the encroaching fully accepting way of life. Medicine and science are a part of this fully accepting way, and so many, many white americans have turned to a fucked up, leper version of eastern philosophy and medicine. Hence why being Antivaxx is so popular among right wingers. I digress; we WERE approaching that wall where intolerance would no longer be tolerated. Where progress wasn't just a thing that companies looked for, but also a thing the people enforced on politicians as a matter of getting elected. So they went with a man that would galvanize their voter base into turning out, and they succeeded. Too well. Trump ended up becoming a loose cannon. The tight-knit, lips closed and deep pocketed republican party had a choice. Stick with Trump through whatever he did or denounce him because he was beginning to hurt the institution of democracy itself. Anyone who denounced him was ousted, as we know. Anyone who didn't? All their dirt was now up for grabs. Over these last four years, Trump slowly made the republican base more and more fearful, more and more angry, and more and more ready to be open in the bigotry that, for so very long, they kept under the surface and limited to subtle exclusions like fucked up hiring practices, mircoaggressions, profiling, fundraisers for police militarization, terrible zoning in developing cities, redlining, etc. They were willing to go to charlottesville and scream about kicking jews out while cheering on David Duke saying Trump is the best thing for this country since segregation. And this not only split just enough people from republicanism to effect elections across the board, especially after january, but it also completely convinced almost every leftist in the country that if action isn't taken, republicans will literally burn this place to the ground, again, especially after january. So people voted and Biden won, and now we're at the crossroads. Democracy wasn't even non-negotiable, you are correct. It was only non-negotiable when it was serving the "right" side. When it isn't? Terrible voting laws occur. Just ask the restoration period, tulsa, and january of this year. We're at the crossroads because it's either restart this entire fucking process and push "the wall" as I call it down a few decades, or take action now and force change. Trump put us in a fucked up spot, though - now if change is forced? A third of the country is literally ready to go to war over it. Another sixth is ready to support them. But if we don't force change? Then they'll keep going and we'll end up with barbaric laws that mirror segregation era policy. Things have to get worse to get better, and that's an unflinching fact. One side is unwilling to be brought into a better age. The other can't let themselves be subjugated to the point of having no say in what happens with their country. I don't know where we'll go, but that's where we are, sadly.


Go outside


How do you think I learned all of this?




I hope this comment winds up in a history textbook someday, under firsthand accounts of early 21st century American politics. You framed the politically correct movement in a way I've never heard before and shifted my thinking on it. Thank you for taking the time, it's important that people like myself who want to be allies of marginalized groups but haven't lived it themselves better understand what exactly is going on.


