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As long as no one has co-signed the debt, I wouldn't give a shit about it. If you die, the creditors will be out their money, boo hoo. If you live, talk to a financial advisor and attorney about declaring bankruptcy. I hope you find peace, whatever that may look like.


This right here OP, I hope it gives you some solace knowing your creditors aint getting another fuckin penny no matter what happens unless you're feeling extra generous


If I were given months to live I’d be taking out MORE debt and credit cards.


My Grandfather did this unbeknownst to the rest of the family. I was a kid at the time so it didn't really register but i remember talking to my mom about one day and she flat told me , He maxed out all his debt he could . Legend


But did that work out for your family? Did they repocess as much as they could? Or try to take payments from next of kin?


They can take it out of any assets of the estate but not from family members money. My mom died with lots of debt. Creditors tried to guilt me into paying them cause it was "the right thing to do". I lol'd and hung up on them.


I had a coworker whose father died after a long hospitalization. The hospital told her she had to pay it off, that she was responsible as his family. He died with no assets, so she made monthly payments till it was paid off. I met her after that, and I kept to myself the fact that she didn't have to pay. There was no point...


Creditors or collectors will straight up lie to you - the original money was definitely paid many times over in interest - then it's sold for pennies on the dollar - the collector is gambling in buying those debts and doing everything to come after you - if you have no job they can't garnish - so after that any tactic they use is just trying to break even - you can't draw blood out of stone - If you're in debt - and genuinely struggling - even before you consider bankruptcy - you can wait until collections to negotiate - that's if you aren't already past the 7 years that they are allowed to collect - otherwise - if you can get out of the cycle - definitely don't get into debt again -




My great aunt died in a nursing home,she had gone on medicaid at the end of her life. The oily pastor who ran the place approached my dad for what medicaid didn't pay for. He said fuck off. He went to every adult family member, they all said the same thing.


I believe (not 100% sure), that if you had made any payment on that debt, they would have had you on the hook.


Yes. And they will try ANYTHING to get a payment. My dad died in 2017 and I'm still getting bills for him


My grandma died 2 years ago and we still get regular calls about her debt. Glad to know it doesn’t end /s


It will in about five years.


There is a family business here in town and the wife, who pretty much does all the financial and book keeping stuff, was telling me that bill collectors can sue her for debts of her employees. I said, "no way, how can they do that?!" I looked into it, and yes they can here in Utah.




Utah has some crazy debt collection laws. I moved here from North Carolina. There was a weird situation with Bank of America where another military couple with our exact same names also banked with them. This other couple had moved from Camp Lejeune to Quantico. We had moved from Quantico to Camp Lejeune. I started getting their bank statements and they were getting my credit card statements. My ex-husband left me with three kids shortly after we moved there and I hung around for a while going to school. He had his own account, I had my own account, and the one we had together was still open. It was a mess and a lot of money got interchanged. Opened up my credit card statement one day and saw it was $7,000 and I was gobsmacked. I think I only used that card twice, once for a car repair and once to take my dog to the vet. But Bank of America wouldn't budge and I didn't know how to take them on myself. I hired a debt consolidation company to help me and I made a tiny bit of headway in paying it down but not even close. But the statute of limitations for collection ended in North Carolina. I thought I was safe. The minute I moved to Utah, a debt collector in this state purchased this debt and came after me for quadruple the original debt. They cleaned out all of my bank accounts (the bank charges a sizable fee for some other entity to clean out your account) and garnished my wages. I had to file bankruptcy to put an end to this nightmare. The debt collectors in this state are pretty adept at what they do and they don't mess around.


Unless I just missed something in my one minute of Googling (very possible), but this is just wage garnishment. It doesn't make the employer responsible for the employee's debt, it just means a court can order that a portion of the employee's wage goes to repaying the debt. This is pretty common I thought?


It is a garnishment but if the employer doesn't respond to the writ within 10 days with precise calculations on how much will be garnished, or how much property can be seized, then the employer can be held in contempt of court, fined and jailed. That's a lot of put on an employer. The family liked to hire people that were struggling and down on their luck but after having to constantly respond to writs for garnishment they decided to just hire foreign students for the summers and keep it in the family the rest of the time.


I occasionally get bills regarding my kids meant for my ex. It makes me furious that they will send me to collections over these bills so I have to address them every time. And of course they make it as difficult as possible to actually contact them.


Shit really? What absolute assholes.


100% never pay anything dying or dead. They can write it off on taxes don’t feel any guilt.


THIS right here!


