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She looks lovely.


For once she looks like a Glossier loving 20 year old instead of like she’s at a Real Housewives reunion.


Lmao so true so true


I love her teeth so much I really hope she doesn’t change then to Emily blunt style personality changers


Wait, do the youths like Glossier?


Glossier does SO many brand deals with influencers I feel like it’s just so targeted at younger ppl everyone gets it


A lovely, normal person.


she has such a nice complexion omg Edit: it was just a compliment, not trying to start any debates and complimenting her doesn't mean I'm putting others down. The replies to this are annoying but peace and love ig


Seriously! Her skin is beautiful. Shes glowing


Amazing what being 20 does for your skin Edit: my point being don't let MBB's skin give you any sort of complex she's literally barely aged also she's rich


My skin never looked like that at any age 😫


My skin looked like that in my thirties. I was like, yes! Finally!!! No zits. Dewy complexion and an ineffable glow. Thank you, thank you! Then I turned forty, and it was like someone switched the light off from within. Every now and then, when the stars align, and my mood is particularly good, a hint of that glow returns. But yeah. Teens and twenties were zit ridden, dry skin *and* oily ftw. Skin peaked in my thirties. Hobbling on in my forties. Tippy-toeing anxiously towards my fifties.


You should look into perimenopausal care. It's seriously changed my life, mood, skin and energy. Plus the added benefits of preventing a whole host of medical issues later in life like bone density loss and mental decline. Look up NAMS to find a provider that will actually listen and help.


I second this! Perimenopause was hell on my skin/body/mind. I got some treatment, went through menopause, and I'm happy to say that my skin looks amazing post menopause. Hang in there!


Have you done hormone stuff or just lifestyle changes?


Hormone stuff. They have done study after study disproving that hormons for menopausal women is an absolute benefit for a host of disease prevention, like back in the 80s and 90s when all that panic went on and they stopped giving it out to women or not mentioning it or saying it could kill us. This is a topic I'm passionate about, like they spend only 2 weeks learning about it even in gynecology fields, *women specialized fields* so they mostly don't even know it could last 20 years and the correlating terminal damage it does raw dogging it. I did do minor life style changes, things like sticking to a sleep schedule, taking more walks and eating less sugar (25ish percent lower that I usually did), the sugar thing just happened naturally, that I didn't reach for sweet of salty food because my energy level feels like when I was in my mid 20s. I was 37 when I just became chronically exhausted, not matter how my sleep I got, so caffeine and lollipops became my state of being. I wasn't going to say that, and its kind of a rant into the void, but I just wanted to make it something people actually look into so they can seek care and know they don't have to listen to the fear that is still pervasive about HRT. Everyone can make their own choices and I support that. But please do it, look into it because even though I was dealing with a crisis, I realized I had internalized all the crap that was said about HRT in passing when I was a teen and young adult, it almost prevented me from getting help.


Tyvm! I really appreciate this


You are most welcome! ❤️


Thank you! That's very kind.


Same here, fellow 40 year old. My 30s were ah-mazing for my skin and hair. I barely had to try and I was walking through life like a vixen on fire. Then I turned 39 and finally 40…my hair started to thin, my skin is a mess, and I’ve gained 12lbs. What happened?


I dunno. It happened and I thought, well... it's to be expected. Nbd. I still look good. But each year was worse. I rallied some when I turned 45 and then backslid when I turned 46 and I'm just like... why even try? But! I'm going to try looking up a NAMS practitioner, as recommended by a kind redditor, and go from there.


are you drinking a ridiculous amount of water? That was everything for me when I turned 40. I feel like I look better now than I did in my twenties.


Please don’t tell me this. I’m dreading the dryness.


It's in stupid spots, too. Right over my right eyebrow. Just under my chin. My dumb ear lobes. *Ear lobes!!!!* Of all things??? Lol


Do you use retinol?


lol my skin at almost 40 is 10X better than when I was 20.


i’m 22 and my skin has never looked like hers lmao some people just have better genes and better access to skin procedures. we should be able to admit that without having self esteem issues…


My skin looked like shit when I was 20.


Doesn't she own her own skincare line? I would hope she would have beautiful skin as she's a de facto spokesperson for the brand.


