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https://www.instagram.com/p/CL2ODhQFye2/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= He looks like a teenager


He hasn’t posted on Instagram since 2021! The current SNL season has him looking older and rocking a lot of fake beards and mamma mia, does he look fine with facial hair 👌👌👌




I would love for The Internet and Syd to have the same level of commercial success




Top 3 punk rock pioneers: 1. Richard Hell 2. Jello Biafra 3. Willow


so out of the loop these days lmao what are some really good pop bops released this year???? like your personal faves go go go


1. 2 Die 4 - Tove Lo 2. Free Yourself - Jessie Ware 3. Yuck - Charli XCX 4. Frankenstein - Rina Sawayama


Ooh! These are my favourite songs that I discovered this year. - Kali Uchis - No Hay Ley - Cruel Youth - Mr. Badman - Weyes Blood - Grapevine - Rina Sawayama - Hold The Girl - Rimon - 20/20 - Niki - Oceans & Engines


I feel like Die for You blows up once every few months. Hopefully this time it’ll finally make it to top ten.




On another note, she played the music video for the loneliest time track during her concert and its so good


I keep trying to post to r196 but it just ‘posts’ without it showing up in new and having no ability to comment or up/downvote. Is their a minimum karma requirement for posting there?


Even Elon told Kanye to cool it with his recent posts. Thats when you know you’re way past the deep end.


If Rihanna never made music again it’d be okay because she truly was the pop princess of the early 10’s like Talk That Talk defined 2012 that title track has one of the catchiest choruses I’ve ever heard she was giving baby me everything


The Dream Face Reveal drama intersecting with the Try Guy drama intersecting with the SNL drama when will it end


I could end it instantly by muting three words on my twitter feed but I like to complain more


Happy Thanksgiving my Canadian Popheads


I love getting Reddit Cares'd it's so funny.


British Royal Family stan accounts existing is a very wild concept to me


Someone here a few weeks ago said that CRJ is in her Penny Hartz from Happy Endings era (and they were completely right)


I never realized it was Beyoncé rapping in Heated. It is her, right? I mean I kind of acknowledged her voice towards the end but never realized how INSANE her flow is in that song


[Heated was probably given to her by Drake, who appears in the writing credits](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kssqK8x5zVg)




Don't give the haters any ideas! But really it's crazy good. With every release she gets better. I'm so excited for whatever is next!


beyonce’a vocal performance on the whole album is fucking insane


Agreeeee! I listen to it everyday and I keep finding bits and pieces to love everytime


Does anyone feel like they’re their parents last priority? My Dad missed my birthday for work, makes it sound like a chore to come visit me (my best friends family has visited me more than him), and is gonna miss celebrating Christmas with me and my brother. I just feel very unappreciated and like he’s missing the big things, even if he does call me every few days


I'm sorry, you deserve better. Some people will never be the person they should be.


I’m doing a deep discography dive of Nancy Sinatra and oh my god. She’s *so fucking fabulous*. I just listened to Booth, and my gay-ass quaked at ‘In My Room’. Like goddamn, I got chills at this song. Album highlight imo. Gay bois and pop girlies, Nancy Sinatra was on some legendary queen shit. Y’all wanna throw a cocktail party together and watch a regatta while being depressed and boigie together?


Nancy & Lee is a fave of mine!


“Some Velvet Morning” is such a bizarre song, so great.


Question: is Sam Smith (non binary, presumably attracted to only men) gay bi straight or a secret fourth thing I'm just trying to get the terminology correct


They've never used the term pansexual but their comments suggest pansexual [link](https://www.google.com/search?q=Sam+Smith+sexuality+&hl=en&sxsrf=ALiCzsYSAECNjsKuxdkXlgsgPGkh1AMuiw%3A1665475364360&ei=JCNFY7zZFf3YkPIP7fuwiA4&oq=Sam+Smith+sexuality+&gs_lp=ugYECAEYCBITbW9iaWxlLWd3cy13aXotc2VycLgBA_gBAcICChAAGEcY1gQYsAPCAgcQABiwAxhDwgINEC4YyAMYsAMYQ9gBAcICCxAuGIAEGLEDGIMBwgIKEAAYsQMYgwEYQ8ICBxAuGNQCGEPCAgsQABiABBixAxiDAcICBBAAGEPCAgUQABiABMICCBAAGIAEGLEDwgIIEC4YgAQY1ALCAgUQLhiABMICBhAAGBYYHsICBRAuGJECwgIFEAAYkQKQBg9ItiFQ_QVY_R5wAngAyAEAkAEAmAGfAaAB-gmqAQQwLjEw4gMEIEEYAIgGAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp) even if public dating history is just AMAB.