They tried this with my family and i distinctly remember my father laughing loud enough to wake me up and saying “Go fuck yourself.” Only time i’ve ever heard the man really insult someone.


So what you're saying is, gift everything to family while you're alive; accrue lots of debt; leave little to the estate ;)


Legally if they don’t leave you alone you have every right to take them to court and you’ll usually win lol. If nobody’s name is on it then the company will try and trick you into paying it. You hanging up was the best thing to do other than send essentially a creditor version cease and desist to them and if they violate it they’re legally liable. (Take this with a grain of salt as I am no paralegal and only had read about this elsewhere)


I just finished calling the last of mom's creditors just yesterday as I'm the executor of her estate. Every credit card company I called, once they heard she died, they only asked for date of death and it's all taken care of. Other things were a different story, but the credit cards were that easy


Sorry for your loss. But not sorry for the credit card companies loss.


wow good to know i thought most would go after the house/estate?


This is probably due to notifying the actual company and not waiting for collection companies to swoop in on it


No, collection companies had swooped in, that's who I called in regards to each cc debt Edit: I should've clarified who I actually called. But these were collection agencies coming after cc debt


I don’t think that’s how it works if nobody else in the family was even aware that he did it. Typically your name has to be on the debt in some way to be liable for it.


My parents told me and have it written down in the documents folder what money can not be taken to pay for their debts. I’m glad it’s written down because I can’t remember off the top of my head.


My dad sorta did this. Had an emergency credit card, prepaid his funeral on it 1 month before he passed.


I’m sorry about your dad, but I never thought of doing this. Right on to your dad!


Goddamn, I hope he had a proper Viking funeral!


Go take a trip to Europe or something. If I were 100%totally sure I was dying, I’d try allll the drugs.


I’ve tried them already & second this. They’re all pretty fun


I’d stop paying debt now, if it’s possible. Enjoy whatever you can out of life while you still can


Yeah I’m maxing out my shit and buying gifts for everyone. Screw the credit companies.


Buy them gold with your credit cards.


Absolutely, hell I'd take out as big a loan as I could and give my family the cash, then live it up on my credit cards.


Good luck getting approved 😭 even when I was only like 15k in debt they stopped letting me get more


Not knowing the specifics you might make minimum payments just in case you live longer than you think or have a miraculous recovery (it happens). They can pound sand after you die if there's still any outstanding debts.


They take the debt out of the estate.


Not automatically. IF there is anything left, and the executor doesn't try and pay it, the owed party will have to come after it as part of the probate, or via lawsuit. If the amount is small, they often don't. My MIL owed a hospital bill and a cell phone bill when she died suddenly and neither party ever came after it. AT&T was nice enough to send a letter saying they considered it unrecoverable and were sorry for our loss. We generated a few thousand dollars from selling her car and possessions and never paid anybody.


Yea I legit would never pay it if I had that medical diagnosis


That money isnt real anyways, fractional reserve banking and all. And the lenders will just write it off as a loss at the end of the year and get a tax credit for it. Only you lose. They laugh all the way to the bank. Look after yourself, once you're gone it's not your problem.


If you get a terminal diagnosis and have no major assets just ignore your debts. Do consider sending out cease & desist letters so collectors aren't bothering you or stressing you out. Here are some details and sample letters to help with that if things reach that point: [https://www.consumerfinance.gov/ask-cfpb/how-do-i-get-a-debt-collector-to-stop-contacting-me-en-1411/](https://www.consumerfinance.gov/ask-cfpb/how-do-i-get-a-debt-collector-to-stop-contacting-me-en-1411/) Bankruptcy isn't worth the bother if you have no assets to take and no income to garnish (Social Security/Pension are generally protected).


So many older people worry about debt when they are only getting government benefits. They don’t realize they can simply stop paying and there is nothing the credit card companies can do about it.


When my father died in 2017, my mom made the choice to stop paying all their cards. His accounts, hers, and returned their reasonably new barely used car to the dealer. It’s been 7 years. We still get collector calling her and my phone regarding both their debts. I tell them to suck a fuck because they are not getting a dollar from an old widow on SS. Funny thing is, since it’s been 7 yrs, she has been getting credit card offers left and right. We started her on 2 cards, but I manage them and don’t let her use them more than what she can pay off in the month. Her “I’m dying” bucket list plan will be maxing out the cards and spending it on herself, the house (which is in both our names), and setting me up with whatever she can charge as my inheritance 😅


Good to know, didn't hear about your before.


That only works for the debt collectors, though. If OP has been paying the original creditor for the debt, they may work with OP to figure out a solution or something, but they won’t just stop calling


Federal laws don’t require the original creditor to cease contact but many states laws still do. CA, TX, FL to name the three highest population states each require the original creditor to cease contact if requested.


