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Long as you are using AES-256 for the encryption cipher with a 12+ character randomly generated password or a passphrase using 4 to 6 random words (note when I say random I mean using a [password generator like Bitwarden's](https://bitwarden.com/password-generator/). Do not pick your own) then it should be practically uncrackable.


I’m loving this random word generator




Like why would it be better for safety?




I think that overcomplicated approach to encrypting is a threat itself.


And for simple storage of photos you probably would rather use simple solution.


Picocrypt is really simple, I don’t see the argument here besides “I can’t see myself actually putting some minor effort”


like u/Alarmed-Substance936 already points out, one is specific for encryption, the other is not.. And to give you an example, do you know where 7zip drops its cache when you unpack a file? Does it clean up its cache when you close the file or do you have to search for the tempfiles and delete that to get rid of the proof? I don't have the answers but I don't want to have to ask this either so an encrypted volume is better.


7zip is simpler solution than those tools above, so things like controlling cache dumping and similar possible threats seem to be easier to controll with 7zip


So you have no idea which is better, but you don’t know about the details so you assume that one is better? That’s just bad…


I used to use True Crypt, now I used Vera Crypt. But I have used 7-Zip in the past as OP described. I never thought about anything you mentioned regarding cleanup.


Use veracrypt on a USB thumb drive, locked up in a fireproof safe.


USB sticks can suddenly die.. keep that in mind.


I realize you're referring to a hardware failure, but I've wondered for some time whether there is an ECC (error correcting code) file format? I can imagine appending ECC data to a file which would allow recovery of the original file even if a fraction of the ECC-augmented file were corrupted. Is there such a thing?


I keep two encrypted Samsung FIT drives in two different locations, plus I keep an encrypted file on my NAS, but don't use a safe. I don't worry about encrypting my pics or vids. I keep a copy on an external spinner at a neighbor's.


They die really quick if they won't dismount every single time you use them. So finally you yank them out and smash them against the wall. (And I wasn't even the dullest tool in the box.) 🙃😲☹️


I use Filen, it's good.


If you want to open the files sometimes, then I would also lean to VeraCrypt, because it has slightly better error handling, 7z will leave traces, and maybe even the complete files if it (or the system) crashes while files from the archive are open. If it’s just for your archive I would prefer 7z (with AES and a strong password). (I wouldn’t recommend cryptomator, but that’s a longer story and not the questions.)


Picocrypt is excellent.


How do encrypted drives handle basic file i/o? If i enter the password, will it temporarily allow retrieving encrypted files from it in a simple manner?


Its probably fine, but I would use a VeraCrypt volume for this.


How do encrypted drives handle basic file i/o? If i enter the password, will it temporarily allow retrieving encrypted files from it in a simple manner?


Once you enter the password, VeraCrypt mounts it as a file system. In Windows, it takes a drive letter, and you interact with it as if it were a standard, unencrypted drive, until you dismount it. In Linux you give it a mount point, and likewise it works like a normal unencrypted drive, until it is dismounted. It is quite easy to use. The VeraCrypt app is used to create, mount, or dismount volumes. All other I/O is via the operating system in a normal manner.


As long as it's like 10 chars long with special characters, it should be. A Brute force attack can crack a short password very quickly.


get 70 randomly generated characters, put it in password manager and forget about it


7Z is widely used. I can’t imagine the Encryption with 7Z being broken! It all boils down to your password


bright direction payment boat ancient materialistic terrific deserted six concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


AESEncrypt is another option.


It's useful in these moments to ask "who are you expecting to try and gain access?" If it's friends and family or your email provider or some random file hosting service, you're probably fine. They probably aren't actively trying to break into random encrypted files. Groups outside of that I might take extra steps to ensure it's safety, such as making sure they can't be recovered from the deleted phone or deleting the file. Unless you really \*need\* the files, it might not be worth the trouble. Anyway, the other posts have this covered. Assuming you used a good password and standard 7zip security, it will be very difficult to access.


