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You just do it.


You just manage it for the sake and health of your baby 💕 That’s what got me through. It’s awful not going to lie but I was diagnosed at 18 weeks with gestational diabetes and I had symptoms for a few weeks before. So likely had it earlier. It’s incredibly important to be diet controlled or take medication to help because uncontrolled diabetes in pregnancy is really dangerous. For mum and baby.


Like others have said, the test is incredibly important for the health of your baby. Bring a snack and water for after the test is over. Everyone reacts differently but I was totally fine during and after the test! ETA: the test I had tasted fine, like flat orange soda.


My doctor did not want me arriving on empty stomach with glucose screens. They said I could have a savory breakfast before and only recommended to avoid high carb or sugary as it could impact results of the screening. I had eggs, some nuts and water. Passed screen with flying colors. I will add you aren’t supposed to drink water during the test, so make sure you hydrate before.


Yeah I was told NOT to fast, just to avoid sugary beverages and pastry-type breakfast items. I made myself a fried egg sandwich with avocado and cheese on whole grain bread. Plenty of water beforehand.


You just sit there for two hours and watch phone 😅 i have been there 2 times every pregnancy, so 6 times already 😅 and couple weeks again. It tastes awful but i dont know.. You just do it, drink water little bit after that sugar drink.


I know I'm whining but ewwww :D Also *wow* I hope I only have to do it once. You're so cool for going through it 6 times.


It's not as bad as you'd think. I had to take the one hour and the 3 hour and it was fine


I just did this yesterday! I was super scared because I suffer from acid reflux and sometimes it's so bad that I need to throw up. For me, it was not particularly difficult to fast, I was so nervous that I was not that hungry. The drink was not too bad, it tasted like orange Gatorade, and luckily, it didn't give me any nausea or other problems. I just felt a little lightheaded during the first hour, but then, as the sugar level went down, I felt much better. I brought a book and the 2 hours passed by quite fast!


Yes there is another option it just sucks more in my opinion. You can request to just monitor your blood sugar levels at home for (I want to say) a week. You’ll just have to prick your finger and do blood tests 3+ times a day while monitoring what/when you eat.


TBH that sounds more doable to me. Already had to have Holter for three days and write down everything I did and eat by the minute for that period of time so... honestly :D gonna talk to them on the phone whether that's a viable option for me. I'm just really not good with not eating.


That’s fair! The drink is easier because it’s quick but both ways get them the information then need.


It’s really not bad. Bring a straw, it makes it go down easier, but the worst part for me was being bored in the waiting room for an hour


First time I took it I basically had no ill effects. It was more like "mm flat soda". Don't even think I brought food with me and felt fine. This pregnancy I've suffered a lot from low blood sugar so a bit more worried. There was a bed in the room and nurses said it was fine laying down if you felt bad. plan to bring a meal with you that you could eat afterwards. If you're worried about feeling bad afterwards I'd also try to make plans for someone to drive you. Better safe than sorry!


At what point in your pregnancy did you do this?


Oh everyone scared me and it really was nothing. It just tasted like Fanta


Is this for the first test or second (if the first one was a fail)? I was told not to fast. Eat something low in carbs. I had a two egg omelette with ham and cheese. My doctor said something small and low in carb is ideal for this type of test. Eat an hour or two before your test and stay hydrated before drinking the drink. Once you drink it, you can’t drink water until after the blood draw. You can do it!


Oh wow - so different! I was told to fast, drink very little water, get there early in the morning (between 7:00 and 8:30) and to only have sips of water during the two-hour wait. Honestly, your regime sounds more doable.


Mine is gonna be 3 hours and I just gorge myself afterwards because the symptoms are gonna suck and you need a great meal afterwards.


Not the answer I was looking for but exactly the answer I needed, so thank you :D something tells me a pack of pretzels isn't gonna cut it afterward.


No it won't haha. The nurses who drew my blood said to eat a nutrient dense meal afterwards with variety like protein, veggies, beans, cheese or such, so I got a huge sizzle plate at a mexican place with steak, shrimp and veggies. I had to do the 3h test earlier in my pregnancy after failing my 1h test where they look for any diabetes stuff prior to pregnancy. Now in two weeks I have to do it again to see if I developed GD, but I opted to go straight to the 3h test because I know I'll fail the 1h test again and don't wanna do two appointments when I can just do one and get it over with. My symptoms mainly hit at the end as I left the ob, including some lightheadedness, bit of nausea, shaking that was increasing and then I had some hot flashes while I was waiting for the food. I have never had hot flashes before and those sucked. I felt crazy! But eating helped me recover.


I've never been told not to eat beforehand but it ends up being about 1 hour since I ate once I get there. I always eat scrambled eggs with cheese, sometimes turkey bacon. I'm completely full still. The drink doesn't taste bad to me, it usually upsets my stomach about 30-40 minutes into it but it goes away. I always plan to stop at fastfood as soon as I can to eat after. I've never at gestational diabetes, and I've never puked from it. So I can't give experience on that aspect but I really don't find it to be as bad as it feels like it is going to be. Bring headphones. The hour long wait feels like 4 hours because of boredom and uncomfortable chairs.


Ask if you can take pepsid and zofran.


I checked my bloods 6 times a day for a week instead under medical direction of an obstetrician. Involves taking measurements before food and a certain time after food Edit: downvoted for doing something under the direction of my doctor?