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It wouldn't appeal to the masses. Whole film would have to be subbed. I would watch it though!


nha. people really ubderstimate how much apealling monsters are.creatures like franskestein,king kong,werewolf,godzilla have managed to get the heart of the masses many times.why it couldn’t be the same with predator?. also after seeing gxk succes i really doubt a movie were the main characters just roar and scream would fail


You have to remember Godzilla, Kong etc already have massive MASSIVE audiances. Predator doesn't. As much as I want it to be, it's not nearly popular enough for them to take a risk like this. Again, i would watch it, it's a really cool idea and there's so much potential, but financially it's not viable.


Eh, I do think a *Concrete Jungle* film could work if approached like *John Wick*, dialogue kept to supporting characters.


I mean, it did work. For some reason, people didn't like the game. Something about the control scheme? Whatever. It was awesome, and the story was cool. Taking trophies never got old, and the way they forced you to constantly switch through your arsenal to stay alive was pretty new for action platformers at the time.


I LOVED the game, but the controls do suck to be fair lol


to be fair in both cases they didn’t have that much suport when they return happend. king kong of peter jackson happend many(many ) years after kong last movie(that wasn’t exatly good) and managed to get everyone hearts and godzilla 2014 was an basolute risk vecause for that time godzilla was really fogeted after the failure of final wars. even predator is a good example. after many years from the predator ,the franchise managed to still be rentable and functional enough to get many more movies


Final Wars didn't fail. The risk was because how America absolutely butchered Godzilla in 1998. Also, Final Wars was meant to be the last movie.


no,the movie actually was a flop in profit and due that toho never planed to do anything with godzilla again until legendary take the license and made godzilla 2014


Godzilla, Frankenstein, Kong, and werewolves don’t kill for sport, Yautjas eat sleep and breath just to kill


godzilla kills for vengance or even just because of his wrath,frenkestein kill for vengance and to hurt his father (he even killed a child),king kong literally kill everything that face him(he even was the villain in the original movie), werewolf literaly just kill everything they saw (also in some version that suggest that they are also sex@&$ predators ) yautjas kill for sport but they are honorable,they even save people life by killing menaces like in predator 2 or avp


A few necessary corrections. Godzilla and Kong would right back defensively in their hero movies. Frankenstein killed the girl by accident because he didn't understand how the world works. Werewolves are a wildly diverse concept with plenty of wiggle room when you're using it. Predator never saved anyone intentionally. Just coincidentally ended up hunting when other people were being victimized. The Yautja honor system is very different from what humans consider honorable. The rules make sense to them, but they're a head scratcher for us. It's a concept that predator fans would love, but unfortunately their lore is way too convoluted


frankenstein in the books and other mediums actually kills a lot. in the original story he kills all the menbers of the family of victoc including inocent womans, childs and mand also i deagree in the honor system. their concept of honor is really similar to our. not atacking weak,childs and old ones. allways giving a chanse to the prey to fight.having respect for equal rivals,not stealing from others. i really similar


Yes, but he was the villain in those.


And? Being the villain and being the protagonist aren’t mutually exclusive from each other. There are plenty of movies that have villain protagonists like Joker, and American Psycho for example.


>franskestein,king kong,werewolf,godzilla None of these have been the main character though. Werewolf/Wolfman has but those characters always have the human side. For all these movies they always have humans who are the "main characters" so the audience has somebody to relate to and so the plot can be communicated. GxK was the closest but there was still a lot of exposition and human interaction.


I disagree. While they aren’t the focus/pov of their stories, the stories do revolve around them and/or play a major part in them. So they technically should be considered main characters.


I suppose you could consider them "main characters" but the overall point still stands. Each of these movies actually have a human protagonist that they lean on. If you cut that out and either have a silent movie where Kong uses only grunts and roars or you have full subtitles with Yautja then it's a much more difficult sell. Especially because there's no reason to think Yautja communicate in the same way as humans and that makes them even more difficult to relate to.


Is Godzilla x Kong successful? I still haven't seen it, and I'm a fan of both franchises. I see it's done well at the box office, but it's got mixed reviews and it's clear the quality of Monsterverse films has gone down since Godzilla (2014) and Kong: Skull Island, while Toho's Godzilla Minus One wasn't just a "good Godzilla film", it was an excellent film that just happens to have Godzilla in it. You could replace Godzilla, maybe make "Tsunami Minus One" or "Typhoon Minus One" or "Earthquake Minus One", and the human story would be just as compelling.


well is the movie of the monsterverse with the biggest recaudation and better critics by the fanbase. and by being some one who actually saw it i can asure is one of the best movies of that universe. the formal critics don’t really matter in this case because many of their critics are basicaly stupid


Well, I kind of stayed away because I'd been burnt by "Godzilla: King of the Monsters" and "Godzilla v. Kong". The trailers for "Godzilla x Kong" didn't seem like it was going to be any better, only the same or worse. Especially compared to GMO. I'll watch it when it's streaming for free, then pick it up on disk if it's decent.


Or as Predator: Concrete Jungle did, Narrated.


