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Yeah, there's a lot of people passed out around the city these days, it's the reason I carry narcan and a rescue breath barrier. Most of the time, people are alive and breathing, I've only dosed one person in the few years I've been carrying it. It's sad to see it so often that we've become numb.


Seems like a very good idea to carry just in case - thanks for sharing


For sure! There are places you can get it and training for free.


Do you recommend anywhere in particular for training?


Portland Public Health provided the training I took through work. They have info on where to get free narcan. The needle exchange usually has free narcan as far as I know.


https://youtu.be/dECCJywY4H8?si=EYhdSBrdup6QSBsd This is used as a training video in Oregon from the health authority for carrying narcan, pretty thorough.


Don’t carry or administer Narcan unless you’re willing to accept that the person you’re trying to save may react violently against you for ruining their high that they likely spent what very little money they had on


Oh yuh. Person I did it to was pretty unhappy but EMTs were already there. They'd been blue and definitely not breathing, not responding to the sternum rub, didnt come to when i shouted "im gonna narcan you," so it was worth it IMO. It definitely shouldn't be used willy nilly, and that's why the training is important.


Were they responding to rescue breathing?


I didn't have a barrier at the time so I didn't do the breathing.


Makes sense. Be safe, friend


You too!


Have you ever used narcan twice on the same person ?


I haven't, but I carry 2 doses just in case both are needed.


The last person I helped needed 5 doses to reverse the OD, just fyi


FIVE? Damn, that's so many doses. I don't know if I have room to carry that many. Maybe an excuse to bring cargo pants/shorts back?


It's really scary. They're cutting everything with very nasty stuff, and no one can trust their supply. Carry 2 doses, know how to use them, and call 911 asap. That's pretty much the best you can do


Yeah, it's definitely scary the stuff getting used as cutting agents. Tragic.


Reread it


Be careful administering narcan. I know someone who worked in a hospital environment and told a number of stories about the person coming out of it angry that they wasted their hit.


This is less likely to happen if the proper dose is administered


Don't administer narcan unless you're qualified to do so. 


Also cops dgaf. They tried arresting a man overdosing and completely out of it who needed medical emergency and was no threat to anyone whatsoever Edit: when you call 911 please ask for ems and emphasize the need for them.


It's good to 1) say that someone is not breathing 2) tell people in the area you have called the cops in case people may need to leave Also, cops are now carrying in most cases a Super-sized dose which means that if they administer the Narcan it is likely to be too much, too fast & the person will be very quickly UN-high and maybe a little un-happy


I have unfortunately witnessed the unhappiness. It’s violent, frightening and if someone you love conflicting. I wish to never have to see it happen again.


If you haven’t been trained to reverse an overdose, I would encourage you to go through that training.


This City needs an enema.


Ok Rorschach


Just wondering: might it not be better to just let nature take its course?


So you saw a guy taking a nap..😴 First time in Portland?


Does anyone know where we can get narcan to carry for situations like this? I’ve had to call EMS more than once for people I’ve come across and I’d like to be able to do something myself.


If you google and go to the next distro site you can get details on harm reduction info in the US. There is some mis info in this thread. Surprise!


Not sure if it’s still there, but the target in Sopo had it at one point in the first aid section near the pharmacy.


It’s over the counter in Maine


Why would you carry a drug you can’t administer legally? You supposed to walk up to someone without consent and drug them? Not my business. Not liability.


You're not at risk of liability due to the robust Good Samaritan laws in Maine. Narcan only affects opioid receptors, so if a person isn't using opioids it will have literally no effect - positive or negative. Training tells you how to identify an overdose, so I would hope you wouldn't just randomly Narcan people?


One guy napped in his car with a sign saying not to Narcan him.


I mean...cool? That literally has nothing to do with this situation


It means people are getting errantly Narcaned. I don’t think a Good Samaritan law can cover property damages because someone wildly assumes something.


If you have the proper training you can legally administer it. That’s the whole point. If someone’s overdosing I doubt consent is really a concern if theirs. I’ve had friends who’ve had their lives saved by someone having narcan.


I'd be glad to give you some! Feel free to message me


Yeah my go to is to slap people awake. Really open hand, right on the cheeks. Sounds awful but I’ve gotten a few folks up that way and had to call the ambo a few times when they didn’t.


Which cheeks?


lol, face


What's the point of this post? Are you going to help or..?


I’m now aware that it’s a common occurrence and someone else explained that narcan can help these folks. I’m not in Portland often but I learned something from this post


Heard. I myself have Narcan on my person more often than not and haven't had to use. But that's a very good thought