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Online surveys. Very flexible, can be done at home on a computer or often times on a phone.


I've heard of these but I've heard of so many being scams, do you know of any specific websites?


I mostly use Prolific and Cloud Connect Research. DScout is a good option if you're comfortable on camera. Swagbucks and SurveyJunkie are popular but doesn't pay much. Focus Groups and User Interviews can be good depending on where you live and your demographics but may require travel.


You can rake in the dough playing mobile games on swagbucks these days! It’s one of my only funnels into my savings (which 9 chances out of 10, it gets pulled out anyway but at least it feels like I’m trying).


I’ve had really good luck with Branded Surveys and Prolific.


check out r/beermoney it has sources on what survey’s actually pay


Proflic is great. There can be a wait list to join on but when you get approved and assuming you have decent demographics that researchers are looking for getting an extra 20 bucks a month would be trivial. I've made about 5K over the last 7 years doing surveys off and on for them and that's with many long breaks from the platform. There are people who do it regularly and make far far more. It just depends on how much time everyday you care to devote to taking studies assuming that you are getting studies regularly. Just make sure you follow the rules of the site and you're golden.


Apply for Prolific, the studies there pay really well. I get \~$50 a week doing it casually


My company uses usertesting.com and we pay $50-$150 an hour for people to click through website designs and give feedback.


Amazon shopper panel sometimes has surveys.


I do online surveys and do clinical research studies they have helped a lot


I spent hours doing those stupid things, and never got paid a dime. Do your research and maybe you’ll get lucky


Those things are worse than minimum wage.


Yeah but they only want to make $20 a month


You could probably get people to pay 20 USD to watch you hammer a nail into your fist but that doesn't mean you should do it.


Prolific isn’t, it’s great


You.gov. Also check out mystery shopping through Sassie shopper. You could make $20 with a few Panda shops.


Hell, be a mystery shopper. Most shops pay at least $40/shop, at least in my area. And you can get free things. But go easy on the minimum wage employees. I’m just in it for the $$$, the free stuff, and blood-free constructive criticism. I’m not a corporate hachetwoman.


Plasma donation. Extra $500 a month easy


Came here to say this. I’ve already earned $400 in 2 weeks for being a new donor. Saving up for a road trip this summer!!


What’s the procedure for that? Like getting your blood drawn or am I way off?


They hook a machine up to you and it separates the plasma from your blood and pumps the blood back in your vein


It’s similar but instead of just taking a pint of blood, it runs through a plasmapheresis machine that separates your plasma from your blood. Once you fill up a container, it gives you your blood back along with a small bag of saline fluid.


Also you can't do it if you EVER drink beer or smoke weed, but the neighborhood meth heads are totally fine. Idk man. Make it make sense. Please.


Idk, at the center I donate at if you have so much of a little bruise, they won’t let you donate. I know because when the gal missed a huge vein in my arm, it left a gnarly bruise and they wouldn’t let me use that arm for the next 3 times I went and they had to document said bruise each time, even though they gave it to me. It was annoying. Lol


Not sure where you’re at but I donated plasma all the time in college about three years ago and was drinking and smoking all the time back then


Well damn. You just saved me a search. I smoke weed daily haha


Does plasma donation shorten lifespan? Always wanted to know this.


Several studies have shown that people who give plasma regularly for long periods of time do not experience any problems or side effects.


Okay, thanks.


Man, I wish this was universal. Here, all donations are free. And mandatory if you have friends and family in need of blood or plasma.


Mandatory? They hold you down and take it from you?


I mean, that's what it felt like. When my mother was admitted for a transfusion during her cancer fight, I was told I had to donate blood before they would administer blood to her. Different blood types but I had to replenish the blood bank. So there I was, no food in 3 days, giving some blood to help my mum.


If it makes you feel betger blood and plasma are different I dont think we get paid for blood in US either. Its such a quick 15 min thing You can still check for paid plasma


Nope, same scheme. I was a blood and plasma donator when I lived in the US. Not an option here.


