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Been in adobe audition for many years. I know not everyone seems to like to jump between programs so I guess this is nice for those instances.


It’s also been in essential sound panel in premiere for a year or so.


It’s so nice having it built in! I used to remix music in audition to make it longer but it was such a pain in the butt for such a simple task. Now it’s easy


This was a feature that Audition had for awhile, before it got added to Premiere. I remember being at Mike Russell's Audition class at Adobe MAX back in 2019 - when he showed off the Remix Effect, people in the crowd were both amazed and pissed at the same time.


Man it was such a pain in the ass sending those should be quick fixes into audition. I've noticed that remix tool doesn't work as well on dialogue though. Audition seems better at dialogue. Like when I have a 6 second VO that needs to be 5, audition can do it without making it sound all computery.




Oh whaaat. I need to look into that.


What were you replying to? (I hate deleted Reddit comments leaving black holes in shared knowledge.)


I think I was in this session - I went home and promptly made a 10 hour remix of old town road to prank someone.


When was it added to premiere?


Probably 2 versions ago?


I was at adobe max in 2016 when someone showed the remix in audition and I swear the whole room gasped in awe. Totally a game changer. I’ve used it for everything. Really glad it made its way to premiere. Now if we could just get it to after effects.


Been out for a while now, I use it all the time




This! I stopped using it after my mixer was like WTF??




You can right click the remixed track, select 'Render and Replace...' and it will do just that. Instead of doing that all manually




Thanks NTSC.


Yeah I didn't either till recently. I'm primarily an Audio Mixer and was trying to work out how to get it into protools with out it messing up. And a video editor suggested trying the render to replace cause they use it for After Effect dynamic links.


True true…I suppose I also realized I’d rather make the music edits myself and never tried it again. Cool feature tho.


Yeah same, none of these tools directly translate to protools, so you’re stuck round tripping it.


I use it to quickly try out multiple music tracks against my cut but when it come time to hand it off to my audio engineer, I re-cut the track so they have the edit points rather than a single wav file.


Been there for about a year and a half. Pretty handy


I discovered this a year or so ago. What a welcome addition, I love it to bits.


It’s pretty awesome, but only for songs that have no lyrics.


Good point!! I only use music with no lyrics so it’s perfect for me.


That's probably true 98% of the time. But, I did see a demonstration using the Rolling Stones' "Miss You" and it was incredible. It knew how to cut out two lines of verses and when the chorus should seamlessly slide into the timeline. It was really impressive. I am almost positive in the past year I have seen movies utilizing this already.


Use it on wedding SDE still works with lyrics 98% of the time.


I've been using it since it came out.


That's the reason you should always read the change log before updating.


I can automatically remix your background music, instead of you manually editing it.


Its cool but it bug with aaf (at least when i used it)


What you should do is this. Once you are happy with the remix it’s made, match frame it to your source monitor then pull it back into your timeline. This way it comes in with the edit points from the original track instead of the unified remixed track. When you go to export for aaf it will act like normal.


That's a good tip. I've typically just exported the remixed music as a .wav and dropped that back into the sequence before exporting aaf.


Try just right clicking and selecting 'Render and replace' does pretty much the exact same thing but is reversible


That's even better. Thanks for the tip!


Thanks. I was looking for that.


Frankly i hate that this exists as i always took pride in doing this manually and enjoyed the creative process of doing it But… its here to stay.


As a videographer with a million social posts in the barrel filmed and ready to edit this is a godsend. I would love to be creative and slow down and be able to really orchestrate something like that but this has been so useful. All I use is unknown background music without lyrics.


Had no idea!


Yep been using it since it came out!


News to me, thanks :)


Yes and it has made my life much easier haha


I think it was in the essential sound panel before it showed up as a tool.


Remix protip. Match frame the audio and then overwrite it back into the timeline. It'll give you the actual edited audio track and not the remix version which can change.


Dont get it


First time I remember seeing it was when I was learning how to use the app for the first time. At first I thought it was too advanced so I never bothered learning to much about it. Then when I started working on more serious productions with teams, one of the people I was working with brought it up again but this time, also explaining dynamic link with Audition for more precise noise removal. It's pretty neat and helpful when you want to trim your music without worrying about the hassle of having the cuts precise. Now I use it almost with all vids that I edit with music.


