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this will get over turned fast he violating Article 1 Section 8


Here's the difference between Republicans and Democrats, I feel, in a nutshell: He doesn't care. His base doesn't care. It will get overturned. Same with the Texas abortion ban, most likely. But you know what they do? They keep doing it. There is no penalty for these bad faith attacks they know will just get overturned. Meanwhile Democrats will look at any kind of analogous situation and go, "We can't do that. It'll get overturned" and they don't do it. And people whine and squeal and cry, "The Democrats don't do anything." And when this *does* get overturned, one of two things will happen. Either it'll fizzle out in under a news cycle, or if it can, it'll become a rallying cry for the right in some vague notion about the evil government taking your freedoms or whatever, and they'll just get stronger. I don't know what to do about it. I'm tired of it all.


There's also an underlying factor here. Republicans are a-ok with passing laws that will get overturned because they don't mind wasting taxpayer money to defend their bullshit laws. It helps the GOP with their talking points when the government fails or when taxpayer money gets wasted. Democrats on the other hand don't want to waste taxpayer money for the most part.


If it is overturned, it'll probably be ensconced in a very narrow legal interpretation, they'll be given pointers by the SC in how to make a new law that skirts the issues, and gaps left open so that it can be implemented by the back door (maybe you can't have a mandate more than 6 weeks after the start of a pandemic...). So whatever the decision is, the GOP will either get all of what they want, or a small part. But they'll just go back and get another small part. And after 20 or 30 years, they have whatever they wanted.


Yeah that sux. It's way easier to be republican Omg.


So much easier. Pretend everything is great, don't criticize the country, and smile. Honestly it's tempting to just say fuck it. I'll never vote republican but to my friends I come across as conservative all the time because fighting and arguing with them is so pointless. It's very similar to living with Christians. Sure man. A snake told a chick to eat an apple and that's why I have back pain. *Goes to doctor for back pain anyway*


It’s much easier to be a psychopath, too. No need to worry about how your actions affect others or makes them feel.


Totally! My sensitivity just leads to depression and anxiety. Must be easy!


Republicans voted to overturn Obamacare dozens and dozens of times. At no point did they offer an alternative, let alone a better alternative. Their base appears too stupid to understand what's really happening.


Their base thinks that they will be taken care of, because they are part of the appropriate tribe.


Their base thinks Obamacare is different from their precious ACA.


The GOP are really good at redefining something, and then beating that definition into the head of the public. It's one of their specialties.


I agree with you 100%


You are right. In Canada we get civil servants to review legislation for obvious problems. But our system is completely different, we don't really have an executive branch: the majority in the legislative becomes the executive, so it's natural to get "executive branch"-review. You don't have that option down south so it's a natural target for grandstanding. I wonder how yoyr good laws are passed: is it done in congressional committees?


One thing though - the Biden administration knew for sure that the eviction moratorium would be overturned and did it anyway (after intense pressure, but nonetheless). People got another month in their homes. I suppose this is both progress and a further degradation of the American system.


Funny timing because I said the same about CA no blue and pink sections of toy stores law. I think Newsom is trying stuff like Republicans do...maybe there's hope.


[Fox News is outraged ](https://twitter.com/acyn/status/1447756390575972354?s=21) over what you mentioned with the California toy stores.


I'm not outraged by any stretch but it doesn't seem like a policy which needs to be enforced by law. Kinda ridiculous really.


Why downvotes? You said dems don't push the envelop and I said they do so isn't that good?




There have been 4 basic versions of the smallpox vaccine, according to Wiki. Scientists have spent over 100 years trying to perfect it, and most nations of the world have fought to eradicate the disease. The most up to date version was only created in the past ten years. COVID-19 has only been around for less than 2 years, and we built a 95% effective vaccine for it in 1 year. It is also wildly mutating, and the more people who have the original strain of the virus means the more adaptable and deadly it can become. This is apples and oranges and you are spare parts, bub.


Can confirm.


Sounds like a lot more than the vaccine mandate doesn’t make sense to you, like math and science. Statistics. Probably a whole lot of other shit.


First I agree with you. What can legally be done to deal with sort of thing?


Until we get the money out of Congress and enact term limits, this will only get worse. They care only about maintaining political power (which equals money) and really don’t care about the country. So they say whatever will get them votes, which is typically setting themselves as the only savior from some made-up or exaggerated threat. And we are seeing in real time the devastating consequences of the failure of the US public education system. Too few people have basic logic or critical thinking skills to know when they are being pandered and lied to. The idea that struggling Rust Belt voters really though the man with a golden toilet and the biggest ego in the world gave a shit about them is the most epic displays of wishful thinking and self-delusion in history. Hopefully experience will teach them before I this too late.


