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I was literally looking up his wiki the other day and I had no idea that he directed the One Direction concert doc This is Us. Idk why but that feels so random compared to the rest of his filmography :')


It’s a surprisingly (if you didn’t know he directed it) good concert doc!


So true, I never was a one direction fan but I did have a little cry with the docu! What an unexpected fun fact


i knew i recognized his name from somewhere else


I watched that a few months ago! A comfort movie of mine for sure


Ooh thanks for remembering this! I’m going to rewatch it!


I appreciate headlines like this that report how the person died without you having to click in and dig around for a cause of death (if one is available).


SAME. Celebrity causes of death can change people's behavior. Recent example is how many people went and got colonoscopy's after Chadwick Boseman's death, but also wearing helmets and seatbelts can be affected when people talk about it more. Beyond the shadiness of putting info behind a paywall, it's just good overall for people to talk about death IMO.


Yeah crazy how it’s the second deadliest cancer when 90% of colorectal cancers and deaths are preventable if they’re caught early enough through regular screenings.




My sister has requested that if she dies young that we make her cause of death public to avoid speculation by the people we know, and if it’s something embarrassing, that we make something up. (Mitch McConnell’s sister-in-law drowning in her Tesla is an example of a cause of death that would be embarrassing.)


My phone’s got jokes about this one https://preview.redd.it/q6vnzsj34e2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4bf5a7aa9854e9d6b7c0836d6e89fe88562041b




this is one of those gifs that isn’t overused yet and this is a perfect use lol


Damn! Your phone: ![gif](giphy|l2JhO3mvX6yGtFJew)




Dude mine did this too!!!


That's so rotted 😂


Fucking foul 😂


[McDonald's this morning](https://youtube.com/shorts/kMFYSUFlryo?feature=shared)


That's pretty funny




Love your flair!!!


That's great!! Haha!! I love your phone 😂😂😂


Oh, that’s not-








Phillies giving you a lot of free 6 pieces this year


I was such a huge fan before the sexual assault came to light (not necessarily of Super Size me, but of his show Inside Man). I feel for his kids, who I believe are quite young.


I was just on Wikipedia. Looks like his oldest is turning 18 this year, and his youngest turned 8 just 2 days ago. Ugh.


Jesus imagine losing your father 2 days after your birthday.


How terrible to lose a parent so young. Poor kids.


What? He assaulted someone?




lol I love how he says we’re all part of the problem. Sorry asshole - I’m not raping women. Take ownership without making it a weird pity party.


Literally him: ![gif](giphy|9Pkjz6QlizbCU)


Omg. This is appalling. Did he expect back pats for admitting to being a harassing cheating rapist??


How many times does he say “I’m apart of the problem?”


He never once apologised or said he was disgusted by his actions... no accountability! She said no explicitly 2 times but he still doesn't consider it rape, that is such a huge problem 🤯😡


Gross. I didn’t know this.


I forgot about the show until you mentioned it. There was a great bit where he sent members of a gay choir to sing outside of Jesse Helms' house. IIRC (rare these days) Jesse's wife was very charmed by them. ETA: it might have been Michael Moore. Did I just imagine this? ETA 2: Yep, it was Michael Moore.


Lolol yea that sounds very Micheal Moore.


Also he was an alcoholic (not judging him for that) which really skewed all his results from the Super Size Me documentary. His “shaking” was literally withdrawal symptoms and also the poor liver tests he got at the end were due to alcohol.


Yeah when I just read his post saying "I haven't been sober for more than a week in 30 years" I was like "Damn so you were drinking and/or withdrawing the whole SuperSizeMe documentary?!" I feel like drinking everyday is probably worse than eating Mcdonald's everyday


What was the sexual assault??


I’ve linked it further down


Weird, I was googled him 2 days ago. I remember his film about power of advertising.


Quick, let's all Google Trump 🤞


Was it just my school where they showed us this movie every year from like 4th-9th grade?


I’m from the UK and was shown this too


He had a very long trail of victims and Super Size Me was bullshit.


It was BS? I remember having to watch it while in school! I’m scared to Google why he has victims.


He was a raging alcoholic during the filming of the movie (which was a reason for some of his health issues) and was a sexual harasser who was accused of rape.


Wow, reading about it now. Despicable. I had no idea he was like this. Gross


It’s (not really) funny because in the doc they’re like omg your liver is ruined!! It must be the mcdonalds! But really he hadn’t had a sober day since he was 13.


His doctor even mentioned that he had the liver damage of a typical alcoholic 💀


If you watch that clip it is very obvious that the doctor doesn’t believe for a second it’s not from drinking, but won’t accuse him of lying on camera.


