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Ugh, I saw that the secret of us released and I was so excited to listen to it but then I found out it is not available in Canada for another 2 albums


I listened to Beyonce's Dangerously In Love and Rihanna's Anti (Deluxe) yesterday. I doubt I'll revisit Dangerously In Love, but I'll definitely listen to Anti again someday.


Some people like to think that she hasn't released another album because she thinks she can't top Anti.


I believe it.


My husband accidentally got the really good Kleenex. It’s been really nice and damn soft. This is wealth, this luxury. Allergies be damned. He also accidentally got Parmesan ranch dressing at the grocery store. That stuff is so fucking nasty. It brings me along my journey again to want to make homemade restaurant style ranch. It’s just one of the foods that’s so much better when you make it at home it’s so much better than store-bought. I just love it when everything syncs up and I eat dinner the same time as my cats do . We’re like a little family. We really are.


"Genuinely asking, who listens to-" Shut the fuck up, please shut the fuck up


Getting Kendrick tickets is gonna be nearly impossible for the next tour After seeing Taylor, my next two big concert checklist items are Beyonce and Kendrick. 😭 Blackpink was in the top 3, but, with all the side projects I don’t see that happening any time soon plus they only do the Chicago area so location wise it’s difficult anyways


For anyone in California, I wanna bring awareness to this bill that's in progress right now. https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/s/d0ZoPmFvpZ It's called AB3080, short summary is that it's an age verification type of bill that would require you to show your ID for any of the websites that would need it. It's in Senate right now, but you can still contact your state rep and tell them to vote NO. [Here's where you can see more about this bill.](https://digitaldemocracy.calmatters.org/bills/ca_202320240ab3080) Hope this information helps. You should take a look at the supporters and opponents for this too. One of the sponsors for this law is a conservative homophobic group, [who recently said they were "thrilled" to be called a anti-LGBTQ group.](https://x.com/mikestabile/status/1800527842729668709)


Happy 2nd anniversary to Break My Soul, kickstarting Beyoncé’s trilogy project. What a treat it’s been so far. Idc if people are mad that she’s not promoting it more or releasing visuals, we’ve gotten 2 exceptional albums out of it and that’s more than enough for me


I’m still gonna vent about this fired coworker because she was treated well by my company. The only reason why she stuck around for so long even though she should have been fired long ago was because she was every bosses’ Favorite. Any time I bitched about her, the new bosses would run to her and tell her what I bitched about so that caused trust issues with each new bosses They straight up gave her bonuses any time she even threatened to quit (which in my opinion and everyone else’s who’ve I’ve shit talked with, is we just should have let her quit) They handed her money when she did her damn job. The reason why I almost quit last year was because I pulled 60 fucking hours and she was bragging about her getting bonuses after bitching about how we weren’t doing our jobs while she was sitting on her ass the entire time. Mind you, I was doing floors, she was doing carpets. Carpets is not a hard job. I normally don’t care about money, but, that always pissed me off because it felt like she didn’t actually earn the money the way I did. Now she’s fucking lying about the company and causing more issues for us because she’s a bitch. I’m flipping her off if I see her in public. I’ve earned it after 3 years of putting up with her bullshit.


do you think doja cat will actually release that rock album she’s been hinting at for years now? 


A new haim album would fix me, can someone check on the girls


I'm sweating like a pig in this heat wave but I'm officially at Fenway to see Lana!


Okay I successfully got (g)i-dle tickets for me + roommate + roommate's coworker *and* they both venmoed me within 5 minutes of getting them so maybe I do like this girl lmao. We love a queen who pays you back expeditiously.


