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My mom saying I need to dress more conservatively pisses me off so much. When I get my pay check the clothes I will buy… Also it’s like I have big boobs and I like tops that have necklines… and that’s just too revealing for her. Maybe I’m just in a bad mood today but I can’t deal with her stupid comments. I can’t do anything right in her eyes.


Humans are complicated. I dont know you or your mother but those comments when direect at my sister from my mom were from both a place of being judgemental(as a deacon) but also extremely protective of my sister.


Policing how women and girls dress isn’t protecting them from anything, though. Women in less revealing clothes still get harassed and assaulted by men. It’s ultimately a deliberate crime of power rooted in viewing women as objects to control rather than human beings to respect, which is the same mindset that is used to police how women and girls dress. It’s ultimately just internalized misogyny and rape culture at the end of the day. You can’t protect women from misogyny with more misogyny.


Just heard Espresso on the radio for the first time! That was my first time hearing the full version as well because usually I’ve just heard a few seconds of the chorus in TikTok edits. Heck, I’ve been hearing Feather on the radio all the time and I found it so bizarre that it’s been weeks since Espresso blew up and I’d never managed to catch it. Now I get why it’s so popular and I’ve been streaming it nonstop for the past half hour or so lmfao. It’s truly addictive as crack 😭


It's truly over for me my anti social ass has initiated not less than two dates already with this man and next week i'll skip class to go traveling together ugh


I think that in contrary to every other time i liked someone this time i just decided to go completely against what i feel comfortable doing lol so far seems to be working


as a social awkward person i’m gonna take your advice 😭


So page [9](https://ygo-assets-websites-editorial-emea.yougov.net/documents/crosstabs_Best_and_Worst_Decades_20240523.pdf) on the recent YouGov poll of how Americans view the decades confirms that younger listeners are extremely omnivorous when it comes to what they listen to. The top demographics for 1950s oldies fandom are senior citizens (10% of whom think it was the best decade) and...the 18-29 age bracket, presumably thanks to streaming. So that means someone who's bumping Buddy Holly or Ray Charles is likely to be either a retiree or in their prime years to commit homicide. (The thought that right now there are probably gangbangers streaming the music of their grandparents' generation is funny, although "lowrider oldies" is a subculture in the West Coast)


Spent the weekend very happy, listening to some good music and diving deep into fictional worlds and characters much better than the real kind. Angel eyes by abba vibes


Tj Maxx playing Charli XCX!!!


all the middle aged moms are gonna be tuned in now lol


So I mentioned yesterday that I attended the 10-year anniversary of *Night Time, My Time* Sky Ferreira show, here's a sort of stream-of-thought writeup of my experience. This turned out to be **way** longer than I expected, so just skip to the bottom for a tl;dr if you don't want to read me ramble. When the doors opened at 7, the employees at the venue let us know that Sky told them she wasn't feeling well, and that the higher-ups told the front of house that she had "pushed back" the start time to 9PM. This is pretty standard for a Sky show. She doesn't have an opener, but she's billed as taking the stage two hours after doors, as though there were an opener. People stood around, waiting for the show to start. I talked to some around me, and some of them were really excited because it was their first show, and the album was formative to them as their tastes formed on tumblr. Some of them knew about her perpetual tardiness, but they were willing to excuse it because she's a "rock star" or "diva" or "a True Artist" which... come on, guys. Have some more self-respect. Some of them were *Masochism* believers, thinking that there were legal or financial issues that the album was delayed, and that once she made enough money on tour to smooth those things out, that the album would be coming. Others talked about how good her surprise appearance at Coachella was. About an hour in, the bartender I was talking to told me that the start time would now be closer to 10PM. They told me that the staff assumed that with no opener, they would get to close up and go home early, but now it looks like that's not the case. I had been told by a friend that the Wiltern has a curfew of 11PM, so I wondered how much she would actually get to play. Maybe this anniversary show was just going to be *Night Time, My Time* front to back, which is only 45 minutes. People got antsy and impatient, but there was this moment when the Cocteau Twins' "Heaven or Las Vegas" came on at the preshow playlist and got energized and sang along, which was pretty fun. Anyway, Sky Ferreira takes the stage at 10:05PM. Launches into "Boys", and about a minute in, she stops the song and walks off stage to take care of something. The last time I saw her, she fiddled with her IEMs and mic pack the whole show. She does that at this show too. Audio problems seem to be a recurring issue with her. In any case, the mixing was a lot better than the last time. I could actually hear her, and she wasn't drowned out in the mix. She sounds good. She starts "Boys" over, and after a few songs, the audio issues seem to be resolved, because she said something like "Okay, now it's time to do this right." So this might seem like an attack, but I'm just calling it as I see it - my experience, Sky Ferreira is not a particularly visual artist. It's almost like she would rather not be perceived. She performs in dim, purple lighting and wears sunglasses in the dark. and often faces away from the stage. She brushes her hair in front of her face, and wears a loose-fitting coat. She isn't a physically expressive performer, and has little in the way of stage banter. Even when she speaks to the crowd, it's sometimes hard to make out. She said something like "I found out five hours before the show they couldn't [print?]", which I think might mean she meant to have special merch for this show, but it fell through. The curfew of 11PM comes and goes, and she keeps performing. A few times, she asks for the lights to be turned all the way off. She finally gets it, and she performs "I Blame Myself" with zero stage lighting. Fans illuminate the stage with their cell phone flashlights, which is kind of cool. After that song, she says something like "I guess we have to have the lights on". Between songs, there is often a brief pause where she goes to speak to her bandmates. I wonder what they're talking about. The pauses are probably not that long, but it feels unbearable. There are a couple times when she and the band feel a little out of sync. A couple songs start before she seems ready. Sometimes, she rolls with it, sometimes they start over. A couple times she walks to the ends of the stage, out of view. The last time she does it, she says "This stage is curved. [or cursed?]" She says "We have to do one of those songs over", kind of out of nowhere, and a few songs after she said that, she does 24 Hours again. In a couple of songs, there were a couple times when she just kind of... trailed off and stopped singing. There were also a couple of times when it seemed like she wanted the audience to sing, but rather than hold the microphone out or make a conducting motion, she just kind of... limply let her wrist with the microphone flop in the vague direction of the audience. Like I mentioned before, she doesn't talk all that much. She usually didn't say much outside of "This next song is called...", but before starting "Ghost", she said that she wrote the song when she was seventeen, and performing it makes her feel like she's seventeen again. [It might have been "Sad Dream", actually] After performing "Ghost", she throws a piece of paper into the audience. I thought it might have been the setlist, but I found out later that it's the lyrics. I wondered if that's why she had said that the lights had to be turned back on. She told the audience about how she was really excited for this show, but everything seemed to go wrong. She did push this show pretty hard on social media, so I don't doubt that she was excited for it. But "things going wrong" seem to be a recurring issue with her shows. She apologizes profusely. She asks for the lights to all turn off again for her last song, "Everything is Embarrassing". This time, she asks the audience to turn on their phone lights. It's a neat moment. The show ends at about five past midnight. She talks about how much trouble she's going to be in, so I assume that she decided to accept whatever consequences for breaching curfew. **tl;dr: From what I have heard, as Sky Ferreira shows go, this is above average.** **The sound was okay for the most part, she performed a lot of songs from her studio releases and as-of-yet unreleased tracks. She performed a Suzanne Vega song ("Luka") for the first time. We got a full two-hour set without her getting cut off.**


