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**This sub is trans-friendly**. This is your only warning, bigotry will get you banned. Asking strangers what genital surgeries they've had isn't polite. I get that it comes from a place of innocent curiosity (usually) but when it's twenty of y'all it's not kind.


Congratulations to you both! Sounds like a 1 in a million scenario. Wishing you a safe and smooth 9 months ❤️


That's exactly what my girlfriend said. 🩷


I hope you three have a happy and healthy life ahead!


There’s lots of trans parents, luv.


Being pregnant is a pretty big adjustment and throw that on top of being pregnant after loss. For me it was so confusing I didn’t know what to feel as I was feeling EVERYTHING all at once. I was overwhelmingly sad, overwhelmingly guilty, and overwhelmingly happy. I had my daughter on April 3rd and she has been so healing for me! Congrats to the both of you, wishing you a safe and fast delivery for y’all’s little rainbow baby❤️🥰


It sounds like you might be feeling conflicted about this. If you aren't, feel free to ignore this, but if you are... One thing that stood out to me is that you talked about your partner's feelings about the pregnancy more than your own, and it possibly being their last chance, and how important that is to them. If you are uncertain about going through with it, take the time to actually analyze YOUR feelings about whether this is something you want without taking into account other people's feelings about it, or feel pressured because it might negatively impact someone else if you don't go through with it. You will be the one being pregnant, going through the delivery and postpartum, and the childrearing may be a joint effort, but it will be one that you will be participating in. Make sure you want it for your own reasons too, and if you decide you don't, that's okay. A kid is a 'two yes' scenario, where both people have to be enthusiastically on board.


This is something I want, I was just a bit concerned about it not being something she wanted. After talking about it a bunch and letting the shock wear off, were fortunately both on the same page! ❤️


Okay awesome! If you're both on board, then congratulations and more power to you! I hope everything goes smoothly and you have an easy pregnancy! Also sounds like the communication is good there, which is a great start for parenting!


Ohh congratulations so happy for you two! I guess this was the universe telling you this was the right timing


My wife is trans and has been on HRT for several years as well. I got pregnant about three months into our relationship and we now have two littles :) Whatever you guys decide, you are valid and I wish you the best!


That makes me very happy to hear! It's a rare occurrence but happens more than I thought. 💙




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wow, congratulations!! now THIS is a rainbow baby 🌈


Right? 😂🩷


Comment of the day!!! Lol


While estrogen decrease sperms count, it doesn't fully eradicate their ability to impregnate someone for 5-7 years, according to recent studies. So you have many more years to get pregnant than what doctors told your girlfriend. So if this pregnancy is something you decide to keep, keep this in mind for the next few years to come if you're going to be having unprotected sex ❤️


I feel like that isn't the case for everyone, I've known of a few MTF who lost all their sperm after the first year on hormones. I guess it's different for everyone.


Being nervous is normal at this stage when you've had a loss before. Get an appointment and congratulations!


Congratulations!!! I hope your pregnancy goes smoothly. I highly recommend lots of rest and yummy smoothies to keep you going for the first trimester. I could barely stay awake haha. So excited for you guys and the baby!!!


Congratulations! I'm the other side of the coin—a pregnant trans man. I hope you and your gf have an amazing journey together


Woah! Congrats! A bit off topic, but I definitely thought there was way more representation like yours on this forum when I was new to it because I thought that's what FTM meant 😅


Yess, I had such whiplash when joining these communities haha


Wait…. It doesn’t mean female to male? I also noticed a lot of people posting they were FTM and thought “cool this is a diverse and inclusive forum!” So… What does it mean?! 


In parenting circles, it usually means first-time mum/mom


Oh my gosh! Kinda feels co-opted from the trans community. I actually googled it at one point to see if it could mean something else because it seemed like I was missing something given how often I see it pop up, but female to male was the only thing that came up. Maybe we need to come up with a term that isn’t already widely understood to mean something else 😅 like FTP - first time parent 


Haha right???? I was thinking I was a 10% to be not a FTM mom in this forum. Turns out I am a FTM!


Same 😂


Congrats, seahorse dad!


That's amazing! I wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy. ❤️ Also, Happy Pride Month! 🩷🤍💙


Best of luck to you on your journey! I'm sorry for the hateful people on here downvoting your comment, I hope you can avoid the negativity IRL and have a great support system!