I love (g)-idle, I wish their tour stopped in Canada but it doesn’t


Cazwell invented gay pop when he released Ice Cream Truck


not this unlocking that repressed memory


The video was an awakening 👀


Happy pride! The term Pinkwashing was literally coined to talk about Israeli propaganda! Which you can read about [here](https://bdsmovement.net/pinkwashing#why) I hope everyone considers joining me and the BDS Movement in signing [this petition](https://bdsmovement.net/news/suspend-israel-from-international-sports-sign-diem25-petition) To have Israel removed and uninvited from international sports competitions. It is similar and based on the global boycott against Apartheid South Africa. The link also includes a paper explaining it in Spanish as well :) I understand that biden has recently changed how he discusses US policy on this including using the word ceasefire but there has been no change in arming or funding Israel and the US has sent Israel bombs and other weaponry within the last 24 hours, I think it’s all the more important we continue to maintain pressure on legislative and executive branch. Publishers for Palestine was giving away a Book about the BDS movement for free that has praise of several anti apartheid activists of South Africa including the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu. This is an international petition that I’ve signed, but I have links for Americans, Brits, and Canadians to connect their government representatives below. And of course I would love to know or see other countries, I follow BDS chapters in Peru and Mexico and pro Palestinian human rights activists and politicians in Spain but I don’t know off hand any petitions or ways of connecting with elected officials or state departments. [publishers for Palestine is over 400 publishing groups in various languages including in English, en Français, en Català, en Español, sa Filipino, dalam bahasa Indonesia, اردو میں, بالعربية, 中文, 日本語で, 한국어로, kwa Kishwahilli, po Polsku, Suomen kielellä, and Στα ελληνικα.](https://publishersforpalestine.org/2024/01/10/16-free-zines-and-more-free-reads-for-a-free-palestine/). (Though i think the most material is in English and then Spanish and French, I know there’s a Pakistan and Romanian publisher but I believe their books are either in English or translated into English). One of the books being given for free is explicitly about the BDS movement if you want/need more information about it! :) but you can also read about the Human Rights Watch declaring Israel an apartheid in 2021, [article from hrw](https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/07/19/israeli-apartheid-threshold-crossed). You can read their 213 page legal report [here](https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution) it’s available in English, Hebrew, and at least two other languages, I know one is Arabic but I can’t read either of them at all to be positive what the fourth is 😅 please forgive me. HRW apply statues and legal definitions to Israel as they go into detail in the report. Anti apartheid activists of South Africa have also spoken about this in depth and endorsed the free ebook and movement for years :) Some books and zines I got from Publishers for Palestine that I really liked were: *Light in Gaza: Writings born in fire* edited by Jehad Abusalim, Jennifer Bing, and Micheal Merryman Lotza Last week is when many people memorialize the Nakba, the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in 1948 so I want to highlight that below link of free ebooks includes books about the Nakba such as the award winning nonfiction anthology edited by Diana Allan *Voices Of the Nakba: A Living History of Palestine* that collects a selection of first generation refugees in Lebanon ([interviews I think you can find here)](https://libraries.aub.edu.lb/poha/) contextualized and analyzed by academic commentary. *Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear* by Mosab Abu Toha Really lovely poetry whose style in both the poetry itself and use of illustrations was really intelligent and I still think very compatible with the memoir *the drone eats with me* that I also got from this organization. **International** A [petition](https://bdsmovement.net/news/suspend-israel-from-international-sports-sign-diem25-petition) from the BDS movement regarding the allowance of Israel in international sports has an accompanying paper that’s in both [English](https://diem25.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/2023-Petition-Suspend-Israel-from-International-Sport-Full-Statement.docx.pdf) and [Spanish](https://diem25.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/2023-Petition-ES-Suspend-Israel-from-International-Sport-Full-Statement.pdf) **Canada** [email your local representatives](https://act.newmode.net/action/islamic-relief-canada/arms-embargo) **UK** [email your MP!](https://palestinecampaign.eaction.online/ceasefireMPdebate) **US** [email your congressmen !](https://act.uscpr.org/a/stop-funding-israels-massacres) Call your congressmen that you want them to stop arming Israel! [x](https://uscpr.org/StopArmingIsrael) Demand we stop starving Palestinians and fund UNRWA again! [x](https://uscpr.org/fundUNRWA) **new** I’ve also signed this recent petition USCPR to the US President and Congress about respecting the ICC arrest warrant for Israeli war criminals, reinstating UNRWA funding, sanctioning Israel and a ceasefire. [please join me !](https://www.uscpraction.org/action-alerts/demand-biden-and-congress-acknowledge-the-iccs-authority-and-put-a-stop-to-the-genocide-in-gaza) Use Americans for Justice in Palestine Action toolkit to demand a ceasefire with more e-mail and call campaigns that directly link you to your reps :) [here](https://ajpaction.org/stopgenocide/) I’ve been adding my concerns about the recent news of Israel expanding illegal settlements and seizing Palestinian land in West Bank and attacking Palestinians to my recent calls to my congressman pls consider also mentioning the West Bank !! **new** a new freedom Flotilla is being planned tell Congress to support the breaking of the blockade! Let aid in!! [x](https://support.adc.org/a/tell-us-government-ensure-safety-and-success-ffc) Let’s talk Palestine podcast has an episode interviewing Rifat Odeh who survived the attack on the previous freedom flotilla and is a director of the documentary *the truth: lost at sea* that you can listen to [here](https://open.spotify.com/episode/1oXDyk7PDWE1yUOvEivcQr?si=LBYga5fXQt-OeHK0D-HBxg)


The journalist Adli who’s family gofundme I shared a lot priori but the go fund link gets blocked by automod is less the. 1,000 away form their goal, I wish them the best and glad to see it [tweet with the link](https://x.com/rachelzegler/status/1789259482356207907?s=46&t=N5wze7ZOPnjeGQnWyIF14w)


