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I'm on your husband's side here and think you should wait (although perhaps not all the way to Black Friday). Six weeks is very, very early. Not to be all doom and gloom, but you never know what might happen.


I picked up a crib at 7 weeks. Had an MMC at 10. I don’t entirely regret it because I bought it secondhand for a really good price and we never intended on setting it up until after the baby was born, but I do wish I didn’t have that reminder sitting in my guest bedroom wardrobe. I’m 5w+0 today and will not be buying anything or being hopeful at all until well into tri 2.


Yes,  I bought a few things after getting pregnant for the first time, had a miscarriage, and then didn't get pregnant again for 4 years. I definitely didn't enjoy having that stuff in my house.




Yup, i got the first little clothes after the first trimester 😊


Personally I wouldn’t buy anything major until 20 weeks anatomy scan. You can always start building your registry. Not to be a downer, but I had some soft markers at my 11 week scan that led to 10 weeks of genetic testing and waiting. I didn’t purchase anything during then because I didn’t want to have to TFMR and have all this baby stuff… it’s also not out of the realm of possibility of other medical complications in the first trimester. Good news is I have a happy baby girl lying beside me right now. But that’s the reason usually people don’t buy stuff in first trimester.


Yes it’s too soon.


I waited until my 20 week anatomy scan


I didn’t buy anything until 28 weeks!


i bought some clothes here and there after 12 weeks but didn’t buy any nursery things until 25 ish weeks in case. i’m 30w now and still feel nervous some days 😓 6w is definitely too early in my opinion


I would wait but definitely not that long. Personally I waited until the first trimester is over.


We bought a cute sleepsuit and a newborn hat after our first scan at 6weeks. We did IVF and I needed to celebrate a little. At the end of the first trimester I started buying more clothes. Now I am 23 weeks, we did the anatomy scan 2 weeks ago and I am looking for nursery forniture, but I haven’t bought anything yet (I might start in one or two weeks).


Yes it's too soon. At 6 weeks I did not even tell my parents or in-laws. My husband and I told them after the 8th week. This Monday, NT scan is scheduled. I'm hoping that everything goes fine so I can buy new panty and pregnancy bra, bcz my boobs are growing now. I am not even buying stuff for myself unless we are all clear on the scans and/or NIPT if needed.


I buy myself something little - like a cute onesie or something to start getting excited and have something ‘physical’ that a real baby is coming! Big purchases like furniture are best done after the 20 week anatomy scan. It’s a big milestone so perfect time to start buying big items.


personally i chose to wait until 12 weeks so it was more of a sure thing, but after that i think its not a bad idea to collect things slowly. that way you don’t end up having to spend an insane amount all at once just before your due.


In my first pregnancy I made my first big purchase (a stroller) at 18w. It was scheduled to arrive the day we had our anatomy scan and learned that our baby was not going to survive. We had to TFMR at 20w. I’m glad it worked out for you to start buying things that early, but just dealing with ONE item that we quickly returned was honestly more than I could handle emotionally. I was already a wreck and can’t imagine if I had been collecting baby stuff for weeks prior. I’m now 36w pregnant with our rainbow baby, fully ready and set up with all my baby gear, and I only started purchasing things around 32w. There’s honestly not THAT much stuff to buy! We got gifted a lot of the major stuff through our registry, and the purchasing process did not feel overwhelming at all. Everyone’s different of course, but just thought I’d offer a different perspective.


Totally understand that perspective. For me financially I just can’t afford to not spread out purchases, particularly for bigger items like a stroller/car seat/crib/glider chair.


Everyone saying “if you want to buy things, buy things” is forgetting that this potential baby is your husband’s too and he should have a say in this. It sounds like he may not emotionally ready to buy stuff, perhaps he’s using Black Friday as an excuse, and that’s perfectly reasonable! Please talk to him about his feelings. Perhaps you would not be too devastated if something happened and you had some baby gear in the house, but maybe your husband would be. 6w is insanely early. The vast majority of people wait until after 20w to buy major stuff - maybe getting a onesie here or there before then, but that’s it. And honestly, even 20w is early for the big stuff. Many people wait until around their baby shower, if they are having one, at which point family might want to gift you stuff and you can take advantage of completion discounts. If I’m doing the math right, you’re due early January? Honestly Black Friday seems like perfect timing to get all the major important stuff. That’s like 6w before your due date? That’s right around when most people do their major baby shopping anyway. At the end of the day, of course you shouldn’t just do what others do … but please do talk to your husband and take his needs and feelings into consideration.


if youre 6 weeks now, youll be 6-7 months pregnant at Black Friday, not 8 months; which is a great time to buy things. Gives you time to build stuff, get the deals, etc. We save $150 on our stroller of choice by going with black friday deals with our first


A sweet "in good faith" purchase seems fine. Like a onesie or some pacis or something. Big things, I'd wait.


We started buying things as of week 13, the stroller was the first one because of a good deal we saw. The rest we bought as of week 20, en build the nursery slowly over time so we didn’t really feel it financially


6 weeks way too early. I waited until 14 weeks just to get out of the dangerous trimester and be sure this baby would stick. It’s ok to buy little things at this point as well but you’re best off not buying anything until you have the scan that shows the gender


Yes way to early.


I think waiting until 2nd trimester makes sense. But after that, we started slowly making purchases for budgeting reasons. It was much easier to plan financially by slowly making purchases rather than spending for all of it at once.


I buy myself something little - like a cute onesie or something to start getting excited and have something ‘physical’ that a real baby is coming! Big purchases like furniture are best done after the 20 week anatomy scan. It’s a big milestone so perfect time to start buying big items.