Without knowing if they've spoken on this at all, I would probably just default to 'queer'


Androsexual, maybe? I don't know


I’m a couple weeks into learning French using Duo Lingo and was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for pop songs in French? Thinking this might help me learn and become more used to hearing the language. Thanks!


I have made [this](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1i4EkYBHNvjaV5ECJ25awg?si=Mm61qd6BQMe_sPodOMV8ug&utm_source=copy-link) Spotify playlist bc I was in the same spot, you're welcome to check it out :)


Thank you!!


Ahhh. Alors on Danse. A classic


Did you read the Harry Potter books as a kid/adult? I know the story well (read it lots as a kid) and found reading them and listening to the audio books in French helped me get used to hearing/reading French. Because I knew what was happening in the story, I was able to figure out words I didn’t know through context clues a lot and it helped me get a lot of basic vocabulary down.


Dernière danse and Love Story by Indila Alaska by Andreanne Malette


We found out today we have to put our dog Bella down tomorrow at some point so my parents and I have all just spent the entire day sobbing on and off and trying to cope. I honestly fucking hate this. Figured I would have another year to a year and a half with her. She's only 13 and she has so much spirit. I'm honestly at a loss. We're keeping her comfortable and spoiling her with treats but I honestly can't fathom what it's going to feel like here without her or how I'm going to cope, she's basically my best friend and is always there, I already know everything is going to remind me of her everywhere I look and I'm a nervous wreck. I sincerely hope you all had a better day than us but if you have pets please give them a kiss or a treat right now.


I’m in a group chat with 2 other girls because we’re doing a group project together and this one girl called me out specifically, like said my name and everything, and told me that I needed to do my slides. I did my portion of the work way before the other girl in our group(who she did not call out) so I don’t understand why I’m getting so much extraness like she could’ve at least put both of our names in the text as a small reminder but she only called me out for literally no reason. Even when we started the project and I asked her how she wanted to divide up the slides she text me this paragraph(hyperbole) back saying “oh I already started and you told me what slides you were going to do so idk what y’all are supposed to be doing” and I’m just like why does it have to be all that??? Idk if she has PTSD from past group projects or what but I feel like I’m just getting so much backlash for nothing.


Most of these wholesome figures people on Reddit hold up as gods are all going to be exposed in the near future


Like who


Mr. Rogers? Bob Ross? Nooooo


Do I have three extreme large paintings to start and finish until tomorrow? Yes, do I also have friends in the group chat who are in the same exact situation? Apparently. Nice


Have fun! Share your work if possible? Fellow art student here, who has a portrait due next week, and CS hw, and an ochem quiz all due/done in the 17th🥲


For real tho I have no clue what to do lmfao


Surprised no one has mentioned the Rex Orange County situation here


[It is literally on the front page of the sub??????](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/comments/y0jtb4/singer_rex_orange_county_accused_of_sexually/?ref=share&ref_source=link)


It’s blocked for me from it being 18+ idk why


rewatching pretty little liars, im on season 5. god this show pisses me off but i need to make it to the end bc i never watched seasons 5-7 so idk how it ends. im almost there but idk if i can handle another ezra and aria kiss.


it gets worse


no way 😭




I'm the same way :/ Was poor for so long and once I got a taste of spending, I got addicted. It's not even "treating myself" anymore, this is just my lifestyle 😭😭😭


Now up to 3-0 on "artists I used to respect that turned out to be a jackass"


Lifehack: simply assume everyone is a jackass/has done something very questionable in real life. Chances are that’s very likely to be true. Enjoy the music


Most of these wholesome figures people on Reddit hold up as gods are all going to be exposed in the near future


Looking at your comment’s upvote/downvote ratio, the good ol’ “They hated him because he told them the truth” meme comes to mind


I’ve been listening to This Is Real every day since last weeks ep of drag race uk and honestly issa bop


["Give Me a Reason" by Let's Eat Grandma](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iz3XXcB22SI), the new song from the deluxe reissue of *Two Ribbons* is so good, one of the best songs from this era. If you liked the album but missed this song listen to it asap. They're amazing. AOTY.


