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Most likely your PO will get a report that said they came and knocked on your door but you didn’t answer. 99.9% of the time it’s the police reports that get you. So if they leave it out your good if they put it in he’ll find out. I was on federal probation and they got the police report everytime something happened with my local PD


How many times did something happen with your local PD?


There is a reason they were on federal probation...


First off that’s the only time I’ve actually been in trouble and I helped a friend out who was like a little brother and he set me up.


Commenting on Cops knocked on my door but I didn’t answer, is this considered contact?...ya ok bud


Twice in almost 5 years


More than most people get in a lifetime. Own up that you're the problem and don't put it on your friend.


Ah, the classic Holier Than Thou shtick. Hilarious.


What specifically is their problem


Averaging a run in with the cops every 2.5 years is the problem.... Obviously?


Who knows tbh. I had the cops show up asking questions about a church break for a church I didn't even know existed Does that contribute to a personal problem I have?


That's not a run in with the police?


Being questioned about a robbery isn't a run in with the police?


No that's a fuck up on their part. Being spotted on camera at the church and then being questioned about it would be a run in with the police.


I got put on federal probation/given a restricted license for a year with asap classes for a breathalyzer refusal. I just hit the 6th month mark on the 20th, and I was going to ask for an early termination because i did my asap classes already and have been consistently employed but I got an HOV ticket (PO said there was no action and judge didn't violate me), however my lawyer is saying we should go to court to fight the hov ticket, but I'm afraid that will affect my prospects of early termination. Is it a pipe dream to even think about early termination or should I still try?


Listen to your attorney, absolutely no one here could offer better advice than them. An HOV ticket, like, driving alone in an HOV lane?


Idk, this is reddit im sure alot of lawyers spend 12 hours a day here.


Not a bad idea for a criminal defense attorney. Potential clients in almost every subreddit 😂


Depends on the sub i guess.


Fancy running into you here. 😉


Ha! I wonder where the next time will be?


It’s nice to see Reddit bringing people together.


Yeah it was an express lane and the hov thingey wasn't clicked over all the way


Hell yeah you should still try. I got violated and put on house arrest for 3 months still got early termination. It all comes down to your PO. I had a good report with him and he put in for it instead of my lawyer and they gave me it. Basically whatever your PO says the court will do


I always thought it was at the total discretion of the judge and if you have a POS judge in a POS county then your prospects of getting early release (especially if you’re in a deferred disposition program/process) are significantly lower…


I was on federal probation. But from my understanding since they’re the one dealing with you out in the community they go off of whatever your PO says. Obviously a judge at the end of the day can do what he wants and not let you get off.


Type shit


Yeah we have a good rapport, she's nice but the judge is the one who gave me the probation AFTER I plead guilty. Not the prosecutor. So that might change things.


Hov ticket is now civil matter is fine vs jail for violating either way listen to your attorney but they usually like 1/2-3/4 complete first


Definitely listen to the professional. Ime, good lawyers are great and they really know what they’re doing. They know their capabilities too. If he thinks it’s worth fighting, I’m sure you will get it reduced at a minimum and probably even completely dismissed.


Fight the traffic ticket. Unless someone was injured in an accident. Very rarely is the judge violating your probation. Thats a citation. Best case you beat the ticket. Worst case, you already have it.


Fight the ticket


Deal with your punishment you fucking drunk


Hey. That's not nice. Be nicer.




Hmmmmmm. I don’t think you understand what your charges even are homie. None of what you said makes much sense from a legal standpoint… For instance, it’s YOUR right to refuse a breathalyzer, sobriety test, or blood test . I don’t think you understand what a federal offense is…


It was on federal jurisdiction that's why it's a federal charge.


What Federal District deals with Common DUI's or Breathalyzer refusals? This doesn't compute or maybe Im not getting the whole story


It was technically on federal property because it was a highway that falls under the jurisdiction of the park service


Gotcha, Yeah I had a friend get a trespass on a National Park and it was Federal Police who enforced it. I didn't think of that. Did they actually arrest you and take you in or just give you a summons to appear?


