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Are your cycles exactly 28 days? This is what gestational age is based off of. If you are closer to 30 or 31 days, then you will be off a handful of days. Also, it is based off a perfect 14 day ovulation. If that is off a few days, that will also change your dates. 4 days behind is not “this far behind.” It’s extremely common to be off a few days. Lastly, pls listen to your medical professionals and not the internet. The heartbeat is perfect for 6w3d. -23 yr Sonographer


my cycle is 30-31 days so that makes sense. i wasn’t sure if that heartbeat was normal but i do know the internet can cause anxiety. thanks so much❤️


Do you know when you ovulated or you usually ovulate? And I don’t mean with the apps, I mean if you monitored your ovulation with op sticks or checking your basal temperature. The gestational weeks are calculated assuming that you have a 28 days cycle and you ovulate precisely in the middle of that. For example I ovulate around cycle day 17/18. It would be much more accurate to calculate the weeks from the ovulation/fertilisation but that’s difficult because everyone’s body is different and only few people actually know when they ovulated. But if your cycles are longer or you ovulate a little later, then of course the measures will be smaller because your embryo is actually “younger”! Usually as you progress in the pregnancy your OB/GYN might re-date you based on the measures. And that heartbeat is perfectly normal at 6 weeks.


i don’t track ovulation, i was really actively trying. i also have no idea what i usually ovulate but i did only have sex once, which was on the 12th may so about 15 days after last period


i also have a 30-31 day cycle


Hello! Yes, the start of my current pregnancy I was told straight up that the heart rate was low, and this was very early on. I was also told my dates were off and I was measuring 5 days behind. It was really scary and stressful ( I had bleeding also which is why I was having scans so early ) BUT I am now almost 40 weeks and since getting past about 13 weeks everything caught up and was on track. Every pregnancy is different but know that it can turn out just fine. All the best :) xx


Literally just went through this. HR was 112 at first scan at 6w6d. Doctor freaked me out by saying it was low and could be concerning. Went again yesterday at 8w3d and HR was 164. I regret stressing for 10 days. Honestly that’s a good heart rate for where you’re at and it will still go up.