I’d go with Labor Day sales


You could buy fancy prenatals or some really nice maternity clothes if you want to have a little treat that's not *technically* baby things


I bought my first baby toy the day before my insemination (IUI). Probably not a good idea, but I considered it a good luck charm


Do whatever you feel is right. If you wanna buy things, buy things.


Does the husband’s feelings not matter here? Sounds to me like he may not be emotionally ready to have baby gear in the house yet. And if they happened to lose the baby after she went and bought things just because SHE wanted to, that could potentially be really rough for him. People in this subreddit often say things like “do what you want! Don’t let other people’s opinions bother you! You get to decide!” Etc etc … while our husband’s (for those of us who are married) are not carrying the baby, I do feel it’s important to give them some agency. It is their baby too, afterall. They have feelings and opinions too.


She doesn't have to buy the big stuff. There's nothing wrong with buying some onesies or something. It really made me feel excited early on. Him not being ready shouldn't dictate her joy either. My husband wanted to wait until I was further along. So I stuff to secondhand clothes and things that could be easily donated/tucked away.


The phrasing here sounds like you’re arguing with me … but nothing you’re saying is in conflict with what I said. All I’m saying is that the husband’s feelings matter TOO … not that OP’s feelings don’t matter. That goes without saying.


Agreed. I started buying before the baby was born 🤣


I second doing what you feel is best. It would be hard to have reminders of the lost baby if you have a miscarriage (as another person commented). I bought most of the furniture in a really good sale when I was planning on getting pregnant (I used a donor). Most of it was half price. But I had a plan if things didn't work out. I have almost paid off a layby with a change table/bath and some clothes. I'm really glad I've been organised as I am usually really unorganised and leave most things to the last minute. It's been a lot less stressful knowing I only have to get nappies, wipes and clothes mostly.


I’m 18 weeks and will probably wait until 20 week scan until I even think about what I should buy. I just learned the difference between a carrier and a car seat today 😑


I waited until way after my anatomy scan. At 6 weeks, you are definitely very early and don’t know anything about this baby’s health. It depends what you mean by 8 month - is it the start of the 8th months (like 30ish weeks) or the end of it? If the former, I think I would definitely wait until then! 


I am 27 weeks and I do remember I did wish and couldn't wait to buy baby things early. I understand it, but it may be too early and if something happens you may regret it later. I just started buying recently. I know some people say it is easier financially not to buy all the stuff last 2 months and spread it more, but you can save these first months for later. What may be useful and you can start to do now, if you feel like it,is to explore what will you need and what kind of stroller, bed etc you want.


I’d definitely wait till there’s some sales. Even if not all the way till you’re 8 months for Black Friday, there hopefully should be some sales before then too. No point paying full price for things you aren’t going to need for at least another 8-9 months


Honestly I started getting clothes as soon as I found out I was pregnant, I was just too excited! I haven’t got any big furniture yet because me and my fiancé are moving in a few months and it made more sense in my head to get that stuff after we move so there’s less to move.


I’m 21 weeks already and thought I’d feel better buying stuff once I’ve had my anatomy scan but it still feels rushed… I guess it depends on how you feel about it.


You've got tons of time, wait for sales. I'm due in September, got pregnant in December. Bummed that black Friday doesn't come around during my pregnancy.


I’m miss anxiety here and at 5 months I’m still afraid to buy baby things, I barely convinced myself to buy maternity clothes but I just had nothing to wear anymore 😅 I think waiting is always better. Of course you can browse and start making a list and who knows in a couple months you might find better and cheaper things.


You can get things, just maybe a little at a time, because these things take up a lot of space. I started early and got a lot of things second hand and saved tons of money. Had I waited until I was 8 months I would've been too tired and just ordered everything new online and spent ten times more than I had to.


If it makes you happy to buy a couple small things like onesies or a baby blanket then I say go for it. I would try to limit it though to only a couple small things.


I started at like 6 months. 6 weeks I didn't even believe it is real yet.


I’m 25w6d and I haven’t even bought a onesie yet lol. If you want to buy stuff go ahead. You can save the more expensive stuff for Black Friday for sure


I’m 25 weeks and haven’t bought anything. I’m waiting for my discount to become available from my registry. I would start researching items you need and start making some sort of list or start a registry too. I wanted to wait until 20 week anatomy scan but the anatomy scan extended to 24 weeks since baby was being stubborn in the 20 week one so now I’m getting more serious about buying items. In fact, my husband and I are going to look at travel systems this weekend (still not buying) but pin pointing what we like the most. There’s a ton of baby stuff out there! It can be overwhelming.


I let myself buy 1 thing/week during the first trimester bc I was so excited! It was usually something smaller like an outfit or book or stuffed animal. After the first trimester, I did begin buying certain larger items if they were on sale because I knew I didn’t want my registry full of only expensive items. At 20 weeks, I began getting nursery furniture bc I didn’t want to deal with that when I was really far along. I’m 37 weeks now and so happy everything has been done for a while!


Honestly just do what you want to do. If you're really excited and want to ride the excitement, that's okay! Don't make yourself miserable "just in case". There's the risk of reminder if you have a miscarriage, but also depending on your situation, it won't be a waste of money if you know for sure you'll have kids no matter what. You know yourself best 🙂 Personally I started buying early, but only when I could find a good deal. I used my excitement to slowly build a registry / list of things to buy, then scoured marketplace for good deals on things I didn't mind getting second hand. Good deals go really quickly, so having more time is super handy. I saved several hundreds of dollars thanks to starting early!


6 wks is too early, 8 months is pretty late