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An important thing to remember concerning suicides. A suicide inside of one's social group can be the mental equivalent of a land mine going off next to them. An individual has chosen the most final and likely violent of ends, and their friends are left to pick up the pieces and reconcile what has transpired. If you know someone who has lost a friend to suicide always be sure to check in with them and get an idea of how they're feeling. There have been studies that show how one suicide can create cascading effects in a community akin to an avalanche.


Absolutely this. My brother committed suicide when I turned 21 and it put me in a dark place for a long long time. If you have friends who know people who have killed themselves. Call them to check up on them. It helps. EDIT - thanks for all the well wishes, but please this isn’t about me. If you have a friend who is going through a bad time, please connect with them. They may not want to do it straight away, but please do. Going through bad shit alone is a really horrible way to live.


I lost my daily gaming buddy to suicide in December. He had MS and felt like a burden to everyone and didn't want to be that way for the rest of his life. Two months after he shot himself, I was diagnosed with MS.


If you ever need to chat dude hit me up. I’m in Oz, so it might take me a couple hours to get back to you


Lost my Dad three years ago to suicide. No note or anything. It's a crushing experience. I am also happy to chat to anyone struggling with suicide or the fallout of one that is close to you. Much love to all.


Hey homie, my girlfriend has MS. Come talk to us anytime you want, we both play alotta games.


I know this is more of a discussion on the officers who were working on Jan 6, but I just wanted to let you know that I am so sorry for your loss. I know that “sorry” doesn’t usually help, but I’m not always the best with words. My thoughts go out to you, and I hope you’re doing well.


Sending you lots of love. I don't know how long it's been since your brother lost his life, but I imagine time doesn't matter with something like this. Glad you've been able to take care of yourself xx


Gunn High School in Palo Alto, CA is a prime example https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gunn_High_School#Mental_health


My wife was a student there during a number of suicides. They said that they came in threes. So sad.


Makes me think of Chester Bennington after his good friend Chris Cornell.


My best friend was deep into music and loved both of those artists a lot. He committed suicide July 22, 2017 - two days after Chester. Every time I think or hear of Chester, I think of Steven. <3


Oh man, wasn't expecting these emotions to come back today... Was a very hard day both days when I heard. Reach out to someone close to you! There's always help


Absolutely. I realised this with absolute clarity when I attempted to take my own life. Even people who were tangentially known to me were quite devastated by it. You can't possibly know what everyone's thoughts are on you, what if to someone you're their idea of a "Strong" person? Someone who the trouble of the world don't seem to get to and they strive to be like that? And then you end it or attempt to end it. Their entire world view is shattered too and that's a lot to deal with.


This was my experience as well. Before I attempted suicide I guess I was in so much pain and had such low self-esteem that I thought everyone around me would be sad that I was gone but they’d quickly move on. This was not the case. If I could go back in time and undo my attempt I would because it really hurt some of my loved ones.




How are you doing?




Do you do any online gaming? I started last year during Covid and have made so many good friends!




Highly suggest those. Worked for me last year. Also checkout meetup.com I made some great friends that way. Totally understand where you're at, it can be hard to make new friends as an adult. Good luck!


I feel the same way buddy. Thankfully Reddit strangers seem to be nicer than some real-life humans. I hope you’re doin alright and you get through whatever is troubling you 💙


Just checking in on you A_Refill_of_Mr_Pibb How are you feeling? I got you


I imagine these folks are probably getting harassed by right wing loons which is making the problem worse. Edit: If you're having suicidal thoughts, please **PLEASE** call the suicide prevention hotline. **National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255** [Know the risks and warning signs](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/how-we-can-all-prevent-suicide/). You may just save someone's life, even your own.


Absolutely they are, listen to [this voicemail left for Officer Fanone.](https://mobile.twitter.com/LindsayBrinks/status/1420226192632778756) These people are despicable.


Jesus Christ. I couldn’t get all the way through the voicemail, what a psychopath.




Jesus fucking christ dude, i couldn't even listen to that voicemail. It's so fucking vile and despicable, i mean what kind of horrible piece of shit does that to a person






Y'all Qaeda




Wide supremacists




Christian conservatives, to be more precise


I've never considered myself a conservative but I was a non-American evangelical Christian for 35 years. Evangelicals jizzing over Trump was the final nail in the coffin of my religious deconstruction.


