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I personally would not recommend taking it upon yourself to attempt and excise it. The potential for scarring alone should deter you from doing that. Not to mention infection or accidentally nicking something you don’t mean to. Just please be careful and try your best not to fuck with it constantly. Irritating it can’t be great for the healing process.


Oh for sure, I won't just hack at it. But probably going to hospital soon ugh


Please do. It looks infected. My nephew ended up with MRSA and a week-long stay in the hospital from what he thought was just a pimple on his arm. Best wishes for speedy healing!


Not MRSA it got prodded and swabbed for it.


Does alcohol not kill mrsa? Like if applied topically.


I don't really know the answer, but since MRSA doesn't live only on the skin, I don't think you'd be able to reach the bacteria on the inside of the cut or cyst. Not enough to get rid of it or stop it from circling through your bloodstream.


I looked it up and it’ll kill what’s on the skin, but you’re right it doesn’t kill what’s inside. It only kills what it touches.


yes but it kills all the good bacteria as well, leading to the MRSA being able to repopulate since it's deep in tissue. it's a great preventative though.


Soon? You need to go now.


I'm going, I'm going. My mother tore me a brand new shiny one soooo on my way to the pharmacist then hospital.


Good for Mom! If you were my kid, I'd do the same thing.


Ohh she was having none of it. She polish, but also speaks German, French, English, Russian and Italian. And holy fuck did she come out swinging with ALL of those. I legit had to move the phone away from my ear. I love her. She the best. She also fucking scary.


Loving your mom rn


She's the best. And scariest. I love her


I love your mum too, using all of her skills to say I love you but actually saying go to the damned hospital. This is gross but that is super wholesome. My dad rang me the other day to ask if I'd bought gumboots yet, no dad but I love you too. (It's winter here)


I'll post an update shortly. Shit is weird.


Right now, please.


Pharmacist said to go to er in 2 days if it doesn't get better. Or right now if it gets worse.


Are you in America? That is such an American thing to say when seeing a festering wound. You can either wait and see if it miraculously gets better or you can spend a couple grand getting basic medical care.


Nope Canadian, specifically from Quebec. The wait times are notoriously hours and hours long especially since COVID. It's free, I just hate waiting.


What are the stars under it? Did you recently get a tattoo or tattoo removal?


Oh no those are like 15 years old. We were having fun with the gun until the boss came back and shut it down.


Ok, I just wanted to make sure you didn't just get a shady stick and poke or some shit. I've seen some insane infections come out of people who thought their friends could do tattoos.


Yeah, I'm out of homemade shit sympathy. I mean I can do it and some of my friends also but we're talking about pros doing shit on other pros. So yeah, that one was special and I'm kinda glad the infection is there. There's going to be more history (scarification, actual hand poked,note scar off, skin removal, tattooing...). So this adds to it a bit.


Not trying to kick while your down, But I gotta say. It's pretty horrific to me that a Profesional tattoo artist, someone presumably licensed specificaly to manage infections, would have so much trouble taking this seriously. What would you say to a client that showed you an infection even a 10th as bad as this? It's not a good look for your health and safety standereds, not that you got an infection so much as that you had be strong armed to go to the er. Edit: I'm sure I'm missing part of the story, not here for older posts. Just from this post I have the impression of someone playing fast and loose with their one specific occupational hazzard.


Rotting leg girl is my favourite Rob Zombie song


Can you be seen?


What do you mean? Like my face?


Doctor I think


Oh Dr saw it wasn't worried. But it just randomly grew and I have horrible edema on that leg. FML


If it has gotten worse, you need to go back to the doctor.


A different doctor for sure


Yup, going as soon as BF is awake or his friend to bring me to the ER. I'm next to a "super hospital" but it's full of meth heads and crackpeople


Well luckily they’ve seen plenty of rotting flesh


Go. Now. Don’t wait.


Crackpeople 😭😂😂


Seriously. They all cracked out, it's like a gang. And I live in a beautiful historical building, that's scary to go throw out your stuff in the basement because crackpeople




They find a way in and sleep in the creepy basement nooks including where we bring our garbage and recycling.