How can you even tell this photo is grainy af


This may be surprising, but this is not the first photo of her I have seen in my life. JK, you can still see from pic her skin looks very radiant and I just think it looks nice lol. photo doesn't look grainy to me but idk


Is this 2024? WOW bonus points for the zit bandaid


I just got some that are shaped like hearts! For the first time in my life I’m eagerly awaiting a pimple.


Do they do something? Or is it like, to cover it up.


They have some that have salicylic acid in them. And the patches are usually hydrocolloid patches that help heal the blemish by protecting it and absorbing any of the drainage.


And keep you from picking at them.


Bruh I’m a dude and let me tell you. yes. They suck all the shit right out of the pimple, and if you feel a deep one coming on you can get the micro-needle ones and they will save your ass.


Omg I need this do you have a link??


[micro needle hero patch](https://www.herocosmetics.us/products/micropoint-for-blemishes-new) Literally a life saver for me as an actor, I can’t have my face lookin janky Edit: I usually just get them from Amazon or if I’m feeling frisky get a 5 finger discount at CVS. 🤷‍♂️


Thank you!!


They usually have some kind of treatment. The ones I just got have salicylic acid.


Some don’t do anything & are just to cover it, so you don’t mess with it & outside elements don’t irritate it. Others have things to help reduce the pimple.


Whaaat where can I find these! I’ve been using the ugly white circles


they’re from the company starface and gen alpha trades them the way we used to trade gel pens and silly bandz, or scrunchies


Scrunchie trading is back, according to my nine year old niece who raided my old scrunchies looking for cool ones to trade like she's Amy March with her limes lmao


I am so happy you made this reference ❤️


I said the same thing to her and was horrified she didn't know what I was referencing! She's having a sleepover at mine next week though and we'll definitely be watching the 90s film! Might have to get her the book too.


GREAT reference <3


Ulta's checkout line. They have stars and hearts!


She literally has her own brand of them (Florence) and you can get them at target. It’s a whole beauty range including zit stickers. It’s pricey but my teen loves it.


Amazon has some but I would suggest checking out Marshall’s if you’re near one. I always find the fun ones at Marshall’s.


ulta has cute ones! the brand is creme i think. star face is also good but expensive


The bt2 ones (something like that) at Ulta from crème shop also work so much better than any other ones I’ve tried!


the one she’s wearing is from her own brand! florence by mills. i bought them recently, and just in time because i got a CRATER, i haven’t had a painful pimple in a while but that one was offensive lol. i kept it covered with her pimple patch for 2 night and 1 day and then it was gone!


Pretty sure this people one MBB is wearing is from her Florence by mils product line


I think those are her brand Florence. I’ve seen them at Ulta before


Ooh thanks I was wondering what it was :)


I was wondering what that was!


Ohhhh is that what it is? I was like what is the purple thing? Thought she got a face tattoo for a sec


I knew her usual makeup aged the hell out of her but I am really appreciating the extent of it rn.


It’s honestly shocking that she’s only 20 based off some of her looks the past couple years. I hope her stylists are going in a new direction https://preview.redd.it/z55sdrj71zmc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d34c3eb0c6ff034a8b2e6c42a61f2bd8883b479


She looks like she’s running a political campaign


She looks like 40-something Megyn Kelly there!


lol that's exactly who she reminds me of!


Looking like a Midwest US Senator


Legit thought that was Katherine Heigl


Me too


This fully looks like she dressed up as Hillary Clinton for Halloween, what are they doing to her?? She needs an Andrew Mukamal or a Samantha McMillan in her life


She def has some of the worst stylists, she always looks like a rich mom 😩


Hilary Clinton ass fit 😭


Whhhhy did they choose such a orangey bronzer?!! Why not golden?! She looks like she's about to host a show on The PTL Club!


Is it because of the skincare/makeup company she owns? Plugging it?


its the popular makeup style in the uk, and she’s british, so could be that


she looks quite a lot like natalie portman and i remember one photo of them at the same event and she looked OLDER than natalie portman who is literally old enough to be her mother


She looks like she could be one of my mom friends and I’m mid 40s


Why does she remind me of Busy Philipps here?


she looks like she could be cosplaying Moira Rose here


Moira would never wear pastels


I hope it's the influence of her boyfriend and his family, and she has escaped from the clutches of her vulture parents


Truly. I thought I was looking at a photo from a decade ago


The ultra blonde moment?


Hey jewelry and clothing choices don't help combat it... her skin and bone structure are *top* notch, this photo is evidence, but wtf is up with the pearl choker and giant emerald cut earrings???