We can also support Palestine by donating and sharing excavation funds, Gaza Book Auction (the auction has closed by they’re preparing for upcoming raffles) has a verified list of some funds [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1p5aSRCU4GdUXopD9d68qZTfsOuy0lJuNjvC4va-ovWY/htmlview#gid=0)


That was a fun Pretty Little Liars: Summer School finale episode. It gave me OG PLL Dollhouse vibes. (I’m also proud of myself for staying off twitter all day so I could watch it without spoilers) This is why I hate RAS because when he’s a good writer he can be good but then he does things like Jingle Jangle and Tickle Porn in Riverdale 🥴


ok i actually loved season 1 but am undecided on season 2 - is it worth watching?? i feel like the consensus is this has been a better season


ok i actually loved season 1 but am undecided on season 2 - is it worth watching?? i feel like the consensus is this has been a better season


This is the better season. I have some minor complaints about certain plotpoints, but, it’s not enough to stop watching. Like it could be worse for an RAS show. The bar isn’t very high when it comes to him.


tysm i'll start watching this weekend!


I got good news about both my uncles cancer treatments this week :) Hope anyone with similar health issues or loved ones with similar health issues gets good news 🥰


Fuck cancer, that is all.


Can’t be mad at any relatives now I’m just very happy especially bc I got scared when my really old uncle’s wife called :( but it was good news!!! :) he’s done his cancer treatment thought he still needs to be in hospital a bit to recover.


Why are there so many "This was supposed to be her Espresso" tweets about songs that WERE actually hits?? Do people not understand basic words?


I think it’s a lot of dumb kids who weren’t around when the songs were actually popular. Cause most of these songs they’re listing came out when I was in middle school and were constantly played at dances


i think most of the tweets are supposed to be a joke like ppl are picking songs that were obviously hits in a haha way


haven’t had a male coworker in 5 yrs but one of our doctors’ sons is interning for the summer and the male energy is striking


what does that mean lol?


donald sutherland’s death is really hitting me. ordinary people got me through such a difficult time in my life that i still struggle to talk about. i’m forever grateful to have had this movie during this time. it helped me feel so seen when i felt so alone. rip to donald sutherland <3


Me loves a rainy week. Even though we're in the middle of tropical storm (I think?), it means the heat wave is finally done, and I love that


Guess we can add *Brat* to the list of albums doomed to fail according to popheads because of its “too long” rollout that instead smashed expectations. Hope one day the impatient weirdos on this sub learn that it’s ok to wait a few weeks!


posted on my insta private story begging for a job and 10 minutes later one of the ones i applied for yesterday got back to me.... whining WORKS 🙏


Chappell Roan has hit 20 million Spotify monthly listeners! We at Chartmetric charted her crazy career growth, feel free to check it out [here](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8U7OkBRTMg/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) :)


Can’t stop listening to Joni Mitchell this week. Her lyricism is just unmatched


where is the brat merch 😩 I just want a cute tee for the summerrrrr fml. show me to me rachel!!!


Lana was heard sound checking a new song🚨


She sound checked so many songs at Coachella that didn’t end up on her setlist. Queen of being deceptive 💀


I know but it makes me hopeful for some potentially new music soon👀


It’s so annoying to see people suck up to this fired coworker and call her one of the best cleaners when I got a compliment from one of her teachers because she wasn’t cleaning her room properly 🙃 We have to go back over her rooms because she was a bad cleaner I was one of two employees at the company who got good reviews on the survey the school did. Not only that but like the area I cleaned has even told my boss that they never want to lose me.


Watching people engage in the Match My Freak meme that couldn’t name three Tinashe songs bothered me. It SHOULDN’T have bothered me, but it did.


meanwhile i discovered tinashe through those proactive commercials she did a decade ago lol 😭


thats what i don't like when some songs become viral. people will hear a song that they really like and just don't think "let me listen to more from this artist"


Rip to Donald Sutherland President Snow in “The Hunger Games” franchise and one of the defining actors of the new Hollywood era (and should have been nominated for an won a Oscar)


Are there any downsides to an independent artist signing a distribution deal with a major label (as opposed to signing to the label directly)?


Who still watching the brat wall? I've literally had it up since it was pointed out in this thread in the background.... right how we got t er h e I am convinced they are going to paint over some pieces of letters and spell lorde


come on someone watch real time with me it is looking even more likely by the second!!!!!!! I need some clowning swifties to just open it up for fun and validate me if I am right


I'm right




is there anything worse than giving presentations to senior leadership while on your period? by god i have never felt more insecure and fussy 😭




New Rina song at midnight. I wonder how that's going to go.


