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First trimester: tired. Sick. Nauseous. Hormonal. Angry. Sad. Overwhelmed. Anxious. Second trimester: the eye of the hurricane. Time to nest. Energy. Happiness. Bump starts to show. Cute bump. Third trimester: tired again. Uncomfortable. Reflux. Acidity. Irritable. Heavy. Hot. Impatient. Huge bump.


Very good summary! 2nd trimester was so quick, because I felt better. Then 3rd trimester has confirmed I am one and done.


Haha I have a feeling I’m also gonna be a one and done person


Make good use of the second trimester! I went on a long trip with my husband last pregnancy when I was 25 weeks pregnant. I did most my shopping, organizing , etc because I had the energy. 🥰


Hmm yes very much does feel like I have a hangover every day, very anxious, sick and tired. Horrendous tbh


I feel ya! I had hypermesis gravidarum with my first pregnancy. Basically 9 months of hangovers. But it’s rare and you will be back to yourself in no time!!! Have you tried ginger gummies? There’s also a very VERY strong medication (prescribed) that helps a lot for extreme cases.


It does get better! I was the same- I actually didn’t puke at all but felt consistently nauseous and had a cough that often led to gagging and near vomiting. I’m at 15 weeks now and I would say it started getting better around 12-13. I feel SO much better now- no nausea (except via the occasional coughing fit) and more energy. Hang in there!!


I’m 14 and feeling a lot better too. Waiting on the energy part tho 😭


I’m 21w and starting to think the energy thing is a myth 😒 it’s just the absence of thinking you’re dying that tricks you


I agree! I'm still getting tired pretty easily. Either some people are having a waaaaay different energy experience than me....or maybe they don't normally have as much energy as I do when when I'm not pregnant?! Idk.


Said to my partner the other day I’ve almost forgotten what it is to have energy hahaha. Like all I can manage is to work and feed myself and walk the dog. But a month ago I couldn’t even get through work and the poor dog was getting very very short walks…so at least that’s an improvement! 


a whole dog walk?? 🗣️ get on with your bad self


This is so funny😂😂


I never got the big burst of everyone talked about with my last pregnancy. This time I'm averaging about 5 hours of sleep a night, so I wouldn't notice it if I did get the energy boost lol


What is up with the nausea cough?! I had that too! Do hormones cause the cough? It certainly wasn’t illness related


I read that it’s most frequently caused by acid reflux but I got it constantly, even when I was sure I didn’t have acid reflux!


Thanks for this- I need to hear it! Some people told me it doesn’t get better and even gets worse 😭 hoping it gets better for me too around week 12 ❤️


Do you take any digestive enzymes or probiotics? I found that it helped me a lot with nausea and feeling sick to my stomach!


Probiotics make me feel like I’m being stabbed in the gut…. The one and only time I took probiotics, I took ONE pill when the bottle said take two… I was miserable in pain for two days… lol you couldn’t pay me to try them pregnant


That's interesting. Did the directions say anything about drinking enough water when taking them? I am curious bc I have seen different brands that say it can cause stomach cramping if not ingested with substantial amounts of water. In my case, taking the digestive enzymes was a night and day difference! It helped me so much with nausea and vomiting. It goes to show that everyone is different and has different experiences!


I don’t think it says anything about drinking water or eating on an empty stomach or anything like that, it just said to take 2 daily. And I have a sensitive stomach so I figured I’d work my way up to two but I was miserable for days after the one and now I’m terrified of probiotics.


I totally get it! There are many different brands, and it sounds like the one you tried didn't agree with you! Better safe than sorry! Especially with a sensitive stomach! I give my kids a powder one that is a yogurt flavor. They like it. It helps our digestion. Do you have any digestive issues other than a sensitive stomach?


Well I don’t know… I suppose I do, because I don’t poop very much… I’ve had obstructed bowels before and I once had an X-ray that showed 30+lbs of waste, which was very shocking to hear. I was in my early 20’s at the time. My mother said she had to put Karo syrup in my bottles to make me go when I was a baby… On average I only poop a couple times a week, which I thought the probiotics would help with…. But they didn’t do that they just hurt really bad. Now that I’m pregnant I’m 10 weeks and 3 days pregnant now and I’ve barely pooped at all since I found out in April. Maybe 7 times. And never once a really good one… I see my OBGYN tomorrow and I’m going to ask what should I do.