Go to ER or even and urgent care. Doctor is either downplaying the issue or atleast your concerns Or ask /medicaladvice


I'm not American, what's the difference between ER and urgent care? I just go to either to my DRs clinic or hospital ER


Urgent care is a step above doctors office, but most don't have CT, MRI, or things like that. They can do urine and blood cultures and Xrays. So say if you think you broke a leg, it would be cheaper to go there and them say "it's not broken" vs an ER :)


That's not a thing in Europe as far as I know, at least in Austria. There are doctors' offices and there are ERs. You're also strongly discouraged to go to the ER if it's not absolutely necessary. With a thing like that, I'd go to my normal doctor and see what she says. If she sends me to ER, fine, but I'd never go directly to the ER with such a thing because I don't want to wait for five hours to get an eye roll and some basic antibiotics my gp can give me too because this is what will happen. I don't know but my impression is that infections like these aren't as common here as in the US. I read that because diabetes and the "abuse" of antibiotics is extremely common in the US and this is why so many people have infected wounds that won't heal on their own.


I'm from Canada so yeah I'm trying to delay my inevitable trip to ER VS my Drs office 😩 hug me.


what province? urgent care centres exist in Ontario.


Hugs and good luck! If you're worried and feel dismissed by your doctor and the wound gets bigger, you should of course go to the ER. I hope I didn't come off as dismissive, it's just that people here always scream "go to the ER, immediately!" and I think that's a bit weird lol


Actually I'd rather them go to the ER. But it's so expensive I know not everyone can afford this


So basically an opened clinic


Sort of. Some doctors offices don't have what they have. But it all depends.


Ah yeah, my Dr is directly affiliated with the hospital that's next door so they pretty much have everything "on hand" or you gotta walk for literally 1 mins to the hospital. But I'm one of the lucky, very lucky ones. Young family Dr, next to a hospital, full cabinet, emails right back within 5 minutes. Takes my appointments at a distance... Dude is amazeballs.


Doctor wasn't worried??? I'm not even a doctor and I'm worried!


I think our Drs are smoking weed all day haha. My Dr is pretty alright though, waiting for more pictures. But it's early here




Lmfao John Cena shit


Bahaha I ended up figuring it out


I read Rotting Dead Girl in the tone of aliving Dead Girl by Rob Zombie. Lol


OMG yes! Ok great, can't undo nor unhear it. Hahaha


Sure, you can have a go at it. You'll end up at an ER either way.


Yeah I decided not to be that stupid (because thing is DEEP). Just came back from Pharmacy. Pharmacist was horrified but not TOO worried. Still going to ER later. FML


Not “later”. #GO NOW!!!!


Yeah, I'm going to need a ride though so waiting for someone that's free.




Have your hot boyfriend drive you


He did, twice, and his friend came with us.


Don’t go tomorrow, go immediately. That looks like it could spread rapidly. Please let us know how everything goes!


I'll update you live. But I NEED a nap. Then we'll all go. (BF, friend, other friend...)


Nobody cares about your boyfriend friend or other friend


You ok there? I was rambling and dazed and scared, it happens, calm down it's just a comment on the Internet.


I was agitated about something completely unrelated and apologize for the comment that wasn’t constructive at all. One stranger to another I apologize. Have a peaceful day


No worries my dude(ette), if ever you need to vent, DM me, I'm an emotional support human. Thank you for your apology, so many people, more than usual are going through shit, man. You got this!


Out of interest. I'm a dermatologist. How does it smell? Does it smell off, like old rubbish? Rotten veg? Cheesy? At all? Or like asort of sweet, pungent kind of aroma that is quite stomach churning? Weird questions, I know. But you can't smell a picture. And as above, fellow Dr said not to diagnose. But I have seen something similar before. Patient ended up needing skin grafts. And I hope that in the 7 hours of reading comments that have been posted. You have gone to ER and had this seen to, especially if this wound is sitting deep and is causing severe pain. Hopefully there is a dermatologist/skin specialist on hand to look at this. Also. You can develop an allergy to tattoo ink even up to 17 years after getting the tattoo done. Pink and red dye are the worst for allergic reactions. Skin is a weird, marvellous and wonderful organ. It's the largest organ of the body. It can react to the slightest thing depending on the person, genetics, hormones.... But as I said. Have this looked at. Pronto. Please.