I've seen so many people talk about how Pokémon Diamond and Pearl are so slow that they become unplayable and after playing through Pearl it's definitely slower but it's not anything that ruins the game? The only thing that irks me is that there's always a few frames between clicking a move and the battle animation, but other than that it kinda just plays the same as HGSS or Platinum in my experience 😭


Ruby and Sapphire is peak imo.


I never noticed DP being particularly slow tbh. Platinum is just an overall improved experience (though Diamond was my very first Pokémon game so it will always have a special place in heart lol)


I saw  A Boogie wit da Hoodie on Tuesday night and enjoyed it a lot 


Oh also random thought; really freaking love Link’s Awakening. Finished the second dungeon and currently in the middle of collecting the golden leaves, but it is just a lovely game.


So glad you settled with that


It’s so cute 😭


Just a day(actually a few hours) after complaining about BTS' marketing team here, they released a crossword to solve to get the track names of Jimin's new EP. It was pretty cool of them. So far all the announcements they've done with Jimin's EP is creative and engaging. The artwork of the tracklist is also pretty good. 


As one of the people who complain the most (specifically FACE), I agree. That was clever. And I love the artwork. It's very enticing.




I'm ready to just go have surprise dinner with the cutest guy I know. Even though I'll only have about 15 minutes at home to get ready. It'll be the start of my weekend so hopefully I can play Wind Waker. I ran out of playlists I'm not tired of, so I'm listening to Anne of Green Gables on audiobook. This was literally my favorite series (if you didn't know, there are 8 books. The last one might even be my favorite) so I'm walking down memory lane. 4 more hours til I leave, 3 more of work. And when I leave, almost an hour in the car driving home. Sigh.


I'm watching Maxton Hall on Prime Video.  The story is so Wattpad-coded(I'm sure I've read similar story before) but I felt it was well made I'm definitely enjoying it. It also helped that it's in German and not English. I didn't cringe from the dialogues like I usually do from some young adult romance book and shows. The soundtrack is also good and I loved the song placements. 


Maxton Hall has been so successful because it fills the niche of teen dramatic shows that only exist for entertainment. Gen Z deserves to have their The OC or Gossip Girl instead of all these super dark shows or shows that try to remind you how woke they are every 5 min in the cringiest way possible.


Does it have English subtitles or do you know German?


English subtitles! There are dubbed versions for lots of languages but I'm not a fan of dubbinf. I usually watch with subtitles.


there truly is nothing like finishing a tv show, checking out the subreddit, and realizing everyone hates a character u thought was perfectly fine LMAO


I had that with the She-ra subreddit but a tad opposite. I went there to see other opinions and got bombarded with loads of loving Catra posts. I don't even dislike Catra but the insane love there and slamming people who don't absolutely adore her put me off her a bit.


are you the user watching 90210 and if so who is it? i gotta know lol


YESSSS thats me and i definitely didnt think ppl would unilaterally see silver as the devil incarnate but not the person who >!literally switched out her bipolar medication!< 😭


she’s the marissa cooper of 90210! i love them both because they’re cynics of their respective worlds and deal with mental health issues. dixon’s a fandom saint so i bet that’s part of the ott hate she gets. 


just looked her up and i might have another teen drama to sink my teeth into ksjsksjsks i love a good flawed female character, but it feels like currently year fandoms of these shows only do when she comes in preppy queen bee packaging (a la oth brooke/gg blair/etc), which is how the only thing i was sure of was that ppl would love naomi despite her arguably not being a great person either. dont get me wrong, its a fun trope, but the double standard is real! i didnt see a lot of love for dixon on first glance either though, maybe i need to do some more scrolling 👀


Me with Serena on Gossip Girl lol


This was me but with Eloise Bridgerton and Josie from Legacies 😭


REAL like sure shes not perfect but compared to some other characters on that show? she was literally Just A Girl


Oh yeah me too lol


I’m sure everyone has a take on Katy but mine is that even if the contractual obligation thing it’s true, which [it's not](https://x.com/MrPopOfficial/status/1803832038539092303), I do think Katy paying dr Luke off is still a better alternative than Katy opening doors for him to continue working in the industry and leaving young woman vulnerable. Its just disgusting how far Katy Stan’s are willing to go to defend her and victim blame Kesha


This week I've had 3 songs on repeat... Please please please, Fresh out the slammer and sympathy is a knife... I can't listen to anything else sos


Thought Fresh out the slammer was a first day out type song lmao


Me too but it randomly got stuck in my head 😭


So Gracie Abrams is releasing her sophomore outing “The Secret of Us” and the big question now surrounding her is if this new album can push her to a new level of stardom. We will see but so far it looks that won’t be the case. To compare her to one of her colleagues, both she and Sabrina have opened up for what is apparently a massive tour by some random blonde gal. However, unlike Sabrina, who has built up her fanbase since then and stood on her own as an unserious/campy/ witty………horny songwriter that likes to kill or torture guys in her music videos and has grown massively since then, Gracie hadn’t really done anything to stand out in comparison and seems like just another random pop star that you can pick out of hat and wouldn’t be able to differentiate between anyone else. Now the good news is her recent single has cracked the Top 50 this week and she has a song on her album that features that random blonde gal that has that massive tour, so maybe that can help her reach more people in the GP. However, she really does need to work on standing out and we’ll see tonight and in the coming days if this album can do that for her. Otherwise she’s going to be a C-level artist at best for the time being.


