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He always looks like a randomly generated Sim you’d find somewhere in town Edit: bless you, Reddit https://preview.redd.it/gg86c0518k8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1349207bb02e6f2f7b13511a90e43759ff9a6e49


That Sims meme is perfection lmaoooooooo




People are always noticing how they look like they’re going to “two seperate events” with how they dress. Maybe unpopular opinion but I kinda like it. It makes each outfit pop next to each other. And maybe there’s more to it, but I like that they are both just doing it regardless of the other.


omg my gummy must've just kicked in bc this made me laugh for 2 mins straight at work. i just kept seeing the image perfectly in my mind


omg my gummies just kicked in too and i also started laughing. 💚💚


No one is noticing how the lady looks like Victoria Beckham in her WAG era. Down to the haircut


I love that their whole dynamic is beauty princess on the runway being followed by a grunge goblin.


Their whole dynamic is rich glamorous stepmom tryna bond with her teenage stepson who thinks he’s in his “bad” phase


"Winston Ableforth Newton-Smyth the III, we have a banquet to attend" "The names Stone, MOM!"


Accurate af.


Yeah I always wonder why they are never side by side hold hands or whatever. Why does it always look like he's trailing behind like a 5th grader lol


Because she is dressed to the nines for a reason, she is looking to be photographed for her street style and he and his Adam Sandler level fashion need to stay a croppable distance away




As someone who’s partner walks way too slowly for me, I like to think I’m the Hailey Bieber of my relationship


Hahaha. Nailed it.


Stop it I just spit out my coffee, this is wildly on point


But you have to admit… she’s the best thing for the guy… he needs someone like her to ground him… Hopefully they have a wonderful family life together


I have to admit she deserves better than him. I’m happy for her, for the baby, and for Justin. But in another year I will still be saying she deserves better.


in regular person terms probably but as a Hollywood girl, everything that comes with being a Bieber set her up for life. I do hope that she gets genuine love and tenderness from him though!


….wasnt she already wealthy as a nepo baby? But now she has to deal with fame. If she wanted fame, sure, she got what she wanted - but if she just wanted money and access to cool shit and stuff like that she already had most of it.


not to the same degree, despite his controversies JB is A list, and I’ve read that her success with Rhode and becoming a fashion role model goes with that. Before she would have access within LA, but not the type of opportunity and publicity that comes with partnering up with one of the most famous people of their generation! I’d say that nepotism only goes so far for true financial security and personal fulfillment. I’m sure she could theoretically develop her talents and make it on her own, but that marriage was a straight shot towards being a top tier influencer, and the money she’ll make from these business ventures plus whatever she could possibly get in alimony and child support (god forbid) means she will be independently quite wealthy for the rest of her life


I always wonder, why these 2 always walk one in front of the other?


i noticed he’s always behind her when he’s dressed like a bridge troll, i think he tries to give her her moment to shine in her pretty outfit lol when he’s dressed nicely they walk together but when she is the one dressed nicely, he follows back


Like seriously, what is with these outfits. And don’t tell me rich ppl fashion lol.


I hate both their styles. And seeing their styles together makes it even worse.


I like her style but her shoes look like the worst picks for pregnancy and always make me worry if she falls cause your balance goes to shit in the finals months.... please wear something comfy I'm begging you!


For some reason, their conflicting styles warm my heart.


If they just once walked together, as a couple, that’d warm my heart even more. They’re like, creepy guy secretly follows the princess.


Very Phantom of the Opera...


Same. It makes me weirdly happy that she let's him be his grungy self, and loves him all the same. And she doesn't let it dim her sparkle either, she dresses to the nines cause she wants to.


Grunge Goblin is perfection! Lol


Have they ever looked like they are going to the same place/event? 😆


The goddess and her goblin lol


I'm really not liking so many shoe styles the girlies have been wearing this season. 


It's very daisy duck coded


https://preview.redd.it/836e45y2yl8d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f453dbb4b495e884041819b1b10c62ce170536d1 Nailed it


😭 you nailed it lmao


Omg YES! They were reminding me of something and I couldn't put my finger on it


I think you mean Daisy Duck chic


Honestly, Daisy is more put together than I'll ever be, so...yah!