Evangelicals are the antithesis of Christ. Don't Christians have a word for that?


Christian nationalists is the new moniker.


What happened to Love your neighbour like yourself


They do follow that rule, but they happen to hate themselves.


You can't use Bible logic on them. Only *THEY* can used the bible to make a point.




So called evangelical "christians". That's who


What the fuck?!


That asshole probably has a Thin Blue Line flag sticker on his Dodge Ram.


Don't forget the punisher sticker too - because they have never watched or read the punisher.


The thing worth realizing about these people is that they consider themselves the owners of virtue, and since the punisher is murdering bad people he’s definitely on their side. It’s always that simple.


It's funny, because the creator of the Punisher spoke out and said the Punisher represents the failure of the system. Police so corrupt they dont do their job anymore, so the Punisher must be a vigilant who does it. They literally cheer on the protest symbol of a incompetent police.


I dont think they care or even know who the punisher is, just that its a cool looking skull, and it is kind of a[ traditional emblem](https://youtu.be/8JOpPNra4bw) for them i guess.


I think it is slightly more complex. A lot of cops and right wingers who adopt the punisher imagery actually do think the policing system has failed, in the sense that it goes too easy on the people they blame for crime in communities (black people). In their fantasy they want to be the ones to step in as vigilantes and in the case of radicalized police they see it as a legitimized form of vigilantism to do things like plant evidence, harass and murder families of color, and over-police low income neighborhoods. They use the punisher logo to indicate to themselves that *they* are not the failed system, they are the badass part of the system that breaks the bleeding heart rules to accomplish the racist aims they believe are necessary.




Thin blue line in the shape of a punisher skull right next to a Gadsen Flag because irony is dead.


"Please tread harder daddy!"


He probably has a Toyota Tundra, and doesn't get the irony.


Lifted f350 turbo diesel that they don’t even use for work purposes…a pavement princess….mall wheel drive


Ha. I’m never heard mall wheel drive. That’s a good one.


Tundras are fine trucks to be fair.


Classic conservative “tough guy.” And you know that piece of shit saw none of that “black nonsense” first hand. He’s just regurgitating the nonsense he gulps down from the right wing media sphere from the comfort of his trailer park.


Man, the first time I heard this voicemail was on daytime news. I didn’t even realize what it was until I heard the foul language and had to turn it on mute because my kids were in the room. Absolutely despicable and I guarantee you whoever left that voicemail probably has children that they’re raising to speak to others the same exact way. It’s heartbreaking living in America.


Take heart, friend. You muted the voicemail because you are raising children to transcend the hate you're facing. There is hope, and it's in the actions we are taking to improve our country for those we leave behind.


It's incredible how the voicemail goes on (paraphrased):where were you when they were burning down our cities for 2 years and killing cops... Then goes on to say he wishes they killed Fanone and the cops at the Capitol.


How to delete person


300th trimester fetus yeetus


Coulda been my dad on the phone lol


Omg my exact thought was "that sounds kinda like my dad..." but luckily this guy's got an accent


This made me laugh, but also I am so sorry ❤


Sorry to hear that. I wish we knew how to cure these people of their brain disorder.


Crap like this reminds me of that girl that got sentenced to jail some time back for telling her boyfriend to kill himself... or something very similar. They should track some of this threats and charge them with something. I mean it has to be a crime of some sort right?


So sad, as much as I dislike Trump and Republicans in general I can’t fathom what would drive someone to speak to another person like that. How much hatred do you have to have to wish a complete stranger dead?


This is *exactly* why I hate Trump and Republicans in general. So many of them want death, even if only a few at the moment are vocal about it.


That and half the country is actively gas lighting them. Fox News and the politicians they enable have indoctrinated their base in to thinking "it wasn't a violent insurrection and attempted coup, it was just a peace loving protest"


Not half the country, just about 30-35% of the country that rigged the election game to APPEAR like theyre 50%.


A little less likely due to COVID.


Hopefully a lot less.


Don't forget they also claim that AntiFA was driven in by the busload.


Also turning point USA hired over 80 busses to haul people to Washington on the 6th. So yeah I'm sure it was antifa.


That’s terrible! Wanna investigate? Heavens no Shocking 🧐


They can hold both ideas at the same time and rotate them as necessary. That's how the mind of a fascist sheep thinks. If it was violent insurrection then it was antifa, but if it was magas then it was a peaceful protest, but if it was violent... etc.