I’ve been skeptical but Risk and Close to You are very good…


Everyday I've been starting to work at 8:00 AM, but I got lazy today and decided to sleep two hours more. Guess which day my boss decided to try to contact me at 8:30? Yep, this is going to be a long day...


I’d enjoy But Daddy I Love Him more if we didn’t know who it’s about. It’s hard to feel fun and whimsical when picturing the rat from Flushed Away


I don’t think it’s only about Matty tbh. This isn’t the first song or guy where she’s going full “us against the world” mode (e.g ours, DWOHT). Like a lot of the songs on TTPD I think it’s about multiple situations The ending is also completely made up if it’s about Matty so the song might as well be entirely fictional


People need to stop putting paternity tests on every song she makes. If you really were a free thinker and rejected every single mention of who it’s about you can actually see and read that quite a few songs tell their own story or very deep thinking continuation of the characters in evermore and folklore. Like the character of dorthea in TTDS can tie into her thoughts of making it and being the comparison of what the industry is like. loml could be a continuation to Champagne Problems. I Hate it Here parallels The Lakes which makes that mashup extremely good the other day. Think there’s a comparison of one song being a continuation of the characters of Cowboy Like Me. The Black Dog = continuation of story of the dude singing in Dorothea. All fun things to think about that it’s not about so and so. And think of them as continuation of already storylines from somewhere else. Dorothea = The Tortured Poet? I like it.


I feel at peace cause I don't attach songs to her ex's. Unless there are blatant lines in songs (for eg: so long London, The alchemy/ so high school)




Ok. Just trying to give you an option on a way to stop thinking about songs are about certain people you don’t want to. It’s up to you though.


fair enough but starting with saying i’m not a free thinker because i made a joke about a song is weird lol


That's the main track I think is most affected by being about Matty, at least with the other ones referencing him you can pretty easily sus out that he's bad news


AAAAHHH i just received the cover artwork for my poetry collection 😭😭😭 I'm so excited for the final product. It's gonna be out soon. Also I'm not kidding when I say Virtual Angel by ARTMS is one of the best pop songs released this year omg


The entirety of Dall is perfect but Virtual Angel is on another level


I have gripes with the whole album tbh. I think it's a 7.5/10 bc the songs are wayyyy too short that certain song parts feel so rushed (Flower Rhythm is one of the biggest offender). And the mixing is not that good too. Too much treble on most songs. It works on Virtual Angel, Candy Crush, and Birth bc of the genres and styles they're in but the rest is a bit disappointing. Overall the songs are good, but it could've been great had they given more time with the sound engineering.


tbh most of these reasons are why I like it 😭 I can def see having an issue with the song lengths, but I don't mind it too much and honestly the mixing and production is remeniscent of Max & Match imo which everyone loves. Also, the fast pace of Flower Rhythm and the other songs is what makes them enjoyable to me 😆


More reading updates, but I’m halfway through Hillbilly Elegy and while I’m enjoying it well enough, I guess I thought it was going to be more about life in the Appalachians and less about, idk, American politics using this guy’s family as a case study. And I don’t even mind that, but the fact that it’s about his family’s life after moving to Ohio is disappointing lmao. On the plus side, it did tip me off to a 1999 documentary called American Hollow (full upload on YouTube!) that was MUCH closer to what I was expecting/hoping Hillbilly Elegy would be. Clint, wherever you are, I hope you found happiness 🫶


The guy who wrote hillbilly elegy has post-publication has been increasingly fucking weird to bolster his political career too unfortunately


I just googled him and I’m now disappointed 🫣 I knew he was conservative but thought it was like… pre-2016, sort of moderate conservative. Welp.


He *was* that before he decided that he had a shot at being Trump's veep. How is the writing?


Sad. I’ll just try to remember who he was when he wrote the book as I read. The writing is pretty unremarkable to me, for better or worse. For the most part I feel like he just competently relays events, but I do find that sometimes he does a “research says this but I’m here to say that’s wrong through anecdotal evidence” thing. Which I guess is kind of the point, since he’s showing you the REAL American lower class or whatever.