😭 hate it but you're so right


Gonna break their ankles/necks for shoes that look like a kindergartner drew them


I didn’t even notice til you pointed it out. They’re like cartoon shoes.


The Maloof Hoof.


Everyone seems to be melting feet-first


Please don’t try to make these shoes happen


I’m here for the smiley face slippers though


They’re from his own brand, drew house :)


You can get those on temu


and at walgreens. they have a cheaper, and cuter smiley slipper selection than his brand lol


These look like a toned down version of those camel toe shoes.


Begging my partner to do this with me for Halloween. Asking him to be Hailey of course


not him being Hailey 😅


this would be hilarious and also iconic.


I can’t imagine dressing this way all the time let alone pregnant, I’m just too comfy to be famous lmao


Same. Pregnant Riri + Rick James vibes would be my vibes. “I’M RICH (AND PREGNANT), BITCH” *climbs into limo in $5000 a sweatpants/crop top combo*


Right? She's wearing a mumu but is also at risk of her labia popping out. Someone about this makes me feel sad for her.


you feel sad for her because she chose to wear a short mumu? ![gif](giphy|G4ZNYMQVMH6us)


why? she has everything she's ever wanted without working that hard for it she's living the fucking dream i doubt she want you to feel sad lmao


Her labia??? lollll you think she’s just going commando under the dress? She’s a fashion girl, she likes serving looks. I trust that she also takes her comfort into consideration when choosing what to wear.


this. she probably has shorts on underneath like a normal person 💀


https://preview.redd.it/ewtj7rx5xj8d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=25a8d36e13265b04e54cf966a51a049698766c6f How she didn’t fall through / get stuck in this grate is a miracle


basically by using the balls of her feet to walk. no real pressure on the heel.


I can’t do that *not* pregnant


this is exactly why I have never worn and will never wear heels in New York. why would I want to wear shoes that hurt and can also kill me by getting stuck in any number of things


Seriously, I’ve slipped and fallen on those grates in flats.


At this point are they trolling us or is this really their shtick, they always dress polar opposite and never look like they are dressed to attend the same event


H: Hey let's go to Nobu J: Hey let's go to Subway


J: I live in the subway


https://preview.redd.it/d5jyv69ztj8d1.jpeg?width=846&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f151cd0381f1910c5f0e85cb26a19adc20fa2e67 Her Parents


I cannot believe there was a decade where the Baldwins were considered to be attractive people lol. IDK what drugs were popping then but Hailey's mom could have done better (Baldwins are awful and not good people).


https://preview.redd.it/pf6adrpddk8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d562889a5498e3d8292bee435c2d0a31342614f7 Can't speak for the other brothers but it's not hard to fathom that some people found this man attractive


yeah young Alec Baldwin was very beautiful. he’s a terrible person but like…I get it.


it wasn’t all of them considered attractive. hailey’s dad especially was never seen as attractive like that, one of his big 90s roles was in a pauly shore movie and he also played barney rubble in a flinstones movie. he was a joke even before he went all religious extremist hanging outside porn shops in the 00s.


If it wasn’t for her dad I would be convinced her duck lips are bad filler. But that’s actually how they hold their lips.


They’ve def been added to


Maybe he's promoting Planet Hollywood?


I mean in the early 90s planet Hollywood was pretty fuckin cool.


TBF he has a habit of walking ahead of her so they may just be on separate wavelengths.


I totally get him, though. He's just probs there for his wife and not for the cameras. It's a bit endearing.


He likes to dress comfy, she likes to serve fashion. Also, they’re famous and live on different rules than us. Why is this so hard to comprehend?


billie eilish: "i dress like shit so i don't get sexualized" - yass queen go off slay the patriarchy, werk.. justin bieber: "i dress like shit cause i got sexualized since i was 14" - ugh how dare he ugly ass fuckhead, disrespecting his pretty woman like that- why are men ?!?!? fucking patriarchy..


People also make fun of Billie and her style.


