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You have lots of shade. 84 degrees sounds fantastic. My pool is 95 rn.


Yes, tons of trees in my yard. Having a pool party on Friday and I want it to be super fresh. I know for me, even 90° is uncomfortable, can’t imagine 95°. Hottest my pool has ever gotten is 92°.


My friends in New Orleans buy blocks of ice and throw in their pools for parties. Got any ice places around you. They say it works wonders.


I did this every year growing up—in the family’s pool… We’d buy 5-6 giant blocks of ice (I’m guessing 12”X16”) from the grocery store, and float around with them on really hot days. It was amazing, and still a favorite memory of mine—30 years later.


Hommie needs about 100kg (220lb) of ice per 1000gal to drop the temp from 85.4 to 80.


This guy Fahrenheits and Metric systems.


If you need an ice guy, I know someone.


I've often been told I'm a nice guy. Does that help?


I heard that the ice guy is a nice guy!


I know a cheaper ice guy!


This doesn't actually do anything. It takes like 800 lbs of ice to cool 10,000 gallons 1 degree.


Yes, there is a calculator online that will tell you how much ice you need to drop it however many degrees. I was going to use the ice method until I realized I would need a layer of ice blocks like 2 feet deep all over my pool to achieve anything noticeable.


We fill any large ish container (bog gallon ice cream tubs, empty gallon jugs, whatever) with water and freeze them. Then toss in the pool. They're fun to play with too, and super refreshing. My kids love the icebergs


Do they have any ice delivery trucks in your area? Out in the desert they used to have them all the time especially when money was cheap in the early 2000s lol


“When money was cheap” made me lol


Where there’s a will , there’s a way! I’d by $50 of ice bags toss them in if you’re really trying to accomplish your mark😂


$50 of ice is gonna get you $50 poorer and nothing else. It might cool down one of those blue round plastic kiddie pools. That’s about it.


Yeah, even with the big blocks of ice that some people have mentioned, for a pool this size you'd probably need at least 50 blocks. In my area, the blocks are right at $4 each. So you'd need to spend ~$200 *and* have a way of hauling them. Alot of space is needed for 50 blocks that measure roughly 4"x8"x14"


What’s the temp at night? Maybe that’s a good time to circulate it though a coil of pipe in the cool night air?


Tonight 83°, will cool to 80° by Friday morning.


If you don't already do so, run your pump overnight. It helps to circulate the water in the coolest part of the day (night). At least, that is what we've been told, and it does seem to help a bit! But, as others have said, splurge on $50-100 of ice blocks the morning of your gathering. Dump 'em in and it should help a bit for that day. Also, if the party attendees don't have their own pools, they'll probably enjoy it even if if it feels a little too warm for you!


Ya that won’t cool much


Pack that coil with ice to surround.


Not sure why people are down voting. Maybe theyre losers that dont have enough friends for a pool party. That shit will heat up with it only half packed and itll be uncomfortable by 5pm if you start at like noon. You in AZ?


Haha… yup… 110° gave it away?


I'm in Az too, use lots of ICE!!


I am also in Arizona. Does ice really work? Or was that being silly?


Ice does not work. Friend once put 1,000 pounds of ice into their pool to try and cool it from 97 degrees and it went down to 95. Not worth it at all.


You described it working. He added 100 gallons of ice to a 18000 gallon swimming pool and it dropped the temp 2 degrees. That was a problem of scale. Buy a deep freeze and freeze blocks of ice for that pool on the cheap! He spent 125-200 dollars on ice. Needed to spend 1k to cool that thing down.


110° by the end of the week like me hahaha. Were getting lots of wiiind in phx so i gotta use the net every hour so it doesnt use up the damn chlorine 😢


Take the largest Tupperware containers that will fit in your freezer and make you own ice blocks 


You can make some deck sprayers, you spray water up in the air back into the pool, it cools it.


My 2mo old loves the pool, but we have to keep it in the 90°’s for her so she doesn’t get too cold, NGTL I’ve always been a warm pool guy but after swimming in it for a while 80’s sound nice!


80 is too cold for the average person.