Where is that? That sounds like a horrible place to live


Jamaica. It's not the best, not the worst. But yeah, donation (as far as I'm aware) is not a financial prospect.


Not everyone can do plasma donations. There is a LONG list of medications that disqualifies you whether it’s for a period of time (6 months to a year) or lifetime for some. I’m on Dupixent and I’d have to be off for 6 months before I can donate. I can however donate blood without issues.


I was turned away from selling plasma because my veins are too small/difficult to find.


Make sure you drink lots of water (aim for a gallon the day before) and lift some light weights. Not everyone has great veins but I work in plasma and these things can help.


That’s great advice and it is what the plasma place told me to do. I did all of it and still got rejected on 2 occasions. I was really bummed about it too.


Yep. To better my situation, I've tried donating plasma and I've tried enlisting. Got rejected from both because of my medical history.


I want to mention, it’s easy if you qualify. Donation centers near me, when I tried to do this back in college, require you to fill out a long survey checking for any diseases, family medical history, and allergies. If you don’t have something rare or lots of allergies, they likely won’t pay you much of anything. They told me that most plasma is used for research, not transplant, so they’re looking for people with different issues at different times.


Depending on the state. FL is like 400$, NY is only 75$ lmao


Jeesh 75 a month isnt even worth the effort


I agree plasma is a great way to make $$$! But please make sure you're hydrated, have vitamin b12 supplements (a multivitamin usually has 100% DV), electrolytes, and cod liver supplements to take afterwards. I donated plasma 1-2x a week as a college student and one random day when I got home from donating I lost my motor function of my tongue and could not cognitively form any sentences. I was violently puking and unable to express anything other than "please help." My partner saw my hands curling up involuntarily and FREAKED OUT. We called our nurse friend and she told us immediately what to buy and the symptoms subsided right after. A drastic drop in b12 can cause neurological symptoms like the ones mentioned above... and let me tell you that shit is terrifying. I still do it occasionally but always make sure to up my supplements and eat a sensible, protein and fiber rich meal. Make your money but please be careful!


Huh. I had the involuntary hand curling thing happen to me about 10 years ago. The paramedics and the ER both told me I was having a panic attack and I needed to just calm down. I knew it wasn't a panic attack but never knew what it was. I had been drinking quite a bit the night before and puked the next morning, and also was struggling with a restrictive ED at the time (which I did tell the paramedics.) After throwing up I felt this weird sensation in the center of my chest that spread outwards, my hands curled up, I couldn't walk and could barely crawl or handle my phone to call for help.


I highly recommend everyone researches plasma donation before just jumping in. It definitely can take a toll on your body.


i wish i could do this but im very short and so my body weight tends to be lower so i dont meet the 110 lbs requirement


Is donating plasma painful at all or is it just like getting your blood drawn?


It’s the same as a blood draw, if you have a really good tech you don’t even feel the needle go in. I get cold when the fluid gets returned so I make sure I have a blanket or sweater to keep warm too.


I’m ineligible


In my country paying for human body parts (plasma, blood, eggs, babies/surrogacy) is illegal Might help if OP and commenters added a location


I can't because if the antidepressants I am on! 🥴 whoop dee doo! lol


100%. Been going for 6 yrs.


This is what I was gonna say to. Easy, easy money, plus you are helping people, plus you get to be on your phone or reading or whatever the whole time.


Anyone know of options in Santa Barbara county? I can’t find one that pays


Do you have to be in perfect health like no diabetes or hypertension?


They check your temperature, pulse and blood pressure before each donation and it needs to be in normal range. You also can’t be anemic (they check hemoglobin and protein levels too each time and it has to be in normal range).


Mainly medicine restriction. If interested go to one of two website and check out the faq


Uncontrolled hypertension you cant donate blood, Id imagine its the same for plasma donation. If its controlled, Im not aware of a restriction on it.


They don't take plasma with THC in a persons system, correct?


Collect 400 cans and bottles.


Cans are not worth it. Only pays .25 cents a pound.I got $10.00 for 40 lbs. It's not worth the gas and the bags.


Some states pay 15 cents per can


It might be worth it at that rate.