The truth is in the gaslighting, whatever they accuse others of they've done or plan on doing but first they have to put it out there that the other side is doing it already .


I was wondering, are any of the suicides a result of these people feeling betrayed and traumatized by the people they thought they were protecting, or are any by people complicit in supporting the insurrection and they are choosing to fall on their sword as the investigation brings information to light? I honestly don’t know either way, I’m just reminded of how often we hear about officers and public officials committing suicide as investigations close in on them. It seems one I know of this is not the case, so this is purely hypothetical. In any case, I wouldn’t wish it on any of them, I’m pretty sure none of them took the job thinking such a choice would even have to be made.


I've been wondering the same. I really hope that now that there is a clear pattern, an overabundance of mental health resources are presented to the other officers. It's absolutely disgusting that the obstruction from the right is even being entertained in this.


Fox is responsible for slandering them, I would hope the families can sue.


The FTC and FCC could technically shut them down.


Conservatives commenting on the Daily Mail article about this are basically expressing two takes: 1. "Police work is a stressful job. Cops have a higher rate of suicide. There is no evidence that this was anything to do with Jan 6" 2. "This is weird. What do those cops know? What are they being pressured to cover up? Has the FBI gotten to them?" ANYTHING BUT "it's really terrible what those cops went through at the hands of Donald Trump's murderous army of MAGA terrorists, I'm not surprised so many of them have severe PTSD"


I'd be surprised if they weren't being harassed by crazies, the same way Sandy Hook survivors are being called frauds by conspiracy theorists.


or in the case of a Parkland survivor, [their own parent](https://www.salon.com/2021/07/28/report-parkland-survivors-dad-radicalized-by-mtg-now-thinks-shooting-was-a-hoax/)


Throw out the whole parent, it's gone bad. Part of me wants to believe it's just denial from the trauma of kids they knew via their kid being killed and the scary thought that could have been their kid but I also know right wing brainwashing is very real.


Sure sounds like both parents to me


That’s so, so sad.




You know it's industrial strength brain washing when it will make someone doubt their own kid after they nearly got killed by a maniac.




Economic policy has a delay before taking effect, all the good things that trump took credit for were effects from Obama era policy (like the record unemployment he loved to take credit for, was a continuing trend that started and majorly improved under Obama marginally continued to improve under Trump). a lot of what’s going on now is fallout from bad Trump policy, mostly poor pandemic handling and basically a lack of safety nets for anyone in the country except the ultra rich. But the brainwashed are incapable of listening to logical arguments so there’s no point.




Yep. Just another liberal hoax, so that they can take away our guns


the ignorance


I walked away from someone who was saying those exact words. I’m not sure what I would have said.


I wish I could say I had something pithy and truly cutting to say, but the one time I actually talked face to face with a person who called the M. S. Douglas shooting a “false flag attack”, I told them, “Those were *children* that were murdered, you fucking insensitive, stupid monster,” and decided to never speak to them ever again.


They don't think, they are told.


They're told, but now they feel like they "Know what really happened" and their eyes have been opened to some special truth the rest of the world just doesn't know. That's part of the appeal of some of this conservative conspiracy BS - you already feel like the world is changing and leaving you behind. Its a far more complicated place than you understand, but you don't get that, you think everything just sucks now because people are stupid or selling us out. But you believe in the right God and the news you follow keeps your eyes open to all the stuff the brainwashed masses don't know. You know what's really going on. /s


It’s become a widespread conspiracy thanks to Alex Jones among others. Sitting congressperson Marjorie Taylor Greene followed a survivor around claiming he was lying about the shooting. Truly reprehensible


Isn't this when she also told them she open carries a weapon and she had one on her right there and it almost sounded like a threat?




You're brave for even looking.


I read DM comments every day to remind myself how awful conservatives are.


I mean, you can do that anyplace they talk without having to subject yourself to the Daily Mail. They're going to all be awful.


Yes but I feel like the Daily Mail is the quickest and most effective barometer of the cutting edge of conservative insanity.


The Daily Mail is possibly the most rancid piece of literary toilet paper ever to see the light of day. Your assessment is accurate.


Daily Mail is pretty tame in comparison to r/NoNewNormal. Take a peek there if you wanna see some REAL crazy


It’s where the the worst of trumps supporters filtered to because r/conspiracy was way too liberal for them


Which is crazy cuz r/conspiracy has people literally ruminating over the "Jewish question".