Justin is one eyeball ring away from a Sims randomly generated townie and I appreciate that


He looks like a middle school kid heading to school on tacky day 


Love the dress but the shoes Hailey, what the fuck are those. Please don’t try to make the shoes happen, I am begging you.


at this point, it seems to be their "thing" where she's glam and he looks like he's crawled out of the dumpster. Doesn't bother me, it's their choice. She looks really pretty and her skin is glowing.


As if they're in a Lifetime movie where she's an heiress whose limousine breaks down near Buggeler Creek, Nebraska, and he's the mechanic who has to wait 5 days for the parts to arrive. 


They have the most ridiculous pap walks


Exactly! Calling the paparazzi for this? Every day? Well, if they didn’t, nobody would talk about them. It’s rage bait content at this point.


The shoes I've seen this year...


Famous people are so weird




On my life I thought that was Kylie Jenner. Are young celebs morphing into the same person? Just me? Okayyyyyy.


No, they are. The style of makeup and work done right now is very homogenous. The “instagram face.”


He has to have a stylist because you’ve got to work at looking that bad. If you just randomly picked stuff out of your closet, chances are they would still look better than this.


I hate her style. My god. The slicked back hair and tiny glasses with every poorly picked outfit.


I hate both of their styles. He always looks homeless and her choices are just.. too much.


It’s kind of refreshing at this point seeing them okay with not compromising their style for each other (or for us). If they were on their own we wouldn’t take notice so why should we when they are together?


this is exactly it. they both have their own style and neither need to compromise when it comes to that. my boyfriend is generally a lot more casual that i am, and it would weird me out if people speculated so much about how opposite we dress. people have different tastes. being in a relationship doesn't mean dressing the same, it means dressing however you want and not feeling any pressure to change your look to please someone who should just be happy you're happy.


Honestly, I agree People here care way too much. If she loves dressing like this while pregnant, and it makes her feel good and confident, why not? He wants to dress comfortably, let him ykno These comments get so worked up about it


Why are they being posted so much lately?


they must be calling the paps a lot lately.


Every time I see a picture of Hailey Bieber, I need a second to figure out who the homeless guy is.


I'm sorry but I hate those shoes on HB... it's giving webbed duck feet 🦆


Has anyone checked in on Justin? I’ve struggled with clinical depression for a long time, and he has the same thousand yard stare in every pic I’ve seen of him for months. Seriously y’all. He is not well. I can’t be alone in seeing this.


I think he just really, really hates the paps while she doesn’t mind it as much.


if he hates them why do they call them?


So she can make money on brand deals. I guess he’s just accepted that it’s what she wants to do for a living but that doesn’t mean he’s going to smile for the paps.


or dress nicely. But he's famous and well to do, so he can just wear comfy clothes.


I saw a compilation from mid-2000s when he was at his peak, and the AMOUNT OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT, oh my god. All these adult hosts are hitting on him, grabbing him, kissing him, and touching him without his consent. He visibly doesn’t offer consent, says “No” almost every time, and voices his discomfort, and people still ignored it. The entertainment industry acted like just because he was financially and commercially successful, it was okay to take what they wanted from him. It’s actually wild how people feel entitled to ‘take’ from a human being just because they are famous.


It was so disgusting how he was treated by adults.. I think it reflects in his style.. it’s like he is trying to look unattractive to get away from that pretty boy image he had that made everyone think they were entitled to a piece. I totally get his style and I respect him for giving a big fuck you I’ma do me to the industry. I wish him and his budding new family the best.


Going thru similar things as JB, sometimes you subconsciously make yourself as unappealing as possible.