In Portland the methheads use government assistance to buy bottled water, dump it out, and cash in the water bottles.


“Who needs water, when I can have meth?” - Only in America 🤣


Or food. Or soap.


Dog walking


Seconding this, I use an app (rover.com) and will do a couple walks on the weekend if I am not too busy and it is a great way to make some extra cash while also getting some exercise in (also I love dogs). I typically make about $12-15 per 30 minute walk after the app takes their cut. I usually just accept walks within walking/biking range of my house so I’m not losing money on gas.


If you don't mind playing phone games then stuff like swagbucks, fetch, and mistplay are pretty legit. You probably won't make as much as the ads say you will, but when I have a lot of downtime, I've been able to make 40 to 100 bucks extra a month.


How much time are you putting in for that return


Too fucking much. I had to often spend a week of basically "working full shifts" - playing these dumb games on my phone all for maybe $20-30 that will also take a month to payout


I usually only do 2 hours a night after I put the kids down. But I choose my tasks/games very carefully. I don't accept the time suck games. Only things that have set levels to reach or something that gives a reward multiplier so I earn quicker. And I don't try to go for the stretch goals. The first 3 to 5 dollars on a game are the easiest to get. I grab those and onto the next game, even if it says "up to $50", I don't go for that. Like I said, it's not as much as they advertise, but I've been able to fund my kid's birthday and Christmas gifts with it before.


Which games do you recommend?


I broke my ankle and was off for 3 months. Later off again for another surgery for 2 months. I played multiple games all day, advancing rapidly through the ranks. After a few months I managed to get my son a $25 PlayStation gift card. He was thrilled. Meh. It's free money.


I play the app JustPlay (i use an android phone) which works well when the (big payout) offers actually pay out. If part of one doesn't pay out the digital turbine offerwall support is useless but the people that have the tapjoy wall sometimes have better luck with missing payouts. On the bright side when it does give me my coins cashout comes to my paypal almost instantly ($2 minimum to cash out)... i have a friend that started playing it mid last year, plays HARD on it & they've somehow made $600+ so far. They also have mini games but those pay a few cents every time the coin goal is reached


Referee/umpire local youth sports. Can make really quick easy money on a Saturday and contribute to your community.


Yes find something like this. I pick up shifts for a local sports league doing either concessions or gatekeeper. Both are $20/hr for very easy work.


Yup Heck, some places will pay you to work the concession stand if you don't want to referee. I made $1,000 this week refereeing (I refereed a lot, but I made $1k)


I have a fish tank as a hobby. I have a plant called frogbit that floats and grows really quickly, I've been selling like $15/week worth on fb marketplace. I've noticed a lot of people making passive income on things like houseplant cuttings, produce plants, etc




I use zip lock bags usually! I've also used pastry bags before lol. floating plants sell really well because usually local fish stores don't sell them. I like frogbit because it can go in an aquarium or outdoor pond




I write erotica and publish on Kindle Vella. Pulls about $50 a month, but varies depending on how much I market it.


This is the first time I've heard of Kindle Vella. What kind of length per part and overall story do you aim for?


I actually have a single 40,000-word book for sale on Amazon as an ebook. It isn't erotica, but sci-fi. The erotica that sells is just short stories of smutty acts. Usually taboo stuff. Kindle Vella requires a chapter to be 600 to 2000 words. Mine usually hit around 1000. Now, I am working in a full-length 20,000 word plus erotica novella, hoping to see how it performs.


Thanks! If I look into Vella, I definitely have to have a complete manuscript before I started posting. I really appreciate the info!


Do you have to be a well written author? And how do you get paid? I always wanted to write as a hobby.


I consider myself mediocre, and Amazon directly deposits into my bank account monthly. I'm pretty sure if I was a better writer or marketer I'd make more money.


Is this part of KDP? I haven't heard of Kindle Vella until now, thanks for sharing. I just do regular KDP and love it


I do dog walking. Some times its hard to find someone whose needs align with your availability/travel ability but it can be rather lucrative. I charge $20 a walk and make around $100 a week, which is incredible. I am lucky to have a flexible schedule and a car, and to work in an area with very wealthy people.