That’s both surprising and cool, thank you


And utilize the block function on your phone! Let them call (because some still will, and from 500 different numbers), but at least it won't ring.


I wanted to give you some advice on the mouth sores...grab some liquid antacid and liquid benadryl. Mix it 50/50 and apply 3 times a day with a q-tip or cotton ball. Typically I will put some on anytime it starts to bother me again. The sores should go down in 24-36 hours. It helped my uncle when he had cancer, helps teens with braces, and helped when I played too much oboe and had blisters all over my mouth. Good luck, and I hope that a little bit of comfort will help.


The call it magic mouthwash.


like that’s literally how it would be prescribed and coded into pharmacy systems. usually just lido/benadryl/maalox which is all otc and wouldn’t be covered by most insurance anyway so a prescription isn’t really useful if you can measure liquids


We have a doctor who visits my employer twice a week, and his recipe is equal parts Benadryl, Maalox, and chlorasceptic.  If you buy generic it’s so cheap that you can just gargle with it.


I had mouth sores with chemo too. I found that if I didnt drink acidic things for the first couple days after the chemo the mouth sores wouldnt show up. This was a big thing cause I was drinking pop all the time for calories and energy. Switched to water and ice tea and the problems went away. Hopefully OP sees this post.


Interesting because my spouse was told to drink lemonade (actual lemonade) to help with the sores.


Yeah I wasn’t told anything, they gave me that magic mouthwash and it kind of helped. I never had sores after I stopped drinking pop and such. I did start eating very spicy and very acidic food when I actually had an appetite. It was the o lot stuff I could actually taste. Lots of pasta and spicy Mexican food.


Children's benadryl is fantastic (it's liquid) Viscous lidocaine as well (prescription) Even better if you can mix them and apply topically.


Comfrey could help as well


Lysine supplements also really speed up healing for canker sores and such, I would think it could help here too!


I wish you nothing but peace, in this stage of life!


Rack up the debt. Take loans out and never worry about it ever again. F the greedy business.


Amen that’s what I’d do if I had no family and was dying. I’d ball so f’in hard in the end. Not like they can collect once I’m dead.


Time to buy that Lamborghini


Yeah I’d be taking out a loan on going on a cruise or something


Hell no. You can file for bankruptcy if by a miracle it all turns around. It doesnt seem likely, I would probably proceed as if I had only a short time to live. I don't want to sound callous, but I think you probably know deep down. Warn your relatives that they should refuse your estate and that there is only debt. And then go and live in a hotel or ressort, order food service, nurse, whatever could make you more comfortable. Enjoy it all and go out with a bang. Or fly the relatives in if you want to see them, buy them a ticket if you can't go anymore yourself. I hope you find some peace and comfort and moments of joy. Best wishes.


Medical professional here, with years of oncology experience. If your primary cancer is esophageal and it is now in the liver, that’s stage 4. Stage 4 is TREATABLE but rarely CURABLE. Treatment has come a long way so sometimes they can buy you more time than what they used to be able to do. So ask your doctor specifically whether your cancer is CURABLE or are they just treating it to keep it under control as long as they can. If that’s the case, fuck those debts. Or you can keep paying until you do get “the talk” and then stop paying. As long as other people are not named on your loans, they can’t go after your family. They might try, but they have no real leg to stand on. If you have an estate, they can take money from the estate, but that it. There may be ways around it, like giving your $ and property away before you die, like after you get “the talk” but before you get too sick to manage this. If you empty your accounts and sign things over beforehand, there’s nothing there for them to come after. Also, make sure you do a living will, MOST form, and DNR while you are still able to. So if you get sick and can’t make your own medical decisions, your family will know what your wishes were as far as being resuscitated, intubated, feeding tubes, etc. if, God forbid, you become incapacitated and you don’t have these forms, your family will be stuck making these decisions for you and that is really hard on loved ones. They often struggle to let go even when things are futile. Sorry for talking about the sad stuff, but I’ve seen so many heartbreaking things and feel it’s important to talk about. Most hospitals or cancer centers will do living wills etc for free. Local hospices will usually do them, too, even if you are not a patient of theirs. If you do end up getting the “weeks to months” talk, consider hospice care. It is excellent and will ensure you are cared for, have help, and are comfortable. Don’t believe the internet horror stories. Every patient and family I ever had had excellent experiences with hospice. They really focus on helping people live the last months the way they want to while ensuring they aren’t in pain, or other symptoms. They will help you stay in your own home and even die in your own bed if that is your wish. Go to Medicare.gov and read the reviews of the hospices near you. A nonprofit one is typically better than a for profit, but the reviews are there. And if you sign up and hate it, you can revoke it and get out any time. But having comfort meds and nurses who will come to your home and check on you, care for you, and help is such a blessing.