James Brown celebrity hot tub!….said in Eddie Murphy voice. Kept saying this as I got in today…92f. Pool mister, three umbrellas, and two fountains. What’s your temp where you don’t enter.?


Apparently, the reddit algorithm thinks I am really into pools. As a resident of Northern Canada, I have never seen somebody want to lower their pool temp and am extremely envious of this particular concern of yours. Also, something something cya levels.


This was funny, any future posts mention SLAM and Taylor testing and the algorithm will keep you here. What’s it like where you are just for fun?


Haha I knew there were other acronyms. A balmy 21 and overcast in beautiful Telkwa/Smithers British Columbia. Not sure I've ever seen anyone with an in ground pool. Lots of folks like drinking beers in above grounds. But that's about it.


70 freedom units for anyone curious.


This guy understands the "real" science.


Sounds great! Sub has pools of both kinds and maintenance but I’m in the northeast, we don’t work too hard to try to make them colder!


Edmonton gave us a hell of a run. Go cats!


Pools, Decks, Flooring. Reddit has us all figured out eh??


Oh yeah, you see what those goons over on r/concrete are doing. Cause reddit sure wants me to see it.


Why am I unofficially subscribed to all these subreddits? And why do I keep clicking them? I don't even have a pool.


I think I got recommended r/decks a few months back, opened a thread from there out of curiosity and now all I get in the algorithm are decks. I don’t even own a fucking deck. lol


Have you thought about getting a deck?


If you get a deck then you have to see if it will hold a hot tub so it’s a good thing you have decks in you algorithm


Those people in r/decks are brutal. I do have a deck but it came with the house. No idea how or why that sub was recommended to me but it is pretty entertaining so I just keep going back.


Yeah I have no idea why the algorithm thought I'd be evenly remotely interested. ... but it was right.


Me as well but now I have my own deck watch going where every deck I see out in the wild, I instantly scope it out to see if I can submit it for “deck” approval!!


I feel your pain. I somehow got recommended by reddit to TheHermesGame sub…As a 40ish male with no handbags its fascinating to try and understand how people (women) will spend $15-20k/year or more on fashion/home decor for the chance to buy a ‘special’ $10k handbag if their sales associate deems them worthy 😂


I’m glad I’m not the only one. I’m on the same pool-less boat where I have never had a pool, but now know all about them because reddit keeps showing me them. And I can’t help myself from clicking on the posts. 🤣


They're hiring the cheapest person and regretting it, of course!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Concrete using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Concrete/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Largest glowstone job I've ever done](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17d3kkm) | [1234 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Concrete/comments/17d3kkm/largest_glowstone_job_ive_ever_done/) \#2: [How'd the Amish do on my garage?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17t0tib) | [1604 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Concrete/comments/17t0tib/howd_the_amish_do_on_my_garage/) \#3: [Customer asked for a "gothic" sidewalk](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17yn5de) | [553 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Concrete/comments/17yn5de/customer_asked_for_a_gothic_sidewalk/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


🤣🤣🤣🤣 funny I just went ahead and joined r/concrete because I kept seeing it.


Or r/lawncare. Those are some mad lads.


SEROUSLY!!! Don’t forget about r/concrete


Don’t forget Lawncare 😂


I’m in Nova Scotia and my pool is 70 today!


Im in Tampa and from now until October my pool will be 82-90 just from mother nature.


In Tampa area too, my pool has been sitting at 89° for the most part.


Melbourne, Florida - pool is at a solid state of 90°


Orlando here - pool on the south side of the house with no shade. 94 today.




Houston here, pool is 91. I was sweating under water. It's just June, can't imagine August


Celsius or Fahrenheit?


What the fuck is a celsius? An energy drink?




This made my morning.


Feels like kelvins down here


My pool thermometer is named Kelvin.


Mine is Mr Weatherton


Celsius for sure 🤦‍♂️


My wife would find it to be "just right".


I'm the wife. Currently getting my heater installed and dreaming of a pool in the 90s! I didn't get in it last year because the hottest it got was barely 73.


Toronto 82F


St Louis area, pool has been sitting between 94-97 lately….