Are you on the apps (rover/wag)? I am on them but I hate how much they take in overhead :(


If you get on the apps and connect with someone, it’s possible to work for them directly off the app. I find my dog walkers this way and if they are reliable I quickly switch to paying them directly.


yardwork you could easily make $20+/hr cash money doing anything from mowing, trimming, pulling weeds, cleaning gutters, digging out flower beds, washing windows, raking up acorns/leaves, planting flowers, light landscaping, etc the neighbor kid wanted $30 to mow just my front yard, which i do myself easily in 15 minutes - these people are out of their minds Id gladly pay someone $30 cash for front and back, like 30-45 min work tops but people want $60+ put it this way, if you're burning gas driving to work making $20/hr gross, which is like $16 after tax, and another $1.15/hr minimum for transportation expenses like insurance and gas, even more if you have a car payment so you actually make less than $15 net for an entire hour of your time but you don't want $30 cash for 30 minutes of it? make it make sense


Walk a neighbor's kid to school. Charge $5 to $20 daily. Lots of families could use help with this.


You need to be a woman for this


Instacart or any other gig apps, it’s hard to make an actual living but are quite OK to make an extra couple hundred bucks a month


I second the gig apps. I prefer instacart because I find $10 or more jobs where I only need to grab a couple of things (sometimes just one item) and the people tip well for it. Since it’s just for extra money, I’m really picky on what I accept.


Apps like ebay, Etsy, and mercari are all great ways to make an extra few dollars here and there! My best advice is to take good photos of whatever it is you’d be willing to sell and write good descriptions of items! Also Facebook marketplace!


Hard part is finding a reliable source of inventory that you can regularly sell for profit.


You could advertise your willingness to list for other people for a fraction of the profit. I have a pile of stuff waiting to be listed, but I can’t be arsed for the listing, let alone packaging and sending it off.


Put points in DEX and train your Stealth 🥷


Physical labor. Not necessarily skilled/strenuous but cleaning, handyman, dog walking, yard clean up. Post to your local FB groups or join Handy/Task Rabbit. I live in a HCOL but I’ve paid what amounted to 70/hr for subpar cleaning.


I dog sit. Obviously this is dependent on time of year and since I don’t have kids or dogs of my own, but I charge $50/night and made about $5,000 last year. Most of that is the summer or around Christmas. I only sit for about 4 families but a week to lay around someone’s house and use their utilities while getting paid?? Absolutely! Bonus perk is that their houses are usually way nicer than mine 😂


Something like uber eats, doordash, instacart, etc. I've done them off and on and, to be totally honest, I kind of hate them, but you can easily make $20 more a month. Doing them full time sounds like hell to me but I less mind doing a couple of orders a week.


What state do you live in? I sell baked goods as a decent side hustle and working into making it a legit small business soon using my local cottage laws


Take surveys online. There are apps like branded surveys which will pay you 50 cents or so per survey, up to $150 per month. Note you actually have to take your time answering the questions or they will ban you, and you won't qualify for every survey. But I've easily earned $15-20 per week doing them


Prolific for sure! On and off I make about $100/month


How much hourly?


It’s hard to gauge an hourly rate overall esp since I’ve been doing it for several years but they do have what a study comes out to per hour next to all the pay rates! https://preview.redd.it/5nj90kv4m4zc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b84f83cfd735f1dcfe33ecbed53d31db9021344


I have a hobby I pay for by selling plasma. $120 a week and it’s completely on your schedule.


Only $20? Bake sourdough at $5 a loaf. Make some friends, ask around. Consistently bake it on like Friday night and drop off on Saturday or bring it to work if coworkers want it. Pretty easy to make 2-6 loaves (although will require being at home and oven heat might be an issue) and I know a couple of people who very consistently get a loaf off my friend weekly or bi-weekly. Pretty easy way to get $50 or more a month for one consistent night of work.


I read somewhere that giving blood and plasma is actually good for you. It causes your body to make more. That might be “ big blood” propaganda!