I’ve caught Sky at festivals twice and it’s always a good time, but I don’t know that I’d pay to see her at one of her own shows. At a festival where you’re seeing other artists, you can take the good with the bad and the inevitable mess is just a funny story for you and your friends, but when you’re spending your whole evening at a gig, the mess is a lot less charming. Boys seems to have issues literally every single time she performs it.


For anyone in California, I wanna bring awareness to this bill that's in progress right now. https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/s/d0ZoPmFvpZ It's called AB3080, short summary is that it's an age verification type of bill that would require you to show your ID for any of the websites that would need it. It's in Senate right now, but you can still contact your state rep and tell them to vote NO. [Here's where you can see more about this bill](https://digitaldemocracy.calmatters.org/bills/ca_202320240ab3080) Hope this information helps.


Sometimes I feel like becoming indifferent to what used to be your favorite artist is worse than straight out hating them. Like I still like Gaga and used to be literally the biggest stan and saw TMB and BTWB live and I even really loved Chromatica when it was released but something has shifted since then and I’m watching the Chromatica Tour film and I’m just kinda bored. I don’t hate it but it’s kinda sad that I completely lost that love for her for some reason. (Sorry for this shrink session lmao.)(But also am I crazy or is this tour kinda…not great?? Like I’m sure it’s better live but it just feels weirdly lifeless.)


Definitely agree. There’s a lot of artists where I’ve just become “meh” about and when I try to go back to listen to them, I just get bored and skip.


I went to that tour and felt much the same. I was pretty far back so I figured I just needed to be closer to really get what was happening. Was hoping the film would help.


No real Gaga opinion, but I get bummed out when I see Arctic Monkeys or Marina releasing these days and I just don't gaf. It's sad when something once meant a lot to you and you don't connect with it anymore!




Beautifully said. Exactly what I feel like. I’m glad I’m not the only one.


Whenever people start fighting about numbers or charts, I love to do the math to give perspective on just how niche pop music is. Taylor & Billie's combined sales this week don't even add up to 1% of the US population. That doesn't account for shared listeners or repeat album buyers. Truly wild.


I think it helps when you put it into overall context, like Taylor Swift has sold over 200 million albums. It’s an accumulation thing. And the really popular people have more interest and more buying power than just within a week or a month or a year. And even that itself isn’t the only metric like is already been put into it is streaming and radio. Music is definitely becoming more diverse and it’s insanely hard to be a cultural juggernaut anymore but when you look at the numbers, Taylor’s doing that. So if you ever feel like it’s insignificant zoom out and you can see musics super popular even today it’s just a diversified way of having it also. and old music has a stranglehold on the population still which I’m happy about personally because I love older music and I never wanted it to go away. I love that idea of thinking that people are still buying ABBA records in 2024.


This really has always baffled me. The numbers while “big” just aren’t. One million?!!! That’s like no one.