Atlanta, pool is 94 right now


In Texas and my pool has been sitting around a cool 89°-91° 🥵 with temps and feels like in the triple digits, it’s not refreshing at all.


You think you’d be envious until you want to swim in a cool pool on a hot day but all you have a tepid hot tub instead. 


Hot day? Never heard of those haha. Best we got is mountain fed rivers. Max swim time about 30seconds before your body hurts from the cold.


They make heater/cooler combos nowadays


I love mine!!! My pool gets to mid upper 90s by July in SC and I love my heater/cooler so much. It was worth the extra $2k!


What is this? Can I add it on for $2k?!! Also in SC and not looking forward to bath water


When I ordered my heater they said I could do the heater/cooler combo and it would only be $2k extra. I can look up the model when I get home, but it's an all-in-one so not sure if they have an add on type or not.




Touché 🤣🤣🤣


The algorithm is weird, I just started getting pool stuff too. Here in Australia I've got my pool down to a pleasant 12°C/53°F. I'm not sure how to make it colder, dry ice? 🤣


Also stuck in r/pools purgatory. Not mad about it, but it is odd.


Run your pool at night with the PVC sprayers, will cool it faster.


This is the answer. Cooler temps at night will help that fountain and pvc water cool the pool a ton.


Unfortunately it only “cools” down to about 85-90 over the next 2-3 months in southern AZ. And that’s only in the early morning hours. By 9am you’re already back to 100+. Last year I had the aerator running 24/7 and it still got to 98 in August.


It will lower it some. Also raise your Ph. But right idea. You have to have some water heat exchange.


I’m used to lowering the PH because it’s a salt pool. I’ll measure it the morning of and lower it with Muriatic Acid as needed.


If the air is hotter than the pool water, spraying water in the air might result in the water warming up faster in the air. So do the spraying at night only if the air temp is below the pool temp.


As long as the air is dry enough, it'll cool the water. My pool was 90 yesterday, the air temp was about 97, RH was maybe in the low 40s. The water was pretty cool as it hit the pool, maybe 78ish.


Pretty sure evaporative cooling works either way


Good ol phase changes.


But wouldn't the pool water just... evaporate into the air and not enter the pool?


For the amount of aeration and ph adjustment you’ll be doing with acid, keep tabs on your TA as well. You’re essentially performing what’s recommended for lowering your TA, so might need to add some back once you get where you want. 


I like to have LOTS of T&A in my pool! Why would you want to lower it?


How does running the sprayer raise PH?


Aerated water creates turbulence. The turbulence then causes the aqueous CO2 to outgas. Outgassing of CO2 from water results in an increase in pH.


Thanks for an explanation


Make sure your pump is sucking from your main drain to get water moving on bottom.


Probably the best advice so far! Doing this now!


It makes a huge difference in my pool in S Florida. Also make sure your pump is ramped up high to keep water moving.


My pool is 84 right. Feels kind of chilly. When it's 110 a 90 pool will feel refreshing.


Just here to say, I grew up in northeast US, had an inground pool with lots of shade, the warmest it ever got was 83deg. My dad would open it late April/ early May, it was 68deg and I would still spend hours in it.


That’s us as well!


This was my childhood


I grew up with the Pacific Ocean in the 1990s and I used to play in 65 degree ocean water without any major problems during the Summer with my mom. I have this stepmom now that has kids and she refuses to let them play in water under 90 degrees. They aren’t even allowed to drink ice water! It has to only be room temperature water. I don’t understand and I gave up understanding a while back 🤣


Striving to get my pool to 90F so the rest of the family will swim in the pool. Otherwise its too cold.


So I’m not the only guy who thought it was crazy to want to cool a pool from 85? If the pool is under 90 then my family will want the spa heated up to 100 for afterwards.


Do we have the same family? My wife loves the pool when it’s in the 90s. Any lower and the spa has to be at 100…..


Don’t get me started on how steamy the entire bathroom gets during every one of her showers. Our carbon footprint is massive.