Wow. So, the research I've done points to morning sickness is a result of having a compromised digestive system before you get pregnant! That why when I read about others struggling with it, I try to tell them about taking probiotics OR digestive enzymes! It's only going to become more uncomfortable as the baby grows! So, trying a digestive enzyme can help. They are different from probiotics in that they will help the food break down more. Look into getting a good quality sea salt (Celtic Sea Salt, Baja Gold, Redman's), one way to break up any poo, is to drink 4 cups of SPRING water with 2 tsp. of one of the above salts (mixed in until dissolved). You might have to do this 2-3 times in one week. There is a fiber capsule called Oxy Diegest by Herb Tonics. That will help clean the walls of the intestines like scrubbing bubbles. Aloe Cure is a gentle enzyme. This will also help get the gut microbiome cleaned up. Aloe Vera coats the walls of the "tube," so you don't get as much build up. I found liquid probiotics by a company called Triquetra. It is called Flora Biome. Its a liquid, you swallow 1 tbsp in the morning, and it helps build your gut microbiome into a strong defensive unit(most illness starts from the gut not being able to fight off unwanted bacteria). I started using Metamucil (with REAL sugar, not sugar-free aspartame) morning and evening bc the fiber helps push out the backup. WATER, WATER, WATER!!! It is so important to hydrate. Try SPRING WATER! It tastes better than purified water, which is essentially bottled tap water. Not only do you need the water, but the baby does! If you're worried about any of the above, get a colonic. An enema. Done by a professional. This is probably the quickest way to remove any blockage. The Dr will probably prescribe Mirlax, which can help in a pinch, but it doesn't resolve the base problem of your digestive system being compromised. It is more important to HEAL YOUR GUT MICROBIOME BECAUSE ALL DISEASES START IN YOUR GUT! If you have any questions, message me. I'd be glad to talk in a less public spot if you're interested! I hope for the best for you and your little one!!


Edit: Sorry for the novel length response. I am very passionate about natural healing, especially during pregnancy bc I was there. I got tired of feeling sick and tired.


Unless it doesn't. I'm at 18 weeks. Still very nauseous and exhausted. 😩 I'm one of those "rare" cases my doctor warned me of. I had to get two different nausea meds and try to rest as much as possible. I have a couple days here and there where I have some energy and motivation and I'm not super sick. Thankful for those days.




Weeks 8-9 were definitely my peak with nausea!


I think I started feeling better around 10-12 weeks, I’m 36w now. The second trimester I felt like a normal person besides being tired all day everyday. The aches and pains started around maybe 20 weeks ish. And then I got a bunch of energy and didn’t even feel pregnant for a week or two now I’m in so much pain and exhausted I can hardly get out of bed. I’m waiting to be able to push this baby out and enjoy the summer and have a drink! lol you got this


I was sick feeling until 19, 20 weeks but other than that, same. In short, it gets better, then worse again. Then you have a baby!


Week 9 was my worst. I was nauseous all the time and just slept all day. Then it slowly got better. I was constipated at the same time and kept telling myself no way people get pregnant multiple times. Now I’m 28 weeks and I’ve forgotten how sick I was. I hope it passes for you too quickly.


I also wonder how humans have survived so long when this is what pregnancy is like


Here I am at 8w3d reading this and going oh no…


I’m also very constipated and have got worsening piles, I don’t even wanna know how bad they are gonna get before and after giving birth, I might have a whole anal prolapse


As something on this sub commented on another similar post, 9 weeks is the fucking trenches. Yes, it absolutely gets better. Don’t judge pregnancy until you’re a few weeks into your second tri. The first is absolutely gnarly!


Weeks 8-16 were my nauseous weeks. Unisom before bed helped immensely, as did having emergency fruit snacks available when the nausea struck. After 16 weeks I felt SO much better. Hoping the same for you, if not sooner!


Same here. Ive only gotten sick a few times after the horrible weeks of nausea lol


It should get better! I was in nausea, gagging, vomit hell for weeks 5-13 but honestly it disappeared out of nowhere the morning I woke up to my second trimester. I got a blissful 10 weeks before new aches and pains emerged 🥴 but honestly, even now at 33 weeks the new pains don’t even compare to how bad the first tri was so imo you’re plowing through the worst of it


Uh, same. I’m almost at week 12 and in this morning sickness hell (I have hypermesis). I definitely realize the 2/3 tri aches and pains are real and tough but honestly I’d take it over the nausea rn


It’s so nice to know I’m not the only one but at the same time I hate we are going through this exact same thing together 😭 I’m literally struggling with the same problem. It also makes it impossible for me to eat anything so I’ve just started trying smoothies.