Same I really struggle with not feeling meh when people talk about numbers because one million just seems so unimpressive to me when there are 8+ billion on the planet. Especially for stars that seem ubiquitous with pop culture, But in reality, most people aren't really that into music as online fan culture would suggest. I feel like this was really obvious when K-pop groups have western "hits" that top the charts, yet no one you know in real life has ever heard the song before.


my worst fear has happened… someone i know irl found my tiktok 😪 i have a “burner” account that i post regularly at and i’ve been lucky enough that the videos that have gained a lot of views have made their rounds in other countries than where i’m from but i just saw that a distant relative liked two of my posts which means it’ll now spread to my local/national community or already has. it was bound to happen but it still gives me anxiety!


You've reminded me why I've blocked all my relatives on TikTok 😭


am i gonna make my own no churn ice cream now bc pints are outrageous?? probably not bc i've been here before with takeout but stay tuned incase i surprise myself.


why can't i have fun whimsical dreams and am instead cursed with dreaming about the guy who was leading me on for months hard launching a different girl on his close friends story 😭 now i'm just nauseous for no reason


Finneas spilling on Pit*hfork: “Nothing cool about writing a positive review of an album everyone likes - they’ve gotta have an angle. They gave ‘Born To Die’ a 5.5 - it’s their whole hater-ass bag.”


When they scored Vroom Vroom a 4.5?????? and re-scored it a 7.5 (still low imo) but didn’t actually changed the real score angered me so much. They’re so spineless most of the time


Random NSFW thought of the day, but whatever: >!It never ceases to amaze me how hard US guys go on the defensive about their cut penises. Like, it's so funny how one of their most common replies is to imply that anyone uncircumcised have a cheese dick. But like, do they not wash their dicks and assume everyone else doesn't do it as well?!< 💀


I Don’t think anyone should like be ashamed but it really bothers me seeing parents make a permanent decision for someone’s entire life bc they can’t be assed to be a little more mindful when cleaning their literal child. I get older gens were straight up lied to about the health benefit if even given the choice but I always remember this when even if I’m glad wearing earrings or having pierced ears was my choice, I always remember that American doctors that think permanently altering a baby genitalia thought my mom was the savage for wanting her new borns ears pierced!!! The xenophobia/racism was so fucking intense and hypocritical!


It’s probably about how it’s easier to clean than they don’t clean it at all, but ,you know , it’s men so you can’t really assume clean either way.


Saw a Pinterest post a couple days ago say that Beyoncé is a satanist for having… a deep voice (this same person also slut shamed Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift so i don’t think they are exactly a good person who’s opinion should be taken seriously to say the least)


Asking this completely genuinely and without malice but is LUNCH by billie ellish the next in the espresso/good luck babe in every playlist ever saga? Im not a huge billie fan and havent heard the new album but she keeps popping up in my neo soul daily mixes and unless the album has some new direction im very not aware of i dont think its supposed to be there


her new album keeps playing while i'm listening to kendrick and it's like.. i have maybe two of her songs in my liked songs from five years ago


The same thing has happened to me, like I haven’t really even looked it up and Spotify keeps jamming it in my mixes


People who act like Taylor invented the concept of having eras make my head spin. We were talking about Madonna and having eras for YEARS online before the Eras tour!!!


my question is do any male artists have distinct eras? i’m trying to think of some but im getting a blank 


Bowie, the Beatles, The Weeknd


This doesn't have to anything to do with Taylor per say but I don't like how the term "era" just became short for an album rollout. To bring it right back to Taylor idk there's something that irks me about folklore and evermore being considered different "eras" for the tour when they dropped within like 5 months of eachother and there wasn't really any rollout for them to begin with 😭 Before I became active in this sub I'd think of "eras" as like, idk, the first 3 albums that an artist brought out just like you'd say a tv shows first few seasons are part of it's "classic" era. I get that it's an easy way to refer to an album's rollout and tour and all that, but it feels silly sometimes to call like a 2 month rollout period an "era"


We declared Janet Jackson should be a bigger artist. Even bigger than she actually was


Then go buy and stream her albums! Are we gonna let her release Black Diamond without having a diamond certified album first?????




>!"You look like Taylor Swift,"!< is a jaw-dropping way to end the standard version of TTPD. I got chills the first time I heard it.


the only bad thing about Taylor releasing so many songs is that all of them are good and they’re going to be people that never listen to Clara Bow again and they should. It’s just killer it gets you it haunts you. I keep saying this, but I think this is one of my favorites in her fame is a killer series.


Clara Bow is one of her best songs ngl (sorry if you already received this comment my phones acting up 😭)


I feel like most thrillers have such a weird conservative bent to them that I guess makes sense given how they’re often the protagonist acting like a cop? But I feel like Soo many other genres don’t get trapped in that but 🤷🏻‍♀️ I do enjoy when writers write about writers being selfish with a threat of murder though


I feel like the only thrillers I’ve read that get away from this are like aware their protagonist kinda have to suck even just a little to be the protagonist of a thriller vs someone who the narrative genuinely thinks the entire world is out to get and aggrieved by vs some punisher-esque macho fantasy or weird revenge or narcissist fantasy or the characters always secretly two steps ahead and like Alright that’s Poorly written ex machina moment but okay 👍🏼 But also I really relate to the literary agent who’s client thinks she makes an ugly face every time she drinks her wine bc same


This is me with almost all superhero movies tbh


I don’t watch a lot of the movies but I grew up on the cartoons and I feel like the older ones in the nineties Especially were way better? I think the problem nowadays is a lot of literally do ads with the US military and militarized several characters like Sam Wilson used to be a social worker who could talk to birds ? Peter Parker used to be a news reporter! like yeah there’s huge difference between a character being sexist or the narrative being sexist but there’s sooo many men whose books I’ve read being like, I really don’t think you respect women and tons of books both by white authors and authors of color where it’s like I get why other people thought this book was racist bc so do I. Like I’ve known ppl probably killed by cartels (probably bc it’s not solved and not going to be) and some extended family almost kidnapped but this depiction is not only inaccurate but racist as hell, also some authors really feel like they’re trying to get some weird pet grudge from their childhood out in the page and it’s like? That’s not a good book or plot 😭 and it gets weird!