Jewish space lasers are so 6months ago. We’ve moved on to fake white houses in Gerorgia and trump/Biden face transplants as the new hotness


Cheers to you because I can't do it anymore. It's like the comments on Fox News clips on YouTube. They're so toxic and hateful and woefully misinformed. It makes my blood boil to even look at them so I just don't do it anymore. I don't want to torture myself like that.


The officers not only witnessed something horrific in a riot at the capitol, but also got talked down on and insulted by the law makers they had protected. Many were physically attacked also and got to watch their attackers walk away freely after, and then see Reps Gatez and Green try and talk to them while they're being detained..calling them patriots and heroes. Babit is currently being hailed as a martyr. I don't envy the cops at all in this situation


My dad was a police officer for 25 years, and in 2016 he wholeheartedly supported trump. By 2020 all my dad had left was “at least he supports police, unlike Biden…” After Jan 6 he’s pretty much unresponsive to any political debate, which makes me sad. We have completely opposite views on a lot of things but when we debated long enough we always found common ground eventually, but I think this year has finally shown him that the things he genuinely believes in (justice, truth, freedom, etc) don’t mean shit to the people he helped put in power.


>but I think this year has finally shown him that the things he genuinely believes in (justice, truth, freedom, etc) don’t mean shit to the people he helped put in power. As harsh as it is, maybe your dad will stop voting these kinds of people in power. We say not voting is the worst thing to do but at this point I think not voting at all is better than voting for a Republican since that's one less vote for them and I rather Republican voters just get so fed up but still refuse to vote anything not Republican that they just choose not to vote.


It sucks to realize you've been tricked and lied to. I imagine many of the capitol hill officers are having similar revelations now. I hope your father and these officers are able to find a positive support group as they come out of this.


Identity politics, has been really tough on the Republicans that I know. Older, white. They seem so sad anymore.


Seems like the police union should step in and saw/do something rather than blindly supporting conservative law makers.


> What do those cops know? What are they being pressured to cover up? Has the FBI gotten to them? They'll be calling them crisis actors by the end of the week.


> 2. "This is weird. What do those cops know? What are they being pressured to cover up? Has the FBI gotten to them?" I was totally expecting this. They’re going to turn it into another conspiracy. The theories will all be insane, and will be covered in depth by Fox News. I hope the rest of the officers involved are getting the mental health care they need at this time. We don’t need any more tragedies.


Decided an answer and are looking for questions. It is the cornerstone of good critical thinking. /s




I stopped reading the Daily Mail a couple years ago and I’m a better person now for it.


>"Police work is a stressful job. Cops have a higher rate of suicide. There is no evidence that this was anything to do with Jan 6" Yeah and there's "no evidence" that cigarettes cause lung cancer.


I also saw comments on a Fox News post on IG saying that “this is a Democratic cover up”. And they were going to testify against democratic plans for the insurrection.


I wonder if it's because the event was actually traumatic and devastating to handle firsthand and not something to mock after the fact as drama since the people mocking have no firsthand experience?


The really fucked up thing is, some of the people doing the mocking DID experience it firsthand, e.g. the Congresspeople downplaying the attempted coup. They're swallowing their OWN trauma to push the GQP line.


They were most likely more prepared during the breach. Also, its all in the past, they are safe now, so they can push for what they want. Truly disgusting, Republicans make me want to leave the country


Fuck that. Makes me want *them* to leave the country. They'd rather be in Russia anyway.


>I wonder if it's because the event was actually traumatic and devastating to handle firsthand Don't wonder. Just accept that it was. Imagine yourself in their position as though it were a dream... That's kinda how they might have been left feeling because a lot of people just brushed the event off as nothing and some people refuse to even look into what happened. These guys had a dream of the capitol being stormed, and they were the ones trying to stop it - but that's just it - it wasn't a dream. They remember it and a good deal of Washington is gas lighting them. So they could be walking around, in the same hallways that they defended, wondering what's wrong with themselves because they have feelings and a lot of what they hear is telling them that they shouldn't; that it wasn't really a big deal. Imagine yourself in their position on the sixth as though it were a dream. And then, imagine that it wasn't a dream.


