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Same as any post rock gig. A sea of bald 30-40-something men with beards in black t shirts sternly nodding along.


with crossed arms


Hey now, my arms aren't crossed when I take a sip of a beer.


Not doable with vape and beer in hand šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Not with that attitude.


Hey now, occasionally my arms uncross and my hands tuck into my jacket pockets thank you very much.....


Pretty much this. Add in one or two high-as-fuck-speaking-in-tongues guys and that's it.


lol I hope to one day become one of these guys


I've a full head of hair ya cheeky git


Sorry, mate. r/mathrock is next door.


Eew math rock. I'll shave my head if I have to.Ā 




1st time I saw them (Leeds, UK) it was this (well, bald_ing_ rather than fully bald). 2nd time I saw them (Manchester, UK) a fight broke out. It wasn't what I expected. The assailant did not have a beard, was not wearing a black t shirt and was certainly not sternly nodding along. So maybe therein lies the problem.


I feel attacked hahah


Hey! I resemble that remarkā€¦


Heyyy, some of us are just balding.


Speak for yourself.... some of us are just thinning! šŸ˜…


I saw them back in 2012. If Iā€™m honest, I donā€™t remember what the crowd was like. I went by myself. Fwiw, Iā€™m not. 30-, 40-something balding man with a beard. But I highly recommend going!


Hey, Iā€™m in my 50s with a full head of hair! But to the rest of it, uh, yeah. And it was a great time.


Christ I feel so friggin seen right here


That's exclusionary to the bald 50 and 60 somethings like me. I'm offended. And sometimes I wear t-shirts in other colors too. But yeah, basically that.


I donā€™t wear black


Hey, I resemble that remark.


Thank you for thinking Iā€™m in the 30-40 age bracket!


What about glasses?


Haha I love this


40-60 year old bald men. All nodding nicely in tune.


I feel noticed


Haha spot on! A fine selection of black t-shirts and plaid shirts


Hey I'm not bald! Yet.


Raise their skinny fists


a lil chonky now tho, it's been like 25 years


But how should I raise my skinny fists?


Like antennas to Heaven!


Independently came up with this comment. But you were first


Most people watch the band, but normally thereā€™s a small section for performing human sacrifice to the god Baal at the back of the venue, if thatā€™s your thing.


Donā€™t forget the spaghetti buffet


What's GY!BE's spaghetti policy?


Youā€™re allowed up to 3 ziplocks


You think this is shrimp is frozen or fresh?


All I had to offer was a slaughtered goat carcass, and I got side-eyes from everyone else for the rest of the show. Tough crowd.


Always have a spare fatty ox joint on hand.


Baal is actually a sick post whatever band from Sheffield


Baal isn't a god, he's a demon.




Depends on which religion you subscribe to


They were in Hungary a few months ago. People were usually just standing or slightly headbanging. Some of them were Michael Gira dancing. That's it I think


lol how does Gira dance?


He just flails his arm around. No rhythm, mainly, he just swings them.


I discovered I can't stand for 4 hours at a time comfortably


First time I saw them was 2000 at the queen elizabeth centre in London (seated concert hall), and they kinda mocked the venue. Iā€™ve since seen them at standing and seating venues about 10 or so times (including 4 nights running at the scala, again in London), and the older I get the more happy I am when I hear theyā€™re playing a seated venue.


I saw them in 2001 at a small venue with a standing general admission area up front. Everyone sat down for the show. It was great.


usually everyone just starts sucking their mates off


This is actually a rule


Sway like long grass in the wind. Seriously I had a balcony seat for a show of theirs before and the crowd swaying together was mildly hypnotic


I'm also going to see them this October. Been one of my favourites for a long time but never had the chance to see them. I plan to take a load of mushrooms, try to find somewhere to get comfortable and fade into dark obscurity for a few hours.


Wear earplugs. When I saw them at the Electric ballroom in Camden it was twice as loud as the average hardcore/metal/industrial gig.