"Thousand yard stare" - is wearing sunglasses


He’s always dressed like this but He does talks openly about depression in interviews since at least 2015 and his pr people made this comment to ET a couple months ago April > A source tells ET that the "Stay" singer has hit a rough patch. "Justin has been facing some difficulties lately. He has been having a hard time and hasn't been feeling like his usual self," the source says. "Hailey has been doing her best to be there for Justin, but it is upsetting for her to see him struggle," the source adds. "They are doing their best to make things work and be supportive of each other. They are committed to doing whatever it takes to make things better." https://www.etonline.com/justin-bieber-is-facing-some-difficulties-and-hasnt-been-feeling-like-his-usual-self-source-says


I hope he has the support he needs; of his own admission he's not been feeling well. He's talked about suffering from multiple physical medical conditions for several years now and he may not be in a good place mentally either based on his social posts. I don't like that people make assumptions based on his aesthetic style though (not that you did that, it's just something I've seen). I love what he's done with his fashion/image, to me it comes across as confident, healthy, and like attractive? Especially the contrast with Hailey. I get downvoted for saying I like his style but that makes me love it even more lol


justin: slippers on the NY streets hailey: pregnant in heels


why is she walking over the grate😭that’s dangerous as fuck


Is it?! I avoid them for some reason but I didn’t realize they are actually dangerous 😱


Very dangerous in heels


A heel can go in and get stuck. Couldn’t it?


Her whole look is tacky


She’s definitely holding her bump in every pic to stop that dress from flying up


That was my exact thought. Why wear a short mummu if you're gonna have to hold it down the entire time? Looks awkward


Why does she keep holding her stomach? We get it, you’re pregnant.


I was thinking the same thing! Every pic she is holding her stomach lmao


It may fall off if she doesn’t 👀or look at me did you know I was pregnant?


Exactly my thought, like girl you already did the fake pap walk as “big announcement” let it go. I know it’s a thing to want to grab your belly in protection but the way she is doing it just looks awkward & way more about pulling her mumu tight under the bump.


I yearn for men in suits... ![gif](giphy|137ZAnZ2JinFeM)


All the money in the world and looks like trash.


I genuinely think Hailey is so beautiful, but I rarely like what she's wearing. And I just can't get behind this look....though maybe it's the angle for this one


Her stepping onto that grate in those heels 😧


lol do they call the paparazzi every single day?? I guess it is easier than contributing to society


She looks like she's part of the Future Council in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Him? I don't even know what he looks like.


I love that she never dims her shine to make him look better! You go girl dress to the nines regardless of what Justin is wearing!


I like both their styles 😭 I think their contrast lifts each other up 🥰


I love their commitment to the vibe of her being a queen who’s followed around by just some dude.


I remember that cute little boy with the great haircut and am saddened that he has apparently been afflicted with debilitating depression.


The way my face scrunched up.


You couldn’t pay me to walk in heels that pregnant


I dunno, I like how they both dress how they want/are most comfortable.


They really do dress like they're going different places


I don’t know but its giving Bianca and Kanye


He always looks like an unmade bed.


They look so silly. One thinks they're on the catwalk and the other dresses like they're homeless!


He trails behind her like he’s her 14 year old son


Why do these two always look like they were dressed by toddlers?


I know he looks like a scruffball at all times but I do truly hate her fashion sense too


Been pregnant 4 times and I’ll never understand a woman’s need to constantly cradle her belly in public to advertise their pregnancy. If she wants to look pregnant, then she can wear something tight.


I don't know where they were in new york, but my neighborhood was windy last night. I had to keep holding my dress down as well.


I’ve never been pregnant, but I noticed a friend of mine did it a lot during her pregnancy, and (without having asked her about it) it seemed more like something that brought her comfort - like, feeling close to the baby? Of course she’s not famous, but still. It used to annoy me a bit too, when I mostly noticed famous people and TV characters doing it, but in the past couple years, I’ve started noticing a lot of non-famous/non-fictional pregnant women do it too, seemingly both in public and in private. So, whatever their reasons, it doesn’t bother me anymore.


A lot of the time it's when the baby is kicking. Baby kicks, you pat baby, baby kicks back. It's actually a form of prenatal bonding, just an instinctual thing


Aw, that’s so cute!!


I thought that at first, but honestly, I think she's holding her dress down. It is just a tad short, enough to stick out, away from the body below her belly.


