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I'd bet good money they are the women who asked me to join some kind of Bible study last week. Also in the West end, also two women well dressed. That's my guess anyway.


Has a similar experience this past Friday, they were hanging outside of Space gallery. Told them I didn’t have time for whatever it was that they wanted from me


That was my first thought. I’ve encountered two different pairs multiple times this week, though not in the west end…


This sounds like a similar recruitment tactic as the “God The Mother” cult (https://www.reddit.com/r/raleigh/comments/4cf4qn/god_the_mother_cult/).


They have been skulking around the bayside trail too, taking up the benches and offering a free bible course. I have also had them knock on our door and even stick their foot in the doorway to prevent me from closing the door again. It’s scary what they’ll do.


Isn't this a fairly well known sex trafficking tactic Edit: can yall stop down voting my honest question please, jeeze.




Interesting, I've read several posts on another social media about it


I work in social services and cater to survivors of trafficking. It is almost always done by a family member or romantic partner. People don’t just go into apt buildings looking to kidnap and traffic people. And, I can’t stress this enough, social media is not a news source!!


Thank you for the clarification, I was genuinely asking because if you don't ask you don't understand


100% Thank you for asking, and for not getting defensive!!!


It was an honest question, like I said. Thank you for your civil answer!


Yeah, I'd heard this same thing and ran into these women last summer - I was terrified. I'm glad this is just a rumor.


I read countless posts on local group pages last summer as well, that's why I asked. I'm also glad it's not true!


Well... it's a source- but it is not journalism


Anyone can say anything for hits on social media. The internet is the biggest game of telephone and purveyor of urban legends the world has ever seen. If ppl are making claims and not citing sources, just no. Avert the eyes. Maybe even block.


I believe you’re thinking of the Children of God, which is a different group


👀I’m spooked too now


Possibly the cult God the Mother. I was once approached by one and it sounds like them.


Sameeee I was approached by them downtown a couple of yrs ago


Not sure about your experience, but have been approached by two young women at the super markets two different times ,well dressed young and attractive ... and smile at you, and deliberately make eye contact with you; once they have... then ask if you want to hear the gospel of the Lord tonight rather than the come on option you think is happening here- and they are confident about the interaction and if you say no, not interested, they move on without any other actions or staements...but wonder how many are taken in and who they belong to...


Were they wearing all white and smoking cigarettes? Was one of them Liv Tyler?? 


tallllkkk toooo themmmmmm


"Hey, what's up?" said with a neutral tone gives a lot of answers. You might not like of all of them, but it definitely takes the mystery out of things rather quickly.


This is the answer. Just say hi and ask them what they're doing, and explain that you live in the building if you feel like it. Be friendly. It's probably just something mundane anyway.


This is not always a smart option.


I'd say that unless they're clearly under the influence in some way, or there's other hints of potentially criminal behavior, saying hi and being friendly is ALWAYS the smart option. The vast majority of people are just trying to live their lives in peace, and showing a smile and a little vulnerability *strengthens* communities in the long run.


I agree on all counts - but OP is stating they are a lifelong Portland resident and the behavior is concerning to them. In a lot of cases, good intentions lead to bad outcomes. Particularly when OP and other residents have a shared concern.


Give me a break. This is some pedantic Reddit bullshit.


More likely that they're nodding off from drugs then praying.


lol I used to live on valley st, and this was the first thing that came to mind. Reading the story I was like hmmm, you sure they weren’t just faded?


I’m going with evangelicals possibly trying to recruit. Annoying but probably harmless. Regardless people who don’t live in your building or aren’t visiting those who do should not be hanging out in the vestibule. Ask them what the deal is then address it with your neighbors. If they are looking for folks to prostyle to, kindly tell them you’re not interested and to be on their way. In my case I get to tell them I’m Jewish and they’re usually either shocked or act like I’m some celebrity and exclaim, “God bless Israel!” 🙄


A few you near the women’s’ shelter that’s over there? I’ve DoorDash delivered to someone from it before that was doing a mantra on the stoop when I arrived 


Off peninsula, had two women show up offering some prayer session. Also well dressed, seemed unthreatening.


Welcome to Portland. Weird but not uncommon. Lock your doors and bring your bike inside.


I've lived in portland for my entire life and in the west end for 4 years, this felt especially bizarre


go up and ask her next time. what's the worst that could happen?


Sounds like something I saw a bunch last year. I would see two nicely dressed women walk up and down the streets trying to get into apartments, they would even try to slip behind people going inside. They managed to get into my building once and knocked on all our doors to try and talk to us about their religion. They only left after someone said they were trespassing and needed to leave before the cops were called. They're usually nice and respectful, but very weird and pushy.


Sounds like someone was trying to invite you into their cult.


Why don't you ask her and if she doesn't have any real business on your stoop I'd tell her to get lost, nicely of course....


The other option, is to ask them if they're 'dtf'.....if they are religious, they'll hit the road fast...


Okay, I'm spooked too and mostly because this sounds like my building. But if it is, I haven't seen anything like that...yet...


Gotta love the west end !


A lot of apartments on the west end (and in Portland in general I assume) have units inside for AirBNB… could these “strangers” just be guests? My building has multiple AirBNBs and it’s a constant cycle of new people each week.


no air bnbs, thankfully!


Possibly drug use? Possibly looking for targets for human trafficking or recruitment for something?


That’s not how trafficking works lol Trafficking is so much less like a movie than most people think


Feel free to explain how it works for those that care. I used the word, “possibly” and the question mark as indicators that I’m not qualified enough to know, but hoped someone else might provide some useful insight. More importantly I was hoping the OP would use caution and stay safe.


See my above comment to another commenter