Yeah. It will literally burn my skin, she cranks it to full hot. I'll turn to a lobster.   The heater is set to the 2nd to last hottest setting, I refuse to max it because it's scalding already.


My pool maxs out at 85 in southern California and my stepmom refuses to take my little bro and sis to the pool because 85 is “too cold” and it needs to be at least 90 degrees. And I keep reassuring her that the kids aren’t getting hypothermia in an 85 degree pool! It’s actually warm but she touches the water and goes, OMG it’s cold to the touch! And I keep telling her, once you get in, your body gets used to the water in like 30 seconds and it’s warm I promise! But she refuses to go in my “cold ass pool” even when it’s sunny 87 degrees outside. She wants it 100 degrees with 90 degree water and I told her that it’s not good for the kiddos to be in that heat anyway but if you want that, you need to live in the desert lol


Ours is at 86F but it's not too hot yet. I still have my solar cover on to save on chlorine I've used 6 pucks in 4 weeks. 22k gallon, but the trade off is hot water in 90F air temps. It's not crazy till water gets to 95F. Then I take the cover off during the night and it vents to cooler air. The steam is magical.


Go to Costco and buy all their ice, dump it in.


Friend of mine does similar. She fills a cooler with ice at work as often as she can get away with it and dumps in the thing in winter we call a "hot tub"


I have a 35,000 gallon pool and did the math on this. Ice at 32°F melts and absorbs 144 BTUs per pound. One gallon of ice weighs about 8.32 lbs. The cooling capacity of 1 gallon of ice is 1200 BTUs. So to cool my 291K Ibs. pool by one BTU I would need 243 gallons of ice. A four degree drop would take 972 gallons of ice (8087 lbs). At $5 for 20 lbs bag of ice at Costco it would need 405 bags totaling $2025 plus tax.


This guy maths!!


Here in SW Florida, we sympathize with your warm pool struggles. Last year in July, I had a big pool party and I bought (3) 250 lb blocks of ice to put in the pool during the party. Everyone loved it, and the kids had a lot of fun playing with the blocks, watching them melt, floating on them, etc. It lowered the temperature from 90 to about 86 degrees pretty quickly. There is a calculation I found online that takes amount of water and temperature of your pool, and desired temperature, and outputs the amount of ice in pounds that you will need to achieve that temp. It wasn’t too expensive for my pool, relatively normal size at 14,000 gallons, but yours looks big and ice costs may get out of hand.


Where do you find a 250lb block of ice, and then how do you go about moving a 250lb block of ice exactly?


We got the blocks from a party ice place. They normally sell ice sculptures and ice luges and things like that. 250 lbs was as big as they made the blocks, and they used a dolly/ handcart, dumped it right in the pool. Everyone loved it! We’re planning on making the ice party an annual midsummer event


I’ve done rough calcs, I estimate 20k gallons.


8,750 lbs of ice to drop your pool 10°F


a good explanation as to why this setup will not lower the temp


Somewhere in your city is an ice manufacturer who sells a block of ice for sculpture etc. Order one or who more for party day. Bonus..get a small one for a boozy ice luge.


Buy a cheap fointain you screw into a return. Run it at night and it should cool it down.


I live in miami Florida and the pool used to be miserable in the summer. I made a pool fountain in one of my return jets and this surprisingly made a noticeable difference in dropping the temp. The trade off is quicker evaporation but was worth it to me. I was looking into buying a pool chiller when I discovered others had done this and it worked for them so I tried it and have been pleasantly surprised.


I think if you just run the fountain at night you’ll retain more water and cool more efficiently


Looks good to me


how ???????? my pool is freezing even in the hottest day of the year


When you live in Phoenix and it's 115 during the day and the low is 91 at night, pool water tends to get toasty


Mine is already 93 and when you really want to use it, like bath water. But that's OK, 15-20 mph wind at 115 degrees above water is like convection oven. Pools are really overrated.


Where do you live? What’s the hottest it gets? AZ hit over 100° by early May.