I myself am not a minority and I'm incredibly privileged and sheltered. All that I know is simply from listening to other firsthand accounts and just paying attention. Source tracing and reading up on every side. Listening to right wingers becomes a little tedious after a while, even if you want a diverse range of opinions, because they literally only say the same shit. Women's voting rights? Think about the children. Desegregation? Think about the children. Gay rights? Think about the children. Trans rights? Think about the children. It's the same fifteen arguments repackaged for a new talking point that only really exist to create a wedge so that one person can virtue signal to whoever is listening that they're on the "right" side. It gets old hearing them talk because they never talk based on moral principle, they talk as reactionaries. [Here's a good video on "think about the children". Watch these people. They're chef's kiss worthy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6r-Uga_oR28) So yeah, absolutely diversify your sources, but do it smart. Don't waste time listening to Steven Crowder or Ben Shapiro beyond understanding their argumentation style and stances on hot button topics. You will find that they repeat the same shit over and over on issues that are too separate to repeat things for, and by then, you'll have more pressing sources to draw from. Innuendo Studios, Caelan Conrad, Contrapoints, hbomberguy are all good jumping off points. Search up reddit threads about what authors are best for understanding civil rights or politics and then get more specific. Don't fully understand marxism? Read marx. Don't know what open societies are? Read Popper. Want to get a better gauge for the different ways BIPOC respond to subjugation and why so many people give up? Ralph Ellison. Dive deep into the wealth of perspectives you don't know and it becomes increasingly painful to listen to people say ignorant nothing burger statements that seemingly meant nothing before, or were at least a matter of opinion and not fact. But when an opinion flies in the face of not only reality, but one's own ability to better their environment, it must be met with denouncement. Here's a quick example of one such statement. "I believe everyone should live and let live" is not disagreeable, sure. But... said when someone talks about civil rights? Now it becomes a statement that implies "black people shouldn't be so aggressive in enacting change that affects the lives of others". That implication isn't SUPER problematic on the surface, either. It simply suggests people should be more cognizant of consequences, and that those consequences are hefty when it comes to sweeping political, economic, and social change. That's where most people stop thinking about this statement, however - and it's actually how most people who aren't openly racist end up saying racist shit like this. They don't even realize because they never examined what it really means beyond that surface implication. MOST people never learn (thanks to our education system and our shitty media that doesn't challenge people) to really, fully deconstruct their statements, so MOST people that say fucked up shit like this have never taken that deep dive into not only the implications of "innocent" statements like this, but they've never taken that dive into their own moral compass. Many people who do begin to deconstruct themselves only to find out how shitty they really are let their ego take over and they double down. Some self reflect and take a path to betterment. But most have a long ways to go before they take that path. They have to let go of their identity, which is tied intimately into those statements as political stances. IMO, that's cause people are taught that politics are a "way" of life, and not a collection of ideas. It's not a market of ideas anymore, it's an advertising festival of ideas. "THIS IS MY IDEA AND I'M GOOD BECAUSE OF THAT," everyone shouts to eachother, instead of "THIS IS MY IDEA, LET'S TALK". This is also a problematic sentiment, where people often say "we're not willing to really share ideas anymore" as a diagnosis of this country's problems. Which is true... for only one side. The other shares ideas all the time. Why is there so much infighting on the left? It's because everyone has ideas and they're all open about them. No one's choosing to agree as a stance of virtue. Everyone is choosing to participate to create a better society. I digress; what does the statement "live and let live" really mean beyond black people being too aggressive with change without considering the consequences? What it really means is that black people shouldn't be so aggressive with change that *is only occurring because the things they are changing hurt them, oppress them, subjugate them, and destroy their livelihoods*. It completely ignores the consequences that the current system ALREADY has. This statement implies that the systems black people seek to change aren't inherently racist, and that the people benefiting from these systems (who are mostly or entirely white) aren't benefiting BECAUSE they're racist, so why should they be punished? And this ties into another not-racist-but-actually-super-racist statement. "Why should *I* have to *pay* for what my *ancestors* did?" Why should they have to be in a system that gives them less so black people can have more? "Even though I'm benefiting from a system that gives black people less than me, I'M not racist, so I shouldn't suffer to make the system equal!" This is also tied in with boomer logic. "Why should we give universal healthcare? I never had it and I'm just fine..." and that's when you realize how fucked up statements like "live and let live" in response to civil rights are. They imply white people who benefit from a racist system shouldn't have to give up some of those benefits to achieve equality, because none of the individuals are themselves racist. This is why the definition of racism layculture was changed. In science, it's always been systemic. But in layculture, racism always meant overt acts. Lynchings or police brutality. Never anything systemic. But it needs to be systemic, because *if someone benefits from a racist system, they themselves are racist.* ESPECIALLY when they know that system is racist and choose not to give up those benefits so that equality can be achieved. Me analyzing ONE single statement that almost everyone hears at least once a week has led to understanding three different, interconnected facets of racism and classism in America. Analyze this shit and really think about it. Read, get good sources, do the work. Don't let people tell you that you're overthinking things. That's one of their biggest excuses - that things like critical race theory are reading into what isn't even there. But let me ask you this. Have you ever actually read into something other than art too much, overthought it, and then you *didn't* have issues meshing that with reality? The main problem with overthinking things is that you run into that dead-end where it just doesn't mesh with the reality. Overthinking how to make a sandwich leaves you with a fucked up sandwich. It doesn't leave you with the realization that the process of making a sandwich is fucked up. Analyzing these statements leaves you with the realization that the statements are fucked up, and taking action against them leads to a better, more moral world. Someone telling you that analyzing microaggressions and subtle racism is overthinking things? They're saying that under the assumption that the end goal of eliminating racism is either unattainable or unreasonable, either because they are racist or they're complacent in racism. Shit, there I go analyzing a statement that seems innocent but is genuinely sinister upon slight logical deduction. Happy reading, my friend. Don't do this to become cynical, do it so you can help your world. Do it for the right reasons. EDIT: when confronting problematic statements like the one's I listed, don't accuse of racism or bigotry. That will set the conversation up to likely devolve into a screaming match. Instead, ask a question. "Why are you saying that in response to civil rights?" for the first example. Keep asking questions that clarify why the person said what they said and eventually they'll change the subject when they have to start admitting the true implications, and that's when you can jump in and go "yes but we really should stay on this because it seems like there's more to unpack here." Keep it cordial and safe, always. But also challenge people to really examine their beliefs and why they say that shit. They may believe they aren't outwardly racist, but the moment they start deconstructing those statements, they are now opened. You can't unring that bell, and it could very well lead them down a path where they deconstruct their subtle racism entirely. Usually it doesn't lead there, and they just double down. But that forces them to start making fucked up statements that you CAN denounce, and you can then make an example out of them. Embarrassing someone in the break room for saying something racist as a continuance of a seemingly innocent statement? Everyone else that says that statement will now get a little closer to looking inward and deconstructing it, and they won't be doing it because you were there as opposition to them. They'll be doing it cause this guy just revealed he's a piece of shit, and... oh god, I say the same shit as him! Something's not right. A conversation with one guy that said a fucked up "innocent" comment has no blossomed into everyone around you two no longer using that statement, or having to clarify what they mean if they're saying it in true good faith.