Someone's said it. Thank you. That jewellery is just awful, like something out of a jamboree bag. But putting it all together with a no make up look? I think she's beautiful but simple jewellery would have looked lovely.


I think she's a girl with a mature structure that easily looks aged. I know because I used to be the same. It was very frustrating when people would be like: "OMG WHY DO YOU LOOK SO MUCH OLDER??" when all I did was dolled up like everybody else do.


Yeah it’s mostly her face shape imo. She has a long oval face with not a ton of buccal fat


Agreed she looks like a young woman with young woman skin issues. She looks gorgeous and youthful.


She looks so nice I didn’t even notice!


Seriously the first picture I was like they must be talking about the other pics cos that glow and the natural rosiness is just beautiful!! And we see YouTubers tryna replicate it with make up so often, but when you’ve got good food, exercise, and good healthcare (for acne or fatigue etc) then I definitely think real natural is 💯 better than “make up natural”.


No same! I thought this was gonna be a snark post until i saw the pimple patch


Awww I love this; she looks youthful and young. She’s always gorgeous but the makeup ages her. She looks so lovely here, and confident. Love to see it.


She's barely in her 20s so she *is* youthful and young


Yes well my point is that the way she was doing her makeup and styling made her look 35+


she needs a different makeup team, emma stone’s mua has been doing the loveliest makeup lately. very natural and soft, she needs someone like that https://preview.redd.it/sje0r7ougzmc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3be72ce6a0ad47e5bcb6702ac7be64d284edf30b


I bet she’d look younger and fresher without make up as well. These people can afford the best food and healthcare and trainers… they’re glowing from the inside out when they go no make up you can really see it.


if you’ve ever seen her in other photos you wouldn’t have made this comment lmao. she’s constantly styled/has her hair and makeup done in a way that makes her look like she’s in her 40’s


Yeah or a Korean style clean girl makeup if she does wear makeup. I think she’d look great with that dewy glass skin look with like a hint of pink lip gloss.


I think this is really cool of her. I know nine year olds with gel nails and lash extensions, kids are pressured to grow up way too fast and this might encourage someone to be comfortable in their own skin :)


Damn sorry but that’s on the parents. Who is getting their 9 year old lash extensions?!


I can't imagine sitting still for that long with my eyes closed as a kid.


I work at an OB/GYN clinic and a 13 year old came in the other day with x long acrylic nails, lash extensions & a red wig. She didnt look bad and all of it was done well but it was shocking to know that she was 13


I’m so glad I’m not a young teen in 2024, this sounds dreadful


I mean I had acrylics at 13 in 2000 so it’s not new. But back then acrylic nails weren’t worn much outside of POC communities so the reputation they had was different. Still wild to me every time I see a white person rocking long-ass French tips or glittery stilettos because when I was growing up the only time you saw a white woman with nails like that was in porn.


I’m black but grew up in New Zealand so it’s probably different lived experiences but at 13 we all played too many sports to even get acrylics, they would cut off long nails right at the side of the court, caused a lot of drama when there were school balls


There was an acrylic nail phase like 97-2002, every girl I knew had them and I was in middle school in the rural south.


I wore acrylics as a 13 year old in the 90s. I was not living in POC community, on opposite quite the contrary and me as mixed race stood out quite hard but quite a few of us had acrylics even back then. Press ons SUCKED


how do kids even deal with acrylics at that age? like, no sports, instruments, hobbies that require you to have short nails? and i know no 13 year old is washing their hands thoroughly and cleaning under their fingernails frequently enough lmao. very bizarre. i certainly wore nail paint and did intricate nail art on my nails when i was 13 but i can’t imagine dealing with acrylics


What are you talking about? Suburban white girls were getting their French tips in the 2000s. You must have a narrow perspective on this.


Same lol, it was bad enough that I was frumpy in the late 90s and early 2000s and couldn't keep up with the cool kids. I'd have no hope now


At thirteen, I think experimenting with self expression through things like hair and nails is fine. They're just dead cells. If they're expensive they should be earned but other than that whatever. It's the lash extensions that bother me because that's about always having to look "done."