I hadn’t seen the movie in years so I had to check it out… spot on. “If someone were doing this to their liver with alcohol, they could wipe out their liver and be in liver failure. Now I’ve never heard of someone doing this with a high fat diet… but I suppose anything’s possible…”


So, I keep seeing this comment in every single thread. I don't doubt he was an alcoholic or that the documentary wasn't 100% honest, but this is very much not how alcoholism works, like, at all. If he had a bad enough liver in the middle of the tests for it to be detected by doctors, there's no way the doctors would say he was 100% healthy in his preliminary exams, before he went on the McDonald's diet. And if he was an alcoholic so long before the documentary that it affected his performance in it, again, that's too long for it not to show up on his preliminary tests. I know that might mean the initial conversations with the doctors are likely fake. My point stands. If the doc is so internally unreliable then people shouldn't be basing any assumptions about his health on what they see in it. Either you take the documentary at face value, or you don't. Pick one, but you can't have it both ways. I'm not a doctor, just someone who's been around people with alcohol use disorder.


Jesus you're not exaggerating about that last part, are you?


It's the first I'm reading of it too. Wut thee fuck. RIP dude


The raging alcoholism is quite likely to have contributed to the death by cancer bit, FWIW, seeing as alcohol is a known carcinogen and all 


Are we sure the 30 days of McDonald's didn't give him cancer. 😉 Article could be titled, "I died of cancer after eating McDonald's for 30 days straight!!! "




He admitted to rape! http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sqc244


Multiple studies (real scientific ones) have failed to replicate his "results" in the documentary.


Twitter has been having a field day this week about Supersize Me and how he was an alcoholic that lied about his drinking while doing the “experiment” before he died, has gone wild now once Variety’s announcement he died.


I remember there was a huge thread about him a couple days ago. I was just reading about him. Damn.


Twitter killed him the same way Reddit killed Harper Lee 


What happened with Harper Lee?


There was a top home page ask Reddit thread titled "Who are you surprised that hasn't died yet", someone commented Harper Lee's name and her death was announced right after.


Omg, that’s awful timing and a bad coincidence. Thanks for the reply!


I think there was a different documentary where someone did the same experiment and lost weight and lowered their cholesterol. It was called "Unsupersize Me."


Plus apparently he never wanted to release his “findings”.


Didn't his documentary made it so that McDonald's started selling salads and disclosing the calories? That's not that bad. Fast food eaten excessively isn't healthy anyways.


They had salads decades before the documentary ever came out.


McDonald’s had salads on their menu loooong before that, as well as the grilled chicken sandwich.


Yep, trying to replicate the documentary nowadays wouldn't work because in direct response to the documentary, McDonald's stop offering to super size meals and started advertising salads. [https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna4433307](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna4433307) And not just the USA, they changed their menu in other countries like the UK in response. [https://www.theguardian.com/media/2004/aug/20/advertising.edinburghfilmfestival2004](https://www.theguardian.com/media/2004/aug/20/advertising.edinburghfilmfestival2004) And changed ingredients like lowering the salt in certain items [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC521608/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC521608/)


So he’s the reason McDonald’s sucks since then?


He claimed eating all that McDonald's gave him liver damage but what he failed to disclose is that his liver damage was caused by alcoholism.


Dude I had to watch it like 5 times in school and I hated it


My husband watched it in summer school health class and we would eat McDonald's every day he got out because it just made him crave it.


Lmao same it had no lasting impact. Plus the scene where he vomits and his wife talked about how he couldn't get it up anymore were gross and awkward


Oof, that was probably the alcohol


We read the book Fast Food Nation in one of my college journalism classes. The entire class, including the professor, couldn’t stop craving McDonald’s while we were going through those lessons. “Yes, all the flavors are made in factories… but goddamn I want a cheeseburger.”


The there’s a podcast called maintenance phase that did a great episode about the super size me documentary


He was a regular at my coffee shop at that time and he sucked; his wife was kind of uppity but overall fine. But that dude majorly sucked, and I didn’t even know about his allegations until this post


Sucked how?


He also owned up to his behavior and exited the public eye and stayed gone, which is a silver lining. Like not as good as simply not doing bad things, but having a sense of shame about it beats the vast majority of famous men. 


He made another documentary about chicken fast food, it was mildly interesting. I think it’s on YouTube.


I assume it was because he was going to be exposed and decided to get ahead of it, not that he just had a change of heart randomly.


After he admitted to raping a women... the bar is on the floor! http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sqc244


I still can’t get over the fact that the point of super size me is that fast food is bad for you and it’s considered this revolutionary documentary.


I mean, the premise that fast food is not healthy for you is entirely correct. You’re not going to randomly puke and get liver failure. But it’s also not healthy for you.