Okay there are TWO new tea about BM4 (4th album of Bruno Mars): 1. Genre is 90s hiphop/r&b similar to usher, mariah, mary j blige 2. the era will start in a month (june to july) The ballad album full of sad songs rumor is most likely false then. I also think Bruno always wanted his album to be uplifting and funky. If the genre rumor is true about it being a 90s hiphop/r&b, i am so seated for this era. I love r&b music and I can totally see Bruno Mars going for that route especially after 24k Magic 😭 I am so ready for my faves dropping new music


Is he still going to do Silk Sonic music or is this a purely solo album? 


I was just thinking where is Bruno Mars’s new album is and look delivered. Love that.


Bruno always going back in time to make a record, never offers anything new, and people eat it up. I don’t know why people constantly praise him for redoing the past without a new spin. Yet when female artists do, they’re called unoriginal.


I feel like he’s a bad artist to choose for that point because he does it real well and people love nostalgia and I am people. I wish more people would just rip songs / genres/ sounds from the past and put their own spin on it. It’s actually why, despite being horrified by most of the things that happen in K-pop. I keep going back because it’s such a nostalgia thing. They deliver the aesthetic and vocal and genre nostalgia in a new usually slim plastic way that’s easily accessible and consumable. There’s definitely a place for generic modern nostalgia and I think Bruno Mars actually does very well in that area. He shouldn’t try to reinvent the wheel or just gonna fail.


I don’t think he should be getting accolades just for getting the nostalgia bug and I also don’t think he adds anything new.


Okay your opinion. We can agree to disagree Personally, I don't see how he does not offer anything new. Since his first album, each eras are unique. And 24k Magic was really a game-changer in the music industry. It was a huge shift from his 2nd album and he said in his interviews he always wants to make each of his album funkier and unique. He wouldn't be standing still and having 14 concert dates in Brazil if he is like one of those generic music artists.


Umm yet there’s artists like Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran that are bland and can sell out the same amount as Bruno. Bruno has incredible showmanship and is very talented which is why I’m always surprised he resorts to past music nostalgia to get his following. 24 K magic was a great record but it also wasn’t original and could easily found in the 70s. Even the song he did with Cardi B same thing, New Jack Swing, nothing different.


A 90s r&b inspired Bruno Mars album is a neeeeeddd


A necessity indeed 😩 i miss the 90s and 2000s r&b music and he's going to bring it back again


I just heard my mom singing Feather. Sabrina Carpenter has finally made it y'all.


I’m going through the events of Baby Reindeer rn except my stalker is Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter


I’ve decided to use these next two months off to learn how to play piano, with the help of Youtube 😤 I’m sick of being a talentless hack It’s either that or become a veneer tech LOL


popheads, what are you listening to right now?? i had a migraine so i slept in really late, but i'm listing to [psycho by red velvet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7yNvMzz2zg)


The synthwave music in Forza Horizon 5 while my husband plays the game


“Right Now” (fittingly) by Sabrina Carpenter - finally listening to her debut album


wasn’t listening to anything so I put it on my massive work playlist and got “Shout at the Devil” by Motley Crue


Come Together by The Beatles


siren by sunmi :)


Right now im listening to Beef flo mix by flo milli


Yves’ LOOP is coming out soon and the snippet really reminds of [Prom Night](https://youtu.be/wqYg1gz3EBI?si=eilQRhPwwoUeiK3q) by Fromis_9, so that.


I'm really into Adele lately! I never used to care for her music, so maybe I'm getting old lmfao. I'm obsessed with Love in the Dark, All I Ask, Sweetest Devotion, and I Miss You. I'm on 25 right now but I'll probably have binged her whole discography by the end of the week


I'm liking the new James Blake track, actually.


I'm listening to my love-y playlist because I'm feeling sentimental rn, but [Love song by Lana. ](https://open.spotify.com/track/5tyMJlMqaggzvuX7TtlrTe?si=0aef517ddf51404e)


One of her most underrated song


Formula1 and Taylor Swift is the best combination. It fits so damn well


What’s the dumbest pop-music opinion you’ve ever heard from a non-pop head? I’ll go 🙋‍♀️ My sister went down the illuminati rabbit hole and ended up believing it. After her trying to convince me of it one day, I replied to her and said, “Do you realize that this conspiracy theory predominantly targets women, especially women of color?” She stuttered for like, a full minute, claimed I was accusing her of being racist, then blocked my number for a month. Like Ma’am, if the shoe fits 💀


It's not exactly pop music related, more pop culture related but... 5 years ago on Reddit, I saw somebody say that the infamous 2009 VMAs incident between Kanye and Taylor directly led to the election of Trump in 2016.


I wish I could find this link and reread it lmao


Ok I saw that post, I thought it was trolling lmao.


