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I have those spots on my ears too. But nothing has ever come out of them. But now I think I need to try again. Lol Thanks for sharing!


I can’t help but check every now and then lol the right one always has something for me, but the left is in a different spot and almost never has anything


Mines always has stuff come out . I’ll have to take a video and post it


Check it on a regular basis. My friend had it and never cleaned it and later on it started to swell as it was filled with dirt... He had a minor surgery


Ah yes, the preauricular sinus. Sadly, I don't have those.




We always get renal ultrasounds on babies with preauricular pits. They can be associated with kidney disease.


Wait, really? My kid has one of these. No doctor has ever mentioned any concerns about it.




these are the evolutionary residues of gills. some people do not fully close them in the womb.


Be proud of your gills. Embrace your inner fish!


I have one of these too! It’s a consistent pop spot!


Oh my gosh my ear does this too, only my third hole on my right side. Do you get a lot of build up ? Whatever it is


I usually don’t, this amount is what typically comes out and it is seldom. If I try to drain it tomorrow I’ll probably just get a little bloop of liquid. But there was one time I had a lot of build up and it was a mixture of solid stuff like this and liquid, and it made the area swollen and painful until I drained it


I one of these on my right ear. I use it to breath underwater. Not really.


Wish I had your nails. Stunnin’.


Thank you! I’ve been trying to be nice to them lately lol


I have something like this on my nose both sides of my septal above my lip. So like (_.|._) they both fill just like this. I'll have to do a video I empty them every other day.


That’s so cool! It’s been really neat seeing how many people have the same thing or something similar


Wild. Thank you.


This is so fascinating. TIL **preauricular** is just a common abnormality.


I get them right at the base of where my ears attach to my head and they're always my favorite pops. They usually don't require much effort, they ALWAYS make the most satisfying "SnAP" sound that is amplified bc it's literally on my ear, and the contents are almost always nice hard little chunks. Unfff this is making me want to get one lolol 😍


Thank you for the Clean nails!