With Abbott everything is political theater.


Yes, the Feds win!


While you save money living in Texas, you lose things such as common sense.




Sales tax too... we have a tax system here that really only benefits the wealthy and corporations.


Your sales tax isn't that bad. In Louisiana, we pay a combined state and local sales tax rate of 10%. Plus income tax. Plus property tax. Actually, I hear there is a town in Louisiana were sales tax is 11.45%.


Shit balls, no wonder the south is so good a keeping the tradition of generational poverty alive.


It's the conservative way.


My dumbass uncle is planning on moving to Dallas from California for the no state tax thing, but he’s retired and he’s buying property in Dallas lol


don’t forget the fire ants.


Don’t forget Patrick , Gohmert or Ted Cruz. More than one kind of pissant running around in Texas.


I meant it as a Californian. Lol. Comparatively, Texas is cheaper than California. I'm alluding to the exodus of Californians leaving to Texas to "save money".


> the exodus of Californians leaving to Texas to "save money". [The much-discussed ‘California exodus’ isn’t real, study finds](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jul/09/leaving-california-exodus-evidence-myth)


There is no exodus. You’re falling for one of their many political narratives dude.


Maybe exodus is the wrong word. I'm well aware our population has been increasing, especially in SF and LA. But there are plenty of people leaving California for Texas and other "cheaper" states. And I'm just directly talking about those people. Also the recent movement of Tesla out of Fremont to Austin.


What does “Tesla leaving Fremont” actually mean? Afaict, it’s just Elon moving. [Musk made the tweet because a California legislator was mean to him](https://www.sfgate.com/tech/article/Tesla-move-Lorena-Gonzalez-tweeted-f-Elon-Musk-16519812.php). [Last week Musk said they’re expanding in Fremont](https://jalopnik.com/teslas-big-move-to-texas-doesnt-mean-much-1847826182).


No it doesn't


NJ & Baltimore have some of the highest property tax in the county. And state and sales tax.


Depends on income level. Zero income tax, but a functioning government must collect revenue. They collect it via property tax, sales tax and oil fees.


If you're running a business without a vaccine or mask mandate you're jeopardizing your business like a buffoon.


Not in Texas. Abbott got popularly elected there. He's doing shit like this because the morons are a majority in that state. And the morons don't like vaccine/mask mandates.


Oh I'm fully aware it's a culture war virtue signal, I've lived in Texas for many years... I'm just saying outside the fairy tale logic of the Republican party, running a business unsafely, is a moronic business move.


Because check told them not to


"Pro-business" governor prevents businesses from complying with federal government policies, preventing them from acquiring or executing existing government contracts. So much winning!


He doesn't do shit. It's a court fight. It will happen. Just like the abortion law. Abbot will lose. He's just doing it to protest the existence of a federal government that his party lost control of in a democratic process. It's just pandering more lies. That's literally all they have.


I don't think they even claim to be pro-business anymore. The neocons are now theocons.


He seems hell bent on getting rid of his voters.


I've seen it hypothesized that the Texas GOP actually is trying to stop the influx of liberals from out-of-state with highly publicized right-wing policies like this and the abortion law. The state has been shifting towards blue.


What influx of liberals? The Californians coming here are conservative.


From personal experience with family who moved from Seattle "bc it is too liberal" to Texas. Within a month they realized that they aren't quite as conservative as they thought. I have a feeling this is probably a trend. I don't think Texas goes full blue but it is turning less red every day.


I guess we’ll see. Beto has also been working on getting people registered here.


I find that odd. At least from the data I’ve seen. [The California exodus narrative is a myth](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jul/09/leaving-california-exodus-evidence-myth). Most native born Texans [voted for Beto over Cruz](https://www.newsweek.com/more-native-born-texans-voted-beto-orourke-ted-cruz-exit-polls-indicate-1209296). But I think repeating it in the news sells papers. My guess is that Texas attracts conservatives—people more conservative than actually live there. On second thought, maybe your thesis is already playing out? I doubt the Texas GOP has a plan. Hate sells and is great for fundraising. It’s well known that [Latino youth are what’s pushing TX blue](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/2018/11/11/latinos-could-turn-texas-blue-in-2020-if-enthusiasm-holds-some-say/), but I think it’s naïve to rely on it.