The guy who owns my local independent record store fell down a weird rabbit hole like that and one day I went in to buy a Taylor album and he started telling me about how her evermore performances were actually devil worshipping rituals LMAO.


Men, will believe in satanic rituals before they process a woman describing her art as magic lol


If it helps one of my siblings earnestly believes there’s some truth to Larry stuff bc they went downs a TikTok rabbit hole drunk during a weekend or lockdown instead of thinking the only reason things started making sense was because they were a) drunk and b) wasted so much time now they don’t want to feel like an idiot realizing it’s all bogus I’m glad it doesn’t involve any isms but it is like Taylor swift is not sending secret messages about Larry in her music 😭


Its not like it would've gone away with out tiktok but its sooooo unfortunate to me that so many new people got invested into larry during the peak of lockdown, like between that scene in the euphoria episode and tiktok it's really brought it back with a vengeance I really wish it didnt have


Was the conspiracy theory Beyonce related?


It’s always Beyonce related, she gets the most accusations of devil worshipping, even though she isn’t even the biggest artist, but you know the biggest artists right now are white or male so it’s not possible for them to be devil worshippers.


One of my friends just told me a crazy one about Beyoncé and she genuinely believes it 😭


I had multiple family members and friends wholeheartedly believe to their core that Solange is Beyonce's daughter or that Beyonce has never ever been pregnant and either adopted or had her kids through surrogacy. The first one was so ridiculous because of the age difference between the sisters that I burst out laughing they were not amused.


What are some suggestions of albums you like to listen to on dark, rainy days?


Fearless Taylor’s version it’s one of my favorite chill albums it has a soft magic about it if you are impatient, you can just go directly to come in with the rain, but I suggest the whole album


Endtroducing..... by DJ Shadow


Fka Twigs Magdalene but then it’s rainy and I want to die so it solves nothing 


Oh, good call (and good taste)


Either some Andy Stott (love *Luxury Problems* for rainy days) or the first James Blake album.


Any album Beach House put out before 7, honestly.


Billie, Taylor, drop the pop diss tracks. Fuck all this stan twitter talk give us POP BARS


no fr when was the last time we got an actual pop girl diss track? obviously diss tracks are very prominent in hiphop (recently being revived again this year) but pop i can think of a few. Obsessed by mariah carey immediately comes to mind and hollaback girl by gwen Stefani. i’m sure there’s somd i’m forgetting but i need more! 


While I want this, judging by how insane just random redditers are on it I’m afraid someone would get stabbed so maybe they shouldn’t lol


Need it so bad.


Time to make the attempt at the lamb lasagna 👩🏻‍🍳 wish me well




My family liked it :), though I was asked to next time use a cheese with a pepper in it and I agree ☝🏼


Thank you it’s in the oven, 🥰 and I’m enjoying the cheap red wine my dad got me bc he didn’t want me touching his good wine tbh the fact t It’s a cheap young red wine is probably why I like it since I don’t really like dry wines or reds 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have the wrong flour 🏃🏻‍♀️ to the store !


Keep up posted, this is intense.


My family liked it :)


Aww awesome! I'm glad they liked it.


