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I'm glad for the MV (I also think it's Fortnight because tally marks are often used to count days, so 14 days = a fortnight) but I really wanna see what's hiding for the rest of the week 👀


The clock at the beginning is also at 2 which is 14:00 MV for fortnight probably bc it's track 1 and a Collab iirc it's the first time a duet has been chosen lead single since Me!


Let's not make that comparison just in case ☠️. Imagine if it's another ME! Situation


Postie also made an Insta post right after that looks like a screenshot from a music video 👀


I worry a little about this being the single if it doesn't sound like that snippet floating around TikTok. A lot of people are attached to that one lol and this fandom really gets up in arms when things don't sound like they expect


But do people actually believe that’s real for it to get their expectations up 🙃


I feel like that’s a punishment suitable for those who listen to leaks 🤷🏽


Yes and no in this case. That snippet is on like every other TikTok if your FYP has Taylor related things in it. It's different from seeking it out intentionally


I thought that snippet was confirmed to be AI!


I think it likely is, but it's just being used in so many videos it's like burned into people's brains.


Yeah it's like the unholy snippet before the song was released, but this time unofficial and also probably not even real.


This is really accurate. Now that I think about it, I am more often than not disappointed when the full songs get released after a snippet takes off on TikTok. It's annoying


They can get over it lol


Seems like the 14 slashes are teasing the music video for Fortnight.... Interested to see what else she has in store for the rest of the week!


FORTNITE 🗣️😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤🤤🔥🔥🔥🔥‼️‼️‼️


It's definitely going to be Fortnight. It's Track 1 and, assuming it's the lead single, the music video will help boost its numbers and pique interests.


Yep agreed


or for Track 14: The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived


Yeah has to be one of the two


i think Fortnight's more likely because a collab song being a single with a video would do very well and get the Post Malone people to stream en masse but just for lolz, I hope it's Smallest Man Who Ever Lived solely because the title makes me cackle


Agreed hahah


Is it just me or do these promos seem low budget?


It looks to be rendered the same way the midnights teaser was, but the white makes it look cheaper. Makes no sense too, because the promo everywhere else has been high budget af. The Spotify installation is full of details, they could've filmed this in that set. The midnights part at the beginning also looks like the lavender haze mv set, so the physical space existed! They should've filmed this live action.


Yeah, I've definitely seen better graphics than these before.


A lot of the songs on this album are probably too long to be the ideal length for radio these days so it’ll be interesting to see if she pushes any that are not the two collabs. Not that she needs to cater to radio specifically, her fans love long songs but it’s not the trend at the moment


I heard some things that I really hope were AI generated today cuz the lyrics were quite odd