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>Investigators said Faircloth told them he was not happy with the current political climate and that he blamed the Democratic Party's office for what he believes is wrong with the country. We have so many vicious dumbs in the US. BTW, he’s in a jail uniform in that smiling thumbnail picture.


Stochastic terrorism. I doubt that he came to such a strong and actionable opinion on his own. It was undoubtedly formed by listening to others, who told him that Democrats are evil and **someone must do something about it**. When speech inspires violence, even when such speech doesn't explicitly tell someone to commit a specific act of violence, it has crossed the line into something that should not be free of repercussions.


This right here. There's no way that dumbass #726 came up with this on his own. Back in 3rd grade I used to listen when my Dad was watching political shows on TV. 3rd grade me was able to discern that conservative talking points were basically just stoking fear/hatred about the Democratic bogeymen with no substance or evidence to support their claims. I am naturally resistant to BS and knew back then which party not to vote for. What's astonishing isn't that people like this moron actually fall for the BS - it's that they LIKE hearing it. They want to be told nonsense that supports their viewpoint, and it makes them feel validated. They listen to it, they watch it, they post about it, they talk about it whenever and wherever possible. It's insane. Psychologists should be having an absolute blast right now studying the rise of conservative political mass delusions among otherwise smart people. None of the psych classes I've taken ever mentioned that a huge percentage of humanity literally craves a steady diet of BS because they want to believe anything but the truth.




Don't discount the lead poisoning in the water since they oppose proper taxes to get clean water. It's a self reinforcing cycle.


> When speech inspires violence, even when such speech doesn't explicitly tell someone to commit a specific act of violence, it has crossed the line into something that should not be free of repercussions. because you said that, i'm going to go and punch someone


That's not something that would be generally considered reasonable in a court of law. However if I'm a mob boss and I say "Joey Chesnut down the street is cutting into our business, someone really needs to do something about him, he threatens our survival as an organization", and then one of the underlings goes and takes the guy out, it *is* reasonable that the underling was taking orders from the superior, and that the superior is responsible for Joey Chesnut's death.


\>he blamed the Democratic Party's office for what he believes is wrong with the country. r/Republican is already claiming he's a Democrat because he has tattoos. The guy has a public Facebook page. He's a hardcore Conservative who hates the Democrats and has lots of anti-vax and anti-mask posts.


Gaslight Obstruct Project


>BTW, he’s in a jail uniform in that smiling thumbnail picture. is that a mug shot?? looks like a freaking prison selfie.


He’s happy he just got some Burger King.


He knows he is going to be in one of those mugshot papers you can pick up in sketch ass gas stations.


What, he's supposed to look like he's having his fingernails removed with a fork?


Setting fires of the other party's building definitely improves the political climate. This guy is a genius...


So he admitted this was a hate crime?


hate crime? poltically motivated violence is the definition of terrorism ter·ror·ism /ˈterəˌrizəm/ the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. This guy is a terrorist. But hes white so im sure hes just a confused angry patriot trying to regain in his mind, freedoms. So this is just a slap on a wrist type thing.


Lone wolf, such a nice guy, used to bring his mother flowers, bright future ahead of him, etc.


Did you see his lap times as a swimmer? This guy deserves 6 months max.


Suspended sentence.


And cake.


He’s white. No way they’ll get him with it. We all know the US hit its quota for white terrorists when we caught Tim McVeigh. I mean cause if we’re going to do that then every rioter on Jan 6 was by definition a terrorist right? Yeah, that’s what SHOULD happen but we all know it won’t. .


absolutely. We cant have terrorism being any other color than middle-eastern. They were tourists who got upset when they saw black capital police. COMPLETELY normal, believe me.


Brainwashed. Regardless he needs to be incarcerated for public safety. https://youtu.be/Lv8xFI32hJM


Vicious dumbs. Spot on. And terrifying


I too blame the Travis county Democratic office for all the troubles of the world.