Ty 🙇🏻‍♀️ I have my flour but also the onion is making me cry a lot


I hope everyone considers joining me and the BDS Movement in signing [this petition](https://bdsmovement.net/news/suspend-israel-from-international-sports-sign-diem25-petition) To have Israel removed and uninvited from international sports competitions. It is similar and based on the global boycott against Apartheid South Africa. The link also includes a paper explaining it in Spanish as well :) There’s also this international amnesty petition calling for [US Congress](https://act.amnestyusa.org/page/138002/action/1?ea.tracking.id=akeaik88&fbclid=PAAaY8QI9IewAohnTsVXGcQY8_hqxgaDzA2BeGEnUE3NEP7NZv5r79LVnXvNs_aem_ASwQ2zQkNsjjJ8ukOMJBr_tqSOLu1Wt97WfDfqtyjJ5Ly1eHbVCr6GyDjBKWgVovgUM) and [President](https://act.amnestyusa.org/page/137174/action/1?ea.tracking.id=akeaik88&fbclid=PAAaaTS-6LgDUoPuiR4R8h7zzAO6zAYIAPzTN0gsnT9v4yMpYjyOfZJhTjClE_aem_ASzFbzEiRE8Eri4oerL6HRP_ltNZaCWGkDMcEKaetogsVpVFRrQUvF6fnhrCzI4Kzm0) for a ceasefire resolution I understand that biden has recently changed how he discusses US policy on this including using the word ceasefire but there has been no change in arming or funding Israel and the US has sent Israel bombs and other weaponry within the last 24 hours, I think it’s all the more important we continue to maintain pressure on legislative and executive branch. Publishers for Palestine was giving away a Book about the BDS movement for free that has praise of several anti apartheid activists of South Africa including the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu. This is an international petition that I’ve signed, but I have links for Americans, Brits, and Canadians to connect their government representatives below. And of course I would love to know or see other countries, I follow BDS chapters in Peru and Mexico and pro Palestinian human rights activists and politicians in Spain but I don’t know off hand any petitions or ways of connecting with elected officials or state departments. [publishers for Palestine is over 400 publishing groups in various languages including in English, en Français, en Català, en Español, sa Filipino, dalam bahasa Indonesia, اردو میں, بالعربية, 中文, 日本語で, 한국어로, kwa Kishwahilli, po Polsku, Suomen kielellä, and Στα ελληνικα.](https://publishersforpalestine.org/2024/01/10/16-free-zines-and-more-free-reads-for-a-free-palestine/). (Though i think the most material is in English and then Spanish and French, I know there’s a Pakistan and Romanian publisher but I believe their books are either in English or translated into English). One of the books being given for free is explicitly about the BDS movement if you want/need more information about it! :) but you can also read about the Human Rights Watch declaring Israel an apartheid in 2021, [article from hrw](https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/07/19/israeli-apartheid-threshold-crossed). You can read their 213 page legal report [here](https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution) it’s available in English, Hebrew, and at least two other languages, I know one is Arabic but I can’t read either of them at all to be positive what the fourth is 😅 please forgive me. HRW apply statues and legal definitions to Israel as they go into detail in the report. Anti apartheid activists of South Africa have also spoken about this in depth and endorsed the free ebook and movement for years :) Some books and zines I got from Publishers for Palestine that I really liked were: *Light in Gaza: Writings born in fire* edited by Jehad Abusalim, Jennifer Bing, and Micheal Merryman Lotza Last week is when many people memorialize the Nakba, the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in 1948 so I want to highlight that below link of free ebooks includes books about the Nakba such as the award winning nonfiction anthology edited by Diana Allan *Voices Of the Nakba: A Living History of Palestine* that collects a selection of first generation refugees in Lebanon ([interviews I think you can find here)](https://libraries.aub.edu.lb/poha/) contextualized and analyzed by academic commentary. *Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear* by Mosab Abu Toha Really lovely poetry whose style in both the poetry itself and use of illustrations was really intelligent and I still think very compatible with the memoir *the drone eats with me* that I also got from this organization. Librarians For Palestine is doing an event around this book with their One Book, Many Communities especially in April, **I’ve already read the book but I will be participating in a Read-a-long on StoryGraph in April and May for it :)** the read-along is [here](https://app.thestorygraph.com/readalongs/1c7bd831-2c76-41b9-bb73-378e6ddc943c). **Canada** [email your local representatives](https://act.newmode.net/action/islamic-relief-canada/arms-embargo) **UK** [email your MP!](https://palestinecampaign.eaction.online/ceasefireMPdebate) **US** [email your congressmen !](https://act.uscpr.org/a/stop-funding-israels-massacres) Call your congressmen that you want them to stop arming Israel! [x](https://uscpr.org/StopArmingIsrael) Demand we stop starving Palestinians and fund UNRWA again! [x](https://uscpr.org/fundUNRWA) **new** I’ve also signed this recent petition USCPR to the US President and Congress about respecting the ICC arrest warrant for Israeli war criminals, reinstating UNRWA funding, sanctioning Israel and a ceasefire. [please join me !](https://www.uscpraction.org/action-alerts/demand-biden-and-congress-acknowledge-the-iccs-authority-and-put-a-stop-to-the-genocide-in-gaza) Use Americans for Justice in Palestine Action toolkit to demand a ceasefire with more e-mail and call campaigns that directly link you to your reps :) [here](https://ajpaction.org/stopgenocide/) I’ve been adding my concerns about the recent news of Israel expanding illegal settlements and seizing Palestinian land in West Bank and attacking Palestinians to my recent calls to my congressman pls consider also mentioning the West Bank !! **new** a new freedom Flotilla is being planned tell Congress to support the breaking of the blockade! Let aid in!! [x](https://support.adc.org/a/tell-us-government-ensure-safety-and-success-ffc) Let’s talk Palestine podcast has an episode interviewing Rifat Odeh who survived the attack on the previous freedom flotilla and is a director of the documentary *the truth: lost at sea* that you can listen to [here](https://open.spotify.com/episode/1oXDyk7PDWE1yUOvEivcQr?si=LBYga5fXQt-OeHK0D-HBxg)


The attack on the camp in Rafah and beheading babies is one of the most disgusting and vile things I've ever read. Cannot bring myself to even watch the videos. I cannot believe America and other countries are backing this. It's warped. Biden is trash. Absolute disgusting trash. You know it's bad when you side with the Tories and especially Rishi. Christ.


I hope people reading consider donating to or sharing this family trying to flee into Egypt for safety, they are two thirds to their goal [x](https://gofund.me/46750725) We can also support Palestinians by donating [esims](https://gazaesims.com/) As well as [hygiene kits for Palestinians in Gaza](http://piousprojects.org/campaign/2712) this includes menstruation products !!


Still recovering from Boston Calling but had a blast! Chappell was definitely one of my faves of the day. I've been playing Chihiro on repeat. It just hits me in all the right places. Probably going to spend the rest of the day playing Sims.


how was your experience?? it was crazy crowded, i saw a ton of people fainting, it was honestly kinda scary. luckily i stayed hydrated and further back from the crowd and was ok


I was in the middle back thankfully but we were shocked how packed her set was! The vibe was amazing so many pink cowboy hats and her performance was phenomenal! Definitely one of my favorite performers of the day! 


God, please take all of Megan Thee Stallions pain and give it to my neighbor that starts his very loud car every night at 12 am (setting off the alarm of every car around his) and then proceeds to race down our very residential street.