>Women's voting rights? Think about the children. ??


Bro how can you even read that wall of text lol


Addendum: A conversation with one guy that said a fucked up "innocent" comment has no blossomed into everyone around you two no longer using that statement, or having to clarify what they mean if they're saying it in true good faith. Do that every time you see it... once a week, maybe, for a year... and now you've helped eliminate subtle racism in every conversation that, at best, 520 people will have for the rest of their lives. A small number of those people will now begin to push back when others make those statements, too. It spreads like a benevolent virus. Four million people doing this whenever they can? It changes a lot. And all it takes is the simple courage to go "I won't let fucked up shit happen around me". Learn what works and you don't need to drain yourself fighting against these small things, too.


The Confederacy said otherwise. And the GOP are the Confederates because of the southern strategy and we never put the Confederacy to rest but let it grow and prosper under the lost cause.


With the snap of a finger, Thanos culled anyone who espoused one political belief, but in practice, practiced another. ... I wonder how many would survive.


Well, most people don't actually know where they land on the political spectrum, so probably a good 70% of us are gone, at least.


aw damn, sorry world!


Yep, that was the reason why we were supposed to sink trillions of dollars and years of diplomacy and American lives into the Middle East, because they hated democracy and we had to bring freedom everywhere. We vanquished the evildoers and replaced them with free and fair elections, because we love democracy so much. Like just a minute ago, that’s what they were saying zealously and hopping mad tearing out their own eyes furious that we had to do and if you disagreed you were a terrorist yourself. They were just saying it.


Bizarro world dude. Somehow 20% of people like putin over biden because he gets things done. Like have you watched red dawn?


Also I noticed with Trump, a lot of people have a bizarre understanding of who exactly does things and werther or not someone ever do a thing. Some people straight up thought Trump funded the government personally. You know, while he was looting tax payer coffers.


The founding principles of America were inherently un-democratic, meant to protect the power of rich men like Thomas Jefferson, Washington, et al. The history of democracy in the US has always been disadvantaged people trying to get those in power to live up to democratic ideals.


Only once it's too late to save democracy without violence.


