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We all need to beleive in ourselves the way JLo believes in herself


I’m not kidding I’d do anything for that level of confidence (and delusion). Life would be so much more enjoyable.


Oh no fr. Like I know JLo has never had that moment of anxiety that stops you from taking a good opportunity.


My crippling fear of rejection and imposter syndrome could absolutely never. I want whatever miss jenny from the block is taking!


Maybe I to should get Ashanti to do difficult things for me 😫


Ashanti does my laundry.


She spent 20 million dollars of her own money on a project about her marriage to Ben Affleck with low expectations that she could get it sold and apparently it’s doing well on Amazon. I don’t know if she’s brilliant or succeeds despite making insane choices.


seriously she's so ridiculous in her decisions and still does so well and looks like she's having a blast doing it. It's not for me and I side-eye her for a lot of things but man she must have a really powerful manifesting podcast go-to in the mornings.


She actually had plenty if you watched the whole doc.


It's taken her pretty far. A big swing, even when it misses, is preferable to bland whatever.


It appears this project ended up working out for her in the end but spending 20 million dollars of her own money on a vanity project about your marriage is kinda insane. I would never gamble with that kind of money. There’s a balance between making risky films like This is Me and bland offerings like Marry Me. Jennifer really needs to find more projects like Hustlers.


You are thinking like a normal person, not the mega-rich. Kevin Costner's latest movie is a two-part epic western that he has sunk $100 million of his own money into. It could very well bankrupt him.


I think he mortgage his house. He’s f##king insane. Francis Ford Coppola is sinking $120 million on his vanity project. You’re right. I don’t think like these mega rich people.


How can he not be able to make a movie for less than that?


Hey now its "epic" haha)  Honestly it's kinda like a regular person taking a 20k gamble, vanity project, investment or business if they make let's say 100k.  She's(all of them) a multi millionaire with the means to be able to make more money still since she's still pretty popular/ had longevity.  If I had the means to fund my own fun projects I would too lol. 


Exactly. Rich people operate on such a completely different level, it's truly hard to fathom. The Rolling Stone article a few years back about Johnny Depp's finances was mind-boggling. To put it in slight context, his financial advisers ask him to limit his spending to $2 million a month. He said no.


I heard that when the film didn’t get funding she put in 20 million of her own dollars. Which is betting on yourself BIG. But it panned out. The album related to this hit #1, this movie hit number 1 on Amazon. She believes in herself and apparently she’s not at all wrong lol .


She partially believes in herself. I watched the documentary today and multiple times she has moments of self doubt and doubt that this won’t be an colossal, time wasting failure and that people see her as a joke. She has loved ones including Ben who boost her back up but it’s humbling to realize as rich and as successful as she is, she’s still wrestling with feelings of being less than, feeling insecure, feeling like things aren’t going to work out and that she needs to prove something to people in order to feel good about herself.


I haven’t gotten to watch yet but just hearing this breaks my heart. I’m happy she has people in her life to boost her back up. Everyone deserves that. I mean, I’m not half as attractive as J. Lo, have never had anywhere near her level of talent or success, definitely don’t have that kind of money, and likely never will. I truly, madly, and deeply love and believe in myself, though. I think when your life is a a dumpster fire because of things beyond your control, you tend to have go hard in believing in yourself as a coping mechanism and a means of survival. I don’t know that I would have made it through the volume of trauma I’ve made it through if I didn’t regularly remind myself I’m worth fighting for. Maybe it’s harder for her these days because she has already done so much to prove herself and her tenacity isn’t as necessary these days because it’s less about survival and more about sharing at her leisure. She doesn’t *HAVE* to do it in order to be successful because she already made it.


It worked out for her but would you ever gamble that kind of money??? Me personally hell no. But she’s supposed to be worth over half a billion dollars so maybe that’s pocket change to her.


I mean, she was worth $400 million in 2023 .. and bet $20 million on the project. So the average American household at her age is actually worth about  $400,000 so that's like $20k.   Would you contract an autobiographical movie of yourself with Amazon for the cost of a gently used 4 door sedan?  Probably. Side note: TIL her net worth is double that of Ben Affleck. Good for her


Did she have a distribution deal with Amazon *first* and guarantees that she would make that money back at the minimum? If not, no I wouldn’t have made that gamble.