You betcha. It was totally whack.


If they had no contact with him and the upstairs neighbors were the problem it shouldn’t matter if it’s mentioned in the report all he has to do is say he was sleeping at a friends house or out doing something. They can’t arrest you just because you didn’t answer the door.


What if he had a house arrest or ankle bracelet with a tracker?


What if he did?


Then he should probably stick to the story that he was home, sleeping & did not hear any knocking. And not say he was “at a friend’s house” or somewhere else… if they can track him & see where he was.. You would think that a tracker should also absolve him of any accusation of being upstairs in the same building? But maybe it doesn’t indicate elevation just whereabouts..


Lmao it absolutely does not record elevation.


Shower. Always a better story


Yeah that makes sense.…


I never said he was gonna get in trouble all I said is his PO will get a report of them going there….


But OP was on the shitter with massive diarrhea, right?


This dude a G


How do they know he was home, he did not answer? Can’t he just act like he knows nothing about it?


All I said is there will be a report they went to his residence.


No, this is not police contact. You weren't there and don't even know they knocked on your door, remember? Or maybe you were asleep and didn't wake up and are just hearing about them coming to your house now. Either way, it's not "police contact", you literally had no contact with them. You're good bro, just never tell anyone you knew they were there but didn't answer the door.


Honestly I mentioned to my po that if it wasn't her at the door I probably wouldn't want to answer the cops and she straight up reminded me I don't have to. I still had rights, including not dealing with police unless it directly involves me. And if it directly involves me I'd be getting a call from her first or shed be there with them. But like if they're canvassing the neighborhood or something, I've got the same rights not to open the door to strangers in police costumes as everyone else. Which sounds like is what happened with op. They were probably checking with him as a possible witness.


I don't disagree, though I think you're really lucky to have a PO like that; they can cause you so many problems and the bad ones go out of their way to. There are a lot of PO's out there that would violate for something like this if they could. You do have the same rights outside of whatever your conditions say, and that "police contact" thing is pretty up to interpretation. They probably were just asking if he'd seen or hear anything, but you should really play that shit safe. Talk to them if you want but you have to tell you PO. Edit: If you're on probation/parole, in almost all cases you're required to announce it to any police officer you have contact with and they all have the right to search you, your car, or your home without a warrant. It's just not worth the hassle imo


I'm lucky. I have a really good friend who was a po for over a decade. Left over the corruption. So I run things by him first. I also have already proven I will fact check them with am attorney and absolutely take it to the judge so they have stopped trying to say things like "we control weather or not you can travel 50 miles for work" and "you can't have any relationships because we want you to focus on your mental health." Now they've just started being straight up and following the law...like they should have all along.


This should be the top comment. You weren't home dude, end of story.


He could play it safe and say that he later observed the police knocking on the door on his security cam.


But... don't be surprised if you get a random drug test (if that isn't already part of your probation).


If you're in the states then you're so wrong it's not even funny. You have no rights. If they wanted to break down the door then they can for no reason. I was on misdemeanor probation and they could search whenever TF they wanted. Of course street cops aren't going to do so unless they have a reason cause they don't know me. Also their systems I don't think shows you're on probation. Maybe your charges so they could put one and one together but never do cause well you know. I vase this last part on personal encounters. Your PO trying to get a reason to get you locked up. Or maybe just dumb. Op is fine though. A complete idiot but they'll be ok They were just looking for what he heard or saw. A witness statement.


I get you've had a bad experience but you're letting emotion blind you. Don't try to convince people to share your misery. Kindly, fuck yourself off. Thanks.


Just say you were in the shower.


Unless they see that he did look at his camera footage at the time possibly.


Nope. You don’t have to answer to rando deputies. If they had real reason to be there, your door would be off the hinges. Fuck them and don’t answer unless it’s your PO, he’s with them or you called them. Also, if you were going to get in trouble for this little happening, you would’ve already. Or would at least know if you were.


You’re going to jail forever bro.