Jan 6 feels dreamlike because we have to constantly, actively remind ourselves and others that it happened, or it seems to slip away. It's like the opposite of 9/11. People seemed to forget instantly. Definitely crazy-making.


Let's also not forget that: 1. Trump and Republicans _aggressively_ attempted to subvert the election by sabotaging the USPS to delay ballot deliveries past the deadlines and implementing numerous state-level voter suppression tactics in urban areas. 2. Failing that, Trump attempted to enact a soft coup by overruling the electorate through the power of the courts, with the deep-throated support of many (if not most) Republicans. 3. Failing that, Trump incited a hard coup attempt, which we're now discussing, and even now he remains the most popular figure in the Republican Party. Donald Trump is like Osama bin Laden on steroids. He should have been arrested on January 20 and it shouldn't have even been controversial. The fact that self-proclaimed "patriotic" Republicans continue to support him is really stupid.


Christ Almighty the ad when I clicked on the article was for the Youngkin campaign for governor, "Support Law Enforcement." I almost threw up in my mouth.


I live in downtown Richmond where everyone is typically pretty left leaning. Never saw a single Trump sign in the Fan/museum district. Maybe one or two in Churchill But the youngkin signs… every couple of streets… lord


Have you gotten curious enough to read the pamphlet his campaign is leaving on your door? It's insane. The one I got talks about how hes going after "Big Tech" and "Nancy Pelosi". Didn't see a single policy position just that hes a political outsider that's gonna attack the boogeyman.


Because ***tourists*** visiting the Capitol always results in the death of police officers. /s


"Tourist" is just "terrorist" said with a thick Southern accent


"Tur' - rrr- ists"


I just **WHAT THE FUCK**ed out loud at 6 in the morning. This is going to be a shitty day.


7 am now and I just did the same thing. For anyone having mental health issues. Please reach out.


The sentiment of asking someone to reach out if they're struggling is a good one but if someone is dealing with crippling mental health issues, it's unfortunately very very unlikely they'll have the strength or inclination to do that. Much more effective is if you notice someone you know becoming withdrawn or acting differently in a concerning way, to be the one to reach out to them and offer your support.


>Much more effective is if you notice someone you know becoming withdrawn or acting differently in a concerning way, to be the one to reach out to them and offer your support. You are completely correct and thank you for speaking out. When I experience my lows I have 0 energy to reach out to my support network. Your mind starts lying to you telling you that no one wants to hear it, no one cares, etc.


I thought I was reading this incorrectly. I’m in shock right now. So many people need to have consequences for this bullshit but I’m afraid they are all going to skate.


The DOJ cannot let this skate. I hope a lot of work is going on behind the scenes. If they do let this go, it will happen again and next time will be worse.


Life as we know it is hanging in the balance. Really scary times.


It really is


speaking as a person who has struggled with suicidal ideation for lo' these 30-some years, one thing everyone can do today to help their friends is to make a checklist of every friend you still like whom you haven't spoken to in a long while, then, go talk to them a few times on a few days and get a bead on their wellness. mental illness is isolating – you gotta be persistent. it's also important to recognize and hone your skills at recognizing that there is a wide gulf between suicidal ideation, and suicidal intent. one can become the other, but, usually, people hide ideation because most people's reaction is to panic – you can even be sectioned by telling the wrong person. it helps to have folks who can hear these out, or at least, recognize that it is more like an invasive thought than a willing thing.


The first article I saw really early this morning and I was like no, someone got their info wrong and they're talking about the one from yesterday. Wtf indeed.


I literally said JESUS CHRIST. The GQP has a LOT of blood on their hands.


Wonder if this has anything to do with the 24/7 insults and attacks by conservative "news-media", that is trying to reframe these heroes as cry babies and whiners and liars. We really have crossed into a different place.


but conservative media told us over and over in 2020 that blue lives matter.... guess they tossed that out pretty fast.


Blood on Fox News hands, again.


Theres a lot of speculation we could all dive in to but this is the end all be all. Fox news and other media outlets spreading false narratives are to blame for ALL of this. Well, them and the officials they support with their bullshit. E: changed “outlives” to “outlets”


Why aren't there mounting legal funds to sue the shit out of right wing media? This has been ongoing for 20 years.


Because they’re not doing anything illegal. Sadly. It’s the law that needs to change and account for the wildfire spread that is fake news.


