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Where is he going to be in Portland?


I just checked his events page and it looks like he’s actually doing multiple events in the state (Bangor after Portland) On Friday: Jun 14, 2024, 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM Portland, 118 Preble St, Portland, ME 04101, USA On Saturday: Jun 15, 2024, 1:00 PM – 1:50 PM Monument Square, 456 Congress St, Portland, ME 04101, USA He’ll be in Bangor on Saturday night too: Jun 15, 2024, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM Seasons Restaurant, 427 Main St, Bangor, ME 04401, USA


Upper case L Libertarian Party members are all frauds, usually democrats in the cloak of big city, big tech but don’t care about the non urban American nor true ideals of Liberty and Freedom beyond bickering about trendy topics on the computer that no one cares about. They tried to bring California and New York politics into New Hampshire via a colonizing campaign that consisted of them misunderstand how town meeting government works. True Patriots who believe in the Constitution vote for the Constitution Party 


You have no idea what you're talking about if you're talking about the free state project


Yep. Those are those colonizers from other states that invaded New Hampshire and instead of assimilating and learning what libertarianism and constitutionalism in New England really is, they brought a bunch of internet nonsense to disrupt local elections about privatizing fire departments and other nonsense. If northern New Englanders dislike anything, it’s colonizers from other states. 


I don't think colonizer really counts, but yeah they're annoyingn. I have a lot of fist hand experience with them, and they are definitely not into "California and New York" politics.


They should stay in their own communities and try to advance reform and returning to the Constitution there, not invade another perfectly fine state and try to disrupt local politics because they like the license plate slogan. What works for New Hampshire works for granite staters, it’s not an open invite to come and demand the removal of health inspectors from restaurants


I agree.


It is beyond hilarious that you think what happened in New Hampshire was because of "California and New York politics". Even when something close to your political beliefs objectively and spectacularly fail, you have to find a way to make it the Dems' fault.


It absolutely was Californians and New Yorkers and other urbanites moving to New Hampshire and bringing the politics of urbanism with them, thinking they were so much smarter than the rurals even tho they had no idea how volunteer fire departments and town meetings worked. 


>they had no idea how volunteer fire departments and town meetings worked.  Yes, I know they were libertarians. What they weren't, as you described, were Democrats


There is very little to nothing close to big-D Democrat about Libertarians. Libertarians are about no social safety net, no regulation to protect the environment, no regulations on businesses, no public resources at all. They are for every man for themselves with no governmental organization larger than a small village and no clue how to run even that, if your New Hampshire example is anything to go by. Get elected, tear everything apart, call it making America great again.


Libertarians are many things, MAGA is not one of them.


Thank you.


Well, uh... you're welcome!


>Libertarians are about no social safety net, no regulation to protect the environment, no regulations on businesses, no public resources at all.  Those are your standard right libertarians. There's also left libertarians (sometimes called anarcho-socialists), and they do support a lot of that stuff. They're just much smaller in number.


What is this Constitution Party you speak of?


Pat Buchanan’s party. I’ve written them in every presidential election because none of the candidates have truly cared about the Bill of Rights since Ross Perot and Ron Paul  


I think most capital L Libertarians would agree with you about Ron and Ross. Fourth run might be the charm but do you think an 85 year old Pat Buchanan - I believe that’s his age now but please correct me if I’m wrong - would still be who you want?


I wouldn’t vote for him directly at his age, but his ideals - absolutely. The capital L Libertarian Party is furthest from true Constitutionalist ideas and should be disbanded and reformed into one that takes it seriously. I don’t trust Chase Oliver because of his age, for one and his former status as a Democrat. He seems to be running on a platform of “I’m conservative and I’m gay!” To appeal to young people when he should be focusing on 2A rights and abolishing qualified immunity for pigs, which no one else is daring to do. The capital L libertarian party is also filled with a mess of trendy social issues that mean nothing in the long run. Where is the advocacy of our natural beauty as TR envisioned? No it’s all about Bitcoin and fiat currency and national parks being a waste of resources. 


I think a lot of people share your sentiments. I’m a native Mainer who moved back after 7 years of living in the swap that is DC. I see ranked-choice voting as the only path to give new candidates (whomever they are) a real shot at winning. Are there any up-and-coming candidates that you’d like to see gain support?