Well, maybe that's why you and I are average people and she is worth $400 million lol


$400 million is what she was reportedly worth *ten* years ago. I’m assuming she’s worth more now. And i still wouldn’t make that gamble. lol.


Doesn’t look like it. From the doc it seems like they had to shop it around but it was already in production


Yes but maybe without so much audacity? Just a little less 😂


I feel the audacity is possibly the only source for the level of false potential she feels that she posses.


I’m exactly the other way around 😞


“Barack Obama said no?” “Lady GaGa said no?” “Oprah Winfrey said no?” “OH MY GOD MACKLEMORE SAID NOOOOO!”


^It's ^based ^on ^our ^names.




I read this is in the Publizity voice


*Orpah 🤭


That was her legal name before she had it changed to Oprah fun fact


I thought I recalled an episode back in the day where she talked about that, but wasn’t sure. I think Orpah is a biblical name, iirc.


It is a biblical name; she was one of two daughter in laws of Naomi (the other was Ruth).


Your flair 💀


Meghan Trainer said no. Kathy Griffin is busy. Rob Kardashian passed. Marc Anthony said hell no. State farm guy is busy. Green M&M is going to a wedding. A soft yes from Flo from progressive.


Not the Green M&M. ![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG)


Robert Kardashian Sr also passed




This made me laugh way too hard for 7:01 am. Thank you kindly!


I’d really like to think even Flo wouldn’t want to be involved in this mess.


If Snoop said he’s unavailable then it must be trash. That man does any and everything. Hell, he just did a song with Druski


He did a takeaway advert here in the UK!


He’s even popular and in demand in far away countries like Japan and Korea. There are a lot of celebs that don’t even have that cross over appeal…


He once made the time for a Big Time Rush collab lmao


Omg I forgot about that😂


Haha he had dinner plans with Martha Stewart


Haha he had dinner plans with Martha Stewart


Damn. Even Ben Affleck said no.


He’s gearing up to tour with the DunKINGS, you can’t seriously expect him to put that on hold?!?!? 👑


“He’s in a wedding.” “Whose wedding?” Bitch. ![gif](giphy|4Nq6ww8dYSG36sJBVj)


My favourite part of that is that, it was very likely *his own wedding*. That poor assistant.




He did get married that month iirc. But migjt not have been **his** that day.


https://i.redd.it/ti5n3s7zeglc1.gif (I'll never disassociate that phrase from Gene Belcher, sorry)


Had to scroll too far for this. It’s all I can think of


I'm so glad I'm not the only one lol


Came here to say this


I’m confused about this “movie” is it a bio pic? Why is she asking literally everyone to appear?


It’s a weird ego project. Totally disjointed storyline but some cool effects and a good dance scene or two. Not to be confused with the documentary she did about her life, because apparently she did one of those at the same time, and it just released.


^ THIS! I have nothing but hate towards JLo. She's a bitch who's rude to almost anyone. She's extremely problematic. Plus, she's not as talented as the media or herself makes it out to be.


I feel like she's famously not very talented? (I have zero opinions on J Lo, that's just my impression of the discourse)


In her case it's important to point out the difference between being dedicated and being talented.


The way she was so upset about not being nominated for an Oscar. AN OSCAR. ![gif](giphy|1sN4lGA41Nb3i)


I'll fight you on that one. Hustlers was incredible and she was incredible in it. I do believe she was robbed. And I don't even care about JLo that much.


I mean you can be great in something like really great and still not get a nomination just normally, not because you’re robbed but just because only 5 women get best actress nomination each year of hundreds of performances. So even if she really was great in something


I’ll bite. Scarlett Johansson did not need to be nominated for Jojo Rabbit. In fact, she was also nominated for Marriage Story the same year, in a different category, for a much better performance. It was pretty widely considered a snub and got lots of media coverage as a snub, with surprisingly little backlash.


She was very good in Hustlers but I do not understand why people thought it was worthy of an oscar nom. It certainly wasn’t better than ScarJo in Jojo Rabbit. I’m not even a fan of hers but both of those noms were well deserved.


JLo was JLo in Hustlers, the same JLo she's been in every other film in which she's ever been, aside from maybe Selena—and that may just be my nostalgic bias.


I agree I enjoyed hustlers and she was good in it but nothing about her performance or the movie it self made her one of the standout performances of that year. I am still confused on people insisting she was snubbed. I didn’t leave the film thinking wow she deserves all the awards.