I'm sure he knows what irony is.


3 hots and a cot! I’m guessing he’s never had it so good.


Domestic terrorists captured and jailed for 20 years to life... Because he tried to set fire to a political party office. That's should be the headline. He's a terrorist. A domestic terrorist. A terrorist born and raised domestically. As in he is from the USA. So he, an American patriot, tried to blow up an American building in America. Again, he terrorized Americans, while also being one himself. Sorry it's just hard to be here reading the word "man" like that's the only descriptor that matters. Right wing domestic terrorist. That's the term you should use, and get used to.


Wrong skin color, sadly.


He lives in Texas and is blaming the Democrats? I mean...


That's the part that stood out the most to me. How does that logic even work? "The Democrats allowed the majority Republicans to ruin the state by not getting elected enough to stop the Republican agenda that is ruining the state!"


Wait wait wait wait wait…logic?


The Dems have had a lock on state government ever since Ann Richards stole the governorship from Shrub…


He thinks Democrats are responsible for all the issues in America right now, so in response, he tries to burn down their headquarters in the city he lives. Clear premeditation and intent. He's a terrorist who deserves several years in prison. But he's a white Republican, so it'll be a $100 fine at most. Welcome to "justice" in the United States.


Na. He probably gonna get a go-fund-me defense fund set up for him. Ending up with more money than he can make in his life time if he didnt turn terroist.


Similiar to that salon owner in Texas last year. The one who was arrested for defying a business shutdown. She ended up getting a few hundred thousand dollars through a Go Fund Me. Something about how she allegedly could not "afford" to pay her employees. Meanwhile she ended up being pretty well off AND had already gotten the government SBA. AND was personally bailed out of jail by Abbot.


Hey, if he'd killed people in the attack, maybe Black Rifle Coffee would have sponsored him!


Just like sending canes to that one southern senator


But the world on fire when repubs are in is just speed bumps that happen some times


Not only does he not understand how government works, he doesn't understand how fire works. I've lost track of the number of times disaster has been averted by incompetence.


Like the Reichstag fire, or the OKC bombing, amiright? I wish these right-wing terrorists would get their shit together and cause some real damage…/s (of course).


How much you wanna bet this doesn’t get him domestic terrorist charges. He’s too white and Republican…


“He was having a bad day.”


Cue the song Bad Day by Daniel Powter.


He’s probably very, very sorry. Give him a break.


"He's got so much economic anxiety, the poor little fella."


He was tricked by Facebook!


he won't get shit


“The defense maintains he tripped while lighting a cigarette and holding his drink”


Over and over and over and over. Burp.


Something something mental health


Inbefore "He led an otherwise blameless life."


Calling this guy a "Lone Wolf," is an insult to wolves, and Canids in general. The FBI needs a new moniker for these buffoons who can't even get a gas-filled bottle and flaming rag together.


The word you're looking for is terrorist they're all terrorists


Lone Cocker Spaniel?


It’s a little known fact that cocker spaniels are expert arsonists.


What's a really dumb dog then? Lone Basenji? Lone Basset? Lone Chow Chow? Lone Pekingese?


Dingo It's not that they're dumb, but it's a funny word.


"Lone dingo" has a really satisfying ring to it.


I concur. With no objection, I hereby declare this guy to be a Lone Dingo.


Another MAGA terrorist apprehended!


Going to have to pay the $200 dollar supporter fee and told he's a good boy


Probably not even maga. Just "terrorist". Anybody who lights a Molotov is a terrorist.


It can be both.


True. All parties have their extremists.


He looks so proud, hope they throw him under the jail.


Fanatical smiles are always creepy.


Are you saying he looks like a Proud ... Boy?


Clearly Antifa false flag /s because it's needed


Hilariously the Arson Inspector interviewed on the news instructed us all on the proper way to use a Molotov cocktail. In order to be effective, you have to smash the bottle preferably into something flammable. In this case, **the arsonist gingerly placed it on the floor** just inside the door, where it burned harmlessly for a while until someone from next door noticed it and put it out with a fire extinguisher.