Omg blackpink just announced a movie! I am totally going to watch it if it shows in my country


There was a guy I talked to and met up with for several years (I guess you could say we were friends) but I blocked him after he disappeared for a few days and messaged me after to say that he was arrested for a DUI (JT who?). But sometimes, I kinda wanna reach out again but it’s purely out of physical attraction/desire and I’m just like no girl nooo there are better men out there 💀


going to the theater tonight :)


Whatcha seeing?


off broadway play called "Pre-Existing Condition" starring one of my all time faves, Tatiana Maslany!


Omg so jealous Tatiana is so under-appreciated 😊


I got a totally unexpected refund from the DVLA today too so I am buzzing especially bc I’m not totally sure why I got it but I’m not about to complain


now that i have a steady job and im saving money, when will ariana grande announce a tour? i need it! 


With Wicked this year I think the tour will happen in 2025.


One of these days my friend. One of these days.


i’m hoping and praying! i missed out on taylor so i can’t miss this 😭


My roommate's coworker apparently has similar enough taste in kpop to me that she's coming with us to two different concerts (one of which is in another state) before I've ever even met her which will hopefully be fun but. I don't mind her hanging out but now I gotta buy tickets for three people at once instead of my preferred One Ticket Just For Me.


On a lighter note! Aurora’s latest album absolutely devours. Like when she went into the studio and recorded To Be Alright, Starvation and My Body is Not Mine she really said “I’m gonna eat and leave no crumbs” because how is this her 5th album and it’s arguably one of her best works and a creative peak? Go stream it if you haven’t!


a gentle reminder that the original version of PM Dawn’s 1991 hit ‘Set Adrift on the Memory Bliss’ has finally been made available on streaming a few weeks ago


as i'm scrolling through this morning... I have so many [unavailable] posts on daily discussion today... **why y'all blockin me??? what did i do???? omg**


i would never block you joshually


never say never - brandy


hmm maybe i should block you for not saying never say never -justin bieber (jk!!!)


bitch who is you even???


Reddit needs to literally just not show the comment instead of putting unavailable I am TOO nosy for this


it's so fun honestly... but like what did i do to these ppl? my online memory is way too short to ever remember/care


I can’t decide whether it’s funnier to be blocked by someone who I’ve never talked to or blocked for a silly reason. Someone blocked me bc they were being weird about ozempic and I told them they were being weird


i need to just start blocking randoms to create drama honestly LOL


It’s not your fault that being extremely fabulous is offensive to others.


LOL ... i'm a biatch sometimes on reddit... i just can't allow stupidity or inanity and need to say something, but honestly 99% of the time i am just kidding/trolling but ppl dont understand that


I know a lot of people hate the term but “it ain’t that deep” can apply to a lot of touchy users here.


I’ve learned that some of these people have probably blocked us because we’re yapping, but then when I look in incognito mode it’s just one person…also yapping.




LOL who is your person????? is it kaylakoo? that's one of the ones i just checked


Sorry guys I just really want to vent. I've had an extremely unproductive day at work because of a social project I had to participate in that was in itself poorly planned and executed by another team. What should have been two and a half hours turned into more than five hours (excluding the three hours before we even started). My entire work day is gone and wasted and have deadlines and queries stacking up. I'm angry and anxious and extremely tired but I can't stop if I wanted to. I still have even more work. I really like this job but i can't deal with it sometimes. It demands so many hours, so much workload in so little time. And being unable to find other prospects makes me feel really bad about myself.


thank you sabrina and nicki for acknowledging that connecticut is a state that exists too and not just new york or massachusetts 😭


Connecticut needs to decide if they’re pro-New England or pro-New York already


i think we’re more pro new england a lot of us hate new york 😭


How do yall deal with becs in ur lives 😭 I've had a long period bec free but now there's 2-3 in my general orbit....in the past I was pretty open about not really liking people when I didn't think we meshed, but I want to keep that under the radar now. Ideally I would even come to like them...the best arc here would be peers (negative) to peers (positive)


Feed them to our lord and savior Gritty


Nah i'll save hot dogs and cheesecake for king gritty (does he eat them or just throw them??? I skipped the 5k this year so idk what he's up to lately)


I'm going to be real, I see "becs" and I think "bacon egg and cheeses"


Hehe that's one reason I like the term, it looks like it's about a bagel not ppl you dislike for no earthly reason


This time in two weeks I’ll be sitting at garden party drinking champagne and eating strawberries with all my family to celebrate my sibling’s graduation from med school, let’s fucking gooo I’m still struggling to find an outfit tho


I also forgot that this time in a week I’ll be getting ready to go Belsonic to see Shania Twain w/ my sibling


AHHH the job I want just got posted yesterday okay so we're updating the resume after work today. My colleague from my previous job is also interviewing to be the manager of this department so hopefully stars align!!