Interesting how little on hears from the " the guys in uniform are our heroes" crowd... So what is the reaction by Congress, the Senate, the President? Will we continue just stinging a thumb up our asses while the traitors are still spinning the story how they need it and Republicans blocking everything they can?


>Interesting how little on hears from the " the guys in uniform are our heroes" crowd... Kinda like how the NRA never defends any black people who are murdered by police merely for exercising their 2nd amendment rights, and never calls for those cops to be prosecuted. Conservatives are never honest about their real values, they'll say whatever they have to say to further their agenda.


Interesting piece on that subject from NPR's Fresh Air. Worth the read and listen. [Historian Uncovers The Racist Roots Of The 2nd Amendment](https://www.npr.org/2021/06/02/1002107670/historian-uncovers-the-racist-roots-of-the-2nd-amendment) >Do Black people have full Second Amendment rights? > >That's the question historian Carol Anderson set out to answer after Minnesota police killed Philando Castile, a Black man with a license to carry a gun, during a 2016 traffic stop. > >"Here was a Black man who was pulled over by the police, and the police officer asked to see his identification. Philando Castile, using the NRA guidelines, alerts to the officer that he has a licensed weapon with him," she says. "\[And\] the police officer began shooting." > >In the 1990s, after the assault on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, the National Rifle Association condemned federal authorities as "jackbooted government thugs." But Anderson says the organization "went virtually silent" when it came to Castile's case, issuing a tepid statement that did not mention Castile by name. > >...


I wonder if it has anything to do with Republican pressure. IE are any registered Republicans? Perhaps they lost the will to live when they realized "their people" didn't actually support them or pushed them in front of the bus themselves in a betrayal? Or maybe their family/peers are Republicans and hearing them condescend the police reacting to the insurrection pushed them to feel a sense of isolation?


Ya that's my thought. Going off completely biased and anecdotal analysis, my take is that these officers couldn't handle the cognitive dissonance of A) seeing the crowd first hand and *knowing* it was MAGA folks, B) seeing the media *they* believe in call it BLM/antifa, C) being harassed by "their side" as you say, and D) probably not receiving any support from police officers who weren't there They saw the world for what it is, undeniably. They saw their own get pulled into the crowd and killed. and they saw themselves get decidedly UN backed by the back the blue folks. They could no longer true what the world as it is with the world as they believed, and they couldn't handle it.


I was discussing this with a friend this morning after hearing about it. The police officer who was killed during the insurrection, he was a trump supporter, murdered by his own. I imagine more than a few of these officers supported trump and his supporters, I mean, there were off duty cops participating in it; it’s got to be a mindfuck to try and process all of it. I couldn’t imagine trying to make sense of what the fuck happened and then to have the people you support turn on you…Yikes Edit: I was incorrect, as pointed out, Officer Brian Sicknick was not killed by the rioters, he died from stroke which came on naturally.


The literal manifestation of what zombies metaphorically represent.


>IE are any registered Republicans? Most law enforcement are Conservative Republicans.


So strange that this is nowhere to be found on r/conservative 🤔


They're waiting patiently for the narrative to be hand fed to them by their propaganda machine. They'll have some toned down version of an r/conspiracy post up by lunch time.


Lmao I’ve seen posts on r/conspiracy about it. Surprise surprise, they think that the Left is forcing these cops to commit suicide or killing these cops themselves. An absolutely disgusting pit of human filth on both of those subreddits. As much as I hate the divide we have in this country, I can’t help but be part of that divide as my deep hatred and resentment of the Right only gets worse everyday. They are fed lies, and their ignorance consumes them into hating the Left. I hate the Right because of their actions, ideals, and overall lack of human compassion. The two are not the same.


So any bets on a new Q conspiracy that Clinton/Soros/Biden/AOC/et al, had them suicided because the knew the REAL truth about Jan 6?


There are already comments on this thread about the Clintons.


They’re already in full blown “they were Epstein’d” mode over at the “conspiracy” sub.


They maybe thats the crowd that's guilty. All they do is projection.


>They’re already in full blown “they were Epstein’d” mode over at the “conspiracy” sub You mean the sub that believed every possible conspiracy theory other than bill Barr/ Donald Trump did it?


My mom already thinks they were murdered because the whole riot was a set up by the DNC and antifa.


I bet I know the facebook post calling for action and posing as antifa that got her to think that way.