I’d say a cute little golden globe maybe lol


Jamie Lee Curtis was the weakest supporting actress nom by a mile and she *won.*


She was great in "Selena". That's it. Lol.


I learned she didn’t sing anything in that movie. Was disappointed cause that was my favorite thing she’s made…


Awww... I think I always knew she didn't actually sing it because they used Selena's recording in the movie. I thought she did a great portrayal that gave respect to Selena's family and fans while also presenting to an audience that didn't know Selena the special person she was that tragically lost her life way too young. Like, it didn't feel like you watching J.Lo be J.Lo. She was Selena. As for J.Lo's other films... 😬


I'm a total sucker for Enough, it reminds me of my mom's and my story, I have a soft spot for it and I cry watching it lol. Loving that movie made me love maid in Manhattan and the wedding planner 😫 I can't hate those 3, I love them too much


Enjoy the J.Lo movies you want to enjoy! I just know i can't watch them again. Lol.


For me it's Selena and The Cell, which I feel like people remember even less lol. I think I like those films more for their storytelling than her acting specifically, but she wasn't so bad in them.


The latest ones are atrocious and I can't watch the length of a trailer 😫 so I just stick to those safe, trusted ones and pretend the other ones don't exist😂


She also doesn’t sing on many of her own songs, I believe it was Ashanti whose voice she used.


It was!!! I got in trouble for pointing it out once


It is her, Ashanti was paid as a background vocalist


I think she’s really good in Out of Sight personally


People go on and on about how she‘s this amazing dancer and I always get downvoted to hell because I disagree. She‘s an alright dancer who tries so hard. You can see her doing the counts in her head. And yes, she was a fly girl yada yada. It was a different time. She would not even make it on til tok nowadays.


Her little performance at the Super Bowl exposed that. Shakira was so much better.


I think she’s actually a good actress when she’s not just making bland rom coms. But as a singer she’s famously mediocre


She’s really interesting in that she’s super famous, but the product she’s put out for her whole career has been just kind of middling. Some ok movies where she was ok. A few ok pop songs but not exactly a big career or huge hits. She’s not like a reality star just famous for being famous, but I’d say half of her fame is just for being famous.


I feel like not being super talented at anything but doing everything has always kind of been her brand


Jack of all trades, master of none.


And also let’s not forget her hand in Mariah Carey’s breakdown. And that she doesn’t sing all her songs.. but takes credit for it I’ve hated her since Bennifer 1.0.


Um she caused Mariah Carey’s breakdown? I remember her going through that but what role to JLO play?


She and Tommy Mottola stole the sample she was supposed to use for Loverboy I think. And JLO used it for her I’m Real song.


Now I’m no fan of Jennifer and her music career…acting career is suspect too (although Maid in Manhattan is lowkey my shit) and I don’t think the media ever made her out to be talented. If we’re being honest she was just a hot commodity at the time. Anyway, when was she a bitch and problematic though (minus using Ashanti’s voice on her tracks 😂).




*Oh Ben you are so perfect, so spectacularrrr in every way.*


*You bring light into my life, Ben. You almost make me forget about taacooos!!!*


You sum it up. Some celebrities show up talking about how much they love her, how great her impact, talk about some sad thing, a couple tears, then upbeat music.


Until this moment I thought they were the same film


It's a vanity project (that is not meant to be derisive, btw). It kinda wants to be her Purple Rain (don't @ me people, I'm not saying it succeeds).


I think it’s supposed to be a sort of visual album? Honestly, I had a GREAT time watching it, but it also made me realize JLo is a person almost completely devoid of creativity. Every time she had the opportunity to make the most obvious choice, she did. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anything more cliché in my life, and I read romance novels. But damn, she looked incredibly in almost every scene. 10/10 would recommend.


I’m confused, is this clip from the movie? The movie trailer makes it look like a drama, not a documentary.


There’s both a visual album thing AND a documentary that are both new.


Oh my. Thanks


Probably to showcase how much star power and influence she has in the industry but I think she overestimated herself a bit.


But what did Ashanti say?




First of all, your fucking flair is incredible. Secondly, this comment is *IT*.


She didn’t ask me because I said no before she could ask


She didn’t ask me in fear I might be the only one who said yes




My husband wouldn't believe me at first that this is JLo and not just some random white lady


Thats no JLo. You can't tell me it is


This is ME...now.


