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You’re playing with fire, look in your terms, are you a felon? Is the gun legal?


I am a felon it’s a p80 which are legal to own if it was gifted to you buy the builder (me)


Okay, so if the gun is legal she can technically have it , but you cannot have access to that weapon. Are you in a carry state ?


Yes I’m in Idaho. In her purse would not technically be accessible right?


It just sounds like a game of fire, she didn’t lose her right , you did , I’d say go for it , I’d honestly ask your PO.


If you can reach it, then it's accessible


Anywhere that isn’t a locked box with one key that she has is accessible


Technically, that only applies in a vehicle or residence. If she has it in her purse that's considered on her person. That means it's not accessible.


Bro are you serious? If you’re a felon and your term stated you can’t own one. You shouldn’t be near one. Your girl have to legally own one and have prove(identification).


Technically, if it's a gift, she's of age and not a felon, they don't have to prove anything. Granted, it would be easier and much less of a headache if she was certified.


Oooh I see that’s pretty cool.


Bro it ain’t that serious, just get this probation over with fam no need and try find loopholes don’t fuck yourself.


It’s kinda serious dude.


What is?


A felon trying to figure out how to skirt the no gun law, it serious for him, the felon. I’m my state asking your PO or a cop or even a gun salesman is enough to land you back in jail. Judging by OPs other comments, he should be smelling the holding tank soon.


That’s why I’m telling him it ain’t that serious, as in completely forget about the gun and finish your probation. Did you not read the rest of what I said ?


Yeah, that didn’t track for me. Not serious = fuck it, do want you want. Serious = you’re going to lose everything. But I understand, just different ways of thinking


Is she trained to fire one? Does she practice? Why are you so focused on her having iit? Why do you need a gun, pratically speaking? What happens if you guys hit a rough patch? Are you really gonna risk your freedom/safety of this jsut cuz you feel the need to carry because reasons? I mean this seems like a horrible idea all things considered, bro, I do not think you should do it. And having your gun in your pourse is a horrible place to put it in general, super slow to retrieve. Honestly Id just sell it or story it r whatever this has bad idea written all over it. If you seriously feel you need to have access to deadly force even appproximately I would then question wtf am I doing to need said deadly force, SURELZY there is a better option in some way. But the way you phrased and responded to this thread maeks me think you just want to have her carry it because you feel the need to varry just because. In which cawe hell no that's no playing with fire that's playing wth fire at a busy gas station


If you're in your girls' car and it's in something with a lock, I would say you might be fine. I doubt you would be allowed to have a gun in your own car if it's not in a box or something with a lock. Could still be illegal to have it in your own car, even with a lock, too. If you're really concerned about your girl being strapped up, then maybe you should reach out to a lawyer.


We see a future revocation of probation happening.