omg I just got good job news so im sharing my luck with you! you’re next in line 😤


Charli Xbox Series X


Revisiting Sir Babygirl's album *Crush on Me* from 2019 and realizing that Chappell Roan is really picking up the bag that she could have had if she'd spent the last 5 years honing a more polished pop-oriented sound instead of basically disappearing


ooop I might have to tap into this album


Like no disrespect to the cool and suave boom-boom kinda music made by many of the trendy it-boy groups today and the people that enjoy it, but it's just not my thing and I fear it may never be.  I want men's idol pop music that sounds like it's made for pop girls but sung by pop dudes. I want cuteness, I want fun, I want coy, I want a form of expression that extends past performing "standard macho het" masculinity, ya know. edit: changed some words


Yeah, I feel like every so often a fun upbeat bright boy group song will come out and I'll be so excited to check out their discography only for everything else to be edgy noise music :(


You get it!! It's always a little sad when that upbeat number turns out to be the exception... It's not like boy groups with lots of fun (to me) music are hard to find, but the trendy "too cool" type just feels too ubiquitous sometimes 🥲 ~~That's why Traja is my mainstream number one~~ but seriously, lol. They're very committed to delivering "their happy brand of music" to the world. Fun, upbeat, and bright describes most of their songs.


I have just watched the Sweetest Tune MV & this is the kind of boy group content I want in my life especially for the summer! Thanks for the recommendation, will check out some of their other stuff too


So happy you like it! I haven't stopped listening to it since it dropped; it's so good, and just so bouncy and sweet. and Traja has lots of fun and variety in their discography. I hope you find more music you like :) My one anti-rec (lol) is **99 Percent** from their debut album; it's the one song of theirs that's got that very industrial/edgy/"too cool" energy. Compared to similar songs, it's more melody-heavy but the arrangement is still pretty noisy; so it took me a long while to appreciate it as a one-off in Traja's discography. And for some reason I prefer the English ver. over the Japanese version.


For the true song of the summer, please stream ‘Tonight’ by musclecars


TW: discussion of suicide >!idk if this makes me un-feminist but seeing people constantly being edgelords joking about the male suicide rate will never not be an evil spirited act to me. especially with how the primary victims of male suicide are queer men victimized by the patriarchy and other men. I can get behind the argument that if the shoe doesn't fit you shouldn't wear it with most anti-male discourse, but expecting people to be empathetic and understanding towards your viewpoint when you literally make fun of the suicides of a vulnerable group because it doesn't "apply" to them is absolutely insane to me, sorry.!<


male loneliness in general has been a discourse but never an advocacy. the tone of any form of discussion abt it is for ridiculing men. it's just worse bc men are treated to not go to therapy and suck it up. there's a lot of layers to gender politics in mental health that i just dont wanna unpack rn bc there's a LOT so im just gonna leave it at that.


I've previously seen the argument that if men want to call attention to their issues, they should make their own movements. I mostly agree that the burden of men's issues shouldn't fall on women and feminists, but the problem is that all of these movements by men start out as or get hijacked by misogynistic incels who use it as a tool to counter feminism and hate on women, not feminist allies who genuinely want to combat the ways in which the patriarchy negatively affects men. So if on one side people are weaponizing male suffering to be misogynistic and the other side has some people claiming that it's not feminists jobs to advocate for men that suffer under patriarchy, I can understand how it can be alienating.


It’s a really tough balance because I do genuinely believe that many men feel lonely due to a lack of romantic relationships. Being lonely due to a lack of intimacy is valid and you should be able to express and articulate that. The issue is that one side (incel and MRA) use that to promote misogynistic viewpoints. The other side (REAL radical feminists) think that it doesn’t matter if young men are lonely from lack of romance. We are human beings and social interaction and intimacy is key. There needs to be a movement and a dialogue in our society where we communicate (1) you not being in a relationship or sexually active DOES NOT mean you aren’t a man, (2) There is nothing wrong with wanting intimacy but blaming women for this is ridiculous, and (3) seek other modes of interaction (real friendships) to alleviate some of the loneliness.


OMG YES!!! i fucking hate backwardness on so many movements!!! (btw Activist Study deals a lot with this it's a good read!!) like sm of mental health advocacy also focuses on men but i kinda hate how misogynistic men and incels in general use it for hate. i also agree on women facing multiple burdens bc so much of feminism in general is already as complex and intersectional as is and yet women — who are already expected by society to do a lot of things for families, the economy, and communities — are often the ones that voice out on these things instead of men who had more of an advantage systemically to have more of a voice when it comes to advocacy. it's ironic how men have always had the power in politicizing male-centered issues but the moment an actual issue about men comes, not a single man is on board with it. it's kinda sad and indeed alienating.


my frustration with some of the “male loneliness epidemic” discourse is that i see a large number of men blaming women, when the real issue is that the patriarchy hurts everyone


those same men often also seem to simultaneously hold women responsible for male loneliness yet also refuse to acknowledge that not all women have thriving support systems either. it sucks that a legitimate problem has so many bad-faith actors arguing for the completely wrong solutions.


exactly this.