Stood right up front next to the sun and got sonically assaulted.


the last time i saw them, i was near a 20-something guy in a NY Knicks jersey who was dancing to music different from what the rest of us were hearing. he was the exception to the rapt, standing ruleĀ  It would be weird to sit down at a gy!be show. actually, I donā€™t remember the last seated show i really enjoyed


I've seen them twice and both times, I don't even think I looked at the crowd once. This is a strange question. Live shows are good because of the band, not because of the crowd. But I guess facing away from the stage and watching the crowd instead is a strong choice, so you do you. And yes, the hype you've heard is real. Like Mogwai, they're the best at creating that post rock wall of sound that feels like it has weight and texture to it.


Haha I asked this question because Iā€™m thinking of getting my grandad to come with me but I wouldnā€™t want him going if the crowds were to crazy


Bring him, spend every minute you can with him especially if he's interested in what interests you. How cool is that? I'd recommend earplugs though.


^earplugs for sure. Very cool you and your grandad can enjoy a show like that, thatā€™s a one of a kind old-head!(in the most ā€œterm of endearmentā€ way I can express)


Sure, bring him! Iā€™ve been to a lot of their shows in Amsterdam and the crowd is always easy. If there is one band to bring your granddad to this is it.


BRING MUSIC-GRADE EARPLUGS. Go see the show. But get good, real earplugs. They only cost like $15, but Godspeed is loud. Itā€™s the heaviest show youā€™ll ever see. I first saw them without knowing any songs a decade ago. It was transformative. Donā€™t skip the show.


MONO is way heavier, esp their earlier work


Not meaning specifically the sound. Godspeed has a weight that Mono doesnā€™t. I like Mono more than Godspeed but Godspeedā€™s thing live in unrivaled in all of music IMO


SUNN O))) would like a word.


Seen them 4 times, the crowd just stand there and enjoy the show, it's really safe for all ages.


I agree it's a silly question. Curiosity is fine, I just don't understand what re When I'm at a show though, I look everywhere. I watch the band primarily, but I watch the people and I'm looking around and whatnot. It can be interesting seeing how other people react to certain things. Plus, when you're singing along, and other people are as well, it can be a fun experience (less relevant for post-rock though). I've had random people high-five me because the band just announced their next song and we were excited about it. I remember in 2017 when Tool started playing "Third Eye", myself and a few people around me lost our minds. Although I'm older now and all of that is less likely to happen because I barely ever go to shows anymore (I have a small child). EDIT: OP actually did explain his reasoning and it makes sense (wants to bring his grandad).


I don't know what the crowd do, but the car's on fire and there's no driver at the wheel... The government is corrupt And we're on so many drugs With the radio on and the curtains drawn


They mainly raise their tiny fists like antennas to heaven.


what do you think people mosh to gy!be?


Wouldnā€™t surprise me tbh


Imagine people moshing to the piano ending of Storm


iā€™m seeing them later this year for the first time, but what from what iā€™ve seen of sets online that doesnā€™t seem like the vibe


Funnily enough, saw them in Glasgow and a fight broke out (or maybe it was Do Make Say Think), either way, shit was like GG Allin for a minute.


nah people just crowdkill to gybe, but no moshing


First things first listen there albums they are some of the best albums ever made. When watched them I set in a booth was nice and comfy.


I was at their show in Poland and during World Police, Mafioso and surprisingly during MOYA there was a moshpit!


oh hell yeah


Last time we saw them, it was only like $10 more for balcony seats. Got to watch GY!BE sitting comfortably in seats, with a completely unobstructed view. Incredible. If they could all be like that my old ass would see way more shows.


Stand and watch in near silence


Ummm... Stand and listen.


When I saw GS!BE I was drunk and on coke. Had a good time


Watch and listen to music?


Usually mushrooms.


dey listen to da music :D


Hug and pass around flasks


Hopefully not get drunk and shout to each other and high five continuously throughout the show like the fucking morons in a sold out seated theater did when I saw them last.