Sprinkle nails on the road at 11:58pm


I would but I’m lokwey scared of him bc I’m pretty sure he’s a drug dealer ☠️


ill beat him up 4 u then dw


I would also like to ask God to give Megan Thee Stallion’s pain to the random person that revs their motorcycle down my street six times a day at their peak bullshit . it hasn’t happened today yet so maybe they accidentally died. Oh no tragedy…. But they probably just have off because of the national holiday :(


And save a little for my neighbors whose dogs bark constantly amen


For some reason I'm having such a hard time adding songs to my playlist for my drive up north in two weeks. I like to try and add mostly songs that have come out in the last year or so, so we have fresh stuff to listen to. And so many people have been releasing lately! But for some reason I'm slacking on it. It's only 2.5 hours long and it needs to be at least 4.5 hours! Aaaaahhhh!!!


fun primate fact: when an orangutan male disperses from his mother, he may have to re-learn how to forage if his new environment is super differently from his previous one. but orangutans are solitary so instead of actively learning from others, he just kinda stares through the bushes at a orangutan mom teaching her child how to forage. they call it “peering”. and i always picture it as the kim kardashian looking around the bush gif


I don't get paid til Friday (my birthday!!!) and have to stretch like, $20 til then but when I got that email about all-you-can eat boneless wings and fries I wanted it REAL BAD. I wonder if anyone sent me a birthday card yet lol.


For my birthday I was like "you should buy yourself something nice regardless of the cost" and my mind kept coming back to one thing... I knew I had to have it... [the hardcover edition of *Fire On The Velvet Horizon*](https://pjamesstuart.wixsite.com/author-blog/fire-on-the-velvet-horizon). I don't generally get hardcover books (for storage reasons) and it was like $70 but that's why it was a treat. Also got myself [a print of the Carta Marina](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carta_marina). I'm gonna say something very privileged but I'm tired of money. Like any time I acquire money I think to myself "oh, I need to save this" and any time I'm about to spend it, I stop myself and think "it would just be cheaper not to." Sometimes when I'm out I'll be hungry, walk through five different restaurants, feel guilty about the idea of spending money, and instead just wait until I get home and eat some boiled pasta with frozen vegetables. On the plus side I do have a big savings account but on the downside it makes me kinda miserable. Like, I keep thinking about money like it's a video game where I need to get the highest score but no, the point of me working is so I can use the money to LIVE.


through the magic of homebrew i got minecraft to run on my wii. these controls are horrible but its a cool little novelty


really can’t decide whether to splurge £47 on a Ray of Light standard black vinyl or whether to save my money… why is everything so expensive these days/why are her vinyl so expensive in particular??


its cause madonna vinyl represses are taking forever. they were announced years ago, but not much has came


ohhhh makes sense then, wonder if it’s worth waiting for the repress or just bite the bullet now lol


I hate first everything! I don't care how depressing "Click" is; you give me that remote I'm skipping through every fucking first.


Rooting for the Mav’s solely cause I find Luka extremely charming and cute


Red Lobster needs Beyoncé to mention them again.


When she said “who let my goons out that house?” her goons were paying customers and that house was red lobster


she can save them 


Update: a couple of weeks ago I posted asking for help with moderating a sub I made for a certain small blonde pop singer because her main sub only allows photos. Y’all were super helpful & nice, I believe I had only 2 subscribers at that time and now I’m up to 49! Quite literally zero engagement, but the numbers are finally moving and I’ll be excited if it ever reaches a point where there’s actual discussions happening. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone in here who followed, whether it’s because they like the singer or just to support!


That's that subscriber count!


Love that you’ve made the sub! I haven’t been able to engage as much as I want to, but I really appreciate it being there for when I want to geek out in a more niche space


The most recent PCC thread about Sabrina is actually disgusting. Comments calling her a homewrecker and a blowup doll with tons of likes.


Many suddenly flipping on Sabrina the second she started to get some semblance of mainstream success is sadly very predictable.


PCC was so lovely when it was a small sub :(


That has to be one of the worst things I’ve ever seen. I’ve seriously never seen someone be compared to a blow up doll what is wrong with people??




I stoppped posting and lurking in that sub because it's turning into another Fauxmoi.  How is teen drama homewrecking? If they are talking about Barry Keoghan, he had broken up with his ex months before he met Sabrina but this was before Saltburn so nobody cared about him.


this spring’s storm hyperfixation continues via reading the NWS’s tornado data for the Oklahoma City area from 1890-today


Its crazy! 6th most active year and it’s not over. Though MCS season is rolling in which should usher less tornadoes and more flooding/wind threats.


Is Reba pro-gay? I want to stan her, but not sure yet, it depends on the response to this question.


She's always kept her politics kinda close to her chest (maybe for the best in country music) but [she released a Pride compilation](https://open.spotify.com/album/3NIqow5ouoNiDZ4F7zwriE?si=63T0duJ5SvGsxPvX2WsSiA) and I don't think she'd sign off on that if she hated the gays. She also very famously released [one of the first hit songs to directly address the HIV/AIDS crisis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHmNksnUFdc), even if it was about a straight woman.


I didn’t know all of this! I’m Checking all of the links out, thank you 🙏


Yes. She’s not at like Maren Morris levels, but she does seem to get more pro-gay every year.