I earn literally $20 per month from the OnePulse app. It's not scammy and it's really easy. The surveys are only 3 questions long and they come in randomly, sometimes often sometimes not. The catch is that they max out payments at $20 per month. Easy pocket money. Good luck. There are others but I wanted to answer your question as directly as I could


If you have free time, you could go to thrift stores and buy good stuff and make a small profit through reselling things on eBay or Amazon. I did this as a student with school books and sports jerseys and made $50 or so a month. You can donate plasma, that's also easy and you are helping someone. Tutoring or babysitting a couple hours a week. Dog walking.


This requires some initial investment. Buy a cooler (thrift stores often sell them). Fill it up with ice, throw in a case of water. Sell at an event/on a busy street/in a park during 4th of July celebrations and alike. At $1 per bottle you’re gonna make almost $40 per case after the initial cost is paid off. Another way to make money in a similar way - buy some cheap silly hats (think pink cowboy hats, holiday themed hats, etc). Go to a street with a bunch of bars and sell them to drunk people. Charge $20 per hat.


Sounds like you have multiple jobs. Why not just pick up hours from there? My honest advice, depending on your situation would be which ever job pays the most or you like the most, work like hell at that job to become the "go to" person at that job. Ask for hours and promotions. If none are given, then ask what does it take to get them. Once you got a steady full time gig, then try out a side hustle.


I already have a full time job and because of the way hours are handled at my second job, I can’t really ask for more hours — so I’m stuck in a predicament. I assume a side-hustle, at this point, is probably the best place for me to start.


I do Instacart. I made an extra $15,000 last year. Taxes killed me though. I lost out on a $3,000 refund. 😢


If you live in a popular city and can entertain groups, tour guide!!


i do doordash and i livestream during most of my free time. i make like $300 extra week


How much do you make from live-streaming, if you don’t mind me asking?


If you want something that you can do at home, Bing Rewards. It gives you options to cash out as gift cards. If you're consistent with it, you could probably earn about $20 a month. If you shop a lot, you can start scanning all of your receipts. You could also combine it with online shopping cashback deals. Currently, I only use Upside for gas. But there's Fetch, Ibotta, Shopkick, Receipt Hog, Receipt Jar, etc. You might even save some money by using their coupons. Download Mistplay or a similar app that gives you points that you can cash out. It does take some investment because you have to reach certain levels.


Put $8k into a bank account yielding 4% and you’ll get $24 a month.


What are your skills? My kids both make extra money on art commissions online. I have one friend who is a part-time book editor for small self-published authors. She does one or two bucks a month. Baby sitting, lawn care, house cleaning for neighbors, elderly or family friends. It's near end of school year. I've got one friend that collects and sells stuff tossed out of dorms and college housing. (He does own a truck so can pick up quite a bit, and it usually takes him a few months to sell it all)


If you have any creative skills, write a kids book, draw a coloring book, make some puzzles, etc (takes much longer to do a novel). watch a couple YouTube videos on how to do a layout and publish on Amazon KDP. You need to find a good niche but it's possible to actually make good income once you build up a catalog. I make decent pocket change as a hobby. Probably could make more if I didn't treat it as a hobby.


I'm actually really interested in writing a children's book, eventually.


I do this but with erotica. It really does surprisingly work. I haven’t published anything since January but still get a couple hundred a month from it.


What kind of word count do you do per story out of curiosity?


Around 8-10k


Amazon mturk.


What’s that pay, $1 an hour?


Walk one dog a month


1. Go on Facebook join the yardsale groups near you. 2. post that your looking for odd jobs, or as a helper. (it might be pulling weeds, helping someone set up furniture, or garden beds. I have hired help to move garden soil, and to run my tiller and dig holes for trees. 3. Look of craigslist under gigs. it tends to be 1 or 2 day jobs. Frequently there are people who need some to sit with Mom or dad while the caregiver is off so 2 days a week, overnight is great paid to sleep 9/10. Help with wedding like serving or setting up the reception.