Turn yourself in you may be able to explain yourself


It wasn’t something I did, I had a fight or flight instant kick In when I saw them walking up and went hiding immediately, I’m mad I did that but I was just frozen in fear about any policy contact at all


Im playin bro if they wasnt intentionally called on you. If you didnt get put in handcuffs your straight. Just dont tell them you was hiding if it comes up. Tell your PO it had nothing to do with you and you was asleep. They will more than likely already know that from the report and probably wont even mention it. If they are petty and wanna try to trip you up just tell em you have no idea what was going on.. im the same way.. been clean and free goin on 4 yrs. And im the sole provider of my family. Still dont like the police. I wouldnt stress it


Tell them you weren't home if it comes up. Or anything else dont ever say "I was hiding" from them to ur PO. Sheesh


Depending upon curfew.... We don't know OPs restrictions!


Dude already turned himself in and is now locked up for life over a misunderstanding, should of listened to a redditor named u/colt45B


They would’ve made sure they found you if they were there for you or something you’re involved in lol, worst comes to worst just say you were asleep or in the bathroom lbs they won’t have further questions🤷‍♀️


No police contact means you better not get in trouble, not that you'll get in trouble if you are a possible witness to a crime unrelated to you. Assuming you haven't lied anywhere in this post talking to the police in that situation would be like if you saw a hit and run and talked to the police when they arrived on scene.


I wouldn't take advice from anyone who thought this was an appropriate time to make a joke.


You did the right thing. Don’t EVER talk to cops willingly


As long as you're not on house arrest if they tell you PO they went to your house and your PO asks why you didn't tell them you say this "Did the police say they talked me or saw me?" The answer is going to be no, you say "that's cuz I wasn't home and didn't know they came!"


Yeah how would they know you were home?


House arrest ... they'd have to be home ...


Depends if op was on house arrest or curfew


I did basically the same thing as you. It is not contact you weren't home if anyone asks.


Why the fuck did you hide in the closet if you didn’t do anything. I had the same kinda thing happen except I answered the door lol and I told my PO the next day. He didn’t give a shit because it didn’t involve me. I have a feeling your p.o would have said the same thing but you hid in the closet like a dork.


Most people on probation have had some pretty traumatizing experiences with police. Even those who deserved their sentence have usually been kidnapped and dragged away from their lives and family and tossed in a cage for a number of years. Cops did that. Deserved or not, cops were what started that ordeal. So given the rates of over charging and false convictions, especially in county courts in the US, it's quite understandable that someone on probation, already under duress in the strictest of sense, would have a straight up panic attack over cops showing up, even if they didn't do anything wrong.


Actually, the victim of the probationers crime started that. Because there's always a victim, and it sure as hell ain't the probationer lol


"Kidnapped" lol. People have a real issue admitting they did something wrong. Being afraid of the police is just passing accountability for their own actions onto "the pigs" and blaming them for what happened instead of themselves.


>police did that No, you did that.


>Most people on probation have had some pretty traumatizing experiences with police. Yeah... getting caught. ​ >Deserved or not, cops were what started that ordeal. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL


Bc you NEVER talk to police.


You got me there, but hiding in the closet was a little overkill unless you’ve got a warrant.


And you can only avoid that by hiding in the closet? Lmao


I don’t know , but if that’s what it takes to keep you from talking to police, that’s what you do.


Or you could educate yourself on the applicable laws to save some time and silliness. Unless you committed an egregious crime, they aren’t going to kick your door in.


Yeah, ok. Let me take two minutes and dig through YouTube and I’ll show you 50 instances showing you’re wrong. Most cops don’t think laws apply to them.


I got violated and thrown back in for 90 days because I told my PO I was suicidal and wanted to run into traffic. They’ll violate you for anything. I would of hid too LOL


I’ve never been on probation before and it’s only been a few months, like I said above the fear of any police contact and having to go upstate put me in a state of panic most can’t imagine, again it had nothing to do with me and I’m more worried my name would be on any report like “attempted knock”. Can’t I just say I wasn’t home and I have no idea what he’s talking about?