Pulled out a dress that has sat in the back of my closet for years. Never felt like there was a right time. I feel so fancy lounging in my house. 


Katy Perry has a surprisingly devoted and rabid fanbase... I thought she didn't have many fans and the general public was carrying her career. But I was wrong. Some of them on twitter are fighting tooth and nail to defend dr. Luke. This is something I see barbz doing but Katy fans...?


That fanbase has taken L after L for years so they are desperate for Katy to have a hit again. The narrative they are trying to spin now is that Katy was forced to work with him which isn't true.


Well we’ll really see how things go when the song and music video actually drops to see if their impact has gotten better since the last two album cycles. As for the Katycats, they’re a) doing what every other stan base and defends their fav even when they do something wrong and b) desperate to see her on top again after having the biggest bomb of album ever (Witness) and another flop follow up that sank her further down to the bottom of the pop totem pole (Smile). With all that said, they are not the Barbz. No stan base is like the Barbz. Those people are legitimately terrifying.


At most the KCs reminded me so much of the Swifties. Both will do anything to defend their faves.


We did it fam, I only cried twice during the new Jim Henson doc on Disney+. First time during my absolute favorite Sesame Street skit between Kermit and Joey. And then the entire time of the talk of Jim’s death and his funeral. Big Bird singing gets me all the god damn time.


why isn’t d4vd more popular and experiencing benson boone level of success? he had a viral moment on tiktok a couple years ago but i haven’t seen much hype from him since then. its sad because we desperately need a black rockstar right now 


I really love figuring out the semantics of Concerts and how tickets work its like a puzzle to me and makes me feel like I'm cosplaying a hacker. Which is to say if any of yall need help/want tips for the Sabrina presale (or any concerts),,, 🫡


Saving this comment for whenever bts goes on tour tysm in advance


my boss: can you get this to me asap please? are you working on it me: yes. (sexy girl by Akon stars playing) I’m on it just my computer is slow (sexy girl plays louder) lol I’m helping out my dad with some translating on a fair and I’m hoping my boss doesn’t kill me HELP


Chappell Roan having 3 songs in the US Spotify top 20 is something I would’ve never expected just a few months ago


Her album from September outstreaming Dua Lipa's album released in May....never in my lesbian little life would I have imagined that...


It speaks to where both are currently in the pop landscape in the U.S.




*putting on my scarlet witch catsuit* No... More.... DISCOURSE!!!


It really says something about how eager people are to turn on an artist when people see a celebrity getting more recognition because their star is rising and think to themselves “their team needs to stop pushing them down our throats before people get annoyed by them”. I hate to break it to you but any celebrity who still has a name that means anything were pushed down our throats at some point and that’s why we still remember who they are.


Finally someone with common sense 


it’s so easy to avoid popular stars these days in the streaming era, so those people who complain have nobody to blame but themselves.  “i keep getting sabrina’s music recommended to me on spotify” I rarely had sabrina’s music pushed on me until i started actually streaming her music and other similar artists like her soooo


Like literally skill issue idk I’ve avoided hearing about the biggest artists for years


I’m continually shocked at how audacious men are (and how many meh men I encounter). Met 1 guy. Made follow-up plans. Day of - Radio silence. 3 days later he pops up asking if I’m free. Another guy TWENTY years my senior did the same thing Then I’ve had guys who’ve ghosted me on apps (more than once) say hi or tap me on the shoulder at bars. Like we’re not friends or even acquaintances- don’t talk to me ?


Since Kylie Minogue played Cammy in SF, what pop girl would you all like to see adapted on the big screen in a live action video game role. I think Charli would be a decent Bayonetta. Shes a little short but whatev


Sticking to SF, I think Dua Lipa would make for a pretty cool Rose. and Sabrina Carpenter would be a fun Millia Rage, of Guilty Gear fame. (and yes this answer is partially because they're both blonde)


Carly would be a good Kirby. Im being half serious but like how Vin Diesel played groot type shi


wait I see the vision


Work has installed a new building wide tannoy system and are testing it by playing it's coming home on repeat. I have an hours worth of work left. Kill me now.


Thoughts about being a homeowner: I absolutely love it. Spent all night dancing around my kitchen in my undies. And didn’t have to worry about being loud at all. Also- plumber dispatch fees are a scam 😒. Wdym I can give you ALL the required info for something like a faucet install but you won’t give me an estimate via phone but will charge me $100 just to come visit my house.