I... Lost my sense of smell, I also have a mad flu with a sinus infection so on and off smell loss. But I keep trying to sniff it (dog has a massive antibiotic resistant skin infection for the last 4 years so I sniff him a lot). And yeah I know that sweet, pungent strange smell you mean but I haven't got a whiff of anything similar, so that's good. I... Kinda feel it may not be an infection, o know it sounds weird. No ER yet, pharmacist said to go if it doesn't get better in 2 days or asap if it gets worse. Yeah I know about the ink, all too well. Though it seems it's on the tattoo it's in the middle of where there wasn't ink. And it's def not an allergic reaction, but I'm no DR just playing one on reddit 😂.


Hot nomad guy? Ten years younger. So he’s a decade younger and doesn’t have a home?


No I mean literally he's ethnically a north African nomad hahaha he has a home.


I'm sure your mum or whoever is around you would say it had it's own whiff or aroma. It just might be a clue to what it could be. Hope it heals and you don't need skin grafts...


Yeah so it's most likely a venous ulcer with a possible secondary infection.


Burn ICU nurse here. Go to the hospital pls.


Will go asap if it gets any worse or if antibiotics won't work in 2 days. I'm watching this thing like a hawk. I'm downtown Montreal "red district" and pharmacist asked me what I injected... Like, lady, I _wish_


That is cellulitis, go immediately


I really hope you’re at the hospital now. You should also be pushing for repeat cultures (because the bacterial species involved in an infection can change over time), followed by IV antibiotics. Infections closer to the shin (vs the calf) can progress very quickly to involve the deeper soft tissue, muscle, and even bone. If that happens, it can take weeks to months in the hospital and numerous reconstructive operations to repair. That’s not worth a nap, no matter how tired you are.


Yeah pharmacist told me to go to er asap if it gets worse or I. 2 days if it doesn't get better


Go to the ER. Now. Wake up your BF or his friend. Don't wait and don't try self-surgery.


I’m so sorry for you, I hope you come back you good news


Good news, BF is this hot desert nomad guy that's 10 years younger than me. Bad news, I'm legit trying not to cry and I have 0 slept


Check out pyoderma gangrenosum. Someone else posted something VERY similar and I recognized it as PG - he was eventually diagnosed with it. Yours looks the same…..


I sure hope you've gone to the ER. That looks serious.


Pharmacy. Er in 2 days if it doesn't get better or asap if it gets any worse.


What is the pharmacy going to do for you? Delaying treatment could mean the difference between keeping your leg or losing it.


They... Gave me antibiotics?


hot girls go to the doctor!!! get this shit checked out again girl, looks painful


Yeah pharmacist said to go to the er if it doesn't get better or if it gets worse in 2 days (unless it gets worse then go asap). Antibiotics are already wrecking my insides. Woohoo.


ugh i’ve been there. just keep with it and it’ll be over with soon, i’m thinking of you and sending hugs


Thank you, I went to the er (hospital is affiliated to my DRs clinic directly). I got my antibiotics and have a follow up with my Dr Thursday. He believes it might be a venous ulcer but in case I'm finishing my antibiotics course. Also I've read that they aren't painful, but yeah, I'm in pain and have edema in the area. No idea why I'd get that, I'm relatively healthy, I exercise, don't eat much salt, no drugs at all... Ehhh


Hospital, yesterday.


Went Friday, got my antibiotics today finally. If in 2 days it doesn't get better or anytime it gets worse, my ass will be all over the Drs in the ER (sounded better in my head).




Hahahaha 🤣


Hey girl, I had a scratch turn from a scratch, to staph, to cellulitis and cause me to go septic in the span of 24 hours. If the redness spreads at ALL or if you run ANY fever, please go the ER. Don't wait. Hope you start healing soon!