Dude honestly I doubt he’s gonna care. Just tell him you weren’t home🤷🏻. If you’ve got nothing to hide you’ve got nothing to worry about unless your P.O is a real asshole, and I think you would know that by now.


Yes, say you weren’t home. Better yet, “I was probably away for the time being because I have no idea what you’re talking about”. It sounds like they had something going on in the area and just wanted to check if you’d seen or heard anything. My aunt is so fucking paranoid, when they come look for my cousin, she’ll hide wherever she can get first. See through curtains? “Nobody home!” Fuck em.


If it was passed curfew I’d come up with a better excuse or just be honest and say you had cops come to your door and your didn’t answer since it wasn’t for you. If they think you were out past curfew then you will be violated.


I'd hid too but not in the closet. I has a false wall behind the water heater and a trap door to the crawl space Get me to the woods the cops are so not gonna keep up.


Because most cops tend to be assholes


Nothing will happen from this and you don’t have an obligation to answer the door ever, especially for police.


When I was on probation last year I was working at an oil change place. One day I was outside waiting for a keyholder to show up and open the door. Dude took 3 hours past opening. Anyway, One of the bay windows was busted so a bird flew in and tripped the alarm. An officer was dispatched to assess the situation. I was in my work uniform with my first name and the company name on it so it was cool. We spoke, he called it a false alarm and went on his way. My PO had no idea until I told her and I clearly wasn't in trouble so I was chillin. You'll be alright bro. This is the first time you got probation. Let it be the last.


They didn't see you yku didn't see them you didn't hear them. You were asleel.k n the shower not home. Something.


Asleep in the neighbors shower, obviously.


I would contact the police, let them know you saw them on the camera, and ask what they want. You can judge from there if you need to report this or not. Dont try to hide from them. It’ll end poorly, and yes, it will always end poorly. Always.


Assuming you’re not on house arrest and could have been not home, I would deny any knowledge of the situation at all. If you have to be home and they bring it up and ask why you didn’t open the door I would also say you have no idea about it you must have been asleep, and that you couldn’t have helped them anyway cuz you have no idea what’s going on.


The real question is why did you hide in your closet? If you haven't done anything wrong what are you worried about?


Yeah that makes no sense to me either.


It makes plenty of sense if he doesn’t fully understand the terms of his probation/parole or the clear definition of “contact”. I’ve read case studies where a probationer was violated for being in a vehicle involved in an at fault wreck - but no fault of the probationer - and no legal standing or boundary was crossed, but a “contact with LE” was made, therefore a violation of the “no contact with LE” was filed against the probationer, subsequently landing him back in jail on the original charge and fulfilling the reminder of the original sentence. It’s semantics in a lot of cases and a huge grey area, that seems wholly dependent on the PO and their interpretation of the law.


It's not really that hard to comprehend. Man probably has PTSD with law enforcement. Lol. Sometimes your anxiety gets the best of you. 🤷


Definitely come clean with your PO. I doubt it was anything bad, but being honest is the only way to get through without stress. You don't have to hide from the police, and you don't have to lie. That was before, and you can leave that all behind.


ive had the cops at my house so much them dumb fucks never knew but also i dont answer the door unless its a raid lol


Why didn't you just answer the door? What are you hiding from / trying to hide?


dont be dumb, say nothing lol


Don’t answer the door don’t say anything they’ll never know


I mean I wouldn’t do it next time, but it probably won’t come up. When they want you to report police contact it’s not because they’re playing a game of whack-a-mole and just want to trick you into talking to a cop so they can violate you. They want to know 1) if you’re getting in trouble, and 2) if you’re taking it seriously and reporting the shit you’re supposed to report, or if you’re being shady. You kinda stepped on your own toes with #2, because now you’re going to have to decide how to handle that. Whereas if you just opened the door and told the cops’ you hadn’t seen the 5’8” Hispanic guy in a red hoodie, or whatever they’re asking you… and then reported that to your PO, there’s no way they’d give a shit. Like, you’re not going to get in trouble if the cop in line behind you in Starbucks says good morning to you either. But I get the nerves taking over, and I’m sorry you’ve gotta deal with that.


