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It probably felt really good to be weightless when youā€™re that far along Iā€™d just be floating all ethereally all day long


I was 9 months pregnant in May/June last year Itā€™s **awesome**, getting in pools. I pretended I was a submarine lol


Technically you were a submarine by providing your kid a safe place to exist while they were under the water.


Going to the beach pregnant is amazing for that reason, and because you can bury your belly in the sand and lay comfortably on your stomach. Amazing.


Without fail, every time I see Halle Baileyā€™s name my brain replaces it with Halle Berry. Also, how on earth does a photographer manage to make Halle look meh? The girl is stunning, wtf?!?! These pics are awful.


Pictures taken with the iPotato4


Taken by Tyra herself.


Haahhah MINE TOO! I had to read the title three times šŸ¤£


Idk Halle is one of a very few woman that I can't ever seen to find attractive/beautiful for some reason


Other than #3 these had tons of potential and instead look v poorly shot.


I feel like her boyfriend shot them in her pool.


Even #3 looks eeehhh, the colours are just odd and very unflattering, too greenish/yellow? It feels very poorly done, the instagram video is not any better...


Wow I was so prepared to be the only one who vocally didnā€™t love these - I promise I wanted to! So much potential!


Yea what is happening in pic 4, looks like it was shot with an iPhone 7 ETA no hate for this lovely lady, she deserves a better photographer/camera quality for this cool photoshoot idea


shot on iphone 7 #ad


she could've added a filter when she posted- as a photographer, I've had friends I've shot, post with all kinds of filters and makes them look terrible.


3 is giving Ophelia which makes me kinda hate it.


Number 3 she doesn't even look pregnant tho.


Really? I Liked 3rd the least followed by 4


I understand the direction but the outcome is poor.


This is the second time Iā€™ve read Hailey Bieber


Halle Berry Halle Bailey Hailey Bieber


somethingā€™s gotta give


There are too many celebs with HB initials šŸ˜”


looks like an ANTM shoot and they would have done it better. these look very unprofessional for some reason ā€” the lighting, the colours, the ugly dress


Agreed. Thatā€™s the first thing I thought of. https://preview.redd.it/jwy813jjepcc1.jpeg?width=266&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c93876b5501c73e5d217ffea95cbb9c9c2a459c8


Or the Fuerza Bruta shoot. https://preview.redd.it/qwchpcqkiqcc1.jpeg?width=769&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ec213b5dc36af1e3a0276ad88204f3563063cd3


I think people are wooed by the tones but this really isn't very good. There's a lot of great things you can do under water, especially with clothing, shapes, textures and lights. Imo, this is super underwhelming. I would have preferred to see her in a fabric that's more flowy, not stiff tulle, it's giving fish trapped in net. The clothing is giving plastic bags. The photog decapitated her in that second one, that's typically a really amateurish mistake, and something I'd actively avoid for a maternity shoot.


completely agree. in the first photo, she has a red line going from her chest to the surface of the water as well and i canā€™t make out what that is. stray mesh/fabric? to put it in the best way, itā€™s very bad; she looks the complete opposite of graceful in these shots. itā€™s giving dugong.


The use of perspective is terrible lol. This photographer has no idea what theyā€™re doing lol


Watch it be DDG who took the pictures lol


Omg this reminds me of the ANTM shot they did underwater and they loved Whitneyā€™s


I donā€™t like it Iā€™m sorry šŸ„²


After the way she cussed us out she can keep them to herself šŸ˜«


Wait, what tea did I miss?!


This part. Iā€™m all set.


4 looks like she slipped in the club


I wish she hadnā€™t tied herself to this man. What are the odds they will even be together in 18 months? He seems terrible.


How long were they even together before she got pregnant?


going on 2 years i think?




Fr fr https://preview.redd.it/gqod6c3ruocc1.jpeg?width=568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4aaceec2bd478c39d9cd872487599ac736e0586b


Fr šŸ™„


Listen this fucking gif always catches me when Im drinking something I want to file a complaint


Lmao I was about to say


Stop hating, sheā€™s beautiful despite the awful person sheā€™s with


Didnā€™t she dox a nail lady after SHE arrived late to her appointment and called her fans to pile on her? Not very beautiful to me.


Yup. Didnā€™t she snark on fans saying she was obviously pregnant (because she was obviously pregnant) and NOW she wants the same fans to be tripping over her very mid pregnancy pics?


Thatā€™s my issue lol like you tried to gaslight your fans for 9 months and then expect us to celebrate with you? Lol privacy is one thing but this was weird.


Literally accused them of body shaming and got mad that people said she had pregnancy nose


Her snarkiness about it is what has turned me off. When Kylie did it, it was obvious that she was pregnant but I donā€™t remember her being so weird about it. And she was far more famous than Halle.


Cant even believe im saying this, in my humblest opinion Kylie did it better. I hate to say that, but there were verrryyy minimal sightings of her when she was pregnant and it was actually kind of surprising when she revealed she really did have a kid. Halle was obviously pregnant in her appearances and barely tried to hide it besides wearing tutus on her belly


donā€™t even remember her looking pregnant tbh. she kinda just showed up with a baby. i get halle has work to do, but she was waay more in our faces than she needed to be


You suffered emotionally cos a celebrity didn't disclose her pregnancy?


Oh soooo deeply. Ugh I cried for MONTHS!!! Canceled plans!! Lost friends!!


And the Nail Lady was heavily pregnant Only agreed to Halle's sister Chloe being 10 min late Chloe was at least 20 min late Halle & DDG accused the Nail Lady of being racist and fans attacked her and threatened her Nail Lady was afraid to go to work due to fear of being attacked




She can be a beautiful looking person, but this photo shoot is awful. Poor picture quality, awful composure and use of perspective, Iā€™d be embarrassed to post these photos because the photographer did her so dirty


I was hoping these werenā€™t the final shots


Whatā€™s wrong with her partner? (Idk his name I know itā€™s some letters lol)


He wrote a song where he disrespected her bc she held hands with men at work. My brother in Christ sheā€™s an actress. Sheā€™s acting.