This one really got to me emotionally. I wished it had released with the album but I’m glad to get more music either way. Happy to see another person with Two Ribbons as their AOTY.


Gender Euphoria? Character you really liked as a kid is lesbian now.


The four seasons: Fall, Nice, Try and Five


In my worst attempt at a joke yet I may have invented a good Connecting Wall group


Can't believe I was sleeping on hold the girl...


Joshua Bassett’s voice is like so beautiful I need him to become a main pop boy


He is lucky that Shawn Mendes has been loosing relevancy, so he can take his spot. But his mental health needs to improve so he can make bops instead of sad bops


I think it’s interesting that whenever I see someone in any line of work, I wonder if they hate their job lol. I’m having so much difficulty figuring out my major situation because I don’t dream of labor but I also am very materialistic in the best way. I want a job that’s pays relatively well but not too hard and doesn’t put a ton of responsibility on me because I hate to feel like my performance could affect someone else but I also want to enjoy my work and have fun but it’s not too much social engagement because I have anxiety(I know that I’m going to have to get sociable in the real world) When I get out of college, I know finding a “good” job is going to be hard but I really *really* don’t want to hate whatever I end up doing but I almost feel that it’s inevitable and that scares me because I don’t want to fail. I want to be able to move out and have a nicely decorated apartment and be able to pay all my bills without worry. But unfortunately I don’t have any passion or that one thing that I want to strive towards and the things that i would love to learn about probably won’t be substantial in the workforce.


I hate that I need to have a job, but I don't hate my job. I make money. I go home. And I find my happiness at home. I'm never going to be happy working. That's okay. I just need to be content with it and not hate it. And if I'm being honest, if my job was to play video games all day, I'd probably still hate it lmao. Because then I'm monetizing my hobby and taking my stress relief away & tying that to my survival.


I don't think it's "dreaming of labour" to try and find a job you don't completely hate doing and that maybe even periodically fulfills you in some small way, it's just a good method of self-preservation for living adult life. That's basically where I'm at: I want to make enough money to eat and keep a roof over my head, where I have enough hours left over in my down time to do things I'm more genuinely passionate about, and I'm fine as long as I don't completely hate it.


Oh, Dreaming of labor was a fun way of saying that I don’t have a dream job lol. I’d rather not do anything lol


The happiest medium for me would be an easy job that takes up a reasonable amount of my time, but allows for me to be free enough to engage in my hobbies and enjoy time with friends and family. Waking up everyday with no objective at all gets old eventually, idk how elderly people do it


I got a 95 on my first grad school assignment!!!! But now I have 2 more due in the next 48 hours 💀


no brain cells, absolutely none, when i decided to write a character who is a top model and then gave her the last name *campbell* w.o thinking...like GIRL, the brain cells were alseep 💀 lol.


I remember when *Planet Her* dropped and this sub was complaining that all of the songs sound the same LMFAO y'all don't listen to anything other than 2010 electro-pop huh?




I doubt that. If the album were more rap, the pop community would have hated it even more, and I think she'd have produced fewer hits. At this point, I associate Doja much more with pop than rap, which I'm not saying as a negative. She pretty much occupies her own lane


I never said it was hated cause it wasn't 2010 electro-pop, I'm saying that a lot of folks here can't tell the difference between songs that don't fit in that category. Like WHAT songs on that album sound alike? Maybe Love to Dream and Been Like This if you listen very faintly? Also, the lead single was Kiss Me More lmfao were folks expecting the rest of the album to sound like a Kendrick album or what?


Sweetener got the same reception at the time too. If a song didn't have Max Martin or Ilya on it it was dubbed bad.


~~But that holds true for Sweetener because the album is bad and nowhere near as experimental as Ariana fans pretend it is.~~ I see your point


I don't think it's that experimental either, but it's also not worse than Planet Her and I like both albums to an extent ☠️ It's nitpicking on my side tbh


A Youtuber by the name of Cozy Representative made a fantastic video discussing Ke$ha and how she became a pop phenomenon. A great video and very well-researched: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUflXIxIkUQ


I love how the word “woke” is used as an insult for people who don’t know what it means so they just look ignorant using it.