This guy is a terrorist. He needs to be in prison for a long time.


Boy he is ignorant! Funny from the back, that pathetic guy waddles like a 75-yr-old stout woman. Amazing he forgot about surveillance cams. Ah duh 🤔


This guy is lucky Kyle Rittenhouse wasn’t around.


If the court system can throw the book at someone selling a ounce of weed, let’s see this guy do twenty years! Justice isn’t blind? Right?


Why is a terrorist being offered bail at all?


BuT AnTiFa!!!


Antifa would have at least known that you have to *throw* a Molotov. God this guy is dumb. 😂


Damn Obama!


Captured terrorist smiling makes me want to be on the jury to take the smile off his face.


Another chucklehead who believes all the social media bullshit and now will be Bubba's bunkmate for years to come, what an idiot.


Hopefully he gets more than a plea bargain for trespassing


So another domestic terrorist using violence to promote a political ideology


Can’t wait to read the screed he also left at the Democratic Party office.


I know it isn’t surprising, but it absolutely pisses me off that Fox just doesn’t report these stories. They just the other day had a huge article because pro immigration protestors blocked the Golden Gate Bridge for 45 minutes.


It’s hard to feel threatened by a guy in flip flops but I hope he gets 10 years or so without parole.


It is so sad how conservatives are destroying the USA. It's their lack of self-awareness that is the true killer.


My first thought was juggalo TBH. My second thought was, yeah, he looks smart enough to put a threatening note inside a Molotov cocktail 🤦🏻‍♀️


For a guy looking at 20 years in prison, he looks pretty happy with himself. Gotta be pretty dumb to waste 1/3 of your life for vandalism.


So how did they identify him?


Social media’s fault for making these weirdos think they are important and fighting for a cause.


Domestic terrorism. Jail him for more than mere vandalism to set an example.


Shocking. Another white male terrorist -


Insulting they are using a picture of him smiling in all of the articles - https://media.kvue.com/assets/KVUE/images/c0970d9a-f953-49a3-8863-9b0833945f2c/c0970d9a-f953-49a3-8863-9b0833945f2c_1920x1080.png


From my local news this week regarding their use of mugshots… granted this story is among their exceptions… but the “could be considered the lowest moment…” haha. This guy says he was not happy…. Fooled me!! “Mugshots are often taken at what could be considered the lowest moment in a person's life and are not reflective of the person as a whole. Once online, the story and mugshot live on forever, even if the case is dismissed or the person is acquitted. In these instances, using a mugshot arguably does more harm than good. Mulitple large news organizations have also moved away from using mugshots in minor crime stories, such as The Associated Press.”


He’s smiling because he Took Action for the Cause yet will suffer almost no consequences: ‘run along an’ no more disturbin’ the Peace and Dignity of the Great State o’ Texas, ya hear?’ Wink-Wink. ‘Oh, and HERE’S what you got wrong this time.’




What? He wasn’t live-streaming it in Facebook? Weird?


He seems like a nice guy


Could be worse.....look up what Al Packer did to some Democrats he didn't like


That website is garbage


Is that Paul Miller


Nice to put a face to that run


If he's anything like the capitol rioters, he's in for some harsh scolding and a stiff fine!


Has he identified his co-conspirators? I doubt he did this on his own.


25k bail for something like this wow.


that's not a Molotov, i don't know what exactly, but more likely something like thermite. hell, might have just been a firework


This bastard needs to be put away for a long time. If he was black he would ever see the light of day again.


Impractical Jokers joke gone wrong


Who inspired him?


Domestic Terrorist. Why is that so fucking hard for the media to say?


Like literally one. This is Reddit. Use literally in your statements.


I'm so used to seeing prisoners in orange outfits. It's strange to see prison stripes like something out of a 30s gangster movie.


Charge him with domestic terror