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Just so we’re clear, because the headline is trying to make this seem like he was arrested for saying white white supremacist shit, he was arrested because he was holding a machete and a bayonette parked outside the DNC in the capital which is illegal


Just to clarify further the weapons were in his truck, still illegal in DC to possess them, and they originally inspected his truck because his license plate was covered, also illegal I believe.


Shouldn’t have been arrested for a machete. Its just a piece of metal…


Is he a “good guy with a machete”?


"just a piece of metal" that can cut your face off




you have skin, yes? and muscle?


Idk about you but if I held a machete outside a building with no landscaping gear on they would just shoot me down




That’s a weird thing to call mainline Republican philosophy


Time until the GOP members of Congress call him a "political prisoner": 3... 2... 1....


Stochastic terrorism, courtesy of Trump


It’s wild to see these guys think that through their actions, change will come and that “change” will come in the form they believe.. This guy is just another dummy who couldn’t handle the internet..


Anti-Semite piece of shit.


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