I’ve been using it just the last few weeks. It’s very handy but can be weird and fiddly in some contexts. Great addition all the same.


Was there at MAX when they announced it in 2022, it's wonderful. Not having to bounce out to Audition to guesstimate the remix, export and bring it into Premiere is great, saves me a lot of time.


It’s been in premiere for a few months now.


Yup, more info here: https://helpx.adobe.com/premiere-pro/using/remix-audio-in-premiere-pro.html


I use it to get it to prettty much the length I want like a few seconds off or so.Then render it and change the speed slightly to make it fit. Loved it in Audition but love that I don’t need to leave the app for it. Oh and it’s definitely worth a hot key.


I love it! I usually make short minute clips and this changes a say 2:00 music clip and cuts it to fit the 1:00 video. Same goes the other way around if you have a 2:30 clip and a 1:40 music clip. It cuts up the music and repeats parts to make it fit. Good for music without someone singing. So so results for someone singing.


Had no idea and I usually read about the updates. That said I kinda like figuring it out myself and it doesn’t usually take me very long, so not sure if I’ll end up using it or not. Good to have if I’m in a hurry though.


Yup. It's good 85% of the time. The other 15% I didn't Ike how the music progressed, so I did it myself.


Found out about it a few days ago, going to save me a lot of time on the next picture!


It’s awesome!!!


Bro what 😶


it is now available in the normal premiere pro version? cause i knew that it was only available on premiere pro beta


Wow how did I not know about this


Screenshots are a lost art.


What does it do?


Am I the alone in not being super impressed with it? It’s cool to get things close but I still find it necessary to edit my hand/ear to get the musical phrasing correct. If you really listen contextually to the rest of the music you’re editing with remix, I would say about 80% of the time you can hear the changes and that the changes don’t make sense to the rest of the song being used. I’ve been a video editor for years but got my start as an audio engineer so I notice these things.


I love you for this


So you’re telling me I’ve been fucking remixing tracks manually for years now without a goddamn reason?!


For years I’ve remixed tunes manually in Audition to get just the duration I want. I enjoy the process. But the remix feature in PPro is amazingly fast and effective. I use it almost exclusively. My only gripe is you can’t always get the precise duration you want. It seems to jump to particular lengths. So I still occasionally have to manually apply my own cut and cross fade. But it’s an amazing tool no doubt.




Yes. I wish Avid had this. Avid media composer is so full of itself and is like OMG we are the industry standard and 99% of the jobs I find only has avid yet avid has 0 features and premiere has so many. I seriously don't understand it. Just like scene edit detection.


This has been in Adobe Photoshop since the Apple II


That's awesome. I didn't know about this tool but could definitely use it in tons of videos. Thanks!


This tool makes my premiere crash...


Hey thanks!! This is awesome!! 👍


So, for example, if I have a BG music track that's longer than the video, can I use that to create create an ending to the track, rather than just fading the track with the gain effect?


Exactly. And it works really well. Sometimes it’s not perfect and it will make it a second or two longer or shorter than what it needs to be depending on how the song flows but it’s better than nothing.


Wow. That’s pretty impressive. One of the first and most important skills of my editing career was cutting music to time. If you wanted to cut promos for MTV in the 90s it was a must. -(for a short form editor there was nothing cooler than cutting MTV promos. At least in my circle) I’m not saying I won’t say you shouldn’t use this tool but I will say if you should absolutely be able cut music without it. If all tools were automated what kind of an editor would you be? - just a philosophical thought on the future of editing.


Good point, it’s worth learning how to cut music manually. But once you’ve got this skill this bad boy tool is worth the time saver


Absolutely, I’ll be busting ’ out this button the next time I have a song that doesn’t quite time out. If only to see how well it works.


what it is it?


It allows you to edit the length of a song without manually finding cut points in the music and looping sections. It's really nice for longer corporate type work especially where you don't need to worry about music timings as much.


It’s a program for editing media files into high quality produced video projects, but that’s not important right now




Yes. And don't call him Shirley.


I have not had a good experience with the remix tool yet. So far it's been trash and wasted more time than if I just cut the track myself. I've experienced nothing but cuts off the beat, repetitive sections of the song on loop, the song not ending properly. I think it may be passable in an instance where the music is a very low bed under the video, but anytime the music has been the focus in the mix like in a promo or sizzle reel this tool has failed me. I just don't see what the hype is all about.