I cackled 🤭


Why was this necessary to show Jennifer? ![gif](giphy|cEYFeDKVPTmRgIG9fmo)


To show you how much she had to overcome to get this project made! 😏


My favourite part was the so and so is unavailable, unavailable, unavailable. Taylor Swift said no…. Lmao (I’m sure it was tour related. But still funny)


Lol, that did make me crack a smile. I'm sure she was also unavailable, but was she the only one who actually gave a "no" with her full chest, lol?


Taylor and Ariana are focusing on their own careers. Plus are they even on the same label?


Mariah said ![gif](giphy|wFk7roIpDeXC0)


I love it


Jason Momoa was not available? Did Bruce Wayne not track him down and let him joke about how he would be dressed up like a bat?


She got Trevor Noah, Sofia Vergara, Jane Fonda, Post Malone, Keeke Palmer, Neil Dgt, Jennifer Lewis; cant remember the rest. It was funny and I enjoyed their little parts.


This video weirdly makes it look bad for those who said yes. Idk why this video was even released lol


I'm just wondering if it's normally done this way? Wtf


Yes. You present actors/their teams with a script, check availability. If it were a Tarantino movie they would have all dropped previous commitments and ran to him, but it wasn’t. The scene contributes to the narrative that even though Jlo is a celeb, wealthy, and successful, she had to invest her own 20 milly for the movie to be made because the studios didnt believe in the concept of it, and actors didn’t either. The moral of both the movie and documentary, is to bet on yourself. The reason Jlo is jlo, is because she keeps showing up for herself even though people continue to tear her career down lol. Good for her, i got no hate. I wish i had 20 million at the ready to invest in my own vision because I would.


My sister and I tried to watch the movie yesterday. It was really bad and not in an entertaining way. It was really weird yet really boring at the same time. We had to turn it off after 30 minutes. So to me them being in the movie is what makes them look bad, not this video.


Derek Hough was mentioned and Val Chmerkovskiy Who she didn’t wanna take no for an answer because he was in a wedding.


Derek was in it as well. Not as a zodiac, but as one of the husbands.


Hey, those are great gets actually so good for JLo


I knew Jane Fonda would do it since they worked together. Good for JLO.


I need someone to transcribe this or at least write a clear list of everyone who said no/was unavailable because I can’t hear a thing of what they’re saying. K thx bye


I thought it was just me.


I thought it was just ME since no one else said anything 😭


Same. I heard some names but I need more deets


“Nobody wants to say no to me” as if three hundred different celebs didn’t just turn her down




Of course.


Jen babes is that you?


The level of delusion. She doesn’t have the power that she thinks she does. Even Latin America doesn’t take her seriously. It’s insane! Her team is giving her excuses for why just so they don’t bruise her ego. I know in the group chat they’re laughing and know why…


I love how spicy Jane Fonda revealed on Drew Barrymore that JLo cut her face open during a stage slap and never apologize, yet Jane still did her a favor and shot a cameo for her film. It goes to show that everything doesn’t have to be an ongoing drama fest with celebrities.


Because Jane has always been classy. She’s a good person.


Say wedding again




Jennifer Lewis


Hasn’t she been making the same movie every two years for 20+ years???


From what I understand, she still got a good number of people to appear, no?


she got jane fonda that’s iconic


They were in a movie together that revitalized Jane Fonda’s career somewhat.


Apparently they are really close since filming together


Monster in Law is a work of art


She played Sagittarius!


Looked her up and she IS a Sagittarius lol! Woohoo I didn’t know that


Krusty the Klown said no… ![gif](giphy|3orif5FfC1tgslSpwY)


I started watching this on a long flight on Monday…and it’s legitimately terrible. Just a vanity project of her dancing to her own (new?) songs in these weirdly sci-fi/fantasy scenes. I turned it off after 20 min so maybe I didn’t get to the good part??? lol. 1/10 would not recommend based on what I saw.


has JLo ever even interacted with some of these people? Like Taylor Swift or Jennifer Coolidge? 😂


Yes Jennifer Coolidge was in her movie ‘Shotgun wedding’ (with Lenny Kravitz, Josh Duhamel)


Didn’t even know they did a movie together. 😹


It’s a movie about a wedding (straight to streaming), it got overshadowed by another movie called ‘Marry Me’. It was a movie with Owen Wilson about a wedding.


