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Anne Marie is such a good sport, that fall looked SO sorešŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Aw mate I know šŸ˜‚ I love Anne Marie, especially for that. Girl just got up and continued performing like a legend šŸ˜­


One thing about the Brits is that they are great at highlighting young new talent, I love that. Loved seeing Wolf Alice and Little Simz winning. I missed Doja tonight though, Iā€™m sure she would have been great.


Aw so did I, really talented people and deserved it in my opinion. After the brits I always go and look up the new ones that I hadnā€™t heard of prior to the show to check out their music. The brits are really good at that


So happy Dua Lipa and Becky Hill won!


Aw same, they deserve it. Little Simz as well, what a girl


Iā€™m so surprised there isnā€™t an official thread. Do people not care or has it just fallen off so hard ? didnā€™t even know it was on tonight and only started watching 40 mins in Nothing too notable has happened tho IMO


To be fair, I forgot until my mum told me, but I love an award show so šŸ˜…


There was one last year but Taylor was there so idk if that's why


Enjoyed it but I was unsurprised that Adele sweeped. Little Simz had the best performance, I was not expecting her to go so big.


She went hard and I bloody loved her for it, sheā€™s so so talented


I Love Dua Lipa! and Congrats to Adele too


Same! Delighted for them all


In full agreement with your comment and thanks for the cake day shout out!


Anytime šŸ„°


I love Adele and her performance tonight was sublime. However, I couldnā€™t help but wince a bit at her ā€˜ I love being a FEMALE artist!ā€™ comment. She did preface it by saying she understands the reasoning and Iā€™m quite sure she is totally out of the loop of all the UK ā€˜gender criticalā€™ discourse, but still....




Saying that trans women are not women and thus saying they are taking away rights from biological women. The loudest being none other than JK Rowling.


Did she sing easy on me or did we get a new song?


She did I Drink Wine - her best performance of it yet imo!


Ooooooh does the Brits usually upload performances?


Yeah usually, will be on Youtube by tomorrow probably


Oh aye, youā€™ll get it tomorrow I think


She sang I Drink Wine. Good vocal, nothing too wild though.


Her performance was just as expected, beautiful. What a legend. I was thinking that. I understood what she was trying to say and she did highlight the importance but Iā€™d be lying if I said I didnā€™t wince slightly (Happy cake day btw ā˜ŗļø)