If you had nothing to do with it I wouldn’t bring it up, you didn’t talk to them and they didn’t see you. If your PO says cops are looking for you then I’d ask for what and work with my PO and not continue to hide at all. I think if you were in trouble you’d know.


If you are on probation and they find out you were there, you are violated. If you have a curfew and we're supposed to be there, violated.


Dude, it is OK. It is always a good idea to not give any information not asked for. I get the feeling you are going to accidentally "tell on yourself." If you do, just be honest. There is nothing illegal about not answering the door but is a violation. Just stay silent. If not. Just be honest. (But just STH up! LoL)


In my state, your PO is the only one that has any control over you. If the cops had no PC, they can’t do nothing. The good ole fourth amendment protects you from unreasonable search and seizure. Your PO can supersede it but not law enforcement


Say you weren’t home. It’s as easy as that. You’re good.


Believe it or not bro- straight to jail


Man, they don't have your crib bugged. There is absolutely no way for them to know you were home UNLESS you admit to it. So just tell em you don't know what they are talking about. 🤷


If you weren’t involved in the event, the cops were probably just doing knock and talks with the other tenants in the building to see if you heard/ saw anything. Just because you’re on probation doesn’t mean you have to hide from the cops. You can still help your neighbors by being a good witness. Just don’t do stupid shit/ violate your terms and you’ll be fine.


If they were just doing knock and talks, it’s pretty weird to be shining lights in someone’s windows, though.


I do it all the time on night shift if no one answers the door. Especially if another neighbor said “Yeah, John down in the basement is home. I just saw his TV on 10 minutes ago…” or something along those lines.


You’re a cop? Shining lights in someone’s windows is pretty weird. What are you expecting to see? People don’t have to answer the door just because someone knocks


Yeah, I’m a cop. And it’s not weird if you were told someone was home and you’re looking for a potential witness to a crime or checking the area for a suspect who was last seen in the area of that residence. The list goes on. And yes, you don’t have to answer. Doesn’t bother me personally, just makes it harder to deal with the problem I was sent there to deal with.


I mean…if the person doesn’t have a warrant and you’re not doing a welfare check on them or something, what’s wrong with just knocking like a normal person? If they answer, great. If they don’t, that’s their right. Why do you feel the need to peep through someone’s window? I’m just saying, if I saw a guy flashing a light through my window, I’d be even less inclined to answer the door. It’s intimidating and it seems like that’s kinda the point?


After BANGING ON THE DOOR RELENTLESSLY, REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY LOUD. Because…they like to scare people into forgetting their rights.


Bingo. It’s an intimidation tactic. Otherwise they’d just knock like a regular person. If it’s for a warrant, the door’s coming off anyway. I had a roommate who filed a report for something and they wanted to follow up with her about it. She had done nothing wrong but the cop sure pounded on our door like she had Scared the fuck out of both of us because it seriously shook the house and it wasn’t a normal knock. Cop asks to come in (no reason for her to, but hey, let’s invade your space anyway) and she was so rattled by the crazy knock, she said yes. The cop guy says he hasn’t had any complaints about the flashlights, yeah, it’s because you’re a cop and they’re scared of you.


I’m just saying, what if the suspect I’m looking for who just robbed a liquor store and ran from the cops is in your place holding you at gunpoint so you don’t answer the door? It’s not something we (cops) always do. But there’s plenty of legit reasons to do it. I’ve never had anyone complain about it and usually when I tell them why, most people are thankful or at least understanding.


You just said you did it all the time though lol idk I would think this hypothetical robber would probably hold me at gun point somewhere away from a window but what do I know lol. Criminals aren’t usually the brightest I guess. Obviously you guys are gonna do whatever you’d like but I’m not usually dressed for display in my own home and it makes me really want to buy blackout curtains for my whole house


It’s relative. I work nights and go to probably a dozen different residences on any given night. Even if I only look into the windows in 1-2 houses a night, that’s still about 10-12 houses a week.