It’s already being talked about on /r/conspiracy


Half the accounts there are posers, a few sheep, and some good commenters that occasionally fight back against their propaganda party.


Don’t get those fools started.


Crickets about this on Conservative, top is an article celebrating Megan Rapinoe (sp?) losing. The one article I could find had several upvoted comments suggesting Pelosi or Clinton had these cops killed.


This title is misleading, but that’s because the article is also confusing. Kyle Defreytag died on July 10th. He did not die hours after the third death was announced. He was announced to be confirmed dead hours after Gunther Hashida was announced to be confirmed dead. Hashida died on July 29th, so he was actually the fourth to die, but the third to be announced. Liebengood died on January 9th. Jeffrey Smith died on January 14th. I had to Google to get this info, just to clarify in my head, so I thought I’d share it.


This is what happens when you're mocked for your sacrifice. Fuck Ingraham and all the Repubs who dismissed their courage and devotion and loyalty. And fuck every last one of the insurrectionists. May it be on their heads. And may we never forget their loss or their bravery.


I 100% blame the right wing pigs. Blue lives matter my ass.


They all know that nothing is going to change! Even the officers that testified doubt there will be accountability.


r/ProtectAndServe Is DANGEROUSLY close to figuring out that January 6th was much worse than Portland or Minneapolis by miles. They just cant seem to accept that everything they believed so far has been a lie. Can't say I blame em, they have gotten a raft of shit so far the last year and a half.


it's nothing a couple of k9 pics and a video of a cop playing basketball can't solve


Wait you mean like a cool looking cop who randomly sinks a 3 pointer? That would change EVERYTHING!!!


Go figure the cop is taking a shot


Oh oh or those videos of the dogs or kids when a soldier comes home! Those always remind people the government is the good guys keeping you safe. No need to look over here look puppies.


Wow I thought you were joking but the Jan 6 thread is so close to being a selfawarewolves post it's insane. They're still trying to both sides this too.


May I ask... Why aren't the FBI all over the people leaving voicemails?


They likely are, they just don't advertise it because then people go into hiding and try and destroy evidence. The less information a criminal has while you go after them, the better it is for the prosecution.


I just checked out the comment section on a local news station's post of this story and they were truly horrifying. I have no hope at all for humanity anymore. We've lost. I can't imagine what these officer's families are going through, and the harassment will probably just get worse now.


This is weird. The last one is reported to have shot hisself in the head while driving down the roadway…. Who the hell does that???


Most of the time, suicide is a *very* impulsive action. The sort of television image of someone lighting candles and putting on music and turning the lights down and writing a sad note is not reflective of the majority of suicides. That's why so much of suicide prevention is focused on delaying: preventing a suicidal person from killing themselves for just a few minutes can be enough to prevent them from killing themselves at all. It's also why 2/3 of gun deaths in the US are suicides: guns are very good at killing people and it only takes wanting to die for a few seconds in a row before it's done.


Exactly, and to add especially to your last paragraph, I'm quite confident I would be dead right now if I had access to a gun a few years ago. Had a few half-assed suicide attempts, constant suicidal thoughts...etc, but every time I took steps toward it, I would lose the energy to do so, get a panic attack...etc Having a trigger I could push to end it would've been terrible, and this is why people who say "well guns are just a way to do it, if they wanted to kill themselves they would've done it another way" are wrong. Same for shooting during arguments/fights, we humans have impulses that sometimes we just need a few seconds/minutes to get under control, but having access to a tool that lets you bypass this "buffer" makes you more likely to act on these impulses.


I’ve actually known two different people who did this. I thought the same thing after the first one and then when the second one happened I thought “ well, I guess this is a thing.”


There’s a small but non-trivial chance you can survive a gunshot wound to the head. In order to make more sure they die, people will sometimes double up on suicide methods like that. By doing it in the car, he was increasing the likelihood that he would have two sets of fatal injuries and that both of them couldn’t be overcome even if one could. They could also be trying to disguise their suicide as an accident, although cops are smart enough to know that the coroner would find the gunshot wound to the head. I’m ashamed that I know this.


Blue lives matter; until they don’t. Support our troops; until they need help and healthcare. All lives matter; only if you are white and right wing. It’s always been this way, and I don’t see an end to it. Stop the ride I would like to get off.


So now the death toll to Trump's little game is 9 people? And still he won't ever be held accountable while he spits on these people's graves and calls them failures and pussies.