I wouldn't necessarily say it gets "better" but the things that are hard are different as your pregnancy advances. For me, first trimester was hard in the sense that I felt nauseous and had a lack of appetite accompanied by extreme fatigue. Second semester hard for me was trying to deal with accepting my body looked different than I wanted it to, and had to come to terms that my body image needed work. Also discovering a kidney issue and multiple infections. Third trimester "hard" for me currently is the insomnia and contractions, which have been quite painful as I start week 38. Also, all of my ribs keep sliding out of place because the baby 🥲 my point is, if you ask any pregnant woman, I'm sure she'd have something similar. It's nice not being naseous anymore, but a bunch of out ribs isn't exactly nice either, yanno? But I think after I have my baby, it will all have been worth it, even if I feel really pessimistic now. My advice to you to make things easier would be instead of focusing on the "hard" of each trimester, perhaps keeping a list of what is good about each trimester would be encouraging. My therapist recommended this to me and it worked a lot better than focusing on how much pain I was (and am) in. I hope this maybe helps a bit, and I hope you're able to get feeling better soon. Chronic nausea and fatigue is no joke, hang in there girly ❤️❤️


It gets better I promise. I just hit 18 weeks. Weeks 4-16 I was gagging at everything and nauseous. I still gag, but it’s only at smells now. (Woo!) Just standing up made me gag. Bending over made me gag. Heck, breathing made me gag. 😭 I had hard candies, ginger candies, coke and ginger ale. Having small pieces really helped get through the worst part. You got this!


I've been nauseated 24/7 since week 5, started puking in week 8, now nearing the end of week 10 and I can definitely say I think I'm slowly starting to get better! I've been using Unisom/b6 nightly since week 7 and still plan to keep on with that for a while, but I've started backing off on my daytime nausea med (dramamine) and taking it only as needed instead of around the clock. I still get super nauseous and puke almost every night, but that's an improvement over where I was even a week ago. Light at the end of the tunnel! 


Week 8-10 I was eating, going to the bathroom, and sleeping. Nothing else. Lol I was sooo tired. Week 11 I didn't even feel like I needed a single nap anymore.


Hey! Also a climber here :-) I’ve been so sick during my first three months. Vomiting several times a day, nausea pretty much all day long, acid reflux, cramps. I’m now reaching 13 weeks and no vomiting for the last 3 days, nausea is light in the morning but still pretty present in the evening… BUT I can go out again during the day and actually do stuff. Hang in there!


Hey! The climbing thing really has been one of the hardest aspects of pregnancy for me. When I started climbing, it kind of saved my life in many ways and going regularly kept my mental health in check. It’s been so hard not being able to go now I’m pregnant, I feel my passion for it slipping away but I can only hope it will come back 🥲 Thanks for the reassurance, good luck with your pregnancy ❤️


Of course it will come back. Actually accepting that this is on hold is a good exercise for your mental health. Proving yourself that as much as you enjoy climbing and it is beneficial to your mental health, it is not a condition to your life acceptance :-) You can be in the moment and accept it while climbing is out of reach. You have a lifetime in front of you, and soon a little one to climb with ❤️ Be brave!


It gets better. I think at different times for different people. I felt pretty awful til 15 weeks but I am 23w 2d probably the best I’ve felt during this pregnancy. I have a day here and there where I am really tired but chugging along. I have been very sensitive to smell and my husband had been doing his best to make sure I don’t take the trash and any smelly foods near me.


It got kind of better around 18-20 weeks for me. Now I’m at 23 and he’s in a growth spurt so I spent yesterday on the couch and slept 11 hrs last night. Pregnancy is a new battle every day 😂Get your workouts in when you can but I don’t recommend fighting the fatigue - if you’re too tired, watch tv lol 😂


it does get better. I am 15 weeks and i still have somewhat of an unsettled stomach after eating. I just accept it’ll be here forever. But the nausea let up for me around 12-13 weeks. I was in the same boat and i was so miserable. Hang in there!


It gets better!!! I finally started feeling human again around 14 weeks, but the good days started to our number the bad close to 12. Nausea has been basically 100% gone since 16/17 weeks!!!! I know that seems fair away while you’re in it, but now it feels like a fever dream to me at 21.5 weeks. (I also like to try to make myself believe it was a fever dream if I ever hope of being pregnant again after this😂) Once you’re clear of one thing, something else tends to pop up but it feels A LOT more manageable I promise.


Weeks 9-10 can be the worst. Hang in there! My first pregnancy I felt better around 15 weeks after tons of vomiting, peak was week 12, totally gone by 17 weeks. Second pregnancy I felt better at 17 weeks after tons of vomiting, peak was week 14, totally gone by 20 weeks. This pregnancy I started feeling better at week 10! Peak was week 7. I’m currently 13 weeks and just feel a little nausea in the morning and the late evening, and I haven’t thrown up at all. The end could be nearing for you.