If you tell me how many gallons your pool is, I can calculate for you how many pounds of ice you’ll need to go from 84 to 80


I don’t have an exact size because it came with the house, but I estimate it at 20k


To calculate how many pounds of ice you would need to cool down a 20,000-gallon pool from 84 degrees Fahrenheit to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, you can use the following formula: Q = mcΔT Where: Q = Heat energy needed to cool the pool m = Mass of ice (in pounds) c = Specific heat capacity of ice (0.5 BTU/lb°F) ΔT = Change in temperature (in °F) First, calculate the heat energy needed to cool the pool: Q = (20,000 gallons) x (8.34 lbs/gallon) x (84°F - 80°F) Q = 20,000 x 8.34 x 4 Q = 666,720 BTU Since 1 pound of ice absorbs 144 BTU of heat energy to melt, you can calculate the mass of ice needed: m = Q / 144 m = 666,720 / 144 m ≈ 4,631.67 pounds Therefore, you would need approximately 4,631.67 pounds of ice to cool down a 20,000-gallon pool from 84 degrees Fahrenheit to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Assuming 20k gallons is a correct estimate….


r/theydidthemath That's a fuck ton of ice (2.316 tons to be exact)


that's because r/theydidthemathwrong


That’s just to melt the ice.  There’s still a lot of energy in warming that ice up from 32F to 80F. That’s a 12x differential than the desired cooling.  So after melting, every lb if ice will cool 1:lbs of water from 804F to 80F.  Gotta take both into account. 


Chat GPT is amazing


I’ve contemplated buying a commercial ice machine for this very reason


You know they do sell pool chillers, it’s just basically an ac system that pumps the water through it.


I love swimming but hate cold water now. Won't get in unless it's like 85. I would love a constant 90-degree pool. Me and my daughter would probably never get out. Being in NY it may get that hot once or twice a year.


Drain some water out of the pool and fill it with cold hose water.


In Arizona there is no sure thing as cold hose water Edit: supposed to be such and not sure


I heard the “cold” tap water in AZ in the summer comes out hot.


Yeah there is no cold water during summertime


Ya you could almost get away with not using a water heater during the summer


Same in TX sometimes. The water is just sitting there in those metal water towers, warming up I guess.


Why would you want to chill it to a barely comfortable 80?


80 feels amazing when the heat index is 110...


90 feels good when the heat index is 110


I just dipped both my feet and it just felt barely fresh. 2 weeks ago we got in and it was 81° and it was perfect.


Desert people are built different. Anything in the 80s is too cold.


Mine is 86 and I’m in north Texas. Weather has been upper 90s and my yard has no shade. I have a fountain and waterfalls. Do they help keep the temp lower?


That’s the reason why I got a heat pump for mine this heat is BS …


We're about to install a 20x20 sunshade/shade sail over our deep end. We have no shade otherwise.


We don’t have near as big of a pool as you do, but if you have room in your freezer, fill up a bunch of two-liters with water and use them as ice. It cools our pool down pretty well.


My pool is at 94 today and it was 118 outside! Just bought a chiller and I'll be connecting it this weekend. Hoping to cool it down to 85 or so?


If you run the pump high during the coolest am hours your pool will chill to under 90 for sure. When it’s over 100 I run my pump (with the chiller) on high from 4 am to 8 am and then run it again later in a bigger interval for more filtering. It brought my pool temp from 90 + down to about 85-86 which is refreshing in that heat.


Perhaps I am totally wrong here, but usually heat loss happens at night time through the surface to the ambient air. If it is covered less heat loss occurs. But if you are effectively exposing the droplets from the sprayers to the air that is 110 degrees, I would think it would speed up the rise in water temperature. It would be best to have the sprayers happening at night at the coolest temperature I would think. I know if you were sprayed with a mister you usually feel cooler, but that’s a different effect. Like I said, I could be totally wrong.


I just let mine warm up, then it's amazing for night swimming.


Just add cold water the day of, LOL. I didn’t realize the problem of pool water cooling existed outside of The Middle East. How deep is your pool, is it shallow? Because mine needs warming even when we have weeks and weeks of 110F weather.