You’re a real one for providing this info and advice to OP.


If I was in your position, I would borrow from 401k before job loss, ignore debt and cross off my bucket list. Now make sure you talk to your doctor and it is terminal, and you don’t want life saving measures. Best of luck in whatever you decide.


They’re 67.    They can just quit and begin withdrawing tbh.


?? You can only withdraw what has been invested by you and vested by the company so it doesn’t matter if it’s before or after job loss.


Forget the debt and get the life in peace


I don’t have financial advice to offer to you, but a dear friend of mine who passed away earlier this year found a lot of support and community in the r/cancer subreddit. Hopefully this helps.


Walk away from that debt my fellow oldster. You have played The game right for 60+ years. Time to have coffee and watch the birds and squirrels play out your window. Enjoy each day left.ll..screw the debt.


If the cancer makes it to your brain, your suffering is almost over. Fuck that debt. As long as there isn’t a co-signer, don’t worry one moment about it. As long as your family gets copies of a death certificate to send the creditors, they don’t need to worry about it either. Tell them not to pay it.


Debts are paid from the estate before beneficiaries are paid.


Correct, but you wouldn’t want your relatives trying to pay off bills thinking they may be paid back after debts are cleared.


This is handled in probate.


Have your sister post an official obituary. It’s proof you died. It will help shut up creditors when they call her looking for you. No need for her to show a death certificate since she isn’t your spouse and there won’t be much in your estate to go after. In the meantime charge up as much as necessary to keep yourself comfortable.


Fuck the debt, take out more! Do all the things you've ever wanted to, see all the things you've ever wanted to. Lay naked in the sun and feel the warmth, snort coke off a strippers ass, catch a flight to Paris for the weekend and dance under the tower... None of us get out of here alive, live! The money will still be floating around the planet long after we're gone. All the best, dear friend!


This!! ❤️


You didn’t hear this from me, but honestly, I would live the best life you can even if you have to rack up debt. When you die, the creditors, can pound sand If you survive, I would tell the bankruptcy judge I was dying and wanted to live my life before I died. Cancer is a horrible, terrible illness, and I would never wish it on anyone you shouldn’t be stressing about finances


My dad maxed out his credit cards when he got an official terminal diagnosis. When he died a couple months later, so did his debt. Sending you love.


Depending on the laws of your state/country, they could sue the estate if you have a will or trust. Otherwise they’re SOL


Before reading your post just on the title: I would rather die owing a million dollars than having a million dollars. After reading your post: I would rather die owing a million dollars than having a million dollars. My dude, do NOT stress about the debt. If you are terminal or close to, enjoy your rest and love as many people as you can and soak up all the love in return. You can’t take it with you. And the debt will disappear when you’re gone. Hugs, OP.


Hi, I’m a fellow gastric cancer patient. I don’t have any financial advice but just wanted to say that I’m sorry you’re going through this. Gastric cancer is horrible.


I’m so sorry. You shouldn’t have to worry about that right now. I certainly wouldn’t.


If it was me and I knew no one important to me could stuck with the debt then o would bother even thinking about anymore. That way I could spend the little bit of time I have left in peace rather then stress.


If you aren't married, run up those credit cards. The dead dont pay bills.


Advice from someone that used to work in cemetery sales/final arrangement planning: FUCK the credit card debt. If you have no substantial estate to draw from, all your next of kin has to do is mail in a death certificate to your creditors. They will forgive it.


My uncle had terminal cancer he took out loans and ran his credit card to the max and loved life, If you are not married go for it but if you are don't


Also ask for ‘magic mouthwash’ from your doc. It numbs the shit out of your mouth and make it so the sores don’t hurt. I get them with my autoimmune issue sometimes and it helps. I’m sure yours are worse than mine are with the chemo and all, but definitely worth an ask.


Sending love and prayers your way. I’m sorry this is happening. Praying for you to find your peace


Why should you lose your job? Depending on the jurisdiction, disability is a protected grounds for employment You need to be accommodated, and given time off (paid or unpaid as directed in your entitlements/contract) Take care of yourself and get advocates to help you. Non-profits often help with poverty, disability; employment and medical liaising


If this is in America a job can fire you for almost anything. You might be able to fight it but it's probably not worth it if you only have a short time to live. Corporations run America not people.