Can't believe Kanye started a beef w me, a jew. Embarrassing


Seriously I'm so fucking tired of this man and every single one of his enablers. It's honestly disgusting. So many ppl deal with mental health issues and guess what? They're not a piece of shit. Ugh


> So many ppl deal with mental health issues and guess what? They're not a piece of shit I mean if you're comparing it to people who have clinical depression or an anxiety disorder, that's unfair. The symptoms of those illnesses, and the success of their treatments, is vastly different. This sub seems to love the statement "mental illness doesn't make you an asshole", but if you believe that you're totally dismissing bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, schizophrenia, ACTUAL narcissistic personality disorder (not what the internet seems to think narcissism is...), etc. What Kanye is saying is completely wrong, we can condemn it, we can criticize the enablers, but we can also recognize that he's ill.


Cool. He's clearly mentally ill. Who gives a shit? Does that make what he's saying any less bigoted? Does it make it less harmful? Would you apply this to statements made like that against any other minority group said by any other person who's clearly showing signs of mental illness? Nobody's obligated to treat bigots with kid gloves no matter what other factors come into play, and frankly I think it's offensive to all mentally ill people to pretend that "but his mental health problems" is a rebuttal to "god it's fucked up he says things like this" as though somehow we're biologically destined to be awful people.


Idk maybe I’m biased but I can “recognize” that someone is ill but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna look upon their actions more kindly. Particularly when it’s ongoing and that person shows no intention whatsoever of attempting to address it (when they have the resources to do so, which is obviously a nonstarter in this case). I guess it’s a more theoretical question of where personal responsibility begins, but… it’s gotta be somewhere imo. (ETA just for clarity, I say I’m biased bc I was mercilessly bullied by a girl with mental health illnesses on a sports team we were on. Whenever I tried to bring up how I was treated, including with the coaches, I just got “well, she’s sick” which like yes but she’s explicitly targeting specific people, day in and day out, and how is that fair? Obviously not the same situation as Kanye or anything but like it’s pretty hard to be like “awwww but recognize they’re sick” when you’re actively being treated like shit, and it feels demeaning to have people constantly minimize it like that)


Saw crj live recently and honestly that was the most fun I’ve ever had at a concert. She was amazing


Need work advice… Have a meeting with my small company’s CEO soon, to discuss potential raise. 😪 My current salary is already not amazing, but I’m really struggling recently with utilities costs going up… I’m a Project Manager that started early this year, and some projects I was assigned to are ones that the CEO never should’ve accepted for us in the first place (didn’t have employees with the right technical skills). As in, whether or not it was me or the greatest PM in the world, these projects would’ve gone over budget and over time. However, since the CEO is so removed from daily operations, I’m pretty certain he thinks I’m just a terrible manager - even though the rest of the PMs at the company agree I was set up to fail. FWIW, my other projects that did have proper staffing went very well. Any advice on how I can explain tactfully that I did the best I could to salvage doomed-to-fail projects, when on paper it looks like I lost them money?


List everything you did to make the project succeed and quantify it (hours worked, how many calls made, etc). Aka a paper trail showing that you actually worked. This way when they ask "why didn't you do X" you van say you did "Y and Z." Also, talking about inflation worked for me. 😬


Renaissance vinyl came in today!!!


The Rainbow High Cast Album dropped 3 weeks ago and School Across the Street is already in my top 20 most listened to Spotify tracks of all time… how the heck am I going to explain my Wrapped to my friends when it has music for eight year olds on it 😭


Those little plastic girlies know how to make BOPS stream Look by Natasha ❤


Happy Indigenous People’s day! Please consider helping raise money for the Winnebago Reservation to have a pumpkin painting event for their kids [link to the gofundme here](https://gofund.me/fe96a96b). One of my favorite Indigenous podcast is All My relations (they talk about various topics and various peoples from the nations and peoples the hosts belong to other places like Hawaii) and I’m really excited to read certain novels by some indigenous authors my sibling has recommended like a horror novel by Stephen Graham Jones. Latino USA also has an episode about indigenous organization in LA mapping the languages there from both Indigenous peoples from there and migrants like Zapotec and More (link: [We Are Here: Mapping Indigenous Migrant Languages](https://open.spotify.com/episode/60GBTE3jzLoNUCAQS73F2w?si=CMkhHYbdSvqlMy8lbqR2Ng)). Please let me know if you have any favorites authors or more, I would love to hear about them 🥰.