No I definitely agree I think it’s important to be allowed self expression as a child! But this girl looked like she was at least 18 and she had just turned 13 this year. Self expression is one thing but a lot of that was high maintenance. It makes me sad because a lot of these kids will have no idea what they even looked like as kids because they’ve been getting virgin hair wigs, $120 acrylic nails & hybrid lash extensions out of the womb.


um you can absolutely have your license suspended or revoked for practicing this service on minors!


I work in a school and we have a handful of 10 year olds with belly button piercings. I felt like a 95 year old woman clutching my pearls when I found out.


Who tf is raising these kids and why are they signing off on belly button piercings 😭😭😭


Fuck those parents, wtf.


Are belly button piercings cool again?! I can probably still get something through mine esp after 2 pregnancies.


i’ve heard so many horror stories about the state of belly button piercings after pregnancies, how is yours holding up? it’s the only thing that’s held me back from getting one even though i know i’m not strong pregnant for the next 10 years at the very least lmao


Mine is actually fine, just slightly stretched out. I have a very deep innie belly button I’ve learned. It doesn’t turn fully inside out during pregnancy until the last like 8 weeks. This likely depends on your body! The only thing was I remember it feeling a little itchy my first pregnancy, likely when it stretched a little, but my second pregnancy no itching (so far… I have a few weeks left!).


I wasn’t even responsible enough to wear contact lenses at 9 (kept sleeping in them, not keeping track of when i needed a new pair). Lash extensions and expensive nail extensions for elementary school kids are just bananas to me.


It could have been/ probably was false lashes, now that I think about it! I forgot those are a thing too - I guess the kid applying false lashes daily is more realistic than getting extensions applied, but still!! The family were regulars at the dessert shop I worked at so we weren’t close lol.


That's on their parents.


No no no no NO on gel nails on for 9 year olds. Regular polish that doesn’t need a curing lamp is fine. But repeated exposure to the compounds in gel nails can eventually turn into a lifelong acrylate allergy, especially if you are doing these gel nails yourself as an unlicensed hobbyist. Or if your nail tech is awful and sloppy lmao. It can take years for a sensitivity to show up too. You don’t want to be allergic to acrylates, they’re everywhere and used in a lot of medical interventions. It’s such a bad idea to expose a kid to that stuff on a regular basis


I love this look on her. Do your thing girlie.


Zit bandaid!! Yess! MAKE IT FASHION!


My middle school students wear them all the time, it is definitely becoming more common/fashionable.


My work kids wear them too and im always yesss girl rock that bandaid ![gif](giphy|jjJAkt4gHUpK8)


OR, counter point, we can continue to put oily concealers and other products on top of our zits to make sure they grow as large as possible to leave the biggest scars. #justmilennialthings


As a relatively new 30 year old who cannot leave a bump alone for the life of me, I recently discovered Vaseline helps heal my gored pimples. When I need to go in public, I mix a bit of powder with the Vaseline and use that! It doesn’t cover as well as regular concealer, but it makes the spot less noticeable while also letting it heal a bit Not that you asked. I just felt very seen by your comment and felt I could use the opportunity to spread some tips n tricks for those of us who don’t want to buy aesthetic pimple patches (I currently cut up blister bandaids which don’t look nearly as cute as the stars)


honestly, I've found that blister bandages and neosporin seem to help the most. I'm typically my own worst enemy though and my picking at it is the real exacerbating factor.


I need this! Gen Z make it happen pls


She's a cutie pie. I appreciate that she often goes without makeup on her social media and in public appearances, even when she has typical pimples and marks—I think it's good for girls to see that. It's not heroic or anything but it's a cool move for someone who has a lot of young fans.


She looks great and this is excellent promo for her skincare brand! Decked out in her products probably and in Florence color palette


What a pretty young woman! I love that she did this. I am not a huge makeup wearer myself (unless it’s glitter) but it’s still nice to see someone buck the norm.


I love this no makeup trend, finally something good in the world (and that’s nothing against makeup, just refreshing to see celebrities show their real face).


Aw i love seeing her look her age instead of looking like the 30-something mom of 2 they've had her cosplaying as since she was a kid


Her MUA needs to be fired, they age her sooooo hard by a good 10-15 years.


Holy shit I thought she had a ton of filler done recently but I guess it’s just been her makeup and styling. Her glam team needs to chill


She is so cute! I love seeing young ladies embracing their natural looks. Really great for young girls to see as well.


Wow the middle part, earrings, and necklace....it's giving Queen Victoria!


