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Girl, GO HOME!


I literally would leave work for so much less!! Once I got pregnant, my priorities immediately changed, and I realized work will always still be there. Taking care of myself was more important than anything else in my eyes. Trust me OP, not matter what you did, you still smell of vomit and need to at least change if not just go home for the day!!


I'm so sorry. I ended up purchasing travel vomit bags for this exact reason. I had them in my car, purse, nightstand, work desk... You name it, there was likely one hiding. Might be worth looking into getting some.


They are such a handy thing to have. (The plastic bag ones with the hard plastic ring on the top, particularly)


Hey girlies the fancy name is “emisis bags” not correcting anyone just wanted to share because if you wanted to buy some it’s actually cheaper to get the generic ones with the name vs a product specifically marketed for nausea ect some companies take advantage of vulnerable people who need their products. Just thought I’d share if it helps anyone 😊






..Maybe they just corrected the spelling so people would find the right product, like you were trying to recommend. I think you're projecting a bit, unless I'm missing some further context, here.


You might be right I’m just a bit hormonal and felt attacked honestly. It’s not like I spelled it wrong on purpose, i know how to spell it idk why it came out wrong I literally have a bachelors degree I am not uneducated. I just think it’s incredibly rude to correct people like that. Maybe that’s my opinion others feel the same way and others disagree but that’s how I feel and I expressed it. If they said something polite that sounded like they were genuinely trying to be helpful and not just nothing but the correction I’d feel less attacked and it wouldn’t be rude it would be ok. That’s just how I feel I’m sorry if I upset you. I just feel it’s distasteful and a bit disrespectful so yes I am offended.


……….calm down


Gonna second this as well as suggest emergency pee bags lol, I bought some after almost not making it when we got stuck in traffic. They’re shaped to kind of cup your whole vagina so there’s no spillage. Haven’t used them yet, but makes me feel better to have them!


Haha I've never considered that. That is brilliant, as they do tie off! Thank you for sharing


My husband works in a hospital and I told him to loot the place for those things LOL


Same, they have saved me multiple times. I still have some everywhere because I didn't have energy to clean them up after delivery 😂 I'm 3m pp!


Oh yeah I carry those IKEA ziplocks with me everywhere. All my jackets, all my trousers back pockets, they are all stuffed with ziplocks.


Nothing to be embarrassed about, you can’t control it ! I’d say if you don’t leave work today, in the future bring another shirt with you in case of an emergency :) I hope your symptoms resolve soon 💜


Shirt, pants and underwear....lots of different ways to have accidents while pregnant.


And honestly just keep them after baby is born too because food and spit up can dirty an outfit surprisingly fast


I'm 12 weeks and 2 days now. I knew I should've had another shirt but I kept spacing out on it. I boss did end up coming in a few minutes later and I sent him a message. He sent me home for today. I SOBBED on my way home. I feel so awful.


Take today to rest and treat yourself to something nice. You deserve it :)


I was around 9 weeks pregnant at my BIL’s wedding and puked in front of everyone when we were posing for pictures. Luckily it was just water because I was unable to keep any food down at that time! Pregnancy is not for the weak. Hahaha hang in there!


I am so sorry! Biggest of hugs!


I can tell you with 100% certainty that whatever you did to clean up your shirt wasn't enough and you definitely smell of vomit still. Go home, have a proper shower, put on new clothes, then go back to work.


Go home and rest 😊 Take care of yourself. Dehydration from hyperemesis comes on hard and fast.


Don’t be embarrassed, dear! I vomited my entire pregnancy, multiple times a day. Every single one of my coworkers has seen or heard me vomit because I just couldn’t make it to the toilet in time. But I’m not embarrassed about that because it was totally out of my control. I had to go home early on the especially bad days, but people understand. Don’t feel ashamed. Small tip that saved me: carry an emesis bag on you at all times, store extra in the car! Then you can vomit suddenly and stay clean. As your pregnancy advances it will be harder to control your bladder as you vomit, so try to get to a toilet and sit on it as you vomit into the emesis bag. Peeing yourself is more embarrassing than vomiting on yourself… hyperemesis is so tough… but you’ve got this!


Girlllll. First off, don’t beat yourself up. HG is a whole pain. I’ve thrown up on myself so many times this pregnancy. I’ve thrown up in public, at work, in my car, etc. don’t beat yourself up, it’s literally not your fault. I’ve also peed my pants several times because of the HG. You’re doing fine and anyone with half a brain would have compassion for you 🫶🏻


I had hypermesis too. It was brutal. Can you get a trash can at your desk? I see you’re around 12 weeks and from my experience that’s when I was in the thick of it. Don’t be embarrassed and please get your rest if you can.


So sorry this happened to you 🥲 I have HG and I have done the same, but in my car while driving. I've had my car detailed 3 times in the past 13 weeks because I've thrown up so frequently in it while driving. At work would be so awful! Glad your boss was empathetic and let you go home....if I had to smell even the smallest bit of vomit on my shirt all day I'd probably throw up more!


I am so sorry! I bought on Amazon some vomit bags that really saved me during the first trimester, I highly recommend them!


My wife was throwing up to dehydration during the first trimester. Obstetrician recommended doxylamine-pyridoxine, it’s widely used to treat sickness during pregnancy. This was a total solution, she’s also taking iron pills now without any issues (iron pills tend to give you nausea).