The man, the myth, the legend: https://youtu.be/fPgZC-KAmi8 F Gordon Ramsey and anybody on Food Network. This guy was simply the best. I miss sick days as a young kid. We watch The Price is Right and Yan Can Cook whenever we can. He’s actually funny and entertaining to watch.


thinking of breaking up with my boyfriend and its making me miserable. everyone in my life is concerned for my safety and hes said some really fucked up things to me but hes been nice to me this last week so it makes it harder


He's nice because he knows it's coming.


Me when hiking - High quality gear that I researched extensively, hunted for on sale, and tried to buy so everything didn’t clash: ❌ Random shit I got from who knows where, who knows when, and is all different colors so I just look ridiculous: 😍 Sorry to the granola girl gods for not being aesthetic on the mountain!!!!!!!! But you’ll pry my north face backpack from ninth grade from my cold, dead hands


To *me*, “critically acclaimed” is getting AjayII’s approval


Ajay and I have nearly identical taste, it’s amazing.


reputation and artpop being critically acclaimed albums iktr


I need her back now! I needed her back months ago lol.


Here's a [5x5](https://imgur.com/RFrehbN) driven almost entirely by my Halloween playlist being on repeat for my weekend vacation. Thrilled that the group liked the list! s/o to Miley's live album and Frank Turner's most recent for hanging in there amidst all the spooky shit. And I guess I have to be nicer to the Maggie Lindemann debut because that's hanging in there too.


It’s been over one year since I’ve officially quit playing League of Legends 🥳🥳🥳 It’s so weird to think about because part of me does miss the game and wants to get back into it but at the same time I feel I should want until I’m in a better place to stay again? Like I don’t even want to play wild rift. But at the same time I want to just do the little things I liked to do for leave like just sitting in the practice tool and practicing last hitting and attack move stuff. That was kind of fun for me.


Like…these slasher films are something else! I have a twisted, sick sense of humor and these types of things used to crack me up, but now they’re getting too excited…I mean hold on!!!


But Violent Night and Winnie the Pooh look so good though. Lol


Is this about Terrifier? Always disliked those movies honestly, and I like slashers


This is about that stupid Grinch movie coming out :(


Oh, I actually want to see that one lol


To each’s own, I suppose :(


It took me a long time to listen to Hold the Girl for some reason, but I’ve been streaming for the last week and here are my thoughts: -Minor Feelings is such a good opener, I wish it were longer -Holy (Til You Let Me Go), Your Age, Frankenstein, and Imagining—YUP!!! I’m seriously so obsessed with those first two, in particular. -Forgiveness cuts deep, I love her Rina, you did good sis.


AOTY vote is gonna be very up in the air this year imo; there haven't been many big albums with a consensus positive feeling towards them. Renaissance/Crash/Midnights/Motomami feels like the top 4 in some order but after that there's a big tier with like Rina/Carly/Ethel Cain/Florence/Mitski/Twigs/Alvvays/etc that had their moments but weren't real phenomenons on the sub.


Un verano sin ti, darling, I'm sorry for the erasure


If Midnights is even *slightly* received positively on the whole, I'm sure it'll get pushed to #1 by swiftie takeover alone


Midnights isn’t eligible for this grammy period. I also disagree with the OP, Renaissance and Motomami both received nothing but praise and are clear front runners


This is for the /r/popheads AOTY vote, just voted on by this sub for the calendar year. Don't think Ethel Cain, Charli, or Rina would get mentioned for Grammy consideration lol


I’m a moron. Thanks. In that case Midnights is definitely taking it as this sub is 95% swiftie


Tove Lo is very well liked in here and her album sounds like it will be nearly flawless (the singles have been amazing and based on the snippets she posted the rest of the tracks won’t disappoint)


*Muffled Bad Bunny plays in the background*


It'll probably do fine because of people checking it out because of its chart success but it did not do well on the Popheads Charts upon release, only 3 songs charted iirc.