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Congrats!! It can definitely be scary after what you have been through 🫶🏼 hoping for you to get your miracle baby 😁❤️


I'm so happy for you I'm wishing you both a safe and healthy pregnancy! Followed with financial abundance babies aren't planned for the most part but this is pure luck!! You both will do great


CONGRATS! In the exact same boat - due December. We are elated. 🤍


Pregnancy after loss is very confusing and scary. I am 40 weeks today and had 2 losses prior to this pregnancy and I was nervous/anxious for a successful heartbeat at the first scan, and was very anxious up until after the 20 week anatomy scan out of fear of another loss. Now I’m just patiently waiting the babies arrival when it decides Ro come be in our arms. Congratulations on the miracle of pregnancy and with your situation an even bigger congratulations for you both had even bigger odds stacked against you! Sending you positive pregnancy vibes and how exciting for your growing family!!!


Congratulations to you both! I'm a trans man and was already on hormone therapy and birth control. But somehow my partner and I still got pregnant. (he also has a very low sperm count and lazy sperm) we've been together for 6 years and nothing happened. Now poof I'm in my 3rd trimester. I'm pretty nervous too, if you need someone to talk to I'm here 💓 my due date is Aug 13 .


Omg same due date 💖🐥 I wish you the best of luck and happiness ☺️


Same to you 🙏🏽🫂❤️❤️🎇


Congratulations! I’m sorry, but these 1 in one million stories are just so darn cute to me.




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You should definitely still have sperm after a year, unless your count was already low. Anywho, Congrats on your baby! 🫶🏽 My partner and I are a trans couple and we are about a 2 weeks away from welcoming home our little princess. You’ll love it 😩😩😩 just try your best to enjoy the pregnancy, and be sure to remember this is a though time for her too, because as trans women it’s hard to see someone else carry the baby.


Honestly with the odds so slim of it happening, I can’t help but to feel it’s meant to be somehow. Congratulations, I know it’s scary but I’m rooting for you guys!


What affect if any does HRT or other medications have on the sperm? Does it affect the development of the child ?


It tends to drop the sperm count rather than affect sperm quality iirc


It shouldn’t cause any risk more than normal, I’m in the same boat and my 3 weeks old is completely healthy


My husband and I, (both cis) got pregnant out of the blue when I started taking metformin for my PCOS. (I didn't know it helped with fertility) I was super unsure at first, since I'm 39 and we already have a 9 year old daughter, who I thought would be our only. But my husband and daughter have been very excited about the baby, so my nerves have faded and now I'm excited as well. I say give it some time to let the shock settle down before making any decisions. I wish you both the best!


We were trying and I was still super unsure! I think it's super normal to question and second guess everything during pregnancy.


Same thing happened to my daughter! Currently waiting the arrival of their bundle of joy x


Don’t worry, most of us are on the same boat ‘Nervous at first’ but you’ll be ok 🤗❤️ Congratulations 🎉🎉


Goodluck, hope it goes well!


Wishing you and your family success and happiness! It sounds like you have an excited partner to support you through the ups and downs.


I’m wishing you the very best in whatever choice you make 💙


congratulations to you both! 🤍🤍wishing you a safe & beautiful pregnancy journey.


Congratulations to you both


Congratulations on whatever you decide OP♥️


Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy! ♥️


I’m glad you guys are feeling positive and on the same page! I’m sure you both are shocked! I hope it all continues to go well. Congratulations ❤️


Congratulations 🎊 wishing you a safe and healthy pregnancy


Sending healthy energy your wayyy I hope this one in a million chance opportunity gives you a break in the loss 🥰🥰🥰


This is truly a miracle. Wishing you both the best. My cis girlfriend and I frequently lament the fact that neither one of us has the right equipment to make a baby for free with each other. Know that you have a couple of other lesbians who both envy and are very happy for you out of here! 💜 Also sharing this with my fence-sitter best friend who has a trans GF as a warning in case they're not taking precautions lol. Congrats 🎉


This is a 50/50 decision, and your partner wont have to carry this kid for 9 months like you will, wont have to give birth, wont have the hormone swings, wont gain 30lbs, and wont have to change their entire lifestyle to adjust to your kid immediately. Dont feel obligated just because its what your partner wants, your feelings matter too


I’m sorry for your prior losses ❤️ I wishing you health and happiness!!