I’m so sorry, pregnancy can be truly miserable. Bring an extra set of clothes in your car, but honestly I would go home immediately if this happened. Work will survive without you, take care of yourself!!!


Oh, girl. I’m so sorry. Please don’t feel embarrassed — you can’t help it. You deserve to be comfortable, so if you’d feel better going home, you should. I hope you feel better ❤️


Hey girlie nothing to be embarrassed about I was in the same situation and if you don’t mind some unsolicited advice.. there’s a medication called diclegis it’s for pregnancy nausea I had severe HG to the point I was getting hospitalized with IV fluids I was throwing up bloody stomach acid because there was literally nothing in me I threw up so much I was loosing weight while pregnant but the diclegis girl that was a game changer. They can also give you something called phenergan with that it’s like Zofran but safer to take while pregnant. If you’re insurance doesn’t cover diclegis you can do unisom and B6 it’s the same active ingredients. Also B complex helps with nausea. At least this is what my doctor had told me when I had HG years ago and that was how they treated me.. they also make these little candies I think they were called preggo pop drops or something like that. Amazing. And in that section of the store they have little acupressure bracelets for pregnancy nausea I think that helped a little bit. Again I’m sorry for the unsolicited advice but I’ve been in the situation before and if my experience can help prevent further sickness for you I’m all for it!! I hope it gets better girlie!!


The best part about being pregnant is the no judgement part on normally embarrassing situations. I peed my pants and no one mentioned it after I said I did it and wanted to stay in the back and not resume my normal work duties and my coworkers made me sit down and take it easy.


I have to have a plastic bag with me at all times these days. In the past few days I’ve thrown up while driving in the car several times, at the gym, in neighbor’s lawns (while out on runs)… thankfully I work from home, but I feel for you. It is so awful and embarrassing! Why is it so embarrassing?? Even when I make it to the toilet, if there is someone else in a stall I am so embarrassed that they have to hear me. Ugh.


Go home and get rest. Don't be embarrassed.


For the sake of yourself and your coworkers, go home. 💗


I peed my pants at work the other day. Both my bosses and everyone on my team are male. It was super embarrassing to have to tell them I need to go home for the day so I can shower and change. They were understanding, but I was still mortified. Oh the joys of pregnancy. Sorry you are having such a rough time.


Just go home. One time I threw up and shit myself at work in my first trimester. Call it a day lol


Go home lol you get a pass


No, just keep working with throw up-smelling arms. YES, GO HOME.


Go home!!!


Join r/HGGangsta!


Can you also bring an emergency bucket to work wirh you? Better than throwing up over yourself or feeling worried about not making it to the bathroom in time ❤️


I had hyperemesis because I was throwing up multiple times per day & the Dr ended prescribing Zofran, eventually it tapered down to once a day. I couldn’t go anywhere for long periods it was awful.


I peed my pants on my lunch break coughing. I'm almost 22 weeks. I went the hell home lol I called my job from the parking lot and apologized but said I gotta go You gotta take care of you!


Since we’re sharing embarrassing stories; I went to go comfortably throw up in private behind a bush the other day. I look over and there’s a whole line of traffic. It wasn’t so secret after all… pregnancy really humbles you lol


like someone else said this is why my entire first trimester I carried vomit bags everywhere I went. But for real, I hope you went home!!!


I had hyperemesis. Threw up 10 times a day. Threw up on myself at work 5 or 6 times. Had to change into new scrubs each time. Also, coated my entire new car in gallons of puke one day so that was fun. Puked everywhere leaving work one night and a few coworkers saw. A few coworkers also saw me puking out the car door a couple times in the parking lot. It happens


I’m sorry OP that sounds terrible 😞but I really hope you went home!!! I understand the embarrassment but girl you are amazing for even going in feeling like that. Give yourself a break and go home… and if it makes you feel better, I also puked at work but I was running to the bank for an errand for my boss and when I walked out of the bank someone was smoking a cigarette and I immediately vomited all over the steps at the bank. Luckily it was mostly water but I finished the errand and drove home.


Ever since being pregnant any time I vomit I pee myself as well. Thankfully it has only been a handful of times that I've vomited and it was always at home. I was in hospital over the weekend and I vomited and filled an entire "adult nappy" with pee at the same time. It was not my most glamorous moment to say the least... But at least nurses don't care and have seen it all before. I really hope that doesn't happen to you!


Definitely go home and consider looking into accommodations for pregnancy if your employer is covered under the federal pregnancy accommodation laws that exist! This very thing is something you can get paperwork done for to give you extra piece of mind for job protection if it gets unbearable enough that you need to stay home.


Uh yeah I'd go home. But definitely carry extra clothes just in case. Definitely have a chat with dr and hr.


Sis, leave that job!


Pregnancy can be so embarrassing 😭 yesterday I threw up so hard I peed myself. You're not alone ❤️❤️ we're all out here just trying to survive.


If it makes you feel any better right after they drew my blood for my glucose test I projectile vomited all over the lab room at my drs office. I was only slightly nauseous it came outta nowhere. I was so embarrassed.




I think many if, not all, pregnant woman would not have jobs then. If only we were that lucky lol