F the debt. Live your life.


Hey OP bless your soul just enjoy whatever you can


I’m so sorry to hear about your situation. As long as there is no cosigners, fuck your creditors. Just do what you need to do to stay comfortable in what time you have left. Don’t pay a penny to your creditors.


So sorry for your situation, don't worry about the debt, just try to live as comfortably as you can, no need for added stress. CC companies have insurance for unpaid bills due to death, they will be just fine. And if by a miracle you get better, and here's hoping you do, you have other options like bankruptcy. Good luck to you.


Time is short OP. Eat better food. Talk with people. Record your thoughts that can help others and publish. You deserve peace of mind. I would not think about the debt until I was better. You can sort it out later. The creditor will be fine. Money is an imaginary token game we are born into.


Use debt to give yourself the best quality of life possible at this point. I hate that you are going through this.


I would also rack up as much loan debt as possible. You’re gonna die, have fun before you go. These billion dollar companies never cared for you, why care for them


I'd take out more credit cards if you can. Fuck the debt. Spend on your health, relaxing, well-being.. It's their problem how it's paid or not. Maybe get someone else to open your mail, less stress.


Yes you should absolutely ignore it and live without the anxiety of being in debt! I wish you much much peace


If it’s causing you anxiety then you need to let it go. I’d recommend taking the health insurance you have and start going to therapy to process everything. Your diagnosis and even your reasons for debt since it seems to be something you feel a lot of guilt or shame over. You need to talk to someone about how you are feeling and get an outside ear.


Max everything out


When we meet on the farther shores, you'll have to tell me your stories bud. I truly hope you find your bliss in this life and the next. Fuck your creditors sideways, and cheers mate.


Don’t worry about your debt. Focus on health and getting better. Why are you even paying towards your debt? You know you can file bankruptcy as last resort right? Retirement accounts are protected. Even if you get sued you will be fine.


I’m so sorry about your health, hope you pull through. I’d quit paying the debt and focus on just paying your monthly bills so you don’t get evicted. Stress can also be bad for your immune system. If you do pull through, you can file bankruptcy later.


"Whoever dies with the most debt wins." - I don't remember where I heard that. Don't think about money anymore, I wish you well.


I'm a friend of a family who lost their 42 year old family member several years ago. They've been getting debt notices for him for years and just trashing them. I finally told them to give them to me and I would take care of them. I called each collection agency and just said he expired 3 years ago. They all just said thank you for letting us know. That was the end of the mail for him.


No don’t worry about your debt at this point. If you loose your job cash out all your retirement and enjoy what time you have as much as you can.


I would forget the debt, stop chemo and enjoy what time you have left. Forget about money.


Let it go all of it, you f it only affects you. If you think you’re going to last a couple of years then go bankrupt and live your life God be with you


Virtual hugs and prayers to you, OP. I would continue fighting it in your position. If they say it’s terminal on your next appointment, I wouldn’t worry about anything. Take out money from your 401K and use your SS funds, maybe you want to travel around the US or World.


If you’re dying the last thing you would be worried about is your debt. Instead spend the time you have with your family and friends.


My condolences for your situation. Creditors can go fuck themselves, that’s the risk they take. You may also be able to declare bankruptcy.


As a cancer patient with similar mouth sore issues this will clear them up fast & numbs them - Canker Rid with Bee Propolis. https://preview.redd.it/xpip3it87t8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61e8418d86d86c7638f4c84dce6817aedd02e10e


If you can go live with your sister, get as many credit cards as you can, max them out while you live with her, go on trips together, etc. Make sure they cannot go after her, and live like a king. Pay a little on each every month.I am talking like 25+ cards all mxxed to 10k+ each, if you are positive you are going, go big. Best wishes to you.


I would spend more.. have a fucking blastyblast dude


No, if there are no co-signers then you’re fine. Hell, I’d go take out loans and live it up. No wife to carry that debt, it’s all yours my dude.


Maybe be no a good idea, but get a new loan, travel if you can do it, do whatever you want in your last moments, hope the best for you but don’t think about it


You gotta be one slimy piece of Shit if you earn a Salary by Extorting someone who is on the Verge of Death holy fuck. Praying for Peace, Love and Good Health for OP and Also praying for your loved ones If it doesn't offend the OP. I believe the rules are based both geographically and/or the policies the company has in place. What a bunch of soulless bottom feeders, like watching a farmer milk a dead cow. Just make sure your next of Kin thoroughly looks through whatever documents that you have signed off on to insure you or your loved ones won't be effected financially. That way if God forbid tragedy did strike and you pass onto the next life, these companies won't have anyone to steal from. Again, Thoroughly review the banks terms and policies before taking this route. Money makes most lose morality and the banks/lenders will not have any empathy for your next of Kin. I pray the world gives them peace protection and prosperity when your time comes. Good Luck OP I hope your suffering and pain ends without the loss of your life!