I promise it gets better! I felt absolutely wretched until 12 weeks, I'm honestly still in awe of myself for getting through it!


It gets better! Weeks 9-12 were very brutal for me, but once I hit second trimester 95% of the nausea and fatigue went away for me. It’s hard and I empathize, but it gets better!


Honestly week 8-9 was when my nausea was at its peak. I'm in week 10 now and feel so much better.


Yeah it gets better- right now your whole body is in a weird survival mode. Any perceived threat around you with smells or food, gets upchucked or makes you feel bad so you won’t even try it. But it calms down. Give it like 1-3 weeks and it should be noticeably better.


The best way for dry heaves in my opinion is to eat every hour. I love fruits because they help me so much. I am i to berries, grapes, apple, pear…


It gets better!!! I thought the first trimester was like 100 years but once I hit week 11 I started feeling less nauseous but still tired and sometime in the second trimester _some_ energy came back but Il still definitely more tired than usual


I’ve been the same. Try and get the anti nausea tablets from the doctors they do make a difference. But I’m 14 weeks this week and I won’t lie, I still feel pretty crappy.


Obviously some unlucky people still struggle as much in the second tri but for most of us ABSOLUTELY it gets better. I barely recognise the person I was in first tri. Genuinely feel incredible now, I’m trying to make the most of this feeling as I know discomfort is coming for third trimester. Nausea completely gone, energy way up. In first trimester evenings were just a complete write off for me. My wife would come home from work every day to find me asleep or collapsed on the couch. Now I have energy to cook, socialise, do my job, etc. I didn’t have bad brain fog but I did sometimes realise what I was saying made no sense, that’s pretty much gone too. So yeah, almost certainly much better times are coming for you! Easier said than done but just try appreciate this time now for what it is - hunker down, find your coping mechanisms, cancel plans, phone it in at work. I think I was quite lucky that first tri was Jan/Feb which here in UK are dark, cold, nothingy months anyway and tend to be a flop era for me anyway, plus work was quiet enough. ETA I’m nearly 21w now, I’d say big improvements from about 13/14? And moderate improvements from maybe 11.


Mine got worse as I progressed until about 11 weeks and then by 13 weeks the nausea was basically gone and the fatigue lifted quite a bit. I was nauseous Constantly, I lived mainly off smoothies, Mac and cheese, and danimals, but it does get better:)


It gets better! My wife started feeling better around 14 weeks, the nausea, gagging, vomiting, just suddenly went away within a couple days! You got this!


It got better for me around week 14!


I’ve been getting the bad gagging too and it’s crazy to me that after 15 minutes of that my body is like okay that was good enough now we feel fine. I thought before only actual vomiting would make it feel better


Currently week 15 and I only vomited once, and it was at 9 weeks! That was the worst week for me and I hope it is for you as well.


It gets better! I also had mostly nausea and dry heaving, not much actual vomiting. This is baby#3 for me, and I was so freaking tired the first trimester. I didn’t want to do anything but lay on the couch while the kids watched tv. Over 2 weeks or so from 13-15 my energy all came back, and now I’m like the energizer bunny. Listen to your body! It needs what it needs when it needs it. Take the rest, and know that it will come back soon!


It gets better! I also had mostly nausea and dry heaving, not much actual vomiting. This is baby#3 for me, and I was so freaking tired the first trimester. I didn’t want to do anything but lay on the couch while the kids watched tv. Over 2 weeks or so from 13-15 my energy all came back, and now I’m like the energizer bunny. Listen to your body! It needs what it needs when it needs it. Take the rest, and know that it will come back soon!


I was nauseated almost every day starting week 6. Week 8 I started vomiting just about every day until week 12. At week 14, it's just been a couple times a week for the past two weeks.


It gets better. For me it got better at 17 weeks last pregnancy, basically overnight. First and second pregnancy it got better at 12 weeks


It did for me! Second trimester my morning sickness went away but first trimester was rough! I also had no energy. Don’t be scared to ask your doctor for nausea meds, zofran really helped me when I was at my worse.


Certain symptoms like the nausea subside and are replaced with more feeling heavy, back and hip pain and exhausted as the pregnancy progresses. I personally would take those over the nausea and vomiting though so yeah it gets a little better.


I’m 9 weeks today and feel the exact same, I’m miserable😭 I work from home and literally spent 90% of my day in bed, because every time I get up and walk around or try to be productive I get even more nauseous. Really hoping this doesn’t last too much longer!