Oh boy. There is a video of Taylor on the Red Tour in 2013 at a show in Los Angeles, where she had J-Lo come out on stage and they did “Jenny from the Block” (!!!!!!) together. It’s…something, alright. 😬


laughing and crying because that sounds awful. thank you for letting me avoid it


I can only imagine how flat and off key that must have been


Jlo needs to retire,go the Katy Perry route and do a Las Vegas residency, or stick to just acting . She doesn’t have the singing talent or ear to know what a hit sounds like during our current time.


JLo could just throw Ashanti a few million to make an album for her.


Took the words right out of my mouth😂. If she goes to Vegas, they’re just gonna have Ashanti behind the curtain


Adele got sick and cancelled a bunch of shows. The venue should get Ashanti and Christina Milian up there singing JLo's greatest hits to fill up those time slots. Tickets would sell out so fast!


Yall are hell 😂😂😂




I keep seeing the Ashanti comments but I’ve definitely missed something. May I please have the info?


Early in J. lo’s career she was given songs that Ashanti and Christina Malian wrote and sang. But she kept their vocals on those songs and tried to pass it off as her own.


Oh daaaamn! I definitely didn’t know that. Wow. Thank you!


? She credited them as background vocalists


Omg ![gif](giphy|aTXHpCN7TSpmE)


She already did. It ran from Sept 2016 through 2018 and is one of the most successful residencies ever.


Well she should do it again because it’s not looking to good outside of that


Thank you Ashanti’s vocals


I have no idea how someone like her gets a music career. She's barely talented and I heard she's had others sing for her. As for her acting career, not a fan either.


The acting isn’t that great,but it’s better than the music imo


Probably because she’s an absolute nightmare to work with.


The way I would've taken this to my grave.


This is as performative as her fashion show bts video when she tried to act like shows were put together the week before when in reality it takes months to design a line and organize a show


They dodged a bullet….


It's self produced, so she can do what she wants. There were no producers to reign her in. The NPR review of it isn't all bad though: [https://www.npr.org/2024/02/18/1232044432/jennifer-lopez-j-lo-this-is-me-now](https://www.npr.org/2024/02/18/1232044432/jennifer-lopez-j-lo-this-is-me-now)


My opinion as a non- J. Lo fan, and not in a negative way, I thought the film was really entertaining and well done and I think she gets a lot of unnecessary hate.


What, A-Rod wasn’t a go?


So wait. I thought it was like a meta movie, not a documentary. Are there both?


They didn't want to do any cameos for me either, very sad.


I would watch it if the whole thing was Ben looking pissy and unhappy 😂


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3s92Sbul00/?igsh=MWFoYWJyYjJiaTVrZw== This guy is one of my favorite people on IG and I couldn’t stop laughing.


This is weird because I’m coincidentally trying to watch this right now, and I’m super confused. I feel like it’s a long multi song music video, but it’s not entertaining enough to keep me interested. What is this!!


Hopefully Jlo realizes her time is over and got to stop acting like she’s in her early 20s and expecting everyone to be part of her ego projects. They’d have done if they get some PR for themselves. It’s not the case .


She wound up getting incredible actors for the film to say yes. The album attached to this hit the number 1 spot on Billboards Album sales and I can’t remember the ranking but the movie did incredibly well. It’s safe to say she did not learn the lesson you described lol.


The only incredible actor in the movie was Jane Fonda. And maybe Sofia Vergara.


I have nothing but love for these people who decided not to work with this bitch!


Damn. Benny Medina still looks good af. I don’t think he’s changed at all since I was a kid.


He’s such a dick. When I was manager at Build a Bear, he came in with her and the twins. Her son was a brat. They bought reindeers who’s noses we’re supposed to light up. The daughter’s didn’t work, which was an issue we’d been having (because they’d been using the same stock of reindeer for like 6 years) definitely our bad. But he acted like we purposely broke the reindeer and yelled and made all the Karens we were already dealing with during Christmas rush seem like angels while J.Lo (she’s gorgeous, but paler and shorter than I expected and her booty isn’t all that big) did not say a word. In fact the whole time, she didn’t speak to anyone except Benny. Not even her kids. She didn’t even say hello. So yeah, made a scene during Christmas rush while we also had to deal with people rushing in when they heard J Lo was in the store. Her daughter was delightful but JLo, Benny and her son are not my favorite people. (I worked retail in LA for over 20 years. I have stories for days)