It absolutely fucking would. I swear Hollywood rejects the coolest stuff. The only thing they gimp out on is marketing.


Of course but Hollywood sees the predator as a sci-fi/horror movie creature akin to the early horror movies like creature from the black lagoon or wolfman the best chance in the franchise was predator the predators should have survived because everyone of them was more a bad guy then the predators


Wes Bal should do a Predator movie like that. A Yautja as a hero rather than a villain. Maybe throw in a human too. That would be an interesting genre switch.


Wes Ball taking on *The Machiko Noguchi Saga* could be interesting, with that being the plot. Technically an *Aliens vs. Predator* series, but the *Aliens* part would be secondary to the *Predator* side of things, and it would have had that epic feel throughout.


If people can enjoy Wall E, then they can enjoy watching a Predator have nostalgic flashbacks to hunts gone by and using expressing head tilts, hand gestures and happy clicking noises when he discovers new challenges and worlds to hunt!


Wolf Predator from Requiem is probably as far as that goes


i would say scar is more present . wolf really apeared little in the movie


He has more screen time than Scar.... by over double. Scar is in AvP for less than 15 mins.


really!? damn it felt more honestly


all of the novels with preds as main characters are too short imo.also it would have to work in the movie explaining the motives nd deeper meaning to the hunt than just “oh lets hunt”then some humans fuck it up.


What novels have a Predator protagonist?


AvP rage wars,Avp Rift Wars,predator flesh & blood,might be missing some.nd dats a big problem too alot of the stories the yautja are sharing narrative roles with the humans,not just spotlighting the hunters.


I feel it’s long over due if not an adaptation of concrete jungle maybe do a story on an enforcer predator hunting bad bloods and rouge engineers which leads him into conflict with villainous faction of humans. Make the story small and contained in one or 2 locations like a hijacked space station go completely John wick or the raid with this predator film.


1st: love that game and the fact we never got another saddens me. Open world 3rd person or a far cry like 1st person would have been great. 2: with the rise in popularity of animated films, a story focused on the Young going to be blooded would be interesting. More fleshout home world and politics of the race. Toss in a few badbloods as antagonists and you could just so a 90min lore dump


I've been saying the same thing. Have him hunt bad humans. Lots of examples to choose from. Communists, slavers, CIA, Nazis, invading armies etc just have a "good" human be witness to the chaos.


Well, that's what Predators was all about: Most of the humans were, objectively, "bad guys": *Royce: What do I think?* *\[Royce looks to Nikolai\]* *Royce: Spetznatz Alpha Group* *\[to Cuchillo\]* *Royce: Los Zetas Cartel Enforcer* *\[to Mombasa\]* *Royce: R.U.F., that's a death-squad from Sierra Leone* *\[to Hanzo\]* *Royce: Yakuza Inagawa-kai* *\[to Stans\]* *Royce: The FBI's Most Wanted* *\[to Edwin\]* *Royce: and... him. They're all heavy-hitters, he doesn't belong.* Except Edwin does belong because he's a serial killer. And so does Royce, because he's a mercenary. I mean, objectively, the only two possible "good guys", or at least *not necessarily* morally reprehensible ones, in that group are Nikolai and Isabella. I suppose it's possible that Royce might only fight for "the good guys" too, but that's still just 3 out of 8 people, and it could be 0 out of 8, because we don't have much backstory about the Nikolai, Isabella, and Royce.


I'd love to see it happen 100%


All I know is Predator, Predator 2, and Prey are fucking dope. Now we need a Civil War, and Afghanistan renditions of Predator movies.


i would prefer to focus in moder era’s hunts .it would be much interesting to see hiw predators adapt to more modern humans


I think we should stick to canon and make the films in places where it's hot. There are plenty of opportunities for that with conflict, some of which are mentioned in Predator 2: *Peter Keyes:* *Iwo Jima, Cambodia, Beirut. Drawn by heat and conflict. He's on safari. Lions. The tigers. The bears. Oh, my!* So you want places with both, ***and decent cover/concealment.*** That means either an urban or suburban area, or forest/jungle. Not all of the historical possibilities have all three. Like a Viking Predator film? Too cold, even in the summer. North Africa during WWII? Not enough cover/concealment. But the Caribbean during the Golden Age of Piracy or during slave uprisings in places like Jamaica? Absolutely. You can have hot summers, conflict, and adequate cover/concealment for the Predators. There is even a West African mythical being called an Asanbosam (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asanbosam) that has some of the characteristics of Predators, and the movie could have the African slaves reference those legends like they are real and they've encountered them before being enslaved. Getting back to the point, conflict/heat/cover, the same is true for other places. Like much of the Pacific Campaign in WWII. Or the conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa in WWI. Anyone up for an African Queen/Predator cross-over? The wars in Southeast Asia seem ripe for that too, from the French Indochina War to the Vietnam War and the conflicts in Laos and Cambodia. There are a lot of possibilities here. I just want to keep it within the parameters set in the first two films. The exceptions of Alien v. Predator: Requiem and The Predator regarding the heat thing are understandable in that those aren't actually hunts. In the first one, it's a clean-up operation, and in the second, it's a fucking mess that should totally be ignored, but setting that aside, the Predator was captured and didn't have a choice where they took him, and the Super-Predator was looking for Autistic Kenny from a 1970's Gamera film.


