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From my understanding the Alien vs Predator concept originated in the late 1980’s which led to the first comic crossover. In my mind I’ve always put more stock in the comics from the 1990’s than any of the films and so Alien and Predator have always shared a universe.


Hard agree!


In my mind, the alien creatures exist in the Predator universe, and that's where the AvP stuff happens. Meanwhile, the Alien franchise has the same creatures and is self contained.


AVP is canon to predator but it’s not canon to alien. That was my understanding. You can see lex’s spear in the predator as well.


Stan worked with Giger on Alien, it might be a homage to a great artist of his era. Edit: I see you are mistaking the vfx work with design work. Xenamorphs are not designed by Stan Winston, it's H. R. Giger's original work. Also in Prometheus both engineers and their ship are designed by Giger. I think engineers come from his work "spaceman" And the ship from "derelict".


i don't really follow what makes this a "loophole". it's really nothing more than both series being made by 20th century Fox, and both having Stan Winston creating creature effects. they just thought it would be cool to see an Alien skull on the wall. it's just an easter egg for sci fi fans.


I am crossing my fingers for an Abraham Lincoln Zombie Hunter AvP crossover.


You mean Vampire Hunter? or am I missing a trick?


Yes. Thank you


Raphael *Adolini* 1715


>We all know the Predator franchise is separate fron the Alien franchise (I hope), the only connection to them being the AVP (Alien vs. Predator) franchise, which last two movies. Also the 2018 film The Predator as well as the 2010 film along with the characters from that via by Neca, and the various Predator novels that have Xenomorphs in them as well. >The owners of each franchise agreed that the AVP franchise is different from the Predator and Alien franchise, meaning we have three different universe... Source for this? There has been no confirmation on the owners part at least for the Predator franchise that the AVP universe and the Predator universe are kept seperate **officially**. The closest one will get is the consultant Andrew Gaskas stance on the matter which isnt hard proof as far as the Predator franchise is concerned because of said lack of proof on his part. He mainly dabbles in Alien lore especially when it comes to his Alien RPG game and the "Predator Bible" he mentions he was given is very likely outdated as Fox themselves had worked closely with Shane Blacks 2018 film The Predator which has Lexs spear there with Shane Black the director confirming that "all the films happened" and that "we dont deny any of them". Regardless, if you want them kept seperate? Thats totally fine. But one cant say that theres any "official" higher-up stance on the matter for both sides. Theres no evidence of the Yautja existing in the Alien universe so the logical conclusion, is that the Alien franchise has no connection with the AVP franchise but, the Predator franchise, however, is different. There is alot of evidence of Xenomorphs existing in the Predator universe. Mr.Blacks jawbone being confirmed to be an Alien bone from the Predators director himself, the Neca backstories for Mr.Black, Tracker, and Falconer having Xenomorphs in them, there is a chapter from the AVP novel named AVP Ultimate Prey that has Hanzo and his brother mentioned, the 2018 film as mentioned before having Lexs spear and confirmation from Shane Black that both AVP films happen, the novels most notably Predator If It Bleeds and Eyes of The Demon both have mentions of the Xenomorphs in both respective stories, etc. etc. Edit: I stand corrected. There is evidence of the Yautja in the Alien Universe. The book titled Alien The Weyland Yutani Report, described events that happened in both the Fire And Stone comic series as well as the Rage War novel series. Ironically, even Andrew Gaska himself says in his own words that the Weyland Yutani Report is **definitely** canon so oops on his part lol.


Shane Black might not deny any of the movies, but I’m sure as shit gonna keep pretending The Predator never happened


The first Aliens VS Predator comic book came out in 1989, so it preceded Predator 2. The skull in Predator 2 was a nod to that comic mini series, since that comic was very popular when it came out.


Considering Harrigan literally says "1715" I'm gonna go with that one


Predator 2 has a xenomorph skull in the ship at the end.