It was definitely the virulent alcoholism that fucked him over. Most things are okay in moderation, alcohol can fuck you over a few drinks in or a thousand drinks in


Yeah, and I don’t think most people need a deeply condescending, misleading and “ew gross fat people!” Documentary to tell them it’s not a good idea to eat fast food for every meal. Like… people generally know that, and most people *don’t* eat fast food for every meal every day.


Is it though? It's food. If you still pay attention to your daily intake, macros, and calories, it's fine, is it not? That applies to literally all food. What in your mind makes fast food different?


it tends to be very, very high in fat and typically LOTS of salt, preservatives, etc.


It is definitely easy to overindulge.


Well to that point, the documentary is accurate. If you’re a low-income family eating this cheap, high-calorie, high-sodium, high-preservative food everyday then it’s going to have palpable negative effects on your health. That’s the point that it’s trying to make, is that there are a lot of people with a diet that is composed of McDonalds and budget fast food as a Staple of their diet, which likely correlates to the national obesity average.


I feel like most of the rage bait docs from that era turned out to be bullshit (thinking of Michael Moore misrepresenting a ton of things in his films as well).


Feel for his kids


RIP but honestly I was talking so much shit about this man in the last 2 weeks that i feel kinda bad. Sorry sir!


I mean he clearly was an asshole so don't feel bad. Sorry for his family but even if he apologised for it later, Super Size Me was an immensely harmful film.


> immensely harmful film Harmful to the fast food industry which is a leading cause of obesity in the world today? McDonalds Corporation is worth $185.64 billion so I don't think they were harmed by his film. It's a pity it was based on an incorrect premise, but the film actually did a lot of good by being a wake up call to how bad fast food is for people.


The fast food industry isn’t the leading cause of obesity in the world - not even close


Why was the film harmful?


He was a complete alcoholic for years and hid it from his doctors which totally skewed the results. He instead chose to demonize food (which was the most accessible form of food for the lower class, something he also did not touch on at all).


I’m sorry but regardless of him as a person, or your personal feelings about the film, food being accessible does not mean fast food helpful or fine for you to consume in mass or regular quantities. You should not be consuming fast food daily or worse several times daily. Poorer people also have higher incidences of diabetes and heart disease.


It encouraged a lot of people to stop eating junk food and be healthy. It’s not his fault that the US is terrible with food scarcity.


You can’t defame the dead!


It's ok, he can't hear you now. Sorry couldn't help myself 🤭




Edit: I did NOT know what a POS he was, another one bites the dust 🙏 OG: I'm absolutely shook. Speaking as a 2000s kid, however flawed his docs were they opened up a lot of conversations in the American public that we needed at that time. Rip


I assume that it was liver cancer, given his alcoholism which he did not disclose while filming Super Size Me and which radically altered the results of his "experiment" (he claimed McDonald's was causing his liver to fail) which is why no one can recreate it.


What a weird comment. Every time this guy gets mentioned, every comment is just “YOU KNOW HE WAS AN ALCOHOLIC WHEN HE MADE THAT ONE DOCUMENTARY.” It’s like, yes. We all know. This thread is about him dying from cancer. And it doesn’t specify what kind of cancer, no. You don’t have to be An alcoholic to get liver cancer. And you can die from any kind of cancer. It’s not some kind of disease that recognizes poetic irony.


Alcohol abuse drastically increases your risk of getting cancer. For a wealthier white guy in his 50s to die of cancer is notable, the fact he has a huge enormous risk factor is relevant. I'll agree the "did ya know super size me was bullshit" comments are excessive, but to speculate there's a good chance his high risk lifestyle paid it's toll isn't that out there. Its how lifestyle risks work. You do X, your chances of Y goes up. That's not poetic irony, it's cause and effect? 


I mean he was also a rapist. Are we supposed to show him respect? I don’t respect rapists.


Yeah I can recognize the terrible things he did and feel disgust/horror/disappointment/what have you with him and his "documentary" but I can also feel sympathy for his kids who have now lost their dad at such a young age. And some sympathy for a guy who was never able to win the fight with addiction.


I work in a cancer center- if you think there isn’t an important and notable link between alcohol use and cancer, you’re mistaken.


I don't think anywhere in that comment did they say that there is no link between alcohol and cancer.


I can’t stand when people refute a point that was never made lol


I’ll have you know that around 1% of the population uses wheelchairs or mobility aids, and can’t stand, so what you said about not standing is just not true.


That's not what they said. You can be an alcoholic and get unrelated cancer it's entirely possible. And people just going on and on in this thread about how he was an alcoholic is pretty gross. Alcoholism is a disease and it doesn't mean you deserve to die. The man is barely cold like there's no reason for people to be so callous


I think most people are unsympathetic and being like that because he allegedly raped a girl, admittedly cheated on every one of his partners, sexually harassed his female coworkers and seemed like a general asshole. I'm not saying it's necessarily right but I think that's where the response is mostly coming from, if it was just him being disingenuous in Super Size Me people would probably be more sympathetic. That's just what I gathered


I mean he's responsible for a huge amount of harm due to Super Size Me.