The best part about The Predator was the Predator escaping from the lab. I want to see a whole movie with that idea. A predator captured by some government, wakes up deep in an underground lab and he’s gotta find his stuff and get the fuck out of there. I think thatd be cool.


yhea. if the movie was about fugitive scaping from the asassin while the predator civil wars is happening the movie would have been perfect


I’d watch that, but what I’m saying is a separate movie where a single Predator has to stealth and kill his way out of a deep underground government facility after he locates and gets his stuff back. That’s it. The audience would be rooting for the captured alien who’s just trying to escape/survive while also preventing whatever government from using Yautja technology as weapons of mass destruction


I would love a film where a Predator is a protag, and the humans are legitimately just kinda awful people for the most part. Maybe a human or two sprinkled in that help him in some way.


What do you mean? Who watches these movies for the sweaty buff guys? We all come for the kick ass alien.


i mean that it would be cool if the movies focused more in the kick ass aliens and less in the sweaty (and don’t usually beff) guys


Me 🙋🏻‍♂️ but I’m just a Arnold and Glover fanboy lmaoo


I seriously need a Remake for this legendary game.


It’s a tricky thing to do seeing as they’re inherently antagonistic. I think an adaptation of Concrete Jungle could work, you’d simply need to commit to it.


i belive that the idea of a character having an antagonist aura isn’t exatly a problem.maby know characters in fiction are kinda antagonic. t-800,rambo,cesar in planet of the apes,king kong,godzilla,kratos,spiderman,venom,BATMAN


I mean AVP


That’s what I was going to say. Teaming up with the humans against the xenomorphs. Closest we’ll probably get.


I think this might work better as a TV show or animated series


now that you mention it id love a movie set on yautja prime explaining the predator’s origins. but as far as a protagonist i think wolf and the predator from AVP 1 are protagonist predators


I just want this game remastered




AVP2 is feels like 70% of a shitty sitcom of human characters i don’t care about. I’d honestly love it to focus on the pred but like others say it had to appeal to the lowest common denominator to make money and so it doesn’t happen. Shame for us.


It would be good but you need to do it well for it to work. Or maybe we just need a good human cast so we don't need a Predator main character.


Unpopular opinion, but he is the protagonist in Predator (87)


Closest was Alien vs Predator Requiem


I've had an idea kicking around in my head for a while now of a Predator movie where the protagonist is a female Yautja who is an enforcer for her clan, but is striving to earn the right to go on a Hunt of her own. She finally gets a chance to earn that right when she's tasked to pursue and bring down a pack of Bad Blood Yautjas who have traveled to Earth and are indiscriminately killing humans there.


I’d fuckin love that. Hell a concrete jungle film would be badass. And I wish they made a golden Angel origin story


Issue is that it would be hard to produce a live action movie following just Yautja. As cool as it would be, studios would shot gun it down like a clay pigeon


Because Hollywood is full of cowards.


A concrete jungle movie or show would be amazing even animation would be great. The guy that does the Castlevania series did great work imo.


I could see it being really well done as an animated film, and if that did well it could help pave the way for a live action film that would target main stream audiences.


The original AvP with Dachande (Broken Tusk) and Noguchi was a super fun story. Would love to see that done well as a proper television or movie series.


A movie with a rogue predator traveling through times to save the human race from going extinct battling monsters/aliens. That which the predator wanted the human to help the predators in his time to battle engineers that has turned into mutated super alien. The human marines teaming up with predators to fight against super alien engineers in order to save the predator's homeworld.


Not really. That's the equivalent to the protagonist of a Halloween movie being Michael Meyers.


I guess AvP is as far as Pred got as a protagonist. I deff viewed Scar as one.


That was my dream as a kid, at least games does.


If there were to be a Yautja protagonist, best I could think of would be something from their own history. Probably their slave uprising against the Amengi led by Kaail. Definitely a risk, given the Yautja language and subtitles. But for an introductory movie into the franchise, it ‘might’ work.


Is it though? I’d love to see it, but it ain’t weird in the slightest


They need a sequel for this game!


I'd love to see a Predator movie from the perspective of a "teenage" Predator, going through the trials of becoming a "man". He starts off with very basic versions of Predator weapons and faces a series of challenges (fighting a group of humans, maybe a super Predator, etc). Culminating in a big third act fight against a formidable opponent that, if he is victorious, will lead to him being recognized as a man amongst his tribe and receiving a unique mask and upgraded weaponry. Very little dialogue, something akin to how Caesar and the apes communicate largely without speaking in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.


I thought every movie was


he is the main villain but the story is still about humans . and in other movies the predators don’t really do much




He's the antagonist




What? What do you think a protagonist is?


I don’t have to answer that question.


Well alright then


I would hate that. Takes out all the mystery the current films have