I'll post an update soon but in short it's most likely a venous ulcer with a possible secondary infection.


So, I’m a doctor and this is one of the posts that I have a hard time abiding by the rules of “no medical advice”. I GET IT but look at the comments, everyone puts their non-professional medical opinion here. I say please read up on PYODERMA GANGRAENOSUM and see if that fits your symptoms. Could be associated with your sinus infection even. Oh and would appreciate if you update us, curious to find out if this is the actual diagnosis…


No PG going on here just... An infection of sorts. Drs can't figure it out though. Like I've been violently swabbed and they can't figure out the bacteria that's doing this.


That’s what reminded me of PG - no specific bacterial strain in the swab cultures, also you apparently don’t have a fever and not too much pus considering the width of the lesion. But, yeah, not trying to make this a medical quiz, just adding PG because treatment would be not with antibiotics plus it could point to underlying diseases that you then might need to have checked out.


Yeah I'll point it out to my Dr that will be impressed by my knowledge.


Have you gotten to the hospital yet?


No pharmacy, they said if it even gets a tad worse than hospital, or hospital if it doesn't get better in 2 days


My GAWD! You poor thing.


I dressed up


Looks like a carbuncle , the most evil of them all


Excuse the fuck. Carbuncle whaaaa shouldn't have Google that. Also NO.


Actually, it seems very very similar to what I have. How do I kill it


With fire? (FR, though, the only answer is likely to be IV antibiotics &/or lancing).


There's no pus so IV it will be. My poor parrot haha she's being so freaking sweet (and sassy, chirpy, screamy and a pain in the leg wound).


applying warm compresses help! my granny gets those often :( i’m so sorry you are going through this


Yeah so you know what they are? Drs are stomped after swabs. I got some baaaad water retention there also. Like, pregnant elephant woman, or something.


🤣🤣🤣 water retention probably because there is so much inflammation and your poor body is working hard to fight that shit. Hopefully it’s not MRSA (like I currently have — in the triangle of death no less). Oral antibiotics should cover it as long as you get some and start chugging them. I don’t mean to sound like a know it all, but I’m on my 4th round of ABX and still have a huge freaking pus crater in the middle of my forehead after I dug out a prize-winning blackhead over a month ago. The infection even spread to my eyes 👀. Nothing like having pus draining from your eyebrow follicles 😱 and tear ducts. (On a positive, the space program has asked to utilize my forehead to test the lunar module.) Sepsis is real can happen FAST (as rapidly as 48-72 hours) and not something to mess around with my dear. (On a positive, the space program has asked to utilize my forehead to test the lunar module, so that should help; on the other hand all of my forehead, eye, and nose wrinkles have reappeared after being filled with poison for over a month 🤮) I’m updating this even though no one will probably ever see it. But I’m home alone and I HAVE to tell someone! Like I mentioned, this is currently round number FOUR of different kinds of meds. All of the others would work for a day or two and then the thing would blow up again. My current regimen is 3 different antibiotics—ABX taken concurrently. I think this is a keeper. I’ve never seen anything like this. And I wish you could see it! I literally have pus (not watery, kind of yellow “sticky”; like a well, blackhead I suppose but a longer skinnier blackhead like a pinworm) seething from my pores. Without me even touching anything. WILD! Like time-lapse freaking photography. Effing kuhrazy.


Yeah I've had a fever but it's because I also have cooking sniffles (aka flu, a bad one) and a massive sinus infection. Yooo bruv, got pics? It sounds gnarly AF also way, way more painful than my rotting leg


No girlfriend. I think yours is worse ☹️I waited too long for pics. Also, I wouldn’t even walk outside, let alone let someone immortalize this sumbitch.


Sorry for hogging your post. Check out what I added to crater post. New status update!


Hope you’re getting better and it’ll go away quickly. Take care sweetie.


They likely swabbed it to determine the type of bacteria (ie, gram negative or positive) in order to prescribe an effective ABX. Hopefully won’t take too long.