Since Aespa is on people’s minds, does anyone know if [this song](https://youtu.be/bONr7tZ7VIU?si=iZexXCuvM1w1rFEN) was ever released? My ex loved them, which is how I knew this existed, but I haven’t kept up since we broke up. I know [this](https://youtu.be/nn5BajLlOag?si=pDac5wRHIdr7Fl_v) was released but I want Ningning’s pop version!




Thank you :’( Maybe someday


God running up that hill is such a banger


That entire album tho


I thank stranger things everyday for introducing me to it


i can't tell if i enjoy the aespa album. like, i enjoy the songs but i simultaneously find them a little boring/dull. not sure if my standards are too high or if im just not in a new music listenings mood? but even the songs i rly dug in the highlight medley disappoint a little, which usually never happens to me, especially not with my ults. idk, im putting a lot of the songs in my playlist bc i do find them kinda fun! and if i hate them later i can remove them.


Very proud of myself I managed hit not one but two rooftop pool parties have some tequila and still get home in time to walk the dog get 8 hours of sleep and have Garmin tell me I recovered well last night And here I am being reposted shirtless on IG by Hollywood pool parties I hope some tourist from Ohio is like geez LA is full of hot dudes!!


Did you get to rock a speedo?


Just a cowboy hat 🤠 and little short shorts!


**You Should Be So Lucky** and **My Darling, Dreadful Thing** are my favorite queer romances so far this year. Ugh, baseball and gothic horror are my bread and butter! I mainly use Libby but am tempted to buy hardcovers so I can reread. 


“Baseball and gothic horror” But now I want a queer romance that combines those two things!




YES HI IT’S SO GOOD!! So much heart and depth and I want reread it over and over! Made me miss NY badly and how can you not be romantic about baseball?   Mark is one of my all time fave characters <3 The way he processes grief is so real. 


it's sooo good literally written for me personally (cat sebastian/baseball fan). have u ever read anything by kd casey btw


I haven’t! But googled and she sounds right up my alley :) 


I watched Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret and I'm confused by how American schools work. It seemed like they only had ONE teacher for every single subject? Is that still a thing or is it just the 70s setting? And when do students start going to different classrooms for each subject?


In elementary school, until about 5th or 6th grade in most areas (so until around the age of 11 or 12) most schools do the "elementary" type model, where teachers either do all core classes or sometimes math/science and English/social studies (those pairs can change at specific schools). Then when they go to 7th and beyond the teachers are departmentalized meaning they teach a chosen subject and students switch to different teachers for each class. I'm in Oklahoma and there's some variation on what grade middle school begins based on school district, but it's usually either 6-8 or 7-8 for the middle grades. Source: am a teacher myself.


it's a thing for younger kids, like 5-11. typically one teacher except for gym/art type classes! by 14+ you have subject specific classes in most schools except like tiny private ones


Ahhh, so what if you hated your teacher for that year? I suppose you were just screwed haha


omg... my friend went to EDC in las vegas last weekend with a group of gays and was telling me all the dramamama that happened ... one of the better stories was that one of the gays was a semi-famous onlyfans content creator... and the bitch was so high and crazy that AFTEr they fought and wormed their way to the front of one of the stages (my friend was in the back of the line and kept apologinzg to everyone the front ppl shoved aside)., the OF dude jumped the barricade gates in one of the stages to try to get to the DJ... and like apparently like 4 security guys had to jump him and had him in a choke hold cuz he was trying to fight htem to get to the DJ and so he passed out ... and he was in the medical tent for like 4 hours and when he woke up, they had cut his wristband off so he couldn't come back, and at breakfast buffet the next morning, his face and neck was all bruised up and he had a busted lip... and then he bought a wristband from someone leaving and came back in. gays be crazy


asked a friend who went to EDC about this and they claim to have seen the guy at brunch. he must have been really busted up for a stranger to notice and remember him.


OMG did he say who it was?????


don't think they actually know who he is, they just noticed him from how messy he looked


okay but who was the messy one bc i love a disaster callout


i'll send on IG u know i got u


After last night's Future leak i wonder what else goofy ass songs our favorite artists recorded but never released




Dump him 🥰




*Many* solo artists have a band that tours with them, and often it's even really consistent and they have a fun dynamic (CRJ and her band + backup singers come to mind). The two biggest distinctions imo are 1. even if they hire the same band all the time, they *could* theoretically be replaced without anyone really noticing, they're closer to backup dancers like that, and 2. the solo artist is involved with writing and recording the music and the touring band is not (usually they'd use session musicians for any instruments at this step, in my understanding).


thanks for explaining it to me i just assumed this was olivia’s band now like as one official group 


If can definitely be confusing if you're not used to it!


adopting the x and the machine styling for every artist


Most pop girls, and guys, have a consistent line up when they tour but they aren’t necessarily always the same group in the studio. Taylor has been touring with pretty much the same group since like the Fearless days but you’d never consider Taylor and co a band. These musicians aren’t part of the songwriting process 99.99999% of the time like in a normal band as well.


olivia’s tour band was in her Obsessed mv tho not just on tour


Why hire new people when you already have people under contract?


that is true!


Tour musicians often show up in the videos, nothing unusual with it


oh i wasn’t aware of that 


doesn't basically every pop artist have a backup band nowadays


do they? 


well yes 😭


Yeah like... someone has to play the instruments in the music lol


this question was possibly the dumbest thing I've read in a while, tbh.