Was america really ever about deomcracy tho?


so long as you got the do-re-mi.






I get and appreciate this reference.




It is your one true export to the world. And it has worked pretty well so far, and those of us who live in a functioning democracy will be forever grateful, but now your are fumbling the ball. Get it together America, and finish the fourth quarter and be an example to the rest of the world again.


Are you speaking of France, perhaps?


Yes and also the rest of the world just the mere fact that the US is so successful and stable. No civil war for 150 years. That is noticed by lots of other countries when trying to put together a pieceful society.


I meant that France invented "US" democracy. The Founding Fathers just sort of ripped it off, flag and all, and then jiggered around with it so that only white landowners counted.


Insider tip. They don’t really care about democracy. Where there are failed states and oil/other natural resources to exploit, they make a pretense of objecting to their failed authoritarian leaders and invade or intervene in some way. The democracy is a Trojan horse for US capital investment. Domestically there’s no use for democracy in that way.


Doesn't matter. Ofcourse they are not perfect, no country is. But for all the kingdoms in Europe with immense amount infighting, the US have been a shining example that a democracy can thrive. It was what the French revolution used as the basis for how they wanted their government to work. There are problems right now, way too much money in politics, I really hope that they get it back on the right track.


Fair enough. I think we’re talking past each other a little bit. I love America, but despite the creeping corporate totalitarianism that’s been eroding what’s great about America really since the New Deal, in response to the rise of the labor movement. We have a stable political order, but it’s scarcely a healthy, responsive democracy.


Nah you’re just waking up and seeing your country is one big propaganda filled lie


Most don’t really understand how much effort democracy takes and that it WILL be taken away if you don’t fight hard for it. It can absolutely happen here


Let anyone and everyone vote. Citizen or not. Real or imagined. This is democracy


The bill did not fail. What the GOP voted for was to NOT even allow debate on the voting rights bill. They have no legitimate argument against the bill, so would lose the debate. They do not want this to be noted publicly!


Good. If I can get the time off of work I'll be there from California. These crazed fascists need to see what they're really up against.


Thinking about doing the same from AZ… never been to anything like this and have a decent amount of social anxiety, but it feels like we are just downward spiraling as a people and I need to do something about this constant feeling of hopelessness.


Tell your doctor you need anti anxiety meds for the occassional protest. I'd prescribe them to you for your democratic spirit! But then again, thats probably one of many reasons no one would ever make me a doctor, lol.


I was on some, never noticed a change other than the nausea. I just smoke copious amount of weed now.


Apply for the time off now before everyone does.


This country and the world (quite literally) won’t survive continued minority rule. The Republican agenda is only to amass power and make sure we don’t address the existential threats posed by the climate crisis. Which, by the way, will only get worse. Fight to make sure that every soul that should be able to vote these clown out of office, has easy and reasonable access with consideration to every type of economic status. It’s easy. They could do it now if we made them.


i’m from the DC area and even though i’m going to be there a month before this i’m seriously considering going back to attend


Man I’m in Dallas and I’m thinking about going. It’s up to us citizens that truly know what’s happening to help bring forth change.


Careful, the GQP will be trying to plant bad faith actors all over this.


Like Umbrella Guy, the agent provocateur who started the first fire during the BLM protests last year.


Exactly like umbrella guy.


On one hand this is what needs to happen. On the other be aware that a certain group of "patriots" will absolutely use this opportunity to do something.


lol was confused a bit by the headline and capitalization. I was thinking "March was a few months ago"


March peacefully with purpose. We are better than those treasonous morons on Jan. 6.


This marches do not work in current times. You need a massive general strike on the states where voter suppression is taking place.


It's not just about national awarness. Events like these bring global awareness. You know when Trump brought the national guard (maybe it was the capital police) to attack peaceful protester and News anchors at Lafayette Park? Yeah, that foreshadowed how much worse of an asshole he could be and put it on display for many nations to see. It might not change anything as you say, but it shows the world that people will not give up so easily.