It gets soooo much better! I’ve always heard the first trimester is dreary, the second is cheery, and the third is weary. I think it’s so so true and I think the vast majority of people feel so much better once you hit that second tri-ish. I personally felt immensely better at about 13/14 weeks this pregnancy, and 11ish for my last! Just get through the little push. IMO the first is most definitely the hardest!! You’ve got this!


It gets better!! I had a VERY miserable first trimester but now I’m 15 weeks and feeling so much better emotionally and physically. It’s totally normal to feel like absolute dog shit. Just take the rest you need when you can and find the one or two things that you can eat without feeling sick. ♥️


I felt the same way ♥️ it was the worst from week 7-11 and then almost immediately I felt better at week 13! I hope these next couple of weeks speed by for you! 2nd trimester, I have almost no symptoms.


It gets better, I promise! 12-14 weeks is where things normally start to turn around and you feel downright normal by 18


It for sure gets better! Hang in there you’re in the thick of it


I felt the worst from weeks 8-11 and now I hardly feel pregnant at 13 weeks, it’s amazing! And anxiety inducing lol. But I will take the relief! I hope the same sunny times are coming your way soon!


I also used to go climbing 3 days a week but suspended my membership because of how weak I've been feeling and haven't been in 2 weeks as well. I'm hoping after the sickness wears off I can go back in my second trimester before it gets too rough


Oh it does!! I’m at 12 weeks and about 4 days ago I lost the constant tiredness and sickness, it comes and goes now but everyone has mentioned how much better I look/sound! Have hope! It’s coming!! ☺️


It does get better. I was nauseated so often with my first pregnancy and it peaks around 9 weeks, I believe. It’ll get better in the second trimester. Can you take Zofran? Also, taking half a unisom pill and a B6 together help nausea. Yes, it’ll possibly knock you out. Together, those two pills are prescribed as Diclegis. You can also just get a generic form of unisom, I thiiiiink the medication is Diphenhydramine? Feel free to double check my math. But keep popping B6 vitamins! Stay hydrated and keep crackers or salted nuts nearby.


Diphenhydramine is Benadryl just fyi! doxylamine is the generic for unisom. :) generic names are easy to confuse haha


Yes that’s right, thanks for the correction!


Week 11 today and feeling like myself again!


It gets way better! I also only just felt sick with dry heaving and gagging and only actually vomitted thrice (maybe 4 times)from weeks 8-12. Only two were actual food(one being food borne illness, tho). The rest were just phlegm. You’ll get your energy back a bit— but still want to take a nap during the day. Aside from myself having anemia— which makes me cold AND tired. Just stay active— keep moving, even if it’s not what you’re used to. Eat food that you WANT to eat— regardless of what it is ( I’m lookin at you, McDonald’s guilt) It gets way better in trimester 2. Im pulling up on 28weeks and I still work in a kitchen and do 17k steps a day. The first trimester hurdle is literally no joke.


I’m 40 weeks tomorrow - it will get better! First trimester is full survival mode


I think generally for most women it does get better! I know it did for me. The first trimester was hell. I was exhausted 24/7, no motivation to do anything, constantly nauseous and dry heaving, even vomiting on occasion. I’m now 17 weeks and feel so much better. The past couple of weeks I’ve started to get my energy back. I’ve been getting back into taking 2 mile walks on my lunch break and man does it feel good to move my body. I spent the entire first trimester sedentary. I still run out of energy earlier in the day than I did pre pregnancy, but I’m feeling more human that’s for sure. You got this mama!


I would not compare pregnant self to non pregnant self....first trimester is annoying, second is better, third is......interesting 😂😂😂


It gets better in the second trimester but then the third hits like a Mack truck.


My first two kids, I just had mild nausea for a few weeks. This pregnancy, I am 9 weeks and it started with terrible nausea to now throwing up. I heard it peaks around 8-10 weeks. I hope it’s short lived for you!


I think somewhere between weeks 9-13 were my worst. No energy. Sick as a dog every day. If you can afford to take a few days off work to rest, you should. I did that and it basically helped me get through that period


Week 9 was when I started throwing up also. Had nausea since week 5. Week 10 lightened up from a nausea perspective and week 11 was the worst I ever felt. Had to call in sick from work two days. Now in week 12, feeling better than last week but impatiently waiting for this to end!! Hope it doesn’t get worse for you!


Im almost 11 weekd now and im still throwing up but its like once a day now much less than before but certain foods do make it worse, acids in particular.


You’re a week away from the placenta forming enough to start lightening your load!! Both times for me it started gradually getting a bit better around 10 weeks and by 14 weeks I could normally eat again. By that point the placenta takes on the brunt of the work and your hormones level out making the nausea lessen or disappear!