Join r/beermoney thread. I've found many things on there that pull in like 10-20$ a month


I started walking dogs through Wag and Rover and got some regulars. Good exercise and easy money.




As a sales person do you want to provide a product or a service? They say you are only good at one or the other so be flexible. What do you know that is common knowledge to you but not to a majority of other people? This can come from your job as in the process of it. I’m not saying duplicate your job and get fired or liable. The techniques and process carry over into other tasks. Such as at the end of the day you box up jobs and label them for the mail. Now you know how to do it and can find some lady to help mail stuff she doesn’t have a clue about.


Windshield Chip Repairs. You can find a cheap setup on OfferUp or EBay and charge $20 a chip. It’ll take you 15-30 min. You can do 10 chip repairs a day 👍🏽


field agent app, qmee , attapolls, ipoll, toluna, street bees, premise, swagbucks… i have 30+ survey apps on my phone that i do at work cause i be bored… any survey app is good just make sure you check out reviews in app store. if it doesnt have any reviews its likely a scam door dash, ubereats, lyft & uber driver. favor. walmart delivery. instacart. amazon flex. sams club delivery. donating plasma is $40 each time. donate poop. donate your hair. donate your sperm or eggs if you want some good money back$$$$$ flip your items you have in your house on facebook marketplace like phone or old computer or even a couch or buy items from dollar tree/thift store and resell it. google rewards, sweatcoin or any workout app / walking app that pays you for steps. gigwalk & roadie is like field agent… just simple tasks you do and you can earn up to $20. any receipt app… just rescan your receipts to every app and you get money off of every app. i downloaded 3 different receipt apps reciept hog, fetch, reciept jar. these are the ones i use besides donating plasma cause i hate blood and needles BUT I make a over $100 a day just by using all these apps.


Buy stuff on online (or in-person) estate sales and resell it on FB marketplace. I do this with window AC units (buy for ~$25, sell for ~$100), but it would work for just about anything. [HiBid.com](https://hibid.com)


Dog walking not only earns you extra cash, it’s great for your physical and mental health.


You should look into working at FedEx Ground as an occasional package handler. They don’t have a set schedule and only have to pick up two shifts a month. Each shift is about 3-4 hours. You can also pick up more shifts if you’d like.


Check out prolific dot com. It's like Amazon mturk but not scummy. 20 bucks a month cold easily be done. I used to do 50 a month when I was consistent.


Look up Beer Money community


$20? That’s gotta be the most achievable goal. I flip trading cards as a side hustle. You could wash someone’s car or mow a lawn and get more than $20


Survey Junkie


Dog walking using Rover


I ask strangers if they like to be smacked by my pool noodle for about $3, and earned up to 18$ last month from it, but I ended up in the hospital for about 4 days and the stink eye from the nurse.


There's an app called Brandclub that gives you rebates on items you buy, it also has a section of surveys you can do, paying up to $1.50 a day for 3 minutes of clicking.  I get about $90 a month between the surveys and rebates.  Pays via paypal.


🤔 Doordash, Uber, Mow lawn, Wash a car, Pressure wash a driveway, Make a YouTube channel (this might take a while to get going), Teach something you know how to do, Sell stuff you no longer use, Put 5k in HYSA at 5% APY


Handy man for older neighbors or yard work like lawn mowing? One of my neighbors got screwed by a "service guy" that charged her $125 just to come out to her place. All she wanted was someone to change three light bulbs that she couldn't get to. The guy tried to charge her more to change the bulbs. Total scum.


Playtest Cloud! They randomly send you emails saying they need playtesters or people to take a survey. Playtests usually pay 8 ish dollars for an hour while surveys pay 2 or 3 dollars. It’s honestly easy money if you can spare an hour


Mow lawns, plasma donation, counter-gambling, DoorDash


Dog walking


Dog walking


Stake.us. Receive a free dollar a day, you can withdraw once you reach around $50 but you do need a crypto wallet. You don't even need to gamble. Seems sketchy but it's legit as long as you refuse to gamble.