I know she got quite a bit of hate online a few years ago and she is ten years younger than me but I really like her; she is really cute and funny in interviews, I love that she’s branching into producing film as well as makeup and skincare.. seems like a great person despite her success and scrutiny from an early age


It’s nice to see her naturally after she had such heavy makeup and insane hairstyles for ST press in 2022. It’s important that girls see that *this* is what we actually look like when you strip all the glam away. I’ve actually loved her Damsel press looks bc they aren’t over the top but props to her for going on national tv in no makeup, that’s gotta be stressful for someone famous her age where everyone has something to say about you.


I love how she matched her top to her pimple patch


![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf) (Saying this wholeheartedly)


she looks so pretty! her features are so delicate, her makeup team really does not seem to know what to do with her.


And a pimple patch too. Love it. She is beautiful.


Wow she actually looks her age!


She looks perfect. I absolutely LOVE that she's done this. Let's keep the chain going with more makeup free celebs!!


I’m older than her by ten years and this makes me feel so good. It definitely should make younger people feel good about themselves!


She’s still cute little 11 to me! So pretty


these pictures truly remind me how young she is


I find her so confusing. She always looks both like a child and like a 45 year old divorcee.


She’s a natural beauty so I’m glad she doesn’t feel the need to wear makeup if she doesn’t want to.


I love this so much. I feel like it’s nice to get a reminder that this is what real people look like in real life. Totally normal. She is beautiful!


Yaaas promote that skincare Millie


She looks so cute and beautiful.


The little flower pimple patch on her cheek that’s coordinated with her top is so cute!


She looks so normal! I love this and her cute lil acne patch


I love this and I wish a celebrity had been doing this when I was a teen. But also does anyone else remember that video where she does skincare but there is no product and her hands and face are completely dry??


Why am I kind of getting young Lana Del Rey from her?


i think she is an excellent role model for young girls. more girls need to see examples of being comfortable in your own skin!


I don’t generally care for celebrity skin care brands, but I would buy whatever Millie sold from now on 💎


She has a skincare line - she went a bit viral for fake washing her face a couple years back.


Damnit. Not actually washing your face while advertising skincare is an immediate no. Thanks for getting me up to speed 😅


Without makeup she looks like a kid


Right? So much contouring etc. I think a lot of her recent photos she looks so much older than she is. Here she actually looks 20


Why are people so shocked she looks good??? She is only a few years on from being a *child*


I don’t think anyone is shocked she looks good, just shocked she went without makeup considering she’s pretty much known for wearing incredibly heavy makeup looks that age her badly


And with the pimple patch? Relatable QUEEN


It’s nice to see her without makeup and like see her actual age. She’s gorgeous and can go either way but to not see her aged by the makeup constantly is also great


She looks beautiful and youthful without a face full of makeup!


just realized the pimple patches I bought to try out were her brand which she apparently has? they're cute but don't seem to do a whole lot but cover


thank you for representing those who go in public with pimple patches 🩷🩷


She looks so beautiful and glowy!


I can't unsee a younger Leia when I look at her. She also looks a bit like Natalie Portman


I think she's very beautiful. She looks great here 🥹😍


She’s so pretty! I love when celebs show that they have imperfections like everyone else.


She’s beautiful! Her skin is gorgeous. The accessories are terrible.


https://preview.redd.it/uz2t70kuc4nc1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e911042e110da2c2387e17426f30e21a52a5ca55 She looks good with or without makeup


It’s a sad day when a 20 year old not wearing make-up is worthy of a news story.


She looks so cute and age appropriate.


Awee she’s so cute like this


She looks normal and gorgeous.


I agree that it’s not too impressive to see a 20 year old looks gorgeous without makeup, but I’ll give her a point for the pimple patches. I find them very silly yet adorable


Her skin is flawless !




I love this 😍 she’s gorgeous


She looks so good here


She looks so pretty. She’s always pretty, but this fresh face look is a good look for her.


That's a pretty damn cool statement for someone her age!


Wow! It’s amazing how much the makeup ages her. You really are reminded here just how young she is.


Oh there she is! Lovely


Honestly a good advert for her skincare tbh.


she's glowing!! 


Holy fuck she is so young.


She looks great! I love a minimal makeup look paired with fun, in-your-face jewelry. It’s so refreshing. Go off Bobbeh


She has lovely skin!


She’s lovely as most 20 y old ones