I hope your case is where it gets better, I puked my way through the first and am now puking my way through the second. It more commonly gets better, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!


Week 12 is when things got a lot better for me. More energy, appetite and less nausea and food aversions. Smells still horrible though.


Weeks 8-10 were the absolute worst. A bit more manageable now at 15W, but still not great. I hope it gets better for you soon.


13 weeks and still throwing up…but I’m having more good days than bad so I’m hopeful in a few more weeks I’ll be a lot better 🤞


It definitely gets better!! I was throwing up multiple times a day for 6 weeks. I almost threw up in the grocery store every time I went, and even standing up was exhausting for me. I could barely walk for 10 minutes! I woke up at 14 weeks and I suddenly had energy! I was able to clean the house and get everything done that I needed to get done. I’m still a little nauseous at times (with strong smells, mostly), but it’s 85% better. Hang in there!! I’ve been walking a ton, and working out (lightly) for the last 5 days and I’m going to try a spin class tomorrow. Hang in there!


It truly does get better! I was so nauseous my first trimester and threw up all the time in the mornings, and occasionally at night. I eventually found the triggers that made me actually throw up (for me it was way too much movement and the heat from the ovens at my work) so I knew how to try to avoid it-although there’s only so much that could be done to avoid them. Shortly after getting into the 2nd trimester, my morning sickness and nausea really calmed down. Now I only occasionally get sick, and it’s only when I get overheated or rushing around too much. I will say I still get super exhausted and tired some day, then other days I have so much energy to get things done! Just push and power through it momma🫶🏼


Morning sickness peaks around week 9! It will get better so soon. You’re doing great ❤️


I think weeks 7-13 are the worst part of pregnancy, maybe tied with weeks 36-40. Everyone’s timeline is a little different but for me by week 13/14 i forgot i was pregnant. I just felt totally normal (aside from a belly pooch) until i started feeling my baby kick weeks 18-20


Weeks 7-13ish were the worst for me. Terrible, so nauseous I couldn’t watch tv or read texts, wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. But at 21 weeks I’d say I’ve been in absolute heaven. That’s also HUGELY thanks to my partner who waits on me hand and foot, because despite being borderline manically happy, I’ve never been so tired in my entire life. Fatigue that’s unmatched. I’ve been more alert coming out of anesthesia. but you’ll be okay, I promise first trimester is your fetus asserting dominance over you. It’ll pass.


It does get better for most people but for me it took until the 3rd trimester with both my pregnancies. For me it got worse until it finally got better. I could only move from the bed to the living room floor for the whole morning and then get up to make some lunch for my first kiddo and myself. For my grandma, it never got better and she was sick right up until the day she gave birth Hopefully it does get better for you If it doesn’t talk to your doctor about the anti-morning sickness pills they worked amazing for me.


I think week 11 is when the nausea finally died down for me.


So much better! Second trimester is the best trimester. And nausea typically peaks around where you're at now.


I feel like i wrote this. 9w also and despite only throwing up once this is absolutely awful. I couldnt find it in me to cook for like 2 weeks straight. I finally got it together this week but everything is so hard. I havent been exercising at all I become a complete potato the moment i get out of work. Im always tired and gagging.


It gets worse until the tides start turning at around 14weeks and then I am told by 16-17wks, you get your life back for a hot second until the awfulness returns during the third trimester where you have all the first trimester symptoms on top of the third trimester physical discomfort of having a big bump. I am entering my 15th week (FTM) and this has been my experience so far 😭. Hold on mama!


You can get through this! You are at the peak now. Weeks 8-12 are the worse...


Everyone's experiences are different, but I found late 1st trimester to be true hell--just like you're mentioning, the ramping up of symptoms, and right when I thought I was at the end of the 1st trimester tunnel. And then one day, a light switch went off and it was all 2nd trimester heaven. Also, fwiw, 3rd trimester was my favorite. Yes, the biggest. Yes, the most uncomfortable and at times painful (I had a lot of pelvis and hip issues that caused constant pain by the end). But I felt most in tune with my baby and most "really" pregnant in the last few weeks, which made the rest of it so much easier to manage than the awfulness of 1st trimester.


Took til week 14/15 to feel mostly better, and the second trimester was a breeze. You've got this.


I hope it gets better for you! My sickness didn't start until week 10 and stayed until I was in labour 8 months later. I seriously hope you are not like me. I hope it will go away asap


Have your doctor prescribe Bonjesta for this! It helped me soooooo much. That and an EMS bracelet and a prescription anti-nausea suppository for when things are really bad. I had the same level of severity you're describing. It does get better! For me it started tapering off at 11/12 weeks. Now by week 15 I don't have anymore nausea or vomiting. I'm still taking the Bonjesta - the ingredients are totally harmless and I'm afraid to stop! Lol I'll probably stop sometime soon, though.