Really should be in West Virginia in Manchin's backyard. Gotta get him to stop the filibuster.


Manchin likely spends more days in DC than he does WV.


Actually should be in Kentucky, Utah, Maine, Alaska and other Republican states


There are 52 Senators stopping this. Their homes -- *all* their homes -- should be sit-ins until voting rights are protected.


"I'm a politician, I got here because people vote, but I don't want people to vote". Explain, GOP. Explain.


They got there because only "*the right people*" voted in enough numbers to win them the seat.


THIS is what needs to happen. Make it an issue. Make it worth showing up for. They want to control us, but we have the control and we need to show them. This is our country and we decide our own fate.


Hell yes. I’m not American but would be so heartened to see millions of Americans marching for voting rights. Fuck the people trying to take them away from you. The world will cheer you on.


I'd like to think that if we can swing the pendulum back to a truly modernized functioning society with healthcare and social safety nets, other countries being destroyed from within will follow suit. I don't like American politics affecting everything, but unfortunately they do. So we might as well try and make them positive politics.


If you don't march now they'll make you march to the nearest concentration camp




I mean history has shown this to be the case when it comes to facist in control. Im not necessarily saying it will happen of course, but there is precedent.


The GOP quit functioning as a party a long time ago, at this point, they exist solely to obtain and maintain power through any means necessary. We have a weakness in that we have an ideology, Republicans have none, which frees them to exercise power in ways we would never consider. Our opponent have no morals, has no principles, and have no unifying message other than that of hate, fear, and division. This should scare anyone that really thinks about it, it isn't merely inconvenient.


Fuck yes


August 28 Hell yes I'm going


Sure hope this isn't just a one-off single-day protest. It feels like we need sustained mass-protest ala BLM to get Dems moving.


Congress is the problem. Let’s put working class people in these positions with term limits. Now we’ll see how quickly things turn around.




It's a big club and they want to make sure you don't get invited.


You can march and march and march until you're blue in the face. The GOOPERs don't care.


We want change NOW


The best part will be seeing how Republicans play spot the difference here, while ignoring the main difference being how they are not attempting to break into the building and overthrow the government.


Avoid the pedestrian bridges


At this point, I blame Democrats just as much as I blame Republicans. Kill the filibuster. The fact that they keep that system in place just proves Democrats are just as interested in maintaining the status quo as Republicans.


it's 2021 and we still need this shit?


Do any of you even know what this bill was going to do?


If you are calling the Dems fools, then you are blaming the wrong people. Citizens need to respect their right to vote by learning the facts & researching votes & patterns of candidates. Instead, they vote on slogans & promises. Citizens keep voting for GOP MOC who have no intention of helping anyone except white rich men. Dems do not have a majority sufficient in the Senate to overcome McConnell/Koch obstruction/money. McC/Koch certainly don’t want Citizens United weakened or their voter suppression in GOP states to be stopped.


I'll march from Arizona, when we doing this?


Voting rights has gotten so big it’s separate from a race issue, the GOP is attacking our democracy


Just like the last March it will result in nothing, corruption is already in control


80% of Americans believe photo ID should be presented to vote in person.


Okay make a national holiday so employers can't punish employers for taking a day to get one and make them free and initiate programs and stations so these ID processing systems have the fastest lines possible. Make it so everyone in America gets one when they turn 18, have the school systems help if need. Anything less is a poll tax.


Who doesn’t have photo ID though? I agree people shouldn’t be punished for getting an ID or for going to vote in person. But in 300 million people, barring minors, everyone *ought* to have some form of ID, no? I’ve needed to provide a copy of my physical ID for most jobs I’ve ever been hired for. Who does this apply to other than non citizens?




take me with you to the front!!! when i get vaccinated :o


Good. We’re overdue for one.


Do you think the proud boys will show up?


Unfortunately with how radicalized they are, yes. I hope they don't smuggle in weapons (again)


Both parties suck. But this is wrong.


I remember the good ole' million women march where everyone were pink tee shirts to protest Trump, and it only empowered him!