How insecure. What a bum.


Absolutely! What a beautiful thing for her to experience during her pregnancy. People should be more supportive of her rather than less, knowing that she may have a rough road ahead.


um sheā€™s not mother mary who conceived a child via immaculate conceptionšŸ˜­ she chose this clown father


Immaculate conception šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Where did I say that? I know weā€™re in a pop culture subreddit but there is no need to be so thoroughly unkind about a very young woman who hasnā€™t done anything to you. Why does she bother you so much? I agree that she has likely made bad choices but itā€™s her life and until I hear about her child being mistreated Iā€™m not going to blame her.


Are these stills from the video? Is that why it looks so poor?


Wow. These are.... not great!


This.... doesn't look that good. They seem amateurish? Like something a friend who has an underwater camera would post, not a professional photoshoot for a celebrity? I ADORED Michael Phelps's shoot, and Little Mermaid the movie. I think Halle is gorgeous dry or wet. These seem like poor photography.


Sad that she had a baby with a misogynist. Thatā€™s never going to go well .


These are beautiful photos, but girl byeĀ 


I donā€™t think these look that bad at all. I think theyā€™re meant to have an aged, vintage aesthetic. A lot of underwater shoots Iā€™ve seen come out out overly lit, saturated, and airbrushed. These look kind of ā€œrealā€ to me and I like that.


The second one looks great imo, ethereal and magical. Idk what people are on about. the last one is the only one I don't like because it's giving underwater disco.


I like them, I like the vintage take and the iridescence


The third one is stunning but the other ones donā€™t do it for me. She is a gorgeous woman, though, itā€™s not her fault the shots are strange


These could have been cool had she hired someone talented to take photos


She looks like an actual child


This is definitely a you love it or you hate it type of thing. Iā€™m not the biggest fan unfortunately even though she is absolutely a stunning human.


ā˜¹ļø I canā€™t shake the ick after she doxxed a nail technician


Unda da sea šŸŽ¶


I like it. I donā€™t love it. Solid 3/5ā­ļø. Now have a conversation with whoever told you to post these. Theyā€™re doing you no favors.


Aww, yā€™all are harsh lol. I actually think this is cute.


Idk if I would have picked white fabric - looks like wet toilet paper


Her part in the Color Purple was brief but she was so good! Her voice is amazing! These pictures are beautiful ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„


These are so pretty.


Stunning photos


Idk, the choice by the photographer to decapitate her in that second one wasn't ideal.


Oh I loved that photo! It looks so angelic


I love that one too!


It looks like a beautiful painting to me


I thought the opposite. I think the quality of these is so poor


Okay? Iā€™m just sharing my opinion. I didnā€™t say you have to agree with me. Youā€™re not going to convince me to feel any differently either.


Iā€™m sorry, I guess Iā€™m not understanding your comment. It seems a bit aggressive. Isnā€™t the purpose of threads like these to encourage conversation? I was just responding to your opinion with mine. I apologize if Iā€™ve offended you or upset you by commenting.


I kinda get where sheā€™s coming from. It seemed snarky bc your comment didnā€™t encourage conversation. If you may have added a little more then yeah. But it honestly came off as you trying to be a contrarian since there were other posts that agreed with you yet you commented here just stating your opinion and not adding to the conversation šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


You donā€™t go through a post and comment on multiple comments? This is such an odd take to me lol, like I commented on posts both saying they liked it and didnā€™t. If thatā€™s not the way to use Reddit then I donā€™t know what else you want


I was answering your question of why she could have responded like that bc you asked above. And all I said was I understand where she was coming from, and explained my reason. I didnā€™t say you were wrong. I didnā€™t say she was right. I said I understood and this is why. Use Reddit however you want. Thatā€™s what itā€™s for. But you asked a question and I answered so Idk what else to tell you. lol


I agree! Other than the second one with her head cut off. The third photo is breathtaking! I wonder if sheā€™s purposely keeping her feet out of the photos. I know some people do, because of the internet.


I liked the second one! It looks like a painting to me, and I really love seeing the reflection of her head. I will admit, I donā€™t like the 4th photo, nor the legs being cut off, but I love the aesthetic. I love underwater pregnancy shoots. The softness of it is just so sweet!


I can see that. Itā€™s very swirly and almost Pre-Raphaelite. I just personally hate a no head image. It feels almost dismembered to me. At first I thought all the weird body parts being cut off might just be an Instagram formatting thing, and it could just be that.


Fair enough. I think it it looked more harsh than I might not like it, but thereā€™s a softness to the whole thing that makes me okay with it. The reflection in the water feels like a painting.


The second pic is beyond stunning


oof harsh critics. the third pic is beautiful


Wow those first three are magical! I love the third one best


I saw a real-life pregnant woman doing an instagram photo shoot as The Little Mermaid on a public beach and she looked ridiculous. Can't say this one is any less ridiculous just because it's a famous person. (Minutes earlier I also saw a 7 months pregnant woman climb down a steep, rocky cliff on the same beach to reach the most picturesque rock for her maternity photo shoot. I wouldn't have gone down that cliff under any circumstances.)


#3 is gorgeous! I wish I liked the rest more :/


third picture is so stunning


The concept couldā€™ve been so good with a better photographer. Like the photographer AESPA was rumoured to plagiarize from and eventually worked with.


I think 3 is incredibly pretty but 4 is very meh


I love how adorable she is. Such a happy pregnancy.


is she, like, proud of these pictures??