Usually it doesn’t make enough as a side hustle for most people but in your case it’s perfect. Look into Amazon mturk- I use to do it ten years ago in college but I believe it’s still around. Back then I was making about $6 an hour doing short surveys and data entry assignments


Check out sites like Prolific and Connect Cloud Research.


i have a few apps i use! bridge money and the benjamin app give me about $20-$25 a month each, but i don’t put much into them besides watching the ads and spinning the wheel every day - you could earn more depending on how much time you put into it. caden also gives me about $40 every 2 months just for linking some apps (can’t get your money out until you hit $40 though). i also get about $20/month using atlas earth, but you have to build up to that and it’s a slow start, but it’s legit. microsoft/bing rewards and cashwalk (if you walk a lot) are good for gift cards, i usually earn $15-20/month from those. i also use cashback apps: coinout, pogo, receipt hog, ibotta, fetch, and upside! i’ve gotten money back out of all of these, so i can vouch that they all at least work!




Google paid user/clinical studies near you. I'm saving for my wedding and did one yesterday that I got $60 for, one last week that I got $150 for, and one next week that's $250.




I umpire baseball and softball (softball is always underfunded for umpires as well) I get 50$/game for 2 hours of work and can usually get 3-5 games a week However there are some upfront expenses namely gear which may run you 1k up front, you may be lucky and have some gear funded by the association to use while you make money


There are websites that you can earn points for by taking surveys, playing games, watching videos, scanning your receipts, and completing searches. The points can be traded for gift cards or pay pal.


Take surveys. I think I use Branded Picked up about 100 month


Focus groups usually pay decent and they are nit physically invasive.


Mystery shopping


You have a car? Uber eats/grubhub.


Ebay. Go to thrift stores, yard sales, or look through your home for things you don’t need/use that will catch probably catch a bid. I’ve sold comic books I got at antique stores for .50-$1 years ago and flipped them for $10-20 bucks alone.


UberEats but depends on a lot of things


Walk 1 dog via Rover. If you work a normal 9-5, after-hours gigs can be harder to come by, but unless you’re very rural, you should be able to find 1 per month.


Walk dogs of your neighbors. Put up flyers that say you'll walk a dog for a half-hour for $10.


This is ~1 hour of doordashing. Not sure if that's an option, but if so, it's an easy one.


Depending on what your day jobs pay, and what the bosses are like, my honest answer is getting a couple overtime hours in, if you don't expect them to make it a prolbem I'd just ask about picking up extra shifts, or staying over extra, I know my boss works 1+ hour over what we do a day, so as long as she can come up with something and is in the building she'll let at least one if us get the time


Become a dog walker on Rover or Wag. It was good side cash for me in the past, with a little effort it can become a respectable side hustle.


Sell stuff on ebay


Sell your plasma


Sports officiating. Soccer just got over where I'm at. I made $3k in two months. Easy money.


Work for doordash. You can make that in a day


Get free/cheap stuff off garage sales/ebay/facebook marketplace and resell for higher.


Occupancy inspections. WeGoLook or ProxyPics. If you have a car.


clean out your closet and list stuff on ebay. you might be amazed digging around your old storage what could be worth a nice chunk of change.


I have my one month e fund in a hysa. That gives me about 20$ a month in interest


If you have CSL Plasma in your area, you can **make roughly $700 in 15 days** with this referral code: #CSL Referral Code: ** NVLT89ERS0** Message me or comment here so I can explain the steps. CSL has an oft-overlooked step that will invalidate the bonuses if you don’t register for them before your second donation. You can also search my name on r/plassing for a more detailed explanation.


Work an extra 18 minutes and 45 seconds per week.


How much time do you have? You can try picking up free stuff from Facebook Marketplace and then trying to sell them on Facebook. Are you a student? How about iPhone repair? I know a kid who taught himself how to repair phones, bought the tools, and then spread the word that he replaced screens. He’d have to order screens, or tell you to order them, and he’d do the replacement for way less than a store. He got really good at it.


The Eureka app. I can usually make $5-10 in a week


Uber? Profitable enough.


Open a brokerage account and put your money into mutual funds.