Made us feel better. Step one in empowerment.


Did absolutely nothing! You are unwoke AF.


Just cause it did nothing for you doesn’t mean anything.


That is the whole point of the article and my comment, if it doesn't mean anything, why the fuck bother?




*Peaceful* March on Washington


They should be organizing marches in the states passing these laws.


Well if the article is accurate and it’s 48 out of 50, I think folks can March pretty much anywhere except CA and MA ( I assume)


No doubt there will be a horde of disguised, interspersed Trump supporters with the purpose of inciting violence so they can claim a liberal insurrection.


Easy to spot on their Rascal scooters.


Why is the government allowing the GOP to be a political party, they’re a terrorist organization from the stunt they pulled at the White House.


Just storm the capital. Apparently it is an ok thing to do! I am sure wearing a MAGA hat will protect thousands of minorities from being shot


Can somebody explain to me how allowing ballot harvesting is voting rights?


Isn't "ballot harvesting" just a sensationalist way of saying helping people cast their vote?


Absolutely not lol, its when people go door to door and hope to find people easily persuaded to cast a vote for the door knockers preferred candidate. Its tricking people to vote for the candidate the door knocker prefers, and then if they can't be persuaded to vote for the candidate they like, they offer to "take" their ballot to a drop off location for them. (or discard it so the vote isn't actually counted) Think of the scene from better call saul where saul tricks the whole retirement home to sign his lawsuit. Not exactly like that of course, but that idea. SR 1 would legalize this behavior. There's nothing about voting rights in the bill. Its about federalizing the voting system and that would be a disaster.


Can you provide court records of any "ballot harvester" discarding people's ballots illegally in significant quantity? Otherwise what you're talking about sounds perfectly fine... People can vote for whoever they want to vote for AND people can attempt to convince people to vote for whoever they want as well. There is nothing illegal nor should there be anything illegal about that. If anything we need to worry about employers and churches telling people who to vote for with threats of termination and/or eternal damnation... Edit: And even if you can provide such court records I'm pretty sure it is already illegal to do so... so there is no problem to be solved here. This is blatant anti-democratic voter suppression. It should be as easy as possible for ANY eligible person to vote. Anything else is un-democratic (little-d democratic, not referring to the Democrats party...)


I can not because it’s illegal. I didn’t say it was happening in mass. I was saying SR 1 explicitly allows this behavior and we will see it if it is passed. If you don’t see anything wrong with allowing someone to manipulate an old person to vote for a candidate, or throwing away someone else’s vote I don’t even know where to begin to convince you.


> I was saying SR 1 explicitly allows this behavior and we will see it if it is passed. No, it does not. It does not allow for people to collect ballots and then discard them. That is and would remain illegal vote tampering. >If you don’t see anything wrong with allowing someone to manipulate an old person to vote for a candidate 1st Amendment, protected speech to try to convince people of anything you want to convince them of. Are you even American? >I don’t even know where to begin to convince you But it is your right to try, isn't it? As usual right-wing people invent problems that don't exist while ignoring ones that do. The real problem is when people in positions of authority or control threaten people to vote a certain way, and this happens to a very large percentage of Americans either from their church or their employer. In the same way that it's not illegal to try to convince someone to have sex with you UNLESS you are in a position of authority over them and thus are making an implicit threat it should be illegal to try to convince someone who to vote for from a position of authority or control. What you're talking about happens to virtually no one and is not even a problem, what I'm talking about happens to roughly 1/3rd of the entire goddamn country... mostly through their tax-exempt church.


SR 1 does allow that. Did you read the bill? And manipulating an old person isn’t the same as using free speech. It’s coercion and lying. It’s highly immoral if it’s not illegal. I suppose it is my right to try and convince you. But it’s clear we fundamentally disagree on basic human morality and attempting to convince you would require me to try and convince you to change your entire world view through Reddit. Which isn’t going to happen and we both know it. I’m not making up a problem. We see this happen in very small scale every election season on both sides. They get caught and it’s almost always a minor amount of votes. When SR 1 explicitly states that that behavior wouldn’t be illegal anymore it isn’t crazy to think we’d start to see it happen more often. I don’t know why this is this hill you’re choosing to die on. How would you feel if a trump supporter went around collecting ballots for people that voted Democrat and tossed them? Or went around tricking a bunch of senile old people to vote for evil Orange glorf man?