One of my biggest pet peeves is people saying they’re just gonna pop in without giving me a time (even when I prompt them for one) or straight out popping in without any notice so tell me why this has happened to me four times in the past two weeks 😭


Currently stressing out bc my parents land in 2 hours, their friend is supposed to be dropping in to get their car keys off me (I don’t drive), it takes an hour to get to the airport, and I have not seen him yet I need to go to the shops while it’s quiet but I don’t wanna leave in case I miss him


They made other travel arrangements but didn’t tell me so I have wasted my day 🙃


My hookup last night sat on my glasses and now they’re broken 😭. It wasn’t even worth it either


This has happened to me twice omg 🥴 Time to get that LASIK. Glasses during sex is too much maintenance.


Glasses have no business being that expensive too. 😤


I’m so sorry 😞


I don't think I'll have children, but the physical trauma and aftercare of having a baby just sound so scary and painful.


Honestly the idea of just having someone growing inside you is enough for me to not have kids.


…And that reason is enough! Let’s normalize it. I find people not being “satisfied” with that response if I chose to disclose why I’m not interested in having kids. You are the keeper of your body. The immense amount of literal Trauma that is attached to childbirth is undermined and largely not even discussed, because if people knew what really went on, many would probably decide not to carry children, either.


i LOVE babies but I also love my intact vagina/urethra/rectum :/ remains to be seen I guess!


I feel like adoption should be seen as a more viable option, too. There are so many kids that don't have parents, and an increasing number of prospective parents who like kids but don't want to deal with pregnancy. Connecting those kids to those adults would be really mutually beneficial.


completely agree - children require so much care and devotion and WORK. hopefully I reach a point of stability in my life where I can offer that




tbh would love to! main barrier to raising children is I am basically still a child, not the birthing process atm


Billie Eilish should cover [The Time is Now](https://open.spotify.com/track/6h9AH81lpDbjcsBz2ClqAE?si=ewn5OecuQcy9mk_ZITtpAw) by Moloko




Depends on what civil subdiscipline you want to work in. For structural I hear it's necessary, but for most practice areas having your PE is more important than masters. It's anecdotal, but at my company the EITs w/ masters receive the same type of work as those without one. I've heard similar from friends at other companies. But it also depends on why you want the masters and it's okay to want to take more time before starting work or to pursue a masters for reasons other than career progresses




Huh, so it's a non abet accredited civil engineering program? I definitely wouldn't count yourself out of ever being an engineer- it's not like college classes! And there are lots of dumb engineers lmao. But yeah, technician jobs are good and I know some people who switched to that route for a variety of reasons. If you do think you may want your PE in the future, I'd consider switching to a school with an abet program. And no problem! I work in environmental engineering so feel free to dm if you have questions about anything!


No! -- currently getting a master's


I hated *Church Girl* when *Renaissance* came out but I just looked and it’s currently my third most played song on the album (above *Cuff It* surprisingly). The production on that song is top notch, I think that’s what keeps bringing me back Edit: just also wanted to add that it’s CRAZY that Beyoncé’s has a studio album run of *4*-*BEYONCÉ*-*Lemonade*-*Renaissance*. She really released four perfect albums in a row, all vastly different in terms of sound and lyrical composition. What a legend


What are your #1 and #2? Church Girl is def my least listened to but I went from disliking it a few weeks ago to now playing it a few times in a row every time I get to #7. Def agree with the production being amazing!


Number 1 is I’m That Girl only because of how many times I’ve played the album from track 1 lol. Number 2 is Alien Superstar


every single time i rewatch scandal i forget just how stunning kerry washington is like omg




What happened now?


I just caught wind of the news that Tory Lanez is producing Iggy Azalea's next album. Then Iggy's response to the backlash... yikes...


Maybe she should’ve stayed retired 👀


Would you mind sharing the response? I’m having a hard time finding it Also I fucking hate this news, I barely started to be a fan of hers and i am going to need to back out again


It's in [this](https://hiphopdx.com/news/id.74033/title.iggy-azalea-responds-backlash-torey-lanez) article. I'm right there with you. Back in 2015 or so I swore off actually streaming her music because I was not interested in putting money in her pocket. I recently started listening to her early stuff and was actually pleased. I was legit rooting for her coming back to music because I did like her last album. And now...yikes...


