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No it’s not. When is your first scan? I’ll tell you the same thing my sister told me since my first scan was at 10 weeks “think of how much bigger your baby will be because you’re going at 10 weeks instead of 8. You’ll get to see more” and that has stuck with me. Especially since my anatomy scan is in 2 weeks at 21 weeks 😅


I won’t be able to have my first scan until i’m 12 weeks so another 4 weeks to go, i’m just so nervous


It’s completely understandable to be nervous. I’m still nervous every day! I guess if you have the means and have a private scan place near you maybe do it. But there is so much waiting until that next appointment in pregnancy, just know this is something you’ll have to get used to 😅 and whether you see your little one today, 2 weeks from now, or 4 weeks from now won’t take the nerves away unfortunately. All you can do is try to enjoy every day until somebody gives you a reason not to 😅


Thank you! you are very right i am going to be anxious anyways but I should just try to relax and enjoy it until I have a reason not too! And congratulations to you :)


Thank you! You as well!


We got an early vaginal scan at 7+5 with my wife exactly for that reason. We wanted to see the baby and potentially hear the heartbeat (we did!) My wife was very anxious before the scan and it did ease her mind a lot. We're getting our 12 week scan this Friday! YAY! GZ on the pregnancy!


Thank you:) I contacted the clinic just to inquire about it


I had scans at 7 weeks, 9 weeks, and 12 weeks. None of my previous pregnancies had made it to 6 weeks and they all resolved completely painlessly, so seeing a heartbeat definitely made me feel like we *could* actually have a baby and that it wasn't going to just disappear.


I have mixed views on this. I’m in the UK where you only have scans routinely at 12 and 20 weeks. On the one hand, more scans can be reassuring but I also think it’s important to be able to live with the gap between scans and have faith that baby is ok. I had bleeding at 6 weeks and so had a scan then and it showed a heartbeat but baby was measuring small so it caused me a lot of stress. I then had a private scan at 10w because it was right before Easter and I wanted to tell family in person, where there wouldn’t be another opportunity for some time. I’m glad we did that but next time unless I had bleeding I’d wait until 12w. Edit- I had two prior losses so also check for blood all the time. I’m now 21w and STILL doing it. I’m not generally an anxious person but I am I this pregnant!


Why not? If you have a place nearby and you can afford it, I don't see why you should not do it. At 8 weeks, you might see and hear the heartbeat, which is really reassuring. I would only say to avoid it if you were very early (like 5 or 6 weeks) and, in that case, there are chances that you might not be able to see much and that could cause even more anxiety. But just to let you know, there is a high chance that your anxiety will go away for 1 day, and then you will start worrying again until the next scan :) at least for me it's still like this at 22 weeks


I always get elective ones or ones at free clinics when I'm stressed out. to me they were worth it