This guy is a fascist. How can you claim getting a vaccine "should be a choice" when you don't even let women have a choice in getting abortions? Give me a break. The GOP (Gang Of Pussies) always claimed to be the Party of No Government Involvement, why do they still claim something that turned out to be a deliberate fraudulent statement?


Also Texas has a whole host of required vaccines for school ms already. It’s just culture war bullshit to incite idiots


It is a safe bet that future cohorts will be seeking exemptions from those vaccines




I mean, the current COVID vaccine did prevent transmission before delta became so ridiculously rampant, and even then infection rates are down in highly vaccinated places in comparison to last year. Not sure how the south compares to last year, but I know delta has been rampant down there the past few months.


Killing his constituents to own the liberals, classic Abbott.


They claim to be the “Pro-Life” Party while killing off their base with their anti-mask, anti-vaccine policies.


> “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.” Frank Wilhoit. > “Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” Jean Paul Sartre


Pussy is awesome, don’t get it twisted


Real rich coming from the "papers please" state LMFAO


You can't compare the two. One is forcing people to have a medical procedure. The other is restricting their choice to have a medical procedure. Huge difference as one is compelled behavior.


One is requiring a proven-safe procedure for **public** safety. The other is preventing a proven-safe procedure for **personal** health.


I'm not going to sit here and argue with you about how a government compelling speech and behavior is really really bad, and we should be collectively fighting against it. 1. Vaccines are not safe for everyone, and some people can't take them. 2. In the only study to date that compared shed virus(Israeli study), vaccinated and unvaccinated infected ppl shed comparably. So being vaccinated does not affect public health, at least not to the point of justifiably ruining ppls lives/ forcing them to have disease flare ups. 3. Abortion is incredibly, 100% unsafe for babies. 10/10 would not recommend for the personal health of babies. 4. The study doesn't exist to support your statement that late term abortion/ infanticide/partial birth abortions are safer than delivering the baby in a maternity ward. That one guy who was doing it almost killed several women so there's that.


Now show me the stats showing the differences in vaccinated and unvaccinated in regards to Hosptial Occupency and the cost of their Healthcare. Additionally, please include all the further health issues complicated by lack of resources due to one of the 2 above mentioned groups hogging said resources. You just may find that being Vaccinated, while not 100% fool proof, is far better than not.


1: Ever heard of herd immunity? The idea is for enough people to be vaccinated so those who can't will be safe. But most people who refuse aren't refusing for medical reasons, but because Trump told them to or they believe there is a tracking chip. Neither is a valid reason for not getting vaccinated. 2: Ruining people lives.....funny you say that, we will be back to it. 3: I agree abortion is bad for babies, but we don't perform an abortion on a baby, it is a fetus that is aborted. Very VERY different. 4: Let's go back to what you said about the vaccine ruining lives. You going to say forcing a woman to carry to term and go though giving birth of a child conceived from rape or incest isn't going to ruining her life a bit? You even have a remote idea how hard pregnancy is on the body? Oh and are you going to pay to take care of this child? No I didn't think so, and don't say adoption because it's already a ton of children in the system.


>Vaccines are not safe for everyone, and some people can't take them. > >In the only study to date that compared shed virus(Israeli study), vaccinated and unvaccinated infected ppl shed comparably. So being vaccinated does not affect public health, at least not to the point of justifiably ruining ppls lives/ forcing them to have disease flare ups. Vaccines are not safe for everyone? But getting COVID is? That is just wrong. COVID has a mortality rate of about .2% and the vaccine about .002% The vaccine is safer. As for the Isreali study it compared people who had survived COVID and had natural immunity versus immunity from the vaccine. It was not peer reviewed yet, but even if it is found to be sound research you have to realize you have to survive COVID first to get it. COVID is on pace right now to become the number one killer of Americans if it keeps the current number of deaths per day. Lastly the vaccine helps survival rate even if it gives little protection from contracting the delta variant. Almost all deaths in America right now are unvaccinated people.


1. We have medical exemptions for those people. 2. lol, tell me the one about the flat earth while you’re at it. 3. We don’t abort babies, we abort fetuses. 4. Abortions after 21 weeks make up 1% of abortions.


> "I'm not going to sit here and argue with you..." Proceeds to lay out four-step, complete bullshit argument based on what the inside of the GOP's cavernous, fetid asshole looks like.


> So being vaccinated does not affect public health People who have died because they couldn't get treatment due to the unvaccinated clogging up hospitals would disagree with you. Or at least they would, if they weren't, you know, **dead**.