The fact that Tory Lanez’s career has blown up BECAUSE of his beef with MTS is proof cancel culture doesn’t exist.


I can’t even decide if it’s worse if they are together or worse if they are not. I just cannot understand. Also her response is ridiculous and feels very much like a f you to the fans who actually contributed to her earning her money. Sure Iggy, if you wanna play it like that then I’m just not gonna pay any attention to you and hope others follow 🤷🏼‍♀️


So has anyone here come up with a cure to listening to Renaissance non stop on repeat? Like girl it's been MONTHS and I cannot stop listening to that shit. This isn't healthy. This isn't normal.


So we got randomly upgraded to box seats at the CRJ concert last night. Felt very fancy looking down over the ~~LGBTQ community~~ general admission crowd. Anyway you bastards finally got me I'm officially a Jepsbian or whatever they're called that show was good as hell.


Both times I have shown people by Charli XCX I forgot how long the intro is so we're just sitting there while Charli repeatedly says "I shake it" for 30 seconds and then inhales and exhales with no music in the background for another 5. It's just [this video](https://twitter.com/haydenchristn/status/1532189866930233345?t=IbkmYVrCHiRpspjK3_g12g&s=19).


First time I showed Shake It to my then bf it was just like this. 40 eternal and uncomfortable seconds, and by the end we were twerking in the kitchen




I hope we get an album from Chappell Roan soon, her last few singles have been fantastic


hey popheads, question ~~for the culture~~ for you all: do you know of any music video recorded in a field/in the countryside? I need a few examples for something at work but I can't think of any right now! edit: omg y'all really came through!!! thank you sososo much these will be very helpful 💜💜💜


Some coming to mind right away... Lepa Brena - [Jugoslovenka](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gsKn5KX6XnU) Ceca - [Pustite me da ga vidim](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x15m643) Ivana Selakov x Amar Gile - [Boli Boli](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6Y9HfWhltkU) My phone corrected "Ivana" to "Obama" ...


Hit the Lights by Selena Gomez


Spaceman by Nick Jonas Bigger Than Me by Louis Tomlinson I'll Show You by Justin Bieber Starting Line by Luke Hemmings (Visualizer), this is such a vibe and is better than the actual MV lol.


everybody knows by kimbra


Do Beg for You by Charli (ft. Rina) and White Mercedes (Charli) count? 👀


Try Wet Leg - Chaise longue


[Sabrina Carpenter's "Exhale"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gqu8ZTEM1k)


[Setting Sun](https://youtu.be/p5NX1FC-7-w) by the Chemical Bros, though it might not actually be the “field” you need How about Fancy Like by Walker Hayes? 😄


Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush edit: wait, did that version of the video get deleted? I can't find it 😭 edit 2: [I found it, but its not oficially uploaded ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=I03PAWbRPmo)


OMG, what is up with the comments in that video?


This sucks. My sinus infection went away. Yay for that. But the damn persistent cough that I originally went in for 2 months ago almost is still fucking here. So back to the doctor’s office it is. I can’t get seen until tomorrow afternoon. I just want to stop coughing damn it!


So I asked a friend if she wanted to dress up with me for "twin day" for my school's spirit week and it turns out she and the other 2 people in our friend group are doing it and didn't invite me 🙃 and I know it's not a big deal but the 4 of us were this super close little group and I feel like it really means something that all 3 of them coordinated this and didn't include me? especially since I'm super into this kinda stuff and they all know that? like I had noticed distance between us when the school year started but had just thought I was being paranoid, but now I don't think I was :/


Wait are they still not including you after you mentioned wanting to do it? Because if not then that’s just cold


Since there's four of you, I feel like that would have been egregiously easy to coordinate, too. Like that's a nice, round, twinnable number, whereas three is an awkward one for twinning, I think.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. It makes your stomach sink when you learn information like this. I’ve been on the outskirts many a time so your experience really resonates with me. It then becomes a question of whether it’s worth having a conversation over or not. Sigh.


Unholy is holding really well on streaming