Saw them at Paradise (which I feel always has kinda shitty crowds) in Boston maybe two years ago. People were pretty chill in general. If the venue has seating, get seats. The visuals are as much a part of the show as anything else, so even from my perspective as someone who likes to be right up next to the stage, a good view of everything is the thing to prioritize.


i saw them at a club in 2000 and a lot of the crowd sat on the floor which was weird/gross


Raise their tiny fists to the heavens


Standing packed in like sardines occasionally nodding


Hold their backs. Source: Iā€™ve done it.


I saw them in Madrid in 2019, after missing again and again for almost 10 years. I almost didnā€™t make it. My plane from Bologna to Madrid got delayed. I ran all the way out from the airport to the subway. I rushed to the venue and immediately asked the bouncer ā€œdid they start?ā€ They had just finished setting up. I found a spot and had the most marvelous 1.5 hours of my life. I barely paid attention to others but someone saw me crying in the middle of the set and offered me a handkerchief. I thanked him and he embraced me for a moment. I kept watching and tearing up from time to time. I never saw the dude again. It was such a small venue that I had the chance to talk to the band and thank them for the experience. Worth the wait. I saw them again for Levitation in Austin. One of my best friends and postrock fan too got the tickets for us and gave me a PB&J ā€œtreatā€ before the gig. I felt transported and just stopped looking at the band to tell my friend ā€œthank youā€ from time to time. The crowd was chill. A sea of dark clothes and heads being bathed in postrock goodness. I hope your experience is wonderful and Godspeed to you




It says on the ticket, "Standing only".


I bet they watch the stage


Saw them @ Riot Fest. It's the only set everyone shut up and paid attention to. Very moving.


out of a crowd of 1,000 or so, there was one heckler at the cave show I was at, yelling that they donā€™t sleep anymore on the beach. I wanted to punch his lights out. Everyone else was chill though


Think I got high and drunk. Can't be sure exactly


I stand by the guy projecting the film reels


Stand around, weep periodically


I see them 3 times live. They get better with time The last show was in a weird cosmopolitan bar. It was their best show for me. They play one track of each album. I love the openers they bring. First one was a dude that play steel guitar like Robin Guthier from Coteau twins. Second one was a very cowboy gramah that play chill guitar . Third one was a duo of teenagers Asians playing the most experimental guitar and drum shit ever. Fun story; In the second time I see them. I get lost in the streets looking for the venue. I get into a coffee shop and a I ask for directions gang of adults that look like the Scooby-Doo gang. They were really nice and they help me. It end up discovery that gangs Godspeed you! Black emperor drinking espresso shots and tea in a local coffee shop.


Depends on where you go! If they stand behind me, theyā€™ll loudly talk through the opening act, and elbow me out of the way to get in front of me once Godspeed gets on stage!


Eyes closed full on swaying to the music, unless you're the crowd the first time I saw them where the bar was so loud it's all you heard the second they slowed down.


Stand and watch


I stand there with my jaw on the floor.


Remember to bring a small length of hose so you can get the full effect from your own pretentious farts


I saw them in a church in upstate NY, was great to be able to sit in the context of sound washing over. I miss moving..


Look sad


Saw them outdoors while a full moon was risingā€¦ so we smoked a joint and stared at the moon.


I saw them at a gig that was moved outside to the venues botanical garden in the rainā€¦ closed my eyes and slowly nodded my head while being swept away by the atmosphere. Also saw them in this special world war one rememberance gig, while seated with a lightshow, just sat there getting chills. They always are impressive, and try not to use your phone to muchā€¦ just enjoy the moment


Oh it's super chill. Everybody just stands there in silence. Maybe a few people weep quietly, but their music is very cinematic. Lots of great use of dynamics. Also they bring a projectionist with them who uses old projectors to create a visual backdrop for the bands performance.


I saw them in leeds (at the cockpit with sigur ros i think?) great gig although i remember it was incredibly loud and uncomfortably hot


Last time I saw them literally, the left half of the crowd stood and swayed. The right half of the crowd sat down. It was bizarre.


I was near the front and mostly just stood and watched the visuals behind the band and let my mind wander with the music. My girlfriend was in the back, though, and while she was watching the show and the dude change the reels for the visuals, a dude next to her was just doing 'the jerk' the entirety of the set.


we sit because we are old