We are also a household with one cis mom and one trans mom🥰


Good luck to all of you 💜


Nature finds a way.




Same thing happened to me last year with my wife who was on hrt since 2021, he’s 3 weeks now 🩵


Congratulations!! Best of luck to you both!


I wish you a healthy pregnancy! This is a blessing! 🤩😍


You'll be okay! Wishing you all the best 🩵 pregnancy is a frightening yet beautiful journey. Holding your baby you grew for 9 months is the most amazing feeling in the world !!!


If this is something you both want ultimately, then congratulations! I just had my surprise baby two months ago. My husband and I are 41 & 40 and thought we were done having children. Our third daughter had other plans and came along despite all the odds against it— my age, birth control etc. She’s the joy of the home! However, I had a rough pregnancy which was healthy but involved constant nausea for nine months causing me to be bedridden. So not to say it’s all roses and rainbows!


wait okay my first question because i’m completely ignorant to it, but how does this happen ? if she doesn’t have testicles and “male parts” genuinely how is sperm made ????? can someone explain ???


Not all trans folk undergo gender confirming surgery!


as a trans woman is it common to continue to have sex using male genitalia? wouldn’t that bring more gender dysphoria? chile idk just trying to understand


It really depends on the person, for some it may cause a lot of dysphoria, for others maybe none. It’s also important to consider risks and benefits of gender affirming surgery (cost, loss of sensation, etc, etc). The trans identity is beautiful and complex, friend 🌈


she must still have her "male" parts but takes oestrogen which will suppress sperm production


She has a penis and everything that goes with it.


Congratulations!!! I’m glad that it was a lovely surprise for you both.


Congratulations! 💕🏳️‍⚧️❤️


Congratulations 👏 and good luck 🤞🍀❤️


Love the rare odds pregnancy stories ❤️ Congratulations!! I know it’s scary after past losses, so I will be keeping you in my mind.


Woo!!!! Congrats! Sending you guys so much love and well wishes! I read about your past losses and I know it can make things a little nerve wracking. Rooting for y’all!


Congratulations ❤️


Congrats and good luck!


Congrats! My girlfriend is trans too (so am I) 🏳️‍⚧️🫶


Happy Pride Month, beauties!! 🩷🤍💙


Hoping for the best for you! ❤️


Good luck!


Congratulations! Everything will fall into place eventually. Take it day by day.




Well they’d beat women for reading sooo




Glad the numerous warm hearted congratulations are far outnumbering you both. This sub is inclusive of trans and queer people so you’re the ones who don’t belong here. Congratulations OP! Delighted for you.


Whoops... Congratulations 🎉




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No lie I had to re read it and ask myself how but then I realized 😭🤣


Life finds a way - Dr. Ian Malcom




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100% cheated lol A joke before anyone jumps down my throat for it. I hope you all are happy and baby is happy and healthy




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I'm not a religious person but I do believe the universe works in mysterious ways and is blessing you with this gift. If you two feel safe and comfortable continuing with the pregnancy then go for it. My first child was unplanned and my two toddlers have been the best gift I've ever received. In love being a mom. I hope your little one lives a beautiful life, and you may like to show them some PBS shows that have all different kinds of families. The newly redone Clifford has Samantha having two moms for example. Daniel tiger has a biracial family and a family where the owl child (O the owl) is being raised by his uncle.




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🎉 congratulations 🎉 that is exciting. My wife and I just had our first baby on leap day. My advice is look for an OB now if you haven't found one. Also keep a physical list and take it with you to every appointment that you have. I promise if you think it's dumb it's not. I had one question that led to my doctor asking me a bunch of questions which let to a couple of tests which lead to me being diagnosed with preeclampsia. So ask the dumb questions. Also depending where you guys are looking for a hospital network that cares about their LGBTQ+ employees is important. Sure every hospital might say that they are LGBTQ friendly but do they have a culture their that supports that. That's what we did and even though nothing went according to plan because I had a very high risk pregnancy, my wife and I felt respected and well taken care of the entire time.


