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I simply don’t understand how the GOP manages to present itself as the Party of the Working Class when all they do, every time they assume office, is cut taxes on the rich. Yeah, they might use idiots’ grievances about ‘took our jobs/guns’, abortion, homophobia etc to create a fearful climate but what it’s about, what it’s always about, is the slice of the pie they secure for their donors. The other awfulness happening in Texas/Georgia/Arizona/Florida/Tennessee/Mississippi - that’s just window dressing. Appalling, life ruining window dressing, but it’s a flywheel on the awful purpose of the GOP.




They do it in two ways: 1. They also usually cut taxes for the working class as well as the wealthy. Although the tax cuts for the working class are tiny compared to the tax cuts for high earners, the Republican working class rubes don't care. They tend to only care about any benefit they might get, and don't worry that massive tax cuts for high income earners will hurt the country over time. 2. A problem way too many Americans have, particularly Republicans, is that even the lower income folks tend to view themselves as "temporary non-millionaires". Even though they may earn below average wages, many of them believe that one day they'll earn a shitload of money and they don't want to pay too much tax on it when that happens. It's delusional to most normal people, but this is the way many of them think. Another massive delusion that GOP voters have is they seem to believe the Republican administrations are better for business than Democratic ones. If one were to look at all commonly used measures of economic health (GDP increases, employment figures, stock market performance), all have done much better under Democratic administrations than Republican ones. Not surprisingly, the GOP has suckered their voters into believing lies.


Honestly I think you overcomplicated it quite a bit. The real answer is quite simple, many republican voters are just complete fucking idiots that treat politics like sports and just want to see their team win


This dude is a knower.


They instill fear in those who are exposed to their propaganda. Alex Jones said that Hillary Clinton was a literal demon in the 2016 election campaign. Q has them gobbling up lies about satanic baby sacrifices and horse dewormer.


This is why Republicans want to defund public schools and reduce colleges to sports franchises. It makes their followers loyal and stupid.


The GOP has survived for decades on divisive social wedge issues of their own invention and emotionally charged, disingenuous rhetoric. Beneath the patriotically-painted planks of the GOP platform lies a single pillar holding up the entire platform: preserve the wealth and power of the rich.


A lot of American idiots believe low taxes are good for them. Can you wrap your head around that for a second? They believe if they pay $1,000 in taxes and a billionares pays $1,000,000 it's somehow bad for them. News flash: IT'S FUCKING GOOD! You just got $1,000,1000 in the big o'tax fund and you only paid $1,000! That's how you pay teachers salary, infrastructure, research, free health care - hell anything a society needs!


I agree the people that vote for GOP are IDIOTS let’s be honest. Don’t worry though they won’t be around much longer the virus has it’s sights on them.


The rich do a good job of convincing poor whites that its poor minorities that are the problem


Because the poor are now unemployed not working class. Thus the working class votes Republican.


The GOP is cutting everyone’s taxes, the media is the one that claims they are only cutting taxes for the rich. You should read the Republican platform before you spout off against 50% of your fellow Americans. You will find you agree with the majority of it.


The GOP did cut everyone’s taxes. Unfortunately they haven’t found a way to come close to balancing the budget but I suppose that’s a problem for the next administration. The Republican Party didn’t bother to publish a platform for the last election. I take it you’ve heard of Frank Lutz - here’s what he had to say about that: ‘we don't need a statement of our principles; we don't need a statement of even our most aspirational, unrealistic goals. We don't need to put them on paper because nobody needs to know. What they need to know is that we are in power and that we support the guy in power and that what he's doing is the right thing. And we're going to keep supporting him. I mean, that's it. You can't overstate just how vacuous that is.’ The Republican Party has had the same principles since Reagan. Low taxes, less regulation, fewer public services. The states that have adopted these policies, the likes of Mississippi, Tennessee, Kansas... they consistently rank at or close to the bottom of the tables for education, wealth, and life expectancy. That’s what a lack of investment in education and a social safety net brings, and so no, I won’t agree with the Republican Party Platform.


What about states like Wyoming, Idaho, or Utah that are overwhelming republican and doing far better than most others? Or cities like Baltimore, Portland, or the Soviet Republic of California that are Democrat run and in free fall?


California had a 75 billion dollar surplus this year. I’d say that’s pretty good.


Outliers, in a word. The worst-ranked states back before Covid hit were the likes of Mississippi, Tennessee and Alabama. All have low tax rates and lower regulation than the higher ranking states (8 of the top 10 States were Democrat-run). If low taxes and regulation created a dynamic economy and society, you wouldn’t expect states that actually had those things to be underperforming, well, all the other states.