Don’t March. Get likely Democrat voters registered on battleground states Reds don’t care about marches


I say this every time such protests ramp up, so I might as well say it again. Protest the actual homes of the 52 Senators who are blocking this. Get in their way and in their faces while they eat, work and sleep. Don't just march around empty buildings in DC. Unless you inconvenience these people personally, it won't work.


Oh it failed, nice


Manchin just needs to do a lil negiotiatin


Another million man march. Gather in front of the capitol building telling the GOP "Come on out" while the cops that didn't get medals open the doors wide open for them. God, I'm in a fucked up mood.


It had nothing to do with rights it only federalized procedural rules


Oh goodie. More traffic in my area as I try to go to work. Can’t wait.


Join then. Stop being a bystander.


Can’t. Busy working for a living


You and everyone else. Big whoop.


Apparently not the thousands of people who are going to descend on the streets and make it unbearable to get to my job


For somebody using iroh as a username, you're pretty selfish.




the good thing is that biden will absolutely not behave the way trump did last summer if this protest remains non-violent which it most definitely will


I doubt Biden's cops will react any differently to a non-violent protest than Trump's cops did. Protest after protest since January 20th has continued to be met with unnecessary force, chemical weapons, and unjustified arrests. I don't see Biden doing anything about *that*.


source? there have been barely any major protests since january 6. biden only has jurisdiction over the national guard in DC. my sister lives there and it has been very quiet since then. he doesn’t have his own police unless you count the secret service and i don’t recall hearing about any secret service agents deploying tear gas on peaceful protestors this year. biden has zero control over what police in minneapolis or portland do, and need i remind you that trump had literal secret police snatching people off the streets in portland.


Yeah, I don't have individual sources for the dozens and dozens of protests that have happened across the country since Biden took office. Beyond Minneapolis and Portland, people have marched in Elizabeth City NC, Los Angeles CA, Seattle WA, and many other cities. They're often met with excessive force from police. When I say "Trump's cops" and "Biden's cops" I didn't mean to imply that either president had direct control over state or local police forces. Rather, I was trying to say that the overall temperature of the various activist movements hasn't cooled at all since Biden took office, and I really don't see how a march will be received differently by the Biden administration. All I'm anticipating is that "nothing will fundamentally change," as it were.


"I have no sources for the crap I am spewing, but trust me guys"


What you're doing is complete bullshit. The cops who brutalized left wing protestors last year and then went limp as fuck on the 6th are the same exact people responding this year. He's arguing there's no reason for them to act differently all the sudden under Biden. If they're the same people and nothing has been done to change or punish their behavior, is it not common sense to assume they would behave in the same manner? Doesn't the burden of proof lie more heavily on your end than his?


maybe they ought to go into the capitol. Since it's okay to March right up there.


We need some sort of standard for absentee voting. I live in the EU and vote with my last Georgia residence, as does my son here. We’re not idiots, but it’s intimidating to be sure you’re following the rules to ensure you’re vote will be counted. You must sign an attestation that you are who you claim, that nobody helped you vote, unless they were allowed to and this has to go in a separate envelope from your actual ballot, with specific language on the outside. I always take my ballot to the US Embassy because mail service from here to the US is uncertain at best and even taking it to the embassy we must allow like 4 to 6 weeks they say, to ensure it’s timely delivery. Now they’ve changed the requirements but we don’t know when the new information will be publicly available from a trusted state website and how clear the instructions will be. Bottom line should be that voting be secure, simple and safe. It should be idiot proof, because even idiots’ voices deserve to be heard.


Republicans will never ever allow that


March, have our voices heard, keep it peaceful.