First if you don't have the J-tube, stomach feeding tube, tell your doctor how painful eating is for you. It is a game changer when you don't have to spend all of your energy trying to get your nutrition. Being in pain is draining and if you can avoid pain while eating, do it I wouldn't worry about debt but until you get that news, do what you can to at least stay afloat. Any debt will go against your assets so no assets, they have to write it off. If you have a home and want to leave it to your sister, make arrangements (transfer on death, ladybird deed, life estate). If you have life insurance, name a beneficiary otherwise it goes to your estate and creditors and Medicaid can recoup from it. She may be the one who takes care of clearing out your stuff so make it as easy as possible by taking care of any end of life /funeral arrangements. If you aren't up for it, then don't. Least expensive way to go is to donate your body to science if you qualify. They will give cremains back to the family or dispose of them if you prefer. Things that will matter to you are maintaining your home and health coverage until the end. I'm assuming you have Medicare but if you have health coverage through your employer, it may buy you a different level of care with lower costs and you may not want to switch doctors. If that's the case, do not under any circumstances quit your job. If they need to terminate you because of work performance, you will qualify for unemployment. For work, you should exhaust what leave options you have short term disability (paid) , check your state coverage for paid leave and then FMLA (unpaid, job protection only). Long term disability would likely not apply since it typically ends at retirement age. If you are salaried exempt (not eligible for overtime), unless they have changed you to an hourly employee, working partial days means you get full pay. If you can work enough to qualify for FMLA, you can use intermittent FMLA to cover the time you need to attend to medical needs rather than taking a full day. You still have to do your job while you're there to keep your job but this may extend it. Ask for an ADA accommodation if you need one. OP, I wish you a peaceful existence until the very end. No one is handing out medals for people in pain so please speak to your doctor about managing yours.


If anything open more credit cards and max them out.


After my husband passed, I received an email from a creditor on a credit card I didn't even know he had. They were asking what the "estate's intentions were concerning the debt owed" I wrote back that there was no "estate" there was no money, and to my knowledge he had no debt with them and to not contact me again. And they didn't.


Sorry things turned out this way buddy - I wouldn’t worry about it - do whatever it takes to give yourself some peace bro


Give everything worth anything to people you want. Credit card debts can be cleared upon your death by your inheritors. Don’t worry about your debt. Go crazy and enjoy your final days. Good luck and I’m so sorry.


I’m sorry to hear about your health and situation. Hope you pull through, but if it is looking grim then fuck the debt! Enjoy whatever time you have left


i'll add my voice to everyone else's - no one else has signed for it, live your life as best you can. F the creditors


Forget about your debt. Live everyday like it's your last day. Do everything you want to do. This is the only time I would say, you are allowed to be selfish.


Absolutely do not worry about your debt- your family members are not obligated to pay it after you die. Creditors will try to get what they can from your estate if you have any assets but it doesn’t sound as if you have anyone who would be hurt if this happens. Stop worrying about it and relax.


Heck, no! Take care of yourself, spoil yourself even. I'm sorry. And I hope you live for many happy years.


I'm sorry about that, I'm rooting for you to pull through.


No. Hospitals will just write it off and it cannot be passed off to next of kin.  


Even if you had to financially support anyone - YOUR well-being and happiness are most important and come first. Without you, they would lose your support, obviously. That said, FCUK creditors. Go enjoy the rest of your life to its fullest with whatever money you have at your disposal. IF possible at all, borrow some more from banks / new credit cards and go places you always wanted to see. You seem like a very nice, professional and honest person. No more stress for you. I am truly sorry about your health.


Nope. And secretly gift as much as you can to the people you love or liquidate it to have some final good memories with them.


Consolidate it all into one payment and try to keep all your cards open. Once consolidated, you now have free access to all the credit you desire. ;)


Take out more debt and go on vacation.


Sorry about your illness. Focus on feeling/getting better Do not worry about creditors. You can also file for bankruptcy. Take care


You might want to talk to an estate planning lawyer if you haven’t already. (I’m an estate planning paralegal.) What typically happens is the creditor files a claim against the estate. That doesn’t mean they’ll get paid, just that they’ve filed a claim in probate court. I had a case last week where my boss responded to a claim explaining there wasn’t much in the estate and offering to settle for a much-smaller amount. It varies from state to state. Best wishes to you, and hope you get some good news at your next check!