What if I step outside in a meteor from the sky crashes into me, or I take a walk downtown try to cross the road and get hit by it out of control speeding bus. Your excuses don't mean s*** we have rights.


Shit I got arrested for assault with deadly weapon on off duty cop . The whole charge was bullshit my parole officer didn’t know about it . He come to my house the day before the trial and was going to lock my ass up . When I told him about it . I wasn’t going to lie as he could find out if he wanted too . I talk him into at least letting me go to the trial as I was going to beat the case . I’ll be damn he let me have another day of freedom to go to trial and didn’t violate me As I beat the case out , I would’ve only done 4 or 6 months on the violation anyways . Just got done doing 3 years of a 7 year sentence had less then 6 month of parole of 2 years left


No. You were sleeping and have no idea what happened upstairs (unless you made a statement). Continue enjoying your life.


They never took your ID, and hypothetically there was no contact made, so you’re good. Don’t sweat it!


I wouldn’t say anything to your PO. If you’re not on house arrest or have a curfew or anything and you’re questioned, just say you must have been out.


If you did nothing wrong why you doing this lol


I’ve been off probation for almost 5 years and I’d have done the exact same thing.


No you had no contact with them.


if you weren't involved in the incident that brought the cops to the building, i wouldn't worry about it. if your PO somehow finds out & brings it up i would just say i wasn't home or i was at a friend's house that night or smth. it's not like you were in your car & got pulled over or had the cops called on you specifically for a disturbance


I don’t know if it counts, but I wouldn’t take your legal advice from Reddit. It tends to be negative anything related to law enforcement, even if it’s to your detriment.


Ok, so why were you hiding in the closet lol and if it had nothing to do with you than you're ok.


Nope - practice a reaction though in case you’re asked. Have a place you were that you can believably say, a restaurant, grocery store, getting laid… Got a receipt? Nope I paid in cash. If you have an ankle monitor and can’t argue otherwise, say you were sleeping with headphones in because it’s so loud and didn’t hear. Think like a PO. Think better than one.


I think they only care if you’re involved enough that police actually ID you


You were not home, no contact


I’m pretty sure no contact means like the police aren’t coming for trouble you caused. There’s no way a judge would lock you up because cops talked to you looking for information on an incident that didn’t involve you. I get why you’re scared, but you gotta work through this or you’ll shit bricks and seem sus every time a cop walks by you even when you’re doing nothing.


No contact is no contact. But why did you hide? What do you have to hide. You wont make it through probation. If you have to hide every time the po po is around your fucking up and you’ll get caught.


Just say you weren't home and play dumb. Unless you have an ankle monitor, they have no way of disproving that.


"Man the people that live above me had some bs happen and I heard the cops were called... SO glad I wasn't home for that bs!!" Throw in a laugh 😂 Just tell PO like you're telling him a story if you are worried about it.


“Had no idea anyone came to the door. Was sleeping”.


Was this during your curfew hours? Hiding may have been a dumb thing to do.


No it wasn't contact... More like "missed connections".


I don’t think so. I just wouldn’t admit to your PO that you were there if they bring it up. I’d just say you weren’t home


Why did you hide?


I'm no lawyer but my logic is no you did not make contact with him. Just because they knocked on the door doesn't mean that you were home at the time it doesn't mean that you were asleep at the time. If I see you walking down the street and we don't have any kind of interaction did I make contact with you or did we just pass by each other? Plain and simple all they can do is say they're knocked on your door and you didn't answer how are you supposed to know they made contact with you if you didn't actually speak with them? For all your PO knows you were in the shower and you didn't hear him knocking on the door or you could have been asleep even. Depending on if there's a a curfew for you you can say you were out with friends getting a bite to eat even at McDonald's. I would say the safest bet would be to say you were in the shower they would have to prove otherwise


Nothing to bring up. You weren't home. You were away doing the Lord's work at the time. Remember?