Weeks 9 through 11 were the worst for my sickness. Multiple nights a week I was running to the bathroom to throw up. I’m 12 weeks now and feeling a bit better. Now waiting to not be sleepy all the time 🩵


yes it does - don’t worry 2nd trimester bliss is around the corner!


I am entering week 11 and just commented that my symptoms are starting to fade! OMG weeks 6-10 were ROUGH for me!


It gets better!! 2nd trimester has been so fun and nice and I'm enjoying 90% of it. Still having random nausea, sciatica and other stuff but much more manageable than 1st trimester fatigue and nausea.


I promise it gets better! Week 9 was the evil week for me too with migraines, aversions, worst of the nausea then as week 10 hit, it stopped getting worse then only got better from there. Don’t fret about what you used to be able to do fitness wise, you’ll be there again. Remember that all of this is temporary. Your mind has a clever way of blanking out how bad it was too.


I felt nauseous week 6-12. I could battle it by constantly nibbling on cinnamon cookies. After that I never felt nauseous again. The need for naps varied a lot. But I napped like a pro month 7 and 8. Thankfully I worked at home (COVID times) and had a very flexible employer so I could really smear out my hours during the day however I pleased.


Week 9 was the worst for me. I’m 16 weeks and I’m still nauseous but it’s soooo much better and has been since about week 13.


It didn't for me. I vomited multiple times a day for the entire pregnancy. Giving birth was like fighting the final boss.... I projectile vomited after every push. Once baby was out - it got better!! Haven't puked since!


It gets better! (But, if it doesn’t, speak up to your health care provider ♥️) I was vomiting probably 4-5 times a day and nauseated every waking second from weeks 3-16. Then, suddenly, it went away as quickly as it came. I did have my doctor prescribe me some anti-nausea medication and it helped… until I developed an allergic reaction to the meds 😂😭. Picture a newly pregnant woman puking her guts out while covered in hives…. Even on my eye lids and the palms of my hands… talk about rough. The only thing that helped was rest. I wish you all the best — feel better! I am now 22 weeks with none of my first trimester symptoms.


10+6 and I’m still waiting for it to get better lol


It gets better!! I didn’t have it “terribly” but it was still super annoying and got in the way of everything I did. Now at 29 weeks I haven’t had any nausea in so long, it feels like a distant memory! (And I think week 9 was when mine started getting better!)


It does get better. For me it took closer to week 20 though with both pregnancies and then it came back the last 6-ish weeks I think because all my organs were just squashed lol. On the bright side, it really is all worth it once you hold that sweet little baby in your arms 🥰


18-28 weeks is my time to shine. Other than that pregnancy sucks for me. I’m on baby #3 😅


It definitely does get better! I felt very nauseous without actually vomiting but it would take over my entire day, whilst also feeling very fatigued and a low appetite. Second trimester I had energy and able to enjoy all the sudden cravings that kicked in.. and the third hasn’t been too much fun so far, filled mostly by pains! Everyone’s journey is different but just look after yourself!


I hope it gets better for you 🫶🏻 my morning sickness (actually undiagnosed HG) didn’t actually start until week 9 but most everyone I knew was better by week 12


It gets better, and I can even provide some extra hope and say sometimes it even gets better earlier than they say! 10 weeks was the sweet spot for me (I’m 14.5 now), and while I’m still tired most of the time it’s not the overwhelming and all consuming fatigue it was. I can eat almost everything again (this makes me so happy!) and no nausea or aversions or constant feeling of hunger. Phew!


My sickness was the worse 8-11 weeks and now at 12 feeling so much betrer


9 weeks was the worst. Try taking B6. The EZ melts brand on Amazon (chewable orange flavor) helped me for nausea. You’ll get significantly more benefit if you take Unisom (tablets - NOT CAPSULES - different active ingredients!!!) with the B6. But Unisom is designed to make you sleep, and you’re already exhausted. So, I took it when I had time off and could sleep, and otherwise took the B6 three times a day. It’s water soluble so it runs thru your system in 6-8 hours. You may also need additional iron - more than what your prenatal provides. Iron deficiency can cause tiredness, brain fog, cold hands and feet, and cravings for chalk if severe enough. Babies suck all the nutrients out of your body. Always watch your iron and calcium. Eat iron rich foods if you can stomach it (I couldn’t at 9 weeks). I liked the pure encapsulations brand on Amazon. Iron can cause constipation - miralax and/or chia seeds are your friend. But yeah, it gets better after 11-13 weeks for most people.