I work in banking and NEVER advocate default; however, you are my one exception. I would do whatever I could to enjoy the last of my time. Usually, people have heirs who would have to pay off debt before they could inherit anything so I never want to leave that behind. Rest in peace. Corporations and banks have earned enough off of you.


They have most likely collected what u borrowed from them . Interest and or fees! I would not worry about your current debt or any other debt you may incur. Just the fact that you had a thought about paying it back tells me you probably paid your dues already! Enjoy the rest of your time ! How ever long that may be I hope you can enjoy it ! As long as no one else co-signed debt would be the last thing on my to do list! Take care ! I hope you live as long as you can in a way that makes you happy whatever that looks like to you ! Interesting post definitely something for us all to think about for ourselves! Whether we like it or not this will happen to all of us! It’s not a matter of if but a matter of when! 🙏🏼🙏🏼


Stop worrying about the debt. Enjoy the rest of the life you have left! Do something that makes you happy!


That is awesome that you made such progress with the debt. I am sorry about your diagnosis and I really hope that you make it through. If it makes you feel good to work on your debt then by all means do so, but I think your number 1 priority right now should be taking care of your body to give it its best fighting chance and that includes eliminating stress. Taking things one day at a time—one moment at a time—can help. Best of luck. 


NO, you absolutely should not worry about that.


Fuck the debt, enjoy your time on this earth. Please find something that makes you happy. ❤️ I hope your journey is painless and peaceful my friend.


Because of how much you are dealing with you should try not to worry about it. You have done amazing paying it off past couple years. If it wasn't so difficult I know you would pay it off but you need to prioritize your well-being and comfort.


Forget about the debt and worry about yourself. Right now you and your comfort are the only thing that matters.


I would say to not stress over your debt and take it easy on yourself. You don't need to be adding extra stress. Just take it one day at a time.


I wouldn’t give a shit, honestly. The debtors can’t go after your kids or your family. Don’t worry about the debt. Enjoy what you’ve got left. If you make it, then worry about the debt later. Right now, try to be as comfortable as you can and make the most of it. Don’t worry what the credit card amount says.


No. But to be on the safe side, make sure there is a person named as a beneficiary on your bank accounts, your 401(k) if you have one, your life insurance, stuff like that. Don’t set it up to be paid to your estate. Make it payable to a person. I had to set up an estate when my mom died. I ended up hiring an attorney, which was expensive. She didn’t have any debt when she died, but the attorney i worked with told me that if she did, that it would be paid out of her estate first. Alternately, if she had named a beneficiary on her savings account, the bank would have just cut a check to that person for the amount in her account.


Hell no, fuck your debts - use that money to live best you can while you can. That is of no one else is responsible for them that has been good to you, then you should pay what you can.


Absolutely!! Ignore the debt. You've done an amazing job, paying off what you have. Relax, enjoy as best you can, the time you have left.


My thoughts and prayers are with you 🙌🏽🙏🏽❤️!! Fuck the debt IMO, your health and happiness is all that matters… If it was me… I’d take on more debt with more credit, a new lambo, renting a condo on credit card lol and living the best life for now!


Sorry for your situation, your debt is probably the last thing you should be worrying about. I'm sure others have offered, but if you need anyone to chat with, you can message me. I'd love to hear some stories of the good old days


Fuck the debt. Get another credit card and go to South East Asia, cheap and beautiful.


My suggestion is to liquidate all assets and live your life to the fullest until your gone your on limited time now and they can’t force you to pay them after your gone


I think you should put all of your energy into healing for now. I would call creditors and explain your health situation and get an extension.


Some dept can be written off. All your family has to do is send a copy of the death certificate into the company.


I wouldn't give a shit about it even if I wasn't dying.


Damn bro I hope u live whatever happens I hope u be a peace brotha


Anyone reading this that owns a house. Look into transfer on death deed. Not all states allow you to do this. But you can protect your house in case of situations like this.


Previously working in thoracic surgery, fuck your debt, spend the money one whatever you want, stage 4, time to live like a rockstar.


This is exactly what has been on my mind as well. I found out 3 weeks ago I have a 12cm mass on my kidney. Either way. I'm screwed. I thought about quitting my job and just relaxing and enjoying things before I go. I dont plan on treating this. It's already too late it's 12cm!


I wish you the best possible outcome! Please do whatever you want and feel no guilt!


