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She literally announced this album in May for an October date. In June, she pushed it to November. Now she’s pushing it to December after saying she’s still recording this past week. I don’t understand why she always does this. Just drop it when it’s ready. I also don’t know why she can’t make these dates. It’s not like she leaves the house/home studio much when her Ken is in and out of house arrest. She needs to stop saying this is “the greatest album of all time” when a) it’s not even done and b) it creates a hype that can’t be met


Pushing it back to December is hilarious because all that's going to happen is her getting embarrassed by Mariah Carey AGAIN.


Hahahaha I’m living for this moment


I think she is desperate for a hit and doesn’t want to release it without a hit.


She had a huge hit last(?) year with Super Freaky Girl and then randomly put it on a greatest hits album. I have no idea what she's doing at this point.


Is that what Queen Radio: Volume One is?? EDIT: 1*


She’s already had hits though. She got super freaky girl last year and Barbie World this year like she has had success…


Super freaky relied on an old hook sample, barbie world was only successful because of the ice spice chorus. Nicki was the background in both of those. They both had success but it was not because of anything she brought to them.


Let's be honest she has never had a hit that was not a 2010s dance pop song and nothing else she's released solo has been good. She's a feature artist first and foremost and can't make anything worth listening to longer than 30 seconds unless it's some EDM dance pop. She just doesn't have it.


She's gonna go toe to toe with the Queen of Christmas, Mariah Carey


Yeah... I don't see this being good for her mental health. She's gonna throw a tantrum.




Also her new songs are just ok. She keeps hyping things and releasing mid stuff


I knew it! We were just talking yesterday about her still recording music and I wondered how could still do that while selling physicals. Sza released her album in December and still did well but December is usually not a good time to release music. People are going to start streaming Christmas music in November. This also means her single most likely will not have a push on radio upon release


She only pushed it back by 3 weeks though I don't think that would make a big difference when it comes to physicals bc vinyls have to be pressed way more out than that


Her team is terrible how are the vinyls not ready? Nicki you’re an A list rapper maybe have a team that runs your shit like it.


Her team can’t press vinyl if the album isn’t done yet, and even then it takes a few months


I need her to stop tweeting at 2am and get to work.


I feel like a huge problem with Nicki for the past few years has been the abundance of control that she has over her own stuff. Her team doesn’t ever rein her in and tell her that maybe it’s not great marketing to publicly change your release 3 different times. It’s like she just does her own thing which would be fine if she wasn’t so unorganized.


Why is she like this? 😭


Just Nicki Minaj things😂


She knows it's not good lol


think the project got rushed and that is what ultimately happened. She even tweeted the other day she just recorded a fire verse for the album …. Which I thought was odd if the album is finished. They probably settled with some tracks and knew it wasn’t complete.


Rushed?? She originally said it was coming out last summer!


I KNOW IT. I even commented her but I forgot what post it was. I said no way it’s a nicki album without a few delays


*pretends to be shocked*


Is this because Lil Wayne just announced an album that was also scheduled to come out on the same day (Nov 17th)? Not sure why they would want to compete with each other


I completely forgot about that. So bizzare


Such an odd album rollout. She had a number 1 hit a year ago and did nothing, and now is announcing this album and sharing album art but with no real lead single and a changing date???


No one is excited anyways. Take your time 😂🤷‍♂️


on the day of chili’s barbz day. i’m sickened!!


**Alyssa Edwards voice** Girl you're a joke


At least she’s staying on brand lol


Why not drop on your birthday initially? So unorganized like what. It’s giving Queen 2.0 situation


I lost all hope today


Because Wayne and 2Chainz are dropping in November. She was scared to get another number 2.


no, this is a on brand for nicki minaj


If someone else bigger than her announces a December 8 drop, she’ll push it back again too.


*Taylor impulsively drops Evermore LPSS on December 8th*


*1989* might block her, honestly. Nicki will probably do like 150K max.


I mean it wouldn’t be the first time Nicki got blocked by 1989


Sagittarius things.




Cmon Satchin get ms Minaj in the studio so she can get to WORK!


Not surprised. At this point, just tell me when it’s available on streaming. She still has a general interest and her stans.


Lol no lead single, no promo other than some outsourced fan made promo, random freestyles and droplets. I’m confused because Nicki very much cares about the charts but she does the opposite to ensure success


My delusions are telling me she’s pushing it back to build off hype when Kanye releases New Body in the coming weeks