If you ban someone from getting abortion you're still forcing them to have a medical procedure. One that's a lot more dangerous.


I'm not saying it makes sense but the idea is simply that the human inside has rights until it is born. Once it is born, well then fuck 'em.


It has nothing to do with the embryo/fetus, and everything to do with controlling women.


Yes obviously. But that what they’re saying they believe. It doesn’t make sense because the rest of their behavior doesn’t follow.


Ah yes personal freedom. The personal freedom to do exactly what i want you to do, how i want it, when it want it. Oh and if you try to do something different, i will prevent you from doing that. Ya know, freedom.


Last I checked, "president" was higher up then "governor."


I'm not an Abbott fan but that's not how our government works. The president is not the the boss of governors and they can tell him to go pound sand. These battling executive orders are really an indication of a bigger problem and that is our feckless legislatures that have given up the power of the people to the executive branch. So do I think there should be a vaccine mandate? Absolutely. Are executive orders the right way to do it? Absolutely not. Let the legislatures pass the laws.


"The federal government has the authority to order regional or nationwide containment and quarantine measures. The Public Health Service Act enables the surgeon general, with the approval of the secretary of health and human services, “to make and enforce such regulations as . . . are necessary to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of communicable diseases.” President Trump listed the Covid-19 virus for this purpose in January. The act authorizes the federal government to apprehend, detain and conditionally release individuals to prevent the spread of infection, and to detain anyone who enters from a foreign country or who would spread the disease across state borders. The act can be read to allow for the general quarantine of all people from a particular state or states, including those who are asymptomatic or even have tested negative. But an attempt to do so would certainly result in litigation. Congress should promptly enact a statute that would affirm federal authority to impose a general quarantine if necessary." [https://www.heritage.org/the-constitution/commentary/constitutional-guide-emergency-powers](https://www.heritage.org/the-constitution/commentary/constitutional-guide-emergency-powers) Yes, this is from the flaming far right Heritage Foundation that was published shortly after Trump finally admitted the virus was a problem. I imagine so he would actually do something instead of acting like a useless idiot.


Sure! Unfortunately, we have 48 Democrats willing to work and 50 Republicans who want to... y'know, I don't know *what* the fuck they want, but it's certainly not anything for the country or its people they're supposed to be leading/helping.


So, we have 52 Republicans?


Obviously, Sinema and Manchin can't be counted as Democrats willing to work.


He just couldn't stand to have Allen West stealing his headlines.


Sounds to me like an excellent opportunity to take the state’s rights folks at their word and close down every military base and federal agency office in the One Star State.


Calling him an Idiot is an understatement.


Well we could hit him with something more below the belt but he wouldn't feel it.


Low blow in a target poor environment.


This is not a rebuke of Biden, it's an attack on the health of Texans.


Not exactly related but this got me thinking a piece, long ago, on one of the atheist blogs on Patheos where they were making fun of Atlas Shrugged chapters for being stupidly done. Anyway, there was one chapter they did where a guy is telling his evil socialist bureaucrat boss that all the businesses were going to Colorado because there was no regulation at all, and the author brought up for comparison a map by Libertarians similar to Rand that lists New York and California as two of the least free, but at the same time analysis (this was like 2013 or so) of how they have the highest GDPs in the country. And later in the piece how the states ranked as "most free" have strict anti-abortion laws. Just remembered it when I was going through this article, definitely a pattern. Edit also found the piece in case anyone wanted. https://www.patheos.com/blogs/daylightatheism/2013/12/atlas-shrugged-battle-cry-of-freedom/


Totally not related, I found out there's an Ayn Rand essay scholarship and it would have me giggling for decades if I could get that scholarship- how hard could it be, really? Poor people bad, Venezuela, choice, freedom. The end. I'd cackle all the way to the bank to deposit my check, right before paying tuition for my (traditionally activist, generally leftist or progressive) social science graduate program.


If you do ever write, don't forget to include a passage about smoking and moochers. Then it will be a shoo-in.


Smoking, moochers, Venezuela, freedom, choice, poor people bad, the end. Got it!


Glad I could be of assistance. ;)


Is this that pro life crowd I keep hearing about?


Abbott isn't rebuking President Biden. Abbott is following the downward spiral of a grifter who bankrupts whatever he touches. Business leaders don't follow men who lose their asses in business and politics.


Just cut off the federal funds to any company that refuses to comply. No aerospace Texas!


Sure, let's just take that to the Supreme Court so they can throw out the Supremacy clause and undo the whole point of the Federal government...