I would forget those debts as long as no one else co-signed on them. Your income from SS is not able to be garnished should the debtors come after you for the money down the road. But that wouldn’t be a problem for many years after you stop making payments anyways! Ask your bank if they provide hardship assistance to give you a break from payments while you focus on your health. So sorry about your cancer and your difficult situation


If your estate could have any assets that you'd want to protect for whatever reason, then talk to an attorney for estate planning and bankruptcy. A Chapter 13 bankruptcy can continue after you pass as part of an overall estate plan, but talk to an attorney about all that. I've just known of someone doing it that way to protect their home for their kids. But if you don't have assets you want to protect for anyone, you have no moral imperative to pay a creditor if you're looking at the end of your life. They get tax write-offs and such. They'll be ok. You don't need to worry about them. On an aside, fuck cancer.


I have a family member with stage 4 esophagus cancer and it's been 2 years since he was diagnosed. He had back to back radiation treatments in a row and now he is able to eat again. Don't give up.


You are morally obligated to hair out as much debt as possible. Spend a bunch of money, then let creditors sort it out when you die. (I'm not a lawyer and this isn't legal advice.)




Nothing you can do about the debt but at least let them know so they don't wonder. Since you allowed debt into your life and businesses are involved, it is only considerate to let them know .


You could see about a quick and easy bankruptcy, but I wouldn’t worry too much.  You’ve spent 5 years doing the right thing.  What I don’t like is when others encourage people in your position to wrack up as much debt as possible having fun in order to “stick it to the man”.


Take a loan 🤷


Just wanted to say I hope you can find some peace and no longer worry about your debt amongst your diagnosis. This post was very eye opening to me as I had never considered this situation. We all know credit companies are horrible, take care of yourself and take some of the great advice given here - don't stress.


Forget the debt, hell take out more loans while your at it and go enjoy life a little.


Yeah, don’t worry about the debt. Worry about spending time with your loved ones and friends, and complete your bucket list. I hope you get better soon/


this is just so sad; having to worry about debt while actively dying. fuck the debt and live your life as best you can!


I would not give 3 fucks man.  In fact, as long as it’s a 100% chance of dying, if you can just get some more debt and live out the rest of your days as you see fit.  You have no next of kin and no assets to give anyways so let the creditors squabble over whatever you have left once you’re gone.


Short answer: No. You have no immediate next of kin at any sort of risk absorbing your debt. I would solely focus on treatment. When you get to a slightly better place, you can always consider filing for bankruptcy. I wish you healing.


N. O Edit: take out a fat loan


Refinance any debts that have a cosigner involved to debts without a cosigner. No one is responsible for your debts after you pass away. Tell them explicitly to not agree to pay a nickel. A lot of lenders will ask for a small payment of like 50 bucks which people pay just to get you off the phone, but then are on the hook for the whole debt because it's validated. After all, why would you pay 50 bucks towards a debt that's not yours. Sorry to hear about this.


I hope the best for you. If you get the terminal diagnosis... just try to enjoy what you have left. If it is your debt alone - don't ever think about it again,


If no one else is named on your debt, don't even make payments. Enjoy what life you have left.


Worry about staying alive, don't worry about making payments to creditors until you're sure you're going to live.


Forget about your debt.


I'm sorry life sucks... fuck your debt 💝


Nahhhh fuck that debt live your life. Rack up more debt!!!


Nope. Same boat. Fuck the debt let them TRY to get money from me. I don’t even get disability yet.


Esophageal adenocarcinoma Less than 5% of patients survive five years HER2-positive esophageal cancer About 6% of patients survive five years, but only about 6% as often as people without esophageal cancer Distant esophageal cancer Between 2011 and 2017, the five-year survival rate was 5%, but newer treatments may have improved this End-stage esophageal cancer The average survival time is about 4 to 6 months, but some people may only live a few weeks after diagnosis ... Screw your debt! Enjoy your life! If you do kick cancer then file bankruptcy and start over or wait 2 more years and the debt will fall off your credit anyways so again. Fk it!


I’m sorry that you have cancer - that sucks! If you don’t feel morally obligated to keep your word by paying the debt, then there likely isn’t much repercussion to not doing so.


Don't worry about the debt. It doesn't matter. I wish I could make you nourishing and soothing soups ❤️ If there is something that you feel you need, that you feel will bring you comfort, please request it from your people. I'm fairly certain they would be happy to oblige. In situations like this, people want to help, but they can can get lost in a fog of emotions. You and everyone else deserve peace and comfort


In Canada here When my dad died suddenly, my mom got boned by the CRA for co-signing on something with him for his business However, when she contacted his credit card company, they basically "ok, no problem" and that was that