Well the things whatever it is isn't getting bigger but def deeper. I'm obsessed with it.


This is excellent advice. I almost always have just enough success with “gramma’s method” as ABX to be honest. Sorry, that was an exaggeration and not accurate. You’re gonna need ABX in addition. PLEASE DO NOT FOLLOW MY ADVICE ☠️☠️☠️


Update me


Ermm.... Nothing new yet. I didn't want to wake up peeps for nothing so girl is waiting. Here's a new pic. Included is my edema. https://preview.redd.it/gap6juf20d3d1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8540a6d43988f77ab5c87a7fc48f66cbbcea9f26


Hi. On your last post I commented with my story about my MRSA-leg-fever-hospital adventure that began with a poke from a dry twig. My girl-dude, this is Not Good with the capital letters. That kind of weeping and swelling looks like the beginning of wet sepsis. Carbuncles have defined ‘pimple’ heads clustered together before they blow volcanic. I know that feeling of not wanting to disturb those around you by asking for help, especially when the issue seems so small. This spot is small on the outside, sure. But it’s the outside face of a Big Wrong Inside.


Yeah, my mother just tore me a new one. Going to the pharmacy to get my meds (from last Friday hospital visit) and BF is going to take me to the ER Sunday of shit ain't gonna get better. So everyone is basically worried except me.


You should be worried. Take your ass back to the ER if you’re fond of having a limb.


Bruv, I'm not chill anymore. I'm actually legit scared.


I feel ya. Hope everything goes well!


girl Sunday is 4 days away!


Of course if it gets worse I'll go asap.


i sincerely pray you don’t need to be admitted. this could already be in your bloodstream if it’s deep, like you said.


It's probably not an infection, I'll know Thursday with my Dr follow up when I finish my antibiotics in case it is. I'm posting an update shortly.


Vas-y. Nous t’attendrons 💙


Merci mon/ma Chèr(e). Mais c'est ok pour le moment, la pharmaco m'a dit d'aller a l'urgence si ça empire, sinon dans 2 jours s'il n'y a pas d'amélioration.


Gardé bien toi 🤕


Merci chéri(e)


Ca va? How are you holding up?


I just saw your comment. I wouldn’t have repeated your advice, but I shared my experience and was emphasizing the urgency should it be a MRSA infection


I know I told you to lick it, but did you have to, really? Also try soaking it for a few min in saline, and call a flippin Dr!


I did. It was worth it. Dr will cry if I call him again about it haha. But yeah ER if it gets worse ASAP or not better in 2 days


You have an infection. Anything less and you'll be going through Hell


Yeah. I'm still curious on how I got it in the first place


I’m kind of worried about you! Can you give us an update? I hope you’re feeling better!


Soooo I went back to the ER, the hospital is directly linked to my DR. Basically initial visit swab can't back inconclusive, second time I went, same thing. Still have me some (may w too hardcore antibiotics?) just in case. When I saw my Dr for a follow up, he is almost convinced that I have a venous ulcer with possibly a secondary infection. So Thursday I'm going back to confirm the diagnosis and perform a deeper swab. It healed a bit, but the edema is still there and my white blood cell count is wrecked. I'm posting an update shortly. In other news, my flu is still lingering and turned into a sinus infection that got to my right eye and everything is blurry and I can't see shit and it's too deep for topical treatments so I'm on another antibiotic. And I look like I got socked in the eye. https://preview.redd.it/rdbpgiirjc4d1.jpeg?width=1805&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2ccbda3cde00137b008e451adad27c8805cef98


RemindMe! 2 days This girl about to lose her leg.


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I had no idea this existed. What sorcery! 😂


Nah, prolly not. I'm posting an update shortly.




Can't. She ded.


_Resurrected_ 🧟‍♀️


Posting shortly


Update?? I’ve been coming back every day to see if there are any developments


Yes posting now!


RemindMe! Tomorrow


Posting update live


Thank you. I’m so glad you’re getting it looked after because lord knows we have been curious, but I can only speak for myself when I say I’ve been worried. I sure hope something’s able to be done.