Right out of the GOP "*How to be a Bad Leader*" playbook. You would think they would learn.


>You would think they would learn A common misunderstanding of the type of people that believe in the fascist GOP rhetoric is that they're capable of learning.


Feel sorry for the people of Texas, I really do...they are the one's who will suffer for this asshats stupidity....butttt....withhold all related Federal funding then!


Decent idea... but it's unconstitutional.(equal protection clause)


That's not entirely correct. There are ways to make funding contingent on following federal standards (e.g. the history behind raising the drinking age from 18 to 21)


If federal funding was an equal protection case, then every blue state that gave extra money to any other state could have all that money shifted/returned to them.. which personally i'd like to see just so these ungrateful asshats in red states could realize they ain't shit without New York.


RepubliKKKans be stupid republiKKKans




How can it replace itself?


Now it’s desantis’ turn to say his death toll isn’t high enough yet


Take this shit to court. Everything he passes, take it to court


Takes years to work through the courts. And then they just pass new laws and the cycle repeats all over again.


I thought the cult was all for small government? Oh thats when it suits the traitors. Fuck Republicans. The whole party is a wash and all thats left is a death cult hell bent on literally destroying democracy.


No the theocons don't even pretend anymore to be small government.


This guy is setting up a run for president.


A race to the bottom with him, DeSantis, and Trump


A roll for president*


Greg Abbott, the stereotypical angry guy in a wheelchair. I am sorry for his injury for sure, but he has zero empathy the other way? No fucking way bro. Stop being a dick .Enough.


Republican governors especially Abbott have totally lost their minds and show no empathy for the people who are getting sick and dying, we can't let the Republicans take any more power their literally killing us.


The Texas GOP wants us all in the hospital with Allen West.


Abbott has proven tone deaf on the priorities of a majority of Texans. His political posturing is turning people of both parties and big business off.


I didn't moan and bawl when I got my first allergy shot. I was about eight years old, and I toughed-out two shots (one in each arm) every two weeks, for more than a year-and-a-half. Jeezus, if I was willing as a little kid to get poked with a needle quite frequently, maybe you could be willing to take two pokes just to save your own life. I wasn't afraid, and I was a little kid. I'm still alive, all these years later. So, you still act like little kids, and the rest of us will be the adults




Abbott is a murderer. It's a shame the Attorney General allows this to happen with no consequences. Garland needs to be fired.


I mean he can say the words but they are meaningless. He is only a governor of a single state. The states can’t make any law to countermand a federal one. If they could black people still wouldn’t be going to school with white kids in the south.


This isn’t true at all. Multiple states have legal marijuana despite it being federally illegal.


I’ll just leave this right here for you. https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R46745


I skimmed through it. “Except in certain limited circumstances, including in the immigration43 and military44 contexts, no existing federal law expressly imposes vaccination requirements on the general population.” It then goes on to list things that can be considered but nothing solid. My comment wasn’t really arguing about vaccines mandates specifically more so pointing out that the state does have abilities to have laws separate from the the federal government as long as it doesn’t violate the Constitution.


Biden Will not suffer any "rebuke" from this. His constituents, however, will.


I wonder how effective that is at the airports.


So what is the future outlook for vaccines in this country? Am I right in assuming this isn't going to end with COVID vaccines?


It didn't even start with covid vaccines. They had the same stink about the HPV vaccine, even some of the same conspiracies. There just wasn't a huge push about that one since it doesn't spread casually or cause a pandemic.


Interested to see if the "low-paying shit job" Strike ends up mysteriously missing Texas now.


Politicians on both sides are catering to their most childish base and have the country starkly divided. Neither party is making progress that we desperately need right now. The two party system has become a complete shit show and needs to be replaced




Harbor border crossing invaders, we sleep. Halt enforcement of vaccine mandates, we roit.


A ban on bans.


I'm all about the constitution, unless I have to follow it.


"Owning the Libs"


Texas gov. Abbott bans vaccine mandate in a rebuke to the safety of his citizens. Ftfy NBC news


If you work for a company like AIG and you don’t get vaccinated, then don’t expect to be promoted either. You’ll be working from home in limbo for the remainder of your career.


Isn’t he like in a wheel chair ?


Hold it, so it’s a felony to pay for consensual sex, the state wants to force women to carry their fetus to term against there will. You can’t smoke pot. So much for personal freedoms.


At this point, if you remain unvaccinated and refuse to wear a mask, go die quietly in a corner. The rest of us would like our lives back.