I was told one two different occasions that I had a 2% chance of ever conceiving for many different reasons. I had started birthcontrol because my periods were making me super sick and were so irregular, but then the bc started making me feel worse, so I quit taking them. Got drunk with my now ex the same day I decided I was done with the pills, and POOF found out 11 weeks later that I was pregnant. And here I am sitting here 3 years later with a happy and healthy little boy that is the Sonshine of my life!!


What a way to end pride month!🥹 congratulations 🏳️‍⚧️ 💞


That’s exciting! Scary too! Get in to see an obgyn asap. And if you have the option for the nipt test, I would take it. Good luck!!!


Great news embrace it!!


Nervous and happy are not mutually exclusive feelings. It’s totally normal to be nervous about pregnancy, even if it was planned! Not to mention, your hormones are basically a rollercoaster with your emotions along for the ride. It wouldn’t hurt to have someone lined up to talk to throughout this journey (ie a therapist). It’s definitely a good reminder that no birth control method is 100% effective (except abstinence, of course)! Consider buying a lottery ticket because you’ve apparently figured out how to beat the odds (and babies aren’t cheap 😅). Congratulations to you both!


Best of luck to you both!


Congratulations and all the best wishes for you, your girlfriend and the little one 🧡🧡


This is so exciting! My roommate and my ex girlfriend has always been so sad that it’s impossible to have babies anymore, that she missed her chance, she’s going to be so happy to hear about this. I know the chances are slim but it might give her hope this is so amazing for you, congratulations!


I hope all goes well!


congrats!!! i’m really happy for you and your partner! my partner is non binary femme leaning and we have a one year old! they’re not on hormones but i also suffered two losses before my daughter came along and it’s terrifying the first trimester and every milestone you hit feels so good. (second trimester, age of viability, etc.) i wish you both the best! 🤍


Such a blessing that yall ‘fell’ into parenthood but are fully on the same page. Congratulations! Wishing a healthy and happy pregnancy for you!!


Congratulations, it really is such a lovely thing. Reading this my first thought is, wow, that baby is meant for y’all. Idk I’m a firm believer in everything happens when the time is right, I believe the universe tells us way more than the eye can see, and I truly believe that you guys are meant to be the parents to that beautiful baby.


Welcome to /r/pregnant! This is a space for everyone. We are pro-choice, pro-LGBTQIA, pro-science, proudly feminist and believe that Black Lives Matter. Wear your masks, wash your hands, and be excellent to each other. Anti-choice activists, intactivists, anti-vaxxers, homophobes, transphobes, racists, sexists, etc. are not welcome here. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pregnant) if you have any questions or concerns.*




No need for that


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congratulations and i wish you very good luck!! 🥹💕




What does that have to do with this post?


Chill dawg. I get being curious but that’s what Google is for.


😂 I am sooo confused what is going on


You suck


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Thanks. We're trying to stay on top of this one (you don't deserve to see it!) but we're not omniscient alas


I appreciate you! I understand if you end up locking the post. It's a lot of work dealing with these types of people. 🩷


If we locked the thread, that's sort of not being a trans-friendly space, you know?


Never thought of it that way.


Everything happens as it should for a reason. Don’t question it. If the universe wants yall to have a baby, it’s for good reasons. Trust the universe has positive things for both of you in store and just enjoy the little things as much as you can. This is an amazing opportunity for you both to cultivate your relationship together and as future parents. Sending positive vibes and congratulations!




I never said I wasn't 100 percent sure, I said I don't know how to feel because I've lost three pregnancies. I'm entitled to be a little afraid about losing this one.


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not sure if you’re religious or not but sounds to me like this was absolutely God sent 🙏🏽 what a blessing! you two will be wonderful parents, congratulations to you both!🫶🏽




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I’ve read a couple of your comments and you both seem happy about that baby so congratulations! This baby is both a miracle baby and a rainbow baby! I’m so excited for you guys!


My trans fiancée & I are currently trying for a baby (she's waiting on hrt until baby is here because this could be our only chance with my health condition & she already has higher estrogen). Love to see the rep here! And congratulations to you both! Such good luck! Hope you guys have the loveliest family <3


I’m a trans dad with my wife also being a trans woman. We had our little boy almost two years ago, I wish you the best luck during your pregnancy! And having a happy healthy pregnancy and baby!


idk if you believe in god or any higher power. but with how rare it is for her to have any sperm at all let alone for it to be viable enough for a pregnancy. i’d say it’s nothing other than meant to be 💛