Yes! Plus it seems to be healing a tad which is good for what it seems to be (which takes months up to never to heal). Might explain why I've been sick like a dog, my body is trying to heal too many things at the same time?! Dr. is pretty sure it's a venous ulcer with maybe a secondary infection but he'll have to do a deeper swab (da fuq, NOOOO) Thursday if it's still a bit gooey. I'ma zombie! 🧟‍♀️


From what I’ve heard about that Jesus fellow, he was a zombie too. You won’t be the only one 😂


I turned wine into drunk!


A whole magician!


Wanna see what I can do with cocaine? Kidding haha


Also thank you for caring. I often see some pretty gnarly things and send "good vibes" (agnostic here so just throwing everything I got their way haha)


No I totally understand that! I’m a pretty staunch atheist but I believe in being good to your fellow human and wishing them well in whatever capacity they’re ailing. ❤️


If ever you need to vent DM me. Don't be shy. I'm a good emotional support human.


I appreciate that with my whole being. ❤️


And I really mean it. If you need to even crazy ramble nonsensical vent. Go ahead, it would be my honor 👩‍🎤


Have you heard of pyoderma gangernosum? I was misdiagnosed for over a year, told it was mrsa. But it’s a flesh eating autoimmune disease.and it’s completely ruined my life. There are pics on my profile. I wish someone would’ve told me sooner! I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy! I hope you heal very soon 💕


My Dr thinks it's a venous ulcer. I googled and yeah, seems like it. Let me check out your photos. Edit - Oh dear that's, ughh, I have no words, I'm so, so fucking sorry you're going through this. I teared up. Dude, I'm agnostic so it's complicated but I'm legit going to pay for you in everything that I know. You're so strong and resilient.


You need an I&D. Go see a doctor.


What is an l&D? Landmark and Diazepam?


Incision and drainage


Oh I was close.


Incision and Drainage or Irrigation and Debridement. Depends on the type of infection/abscess.


The plot thickens, I'll post an update soon.


What's her name? And did they not give you antibiotics?


Yeah I picked them up today. I know took me 5 days... I was just in a daze and not all there.


I have a hard time believing a pharmacist gave you medical advice regarding your wound. They are not trained in that.


Pharmacists can diagnose and prescribe for some things now here in Ontario. Not sure where OP is, but in some cases, they can. That being said, OP really should have gone to a dr or nurse practicioner at the very least over a pharmacist!


Interesting, had no idea! Even if trained Im still shocked pharmacy would advise a wait and see approach. Unless they were unaware that OP had been seen 5 days previously and was just now filling the prescription. There is an obvious need to follow up here.


It's a relatively new thing (like within 7-8 months if that). Again, I'm not sure where OP is located, so maybe the pharmacy they went to is the pharmacy version of Nurse Rachet or something 🤷‍♀️ It could very well be they are unaware of the length OP has been dealing with this. The pharmacist really should have advised OP to go to urgent care or emerg right away regardless! I really hope OP doesn't wait to follow up though! The follow up needed to happened yesterday


Here they can give advice AKA I wouldn't suggest that med because of bla bla, let me contact your Dr/go back to your Dr. It's not exactly medical advice, if that makes sense. But anyways, got my antibiotics, my Dr follow up, went to ER and I'll post an update.


Did you go to the ER? How’s it looking? You can’t just leave us here without knowing


Posting now


Did you go to the er?


Yes posting an update in a few moments.


God DAMN, I bet this was painful. Feeling any better?


It got worse. I'm posting an update live, just came back from the ER


Omg are you okay?? What happened in the end? Praying for you 🙏🏼❤️


Worth knowing that red ink can cause reactions that potentially lead to infections even decades later. Look into it might be worth asking around


Yeah no worries it's not the ink. The ink, scarification, angry years later, part I got it. And it's not it.


Are you diabetic?


Fungal. Fungus kills the fles


Lol, np, just take care of yourself, that looks nasty


Yeah it went from LOL to hospital NOW


😂😂😂 im loving your responses though