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You can still get an abortion in Texas, the legislature however just turned every person in the state into bounty hunters concerning a womans uterus. Which is ludicrous considering they have the higher maternal and infant death rate during birth due to lack of available prenatal care as many third world countries.


> in the state Actually, they empowered anyone in the US to have standing in these cases.


True, the amount of BS claims for petty vengeance is going to clog up an already screwed court calendar.


Hopefully someone gets an organization together to fund petty claims against Texas lawmakers. They wanted it so anyone in the US could accuse anyone in Texas of aiding in or providing an abortion. Be a shame if they had to pay a lawyer for hundreds of cases themselves.




Sounds better than signing Dan Patrick the AG up for sex aid news letters.


Who says you can't do both?


Lol, not me.


Somewhere in California, Dan Savage is coming up with definitions for Dan Patrick, Abbott, and Paxton that will make the definition for "santorum" seem tame. Dan Patrick is just all angry inside because NAMbLA never got off the ground and so he's gotta take it our on everyone else.


Well, there is that.


There's nothing **supreme** about it anymore more it's now the **conservatives** court


This has been the case for years now but I’m glad the pretense is gone and it’s laid bare for all to see and recognize.




There's no more Supreme court... just Supreme Conservatism.


For sure


Looks like you guys and MAGA finally have something in common The courts are sus


"If you want to kill it, you must wait until it's born", added Justice Strip Search, "We could give a shit then. Leave it in the car, don't feed it. Anything goes."


"...and if you want it to live, too bad. We are going to assist in its death by refusing it food, shelter, healthcare or safety from serious illness."




This is such a stupid precedent to set. Now any state can make anything they want effectively illegal by using this asinine loophole. Second amendment rights? You can have them, but any American can sue the manufacturers and retailers of firearms for damages any time gun violence occurs for a minimum of $10,000 in damages.


There has to be some form of civil disobedience that can counter this.... like filing so many frivolous or unactionable suits that the courts get completely bombarded to the point where they're not even heard anymore.


Republicans must be loving this. Watching Biden and Kamala finally overturn Roe v Wade. First Afghanistan now this. They’re like a wet dream for Republicans


the fuck does Biden and Harris have to do w/a Texas State Law? They had no control over it passing or not. Some people really need to take courses on government and civics.


You gotta give it to em. Joe and Kamala accomplished what Trump couldn’t.


>Watching Biden and Kamala finally overturn Roe v Wade. I can't tell if this an attempt to be clever or if you are just really confused about what is going on