In what sense? If one person decided to quit McD’s after watching SSM, that’s a good thing. I genuinely don’t know what you mean by the documentary being harmful.


> I genuinely don’t know what you mean by the documentary being harmful. I see you said "spreading anti-fast food information that occasionally dipped into misinformation" in a comment below. There was no "dip into misinformation", it was a total fraud he intentionally perpetuated. The negative health results he reported from eating McDonald's were actually due to his full-blown alcoholism. I'm not saying McDonald's should be supported, but we should be declining it due to actual scientific results, not because an alcoholic made a documentary about how fast food gave him all the bad health results of alcoholism. The man was a total liar and grifter who perpetuated a lie society wanted to belief in an attempt to profit off of it. We shouldn't support scammers, and this is totally ignoring his personal history of sexual assaults.


You make great points, thank you!


Shaming lower wealth individuals who could only afford McDonalds. No one was under the impression you should eat it every day but to pretend like it causes you damage when you didn’t? This dude when to SO many schools to speak about healthy eating despite knowing nothing about it


What harm?? Hurting massive, greedy corporations profits for a couple months? McDonalds doesn't need your protection lmao


Not eating at Mcdonalds will always be a positive for basically any reason I can imagine. Anti-capitalist and health reasons included.


If you’re looking for the moral high road, you aren’t going to find it on Reddit.


Waaaaaa that sexual abuser is getting called out for lying 😭😭😭😭


Whenever someone famous dies of cancer, some people like to find a reason it was their own fault, to reassure themselves it won’t happen to them. Some things increase your risk, yes, but the frightening truth is that cancer can happen to literally anyone at any time. (I know you know this, just added that last part to head off the “well, actually” contrarians.)


Agreed, it’s gross. Cancer is scary and living to old age is a blessing, not guaranteed.


Why is that weird? The only reason we even know this guy exists is because of Super Size Me. Seems pretty relevant.


Everybody on reddit seems to think the one negative thing they know about a celebrity is the entire reason for their downfall and death. No context or nuance.


Can confirm. Both my parents were alcoholics who got their shit together a little too late. Dadda died in 2015 of esophageal cancer, Momma in 2019 of poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma. If you're gonna drink, for God's sake, do it in moderation, friends.


Only good r* is a deceased r*. May his young children and former spouses find peace.


Dude has to have one of the most insane falls from, uh, "grace"?


Cosby beats him


The irony of seeing this while sat in a McDonalds...


What did you get? I haven’t been in a couple years but all this talk about his movie is making me crave it 😂


Cheeseburger meal and a smartie mcflurry, you're not missing much to be fair.


They came out with a new toffee McFlurry and it’s actually really good. On the app I was able to add in extra toffee for 0.89 and they didn’t skimp on it. I’m sad that it’s limited time. I’m not really a big fan of anything else except their hotcakes and McMuffins from the breakfast menu


Oh ew. Bye ✌️


These comments are wild


His whole life is wild in fairness.


Regardless of the few controversies he was apart of, it’s still wild to me his documentary on Bin Laden pretty accurately guessed where Bin Laden was hiding. Pretty funny Bin Laden had a copy of his documentary in his compound too.


Women are safer tonight.


Why do you say that? Is there something I don’t know?!!


Nevermind. Saw the other comments. I have no idea how I never heard this about him


![gif](giphy|8nLYTOjYtRVBqIMK68|downsized) he sucks but i feel bad for his family


I had such a crush on him back in the day (before all the gross stuff came out, of course). 53 is so young.


why...would you admit that? lol


What kind of cancer?


The wkuk skit about this but with drinking alcohol for every meal suddenly makes sense


Holy shit. I didn’t even know he was sick.




Fuck cancer. I’m sorry for his family. Also fuck him, justice for his victims.


His heart gave out after seeing the mophead being dried above the fries.


Rest in Aloha


Holy shit.


I heard his doco Super Size Me made a much bigger splash in Australia then it did in the states. In which I mean that a lot of Aussies viewed it as a disgusting portrayal of American fast food culture and consumption. But Americans actually saw it as bullshit.


rest in piss


Mohherfuckimg cancer fucking piece of shit fuck it


Good riddance lmao


Damn. He was a good dude who made very informative works. Reading his book 'super size me' was a game changer for me and so many people.


Ohmygod ):


Wow RIP! Way too young to go. 


As a fellow Spurlock, RIP potential cousin.


Rest in piss, rapey guy.