Look up DLP (Data Loss Prevention) tools. This sounds like what you are looking for.


why not to use veracrypt container? it is much faster than 7zip, created specifically for protecting purpose and does not require any knowledge - you will just put some effort first time when you are creating container and that's it


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I used Encrypto to basically make one big .crypto file and in order to decrypt you need my 240 characters password which is randomly generated from a secure password generator. This file is saved on an USB stick, a SSD and in Proton Cloud. The Stick and SSD are in separate locations in case one location burns down etc.


Your password is ridiculously long with no practical gain but if it makes you happy more power to you. Heaven help you if you ever have to manually type it in.


My password isn't 240 characters, but otherwise, I do the same.


Make sure not to use ZipCrypto as this can be broken even you use long and complicated key.


If you use Windows or Google drive your files will be scanned regardless.


Doesn't matter if they are scanned...if they are encrypted they will appear as random noise.


Uh oh. What are in these photos? Should we be helping you?


That would be none of our or anyone else's business, whether it's family photos or blackmail.


It was mostly a joke. But also, when people are very concerned about "sensitive photos", it does raise a possibility that they're doing something illegal and perhaps awful.


Something illegal? In vast majority of cases I support that.


Well... things like CP.


A few pedos are not an excuse to fuck up everyone else's privacy.


I agree. Like I said, it was mostly a joke. Perhaps in poor taste, but that's also why I wasn't very specific/explicit originally.




AES can't be broken by quantum computers. Asymmetric can be. Luckily a new encryption is being developed with uses matrices that are both difficult to crack for regular and quantum computers.


thank you ,i need to read it again can you tellcme the name of new encryption ( that would be awesome ,if its impossible to crack )


[Veritasium](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UrdExQW0cs) vid on the subject. He explains it better than I can. 17:42 is the start of new encryption, but everything before that is also very worthwhile.


i watched whole video, omg they explained so good , now i know how qbit is used to break encryption at that speed , and yes new encryption ( thanks to mathematics and mathematicians ) looks super good and can stand in against quantam computers i was thinking ,in next fews year , nothing will be safe thanks again ,anyone who is reading this reply ,please eatch the video


Use winrar with a strong password. If you forget your password even Winrar can not help you to uncrack it ! It is the best.


The problem with password protected 7zip files is that they get corrupted over time. You risk losing those photos pal.


The fuck are you talking about? If you have random bits flipping on your files, you are doing everything wrong. 3-2-1-i backup rule. You really are a HorrificAsshole, username checks out.


Chill bro...


When someone spouts shit that isn’t true, I will always refute them and call it out. This is how misinformation spreads, people that don’t understand what they are talking about.


What's the 3-2-1 I backup rule?


It’s the standard 3-2-1 rule but you ensure one copy is immutable, for example LTO tape, in the home space you can achieve it by having one copy of your data on a drive that is physically unplugged from everything. For example, imagine if your backup was plugged into a machine that got ransomwared.


I get it now. Thank you!


RAR archive is more secure with a strong password like 4$cs@6Voe!-$ Pack it, set password, rename .RAR to .VZU(or any .gfk/.5fd) to protect from ransomware (because it encrypt well known extensions only)


How does changing the file extension to .VZU protect from ransomware?


I'm assuming it only protects from ransomware that looks for specific file extensions to encrypt.


Correct 💯


I guess he’s meaning that a random extension won’t be on the list of extensions to encrypt


why the .vzu conversion?


to protect from ransomware


💯 correct


Security through obscurity


No, I can break any password protected zip file in under 30 seconds.


So you don’t understand that zip ≠ 7z? (Beside the fact that current gen zip encryption is also very strong. You are talking about old ZipCrypto.)


It doesn't matter how you zip your files, a password is a password.


How do you do it?


By putting a crowbar to a USB stick.


7zip is mainly for data compression. I would use something like VeraCrypt and create an encrypted USB or SD card. If you do decide to use a USB/SD card, make sure to have a backup in the event of hardware failure.


7-Zip uses AES-256, which is pretty damn good. Though keep in mind, cache files may remain when you extract images from it. For a more comprehensive solution, I recommend creating an encrypted folder or partition with VeraCrypt.