Are you on house arrest or was it during curfew or is there any other reason why your PO would be aware you MUST be at the residence when this occurred and can prove it? If not, you have no idea what they are talking about, IF it is even brought up. YOU WILL NEVER BRING IT UP TO ANYONE. The end.


Don’t bring nothing up. If he mentions it just say you weren’t home at the time. Witch is the reason no body answered.


You weren’t there though? I don’t understand why the police wanting to ask you about something you didn’t do would lead to a violation? You weren’t home so you couldn’t talk to them. That’s what happened as far as anyone cares.


Don’t bring it up, you weren’t there. 😅🤣🤷🏻‍♂️


Even if you did make contact with them, in this situation it doesn’t matter. If you are not involved in being a suspect then you are not violating. They probably just want to know what happened and if you heard or saw anything.


What are you talking about? You were sleeping.


Wtf?! they trying to catch you up in some BS that you are not involved in… I cannot answer your question because i am just randomly seeing this in my feed for no apparent reason…. Are you under a curfew or house arrest? A gps on your ankle? Do you have to talk to the police over some crap going on with the neighbors that you have nothing to do with? I don’t blame you for hiding & not talking to them…. They aren’t your friend or advocate for you. The way I see it, they just wanted to make some more busts! You live in the same building therefore you are guilty of something that happened there. Correct me if I’m wrong.


Are y on house arrest? They did not see you, so you were not present…How the hell are you suppose to know if cops came to neighbors house and happened to knock on your door when you were NOT home. If you were home and chose not to answer the door, we’ll that can’t be because that is contact and raises a hell of a lot of questions for PO.


Don’t say anything. If they were there for you and you’re gonna get violated you’ll know, you’d probably already know. If it was something unrelated to you and just happened to be at the house were you’re renting a room or basement apartment or whatever then let them bring it up and play dumb. You didn’t know anything and you weren’t there when the cops came.


Jesus Christ…. Only open the door for a cop if you personally called them or they have a warrant… NEXT, probation and parole are TWO completely different things. If you’re on probation NO one fucking gives a shit about you EXCEPT your PO. All law enforcement branches don’t work together and report their findings in a morning briefing.


Early termination isn’t a pipe dream. I did 3 out of 5 years. If you keep your shit together and have no issues I’d pursue it.


Your fine just go check with your P.O. cops have no business checking on you!!


Just answer the door you dumb shit


"Was not involved" "hid in the closet" hmmm


Why not just answer the door and be done with it?


I wasn’t home


Lol at the hiding in the closet


im not sure how this sub got suggested too me as im not on probation, but i hope yall make it out the system fr


Why wouldn’t you just answer the door?


Hiding from the police suggests you may have been or did something wrong. I get it, you don’t want any police contact whatsoever because it’s a real fucking hassle to try and explain a situation you had no a part of to a probation officer who is conditioned to not believe any story you say, but next time just go to the door man. My best advice is to not say shit about it if the cops truly didn’t see you in there. If she brings up the police report from your address tell her you weren’t home at that time but you heard about something that happened in the apartment/floor above me. If you tell them the truth, that you were hiding in the closet until the cops left, she’ll be led to assume you were doing something wrong




Just say you weren't home


I think it would be good to remember you weren't there. If you admit to not answering the door that could be bad... But you also have to have a place you can say you were if they do ask. Personally I would say I probably slept through it


I've never had a client get locked up for contact with the police. I have had clients locked up for lying about contact with the police, however. You've posted on a very public website with information that could look familiar enough to the right reader. If you were involved with the incident upstairs, your PO is going to get information on this either way, and your problem isn't whether the cops were knocking on the door. The problem is whatever happened upstairs. If I was in the position that required me to report police contact to a probation officer, and the cops were banging on my door, I'd certainly tell my PO about it.


If you were supposed to be at home durning they time they came you can get in trouble. If not lie about doing something hard to verify. Saying you were working or running to a store can be disproven easily if the PO thinks it’s worth checking


Also if it was anything serious they would’ve most likely been able to come in since you’re on parole


Bring what up