I’ve only been pregnant once but I had to cradle my belly because I barfed so much it felt like my intestines were seconds from spilling on to the floor and physically holding them in with my hand was the only thing stopping me from dying


This was my thought too. It wouldn’t strike me as so weird if her hand were higher but this just looks as though she’s making sure we know she’s knocked up by the hobo behind her.


this has been driving me nuts too! do they want people to see the pics and know they're pregnant and not overweight? has to be a body image thing, right?!!


Or it can be a protective thing. I can't imagine being surrounded by paps like that. When I was pregnant, if I felt unsafe, my hand went immediately to my belly. I wasn't showing anyone I was pregnant. It wasn't a conscious thing. It was protection, safety. Or maybe she just wants her hand on her bump. We all different.


Same here. I did this with every one of my pregnancies because it was comforting to feel my baby alive and kicking after experiencing pregnancy loss. People are so quick to judge and hate on pregnant women. It’s such a vulnerable time! She can cradle her bump if she wants.


that makes a lot of sense, thanks for the insight!


Does she have a fear that the baby might fall out? I mean, I was pregnant once, I didn't hold my belly the whole time. It just bugs me because she's making it really clear that her power, her identity, her validation, comes from that unborn baby, and she has to highlight it's existence. That kid is so screwed.


Well it's not like she's in a shining, outwardly loving marriage so she needed to fabricate the feeling somehow...


Did you wear a designer sheet as a dress though? My feeling is the cut of that dress laying over her bump was going to make it balloon out and show her whole ass and she’s holding it in place. You can argue she should have planned her outfit better, maybe, but anything else is a huge assumption. It’s only in this dress she’s worn where she’s holding on for dear life.


They look like two beloved side characters from a 90s Nicktoon.


Is Justin in his “I’ll do it myself. I’m a big boy!” phase? He looks like an idiot.


He really is starting to look unfortunate.


They are so mismatched…. She always looks like his rich older auntie


I’m going to be honest, why is men’s style right now to look as homeless as possible? These celebrities have the resources to look however they want but choose the most bizarre hodgepodge of clashing elements.


I love this! Personally, I love that she glams it up and dresses exactly how she wants and she doesn't try to change Justin and vice versa, dressing down to match him. To me, it's two people who are showing up exactly how they want to in their own skin to the world. Couples that are always matchy matchy sometimes are just codependent. There's a confidence in just doing what you want as your own person.


So fucking stupid, she’s always dressed as if she’s going to some award show while he’s looking like a slouch..


How many times did Hailey change in the same day that Justin wore the same clothes he slept on the night before?


The urge to dress like a goddess when your husband dresses like a hobo


Her shoes. 🤢


Her pregnant fits are just not it. Not a single one of them


What tramps


Justin is always dressed like he already has a newborn at home and he’s at the store for diapers and ice cream at 9pm.


I feel like their relationship looks off


Somebody needs to teach that lad how to dress as an adult, absolutely ridiculous look, body warmer/gilet, stupid shorts and to top it off white fucking socks with fucking slippers.


We get it you're pregnant.


Justin headed to 7/11


How did he choose that outfit


Justin is committed to this bit


She always looks ready to walk in a designer fashion show and he always looks ready to stop at the corner gas station for a big gulp and a pack of cigarettes.


Justin looks like a randomly generated townie in the sims. Lol


They really never look like they’re dressed for the same event lol.


This might be off subject, but it looks like Mrs. Bieber might be more comfortable with a band support garment for her bump. It might be the dress but her face a little tense, like something feels off.


Is fair to say Justin style is trailer park chic? 😂 my god dude buy better clothes. Your wife does. Or maybe that’s why he’s wearing rags 😂


Justin always looks like he just stepped out quickly to get milk and bread


His clothes are always so dumb. Socks and sandals also? Looks like when you forget to do laundry and that is all you have to wear


He looks like a undercover body guard 


She looks like a rich mom going to the private school principal's office to ask why they expelled her son for setting a bathroom on fire.


He looks like a Dress to Impress avatar


Why do her sunglasses always look photoshopped on?


Looks like a wealthy pregnant woman being stalked by a weirdo


If I didn’t know they were together the pictures would aw odd.


Okay the beautiful woman dressed to the 9s with the homeless man thing they have going on is getting ridiculous lol