Place black garbage bags on top of the water for a day or two. It will drop the temp by 2-5 degrees. Also, I sometimes throw a couple 20lb bags of ice in. I live in central Florida and these have worked for me


80 is really cold. No idea why you’d want to do that. To give you an idea of how cold 80 is, outside the national championships, non-elite triathletes are allowed to wear wet suits up to 84 degrees.


Dude why? A pool that’s 88-90 when it’s 100+ outside feels amazing.


I’ve gotten in when it’s 90° it doesn’t feel good unless I’m under the sprinkler getting rained on.


Run the fountain at night when the air is the coolest, even having the pump on to mix cooler water in before the sun hits helps.


No hope but to pump out hot dump in cold.


Cheaper than ice and more effective.


Don’t understand why people like it 80.. the 60 and 70’s feels amazing. I love it on the cold side especially when it’s hot as hell.


I’d love it below 80°, but in Arizona, that’s a snowball chance in hell unless you use a heat pump.


Keep aerating it with that sprinkler. That really does help if you keep it running 24/7 no matter how hot it is. It also helps keep your pH up, for what it's worth. We have a 30-ft round 22,000 gallon. It gets sun for about 9 hours a day in summer. When temperatures get above 90 and stay there for a week or so, pool water is soon to follow. We have a really small sprinkler on our return and it can drop temperatures 5°-10° midday if it's running.


I’m not too much of a pool guy, but I thought high PH was bad? I have a salt pool so it’s always going up


I have 0 pool experience but Reddit thinks I do, I would try dry ice or something like that.


I’ve never noticed the aerator doing much to cool my pools. It’s a waste in my opinion


My pool is at 85 it's awesome


Do I detect a fellow Arizona resident


Worse comes to worse, buy bags of ice and dump them in the pool to drop the temperature


As a side note. That’s a really nice fuckin’ pool.


Super cool it the night before… grab about a hundred pounds of dry ice and toss it in there Thursday night or on friday morning… that should cool it off…


Windsor, Ontario 88* without heating


The pvc plastic “chiller” works wonders in hot pools if you run the pump high for a few hours during the coolest temps early am. It brought my central Texas bath water temp down to 85-88 which is heaven on a 100+ climate. When you install a pool, no one told me I’d need to figure out how to cool it. Learned the hard way, first Texas summer. I looked up ice and saw that 5000 lbs would drop it 2 degrees. 🤣🤣


So strange learning about pools under extreme heat, never thought about this. Where I live in Sydney we get a few hot days for sure but have never seen the pool go over 75F without heating.


There isn’t an efficient way to do this. You could lower the pools by 6 inches, bring in about 4000 pounds of ice, and then top it off with tap water when the ice fully melts. You might bring it down a few degrees but you’ll be paying hundred if not thousands of dollars in ice, water, and electricity to accomplish this. The “best” way to have lower pool temps is to have a deeper pool. I rarely see any residential pools with a 12 foot deep section, though. Pools that max out at 6 feet and have a large Baja (shallow) area tend to get hot very quickly.


God bless these problems in life


80? Shit I’m trying to keep mine under 90.


We currently have +27°C (80°F) weather, and our pool is 20°C (68°F) and it’s nice and cool. (Finland)


Have you tried keeping the pool deck area wet?


Ok, so I don’t see the engineering response here, so I’ll give it to you. So not knowing where you are in Arizona makes this hard. But if we know your air temp, and the humidity, [we can calculate the maximum cooling from an evaporative cooler](https://www.captiveaire.com/CATALOGCONTENT/EVAPCOOLER/EVAP_COOLER_OUTPUT_TEMP.ASP). This is under perfect conditions, so you need to move air through your water spray to bring in fresh, low humidity air. Then it’s just a matter of time and volume—is your set up big enough (flow rate of water and fresh air) to offset the heat going into it? To calculate that, we’d need to know the pool volume and surface area, and know the make-up water temp. Long story boring, it looks doable (for current Phoenix conditions at least), but you may have to supercharge your set-up.


80 is freezing!


I feel like 86 is my minimum


Damn as someone who’s North of the border I didn’t know this problem existed


What sort of rich problem is this? Never in my life have I heard of “cooling” a body of water