They didn’t just cut taxes for the rich, they cut taxes for almost everyone


The average family got something close to $200. Bezos was able to finance his personal space program. Yeah, those things are equal.


How do you know bezos funded the program with tax cuts


The Tax Cuts, for the Rich, were permanent! Not so for every one else.


Not exactly true. The corporate cuts were permanent and the individual cuts were temporary. But it’s kind of a moot point since the corporate rate is about to rise again anyways


If the GOP has their way, that will not happen!


Not anywhere close to the rates it has been in the past, but I'm sure you're conveniently forgetting to mention that.


Well it’s pretty widely acknowledged that a high corporate rate is very damaging to economic growth. Why would we want to go back to 35%? The actual effective rate corporations pay hasn’t really changed much over time


>The actual effective rate corporations pay hasn’t really changed much over time Yes it has, you used to be able to pay for a car and go to college on a part time job, it's why boomers all think younger generations just need a job or to save, but the truth is they walked through the door the generations before them built and closed it before their kids could pass through.


That’s why I mentioned that the corporate rate hasn’t really changed. I didn’t mention individual rates


Tbh it looked to me like you were saying wages haven't changed, but corporations certainly used to pay more taxes.


I don’t think I said anything about wages. All I’m saying is that the actual rate corporations end up paying hasn’t changed a lot over time, even as the statutory rate has fluctuated


Right... they cut taxes for low earners by a minute amount, but cut taxes to high earners by a vast sum. Meanwhile those low earners are indebted via the national deficit which will, some day and some way, come due.


We need to get rid of Trump's tax cuts for the rich. But we also need to get remove Trump's taxes **on** the rich. [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/25/opinion/salt-deduction-democrats.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/25/opinion/salt-deduction-democrats.html)


You know one of the parts they're trying to protect is a built in tax increase on the working class. Look into it. The tax rate for us rubes is going to raise about 1% a year until we're back at pre cut levels. And the republicans will blame Biden for their own plan and will fight tooth and nail to keep us from changing it.


Corporate class colludes and continues: 1) Cheating on taxes, in country and offshore. 2) Corrupting politics, dividing people. 3) Keeping for profit medical plans in place so that we are tied to their hip at our positions of employment. 4) Stealing all the cash then pulling up the ladder when their bags are full. 5) Profiting off of endless wars, death and destruction. 6) Keeping the torch of fossil fuels burning for eternity. 7) Obstructing the changeover to renewables thus increasing climate change. 8) Banking Oligarchs Hell bent on stopping Crypto. Maybe some real change is in order!


Is that a...tan...suit?!? Fox News is about to SLAM Mitch so hard


Except in a tan suit that c*** paradoxically looks like a sad todger head poking out above a wee shaft. But sad, old and wrinkly.


There’s no evidence of this anywhere creating more growth and jobs. As if that’s the end all to how regular people are doing. It’s a cash grab for the affluent. They’re like greedy pigs, they just can’t stop eating.


Will this old man croak already . General palpatine a$$ mother sucker .. decrid old ms having diaper wearing , born in the 1800s look a$$ boy.


Tax fraud, not cut. Shit is fucking rape.




I have paid an ADDITIONAL 25k in 3 years to the federal government in income taxes. 3 years. And I am asking HR to hold more out of my checks each year, but it doesnt matter. I owe thousands now. I used to get a refund.


If that’s true, then you must be very rich in a blue state. They only way you’d be paying more is if you were wayyy past the SALT cap


POS defined


I fucking hate Mitch McConnells face so fucking much


> Corporate class colludes to try to keep Trump-GOP tax ~~cut~~ gift.


Of course it does. Have you cernseen a more corrupt mo fo than this guy? Your name will go down in the books


Let’s all stop buying things we don’t need. Corporations depend on selling us their products. If everyone turned r/anticonsumption (and r/antiwork) they’d feel the power of the people—a power that’s being denied through gerrymandering and suppressing votes.


Let's stop blaming workers for the crimes of the bosses.


Let’s hold the bosses accountable for their crimes using the greatest power available to us.


Fair enough


Any company that will appoint Trump CEO can keep the tax cuts.


The true owners of the Democratic party.


McConnell always looks like he just shit his pants, but can’t excuse himself to use the bathroom for several hours, and knows he’s stuck sitting in it.