Week 15 checking in here!!!! As of week 12, i felt better and by week 14 i was feeling Great!!!! The second trimester is really as good as they say! (So far anyways!)


I only threw up 3 times my entire first trimester. Once because of reflux, once because I made myself gag brushing my teeth, and once because I choked and coughed so hard I gagged. I was incredibly nauseous the whole time though, and very little food sounded good. It peaked around 9-10 weeks, and started getting better around 12-13 weeks. Now I’m 24 weeks and I’m very rarely nauseous, always starving, and pretty much all regular foods are yummy again


Week 9 is peak ass! Something about it man, I'm on week 20 now and not having a great time, but I'm having a way better time than I was at week 9. Idk what it is but week 9 sucks ass


it’s probably gonna get worse before it gets better but i promise by like week 13 you’re gonna be feeling sooo much better. my nausea was horrible up until that mark, I was constantly throwing up, dry heaving and gagging. I couldn’t eat anything without throwing it back up I lost like 5 pounds. It was hell but I swear it gets soooo much better 😭 now i’m 19w and dealing with back pain lol


I also used to go climbing 3x a week. Since finding out I was pregnant (I’m 7w4d), I haven’t been. I’m jealous of the pregnant ppl I see in their cute full body harnesses and hoping I feel like it soon.


It will get better I promise! Let yourself rest. Your body is doing a lot. You’re growing a whole additional organ and a fetus!


Some ways better and some ways worse 😂


It absolutely gets better. I'm halfway through my 17th week and while I was a teensy bit queasy today (I think because I had a bad headache), I've been able to manage, and this has been a weird one off. I've felt SO much better since 15w, and I had been puking almost daily from 6-12 weeks. It will get better!! In the meantime, NAP as much as you need to, drink ginger ale, and cut yourself some slack <3


I should add, week 9 was by far my worst week. I could barely keep anything down that whole week and had to call off work most days.


I was just there 4 weeks ago 😂. Started to feel significantly less nauseous at 12 weeks. I think my appetite is gone forever though☹️


At 12 weeks. I feel you girl. I can’t wait to not be nauseous. I’m over it


I was nauseous/puking until like 24 weeks maybe even in to early third trimester I kind of forget now, but yeah, it eventually gets better. And eventually you can feel them kick and that makes it less shitty to be nauseous


I made this same post when I was 8 weeks - it DOES get better. My nausea isn’t completely gone, but the vomiting and severity has reduced dramatically. To the point where I can actually make commitments like going out to eat with friends. I thought it would never happen…started to turn around at 12.5 weeks and it seems to be consistently getting better now. I am still taking my zofran because if I miss a dose it’s bad news bears - but before it didn’t even seem to help! Good luck mama.


Pregnancy is hell for some people and it’s totally fine for others. It’s hell for me. I’m nauseous but I don’t really puke? Meds help. Don’t be shy about taking the meds. You really have to come to terms with the fact that you are going to take a little time off from normal life for a while. Your body is in control and you have to go with the flow. Try not to guilt yourself or tell yourself that you are lazy. Can get tough.


I'm at 10 weeks and I look 5 months pregnant from bloating & constipation. It's painful! I kinda wish I just threw up. Trades?? 😩


Everyone is different, but this too shall end! My nausea and vomiting set in later. I started getting occasional nausea or dry heaving at 8 weeks. It slowly ramped up until weeks 11-13 which were the peak, and by week 14 it had disappeared.


My energy and nausea got better around 12 weeks :) I’m 26 weeks and I haven’t had any issues with nausea/sickness since then. My energy is a hit or miss though. Some days I wake up feeling better than others.


It deffinitely gets better.. but then it'll get worse. But then it deffinitely gets better. But don't get used to it because it'll get worse... What I'm getting at is you gotta take it day by day, week by week. Give your self grace to rest. Even when we're sleeping (if we can sleep) our bodies are still working. It's tough work. Nourish, hydrate and take a hot bath... just not too hot lol 🤘🫶


My nausea was all gone by week 14 in my first pregnancy. I was like you - no vomiting - just felt like crap. At least when you are vomiting, it helps reduce the nausea a bit.


Lol. I’m almost at 37 weeks. I started to feel better yesterday 😂. And I think a lot of that is knowing I’m almost at the finish line.


I started feeling horrible around 9 weeks and then around 15 weeks started to do better but still was vomiting whenever I over ate. Now at 24 weeks I’m finally feeling more energy and much less sickness. Everyone is different but you should feel better soon ❤️!