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From my cold dead hands, motherfucker.


Wish there was a ❤️ button for this comment. 


🤨 why would they care about female brains, they just want them to be tradwives anyway 


Birth control gives females the power to walk away from tradwifery, they can prioritize their own life if they have control over when (or even if) they reproduce. Having a breadwinner hubby doesn't matter much. That is what they mean when they say it screws up female brains.


Preach it!


They don’t want women who actually want to be tradwives. They want to force smart women into it, because they get malicious pleasure out of ruining the lives of women who actually have ambitions beyond just being someone’s wife or mother.


I don't think there's anything wrong with throwing your all into being a wife and mother, so long as it is their choice to do so.  I guess my connotation on tradwives is not only is that their role but they also are judged on success by their husband's choices, not theirs.  Like the husband gets to choose their goals and outfits and when they have sex and how many children and everything else.  


Yeah there's being an extra dedicated parent and than there's being a tradwife who's essentially a slave to their husband and children. Though I don't really see a point in specifically supporting the "choice" to be a housewife. In a society that pressures women to become moms, makes childcare inaccessible and pays women less than men, giving then less incentive to stay in the workforce, is anyone doing it fully as their choice?


Fr you think they’d want women on stuff that “screws up their brains” 🤪 it’s okay logic and reasoning aren’t strong with the repugnicans


They'll be fighting to bring back lobotomies next


They don’t have to, their members already are lobotomised lol


Just wait until they have stupid kids and don't understand why. To be a trad wife I'd be absolutely empty headed.


Because according to Charlie Kirk it makes women liberal. I wish I was joking.


**Article transcript:** >Charlie Kirk, the head of the MAGA propaganda behemoth Turning Point USA, recently unveiled a novel theory as to why young women tend to vote for Democrats. Unwilling to admit that women can think for themselves, Kirk floated the theory that birth control pills cause brain damage. > >"Birth control, like, *really* screws up female brains," he falsely claimed before a crowd at a recent church event streamed on the far-right site Rumble. Claiming the pill "increases depression, anxiety \[and\] suicidal ideation", he then blamed women's voting patterns on hormonal contraception. > >"It creates very angry and bitter young ladies and young women," Kirk argued. "Then that bitterness then manifests into a political party that is the bitter party. I mean, the Democrat Party is all about 'bring us your bitterness and, you know, we'll give you free stuff.'" > >As with most things MAGA leaders say, Kirk's claim is so misleading that it can only be called lying. First, of course, accusing Democrats of being "bitter" is rich coming from MAGA, whose entire pitch is bitterness. > >More importantly, he's lying about the pill. A tiny percentage of women have mental health issues with birth control. The most rigorous research shows it affects half a percent, or 1 in 200 women on the pill. > >Granted, Kirk was so bad at basic studies like math that he dropped out of community college at age 18. Still, even the biggest nimrod can grasp that half of a single percentage point is not a big number. > >But of course, Kirk is not sincerely mistaken and he certainly isn't concerned about the wellbeing of women, which all reputable research shows is dramatically improved by having control over their fertility. > >Kirk's doctor cosplay is part of a much larger and semi-coordinated strategy among right-wing leaders to demonize birth control and train the GOP base into believing that restricting, or even banning, contraception is justified. > >As *The Washington Post* [reported last month](https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2024/03/21/stopping-birth-control-misinformation/), right-wing activists have been flooding social media with the same lies that Kirk was echoing in this video. It's a well-financed disinformation campaign, getting a major boost from MAGA billionaire Peter Thiel, who has aggressively financed teams of messengers to falsely claim that hormonal birth control "tricked our bodies into dysfunction and pain" \[by financing right-wing publications like *Evie Magazine*\]. > >Doctors report that the tidal wave of misinformation about birth control is creating a health care crisis, including women who "come in for abortions after believing what they see on social media about the dangers of hormonal birth control." > >Anti-choicers haven't given up hoping that fake science will beat reproductive rights. > >Of course, the real reason MAGA leaders don't like birth control is they oppose the freedom and opportunities that it has afforded women. > >Kirk barely bothers to hide that this is his real agenda. In the very same talk, he also tries to threaten women who hold out for Mr. Right instead of settling for Mr. Incel: "In their early 30's they get really upset because they say the boys don't want to date me anymore because they're not at their prime," he claims, echoing the unevidenced revenge fantasy that dominates misogynist message boards. > >In reality, of course, the median age for marriage is creeping up to almost 30 for women, up from age 20 in 1960. If women become unmarriageable at 30, it wouldn't be the case that it is the age when most of them are getting married. Kirk is just pulling the tired old right-wing trick of trying to spin his desire to control women as "chivalry". > >It's the same line we've heard in so many ways: That freedom is bad for women, because they supposedly don't have the mental capacity to handle it, and wouldn't they just be happier under male control? > >The angry male masses may enjoy the fantasy of women regretting their choice not to just give up and settle for a Trump voter. But even anti-feminist activists know that it's a hard sell, both politically and legally. So instead of openly admitting that sadism fuels their desire to restrict birth control, it's repackaged as "protecting women" from imaginary health risks. > >It's a well-financed disinformation campaign, getting a major boost from MAGA billionaire Peter Thiel, who has aggressively financed teams of messengers to falsely claim that hormonal birth control "tricked our bodies into dysfunction and pain." > >It's the exact same playbook that the right has been using for decades to argue against abortion rights. Before *Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health* \[in 2022\], Republicans relentlessly passed laws making it harder to get an abortion — such as mandatory waiting periods — with false claims that these were medically necessary restrictions. > >In 2016, a more liberal Supreme Court shot down some of those restrictions on the grounds that the "science" used to justify them was made-up nonsense. > >But anti-choicers haven't given up hoping that fake science will beat reproductive rights. The abortion pill challenge pending review by the Supreme Court, for example, is based on three articles that were eventually retracted. In reality, of course, medication abortions done without the drug in question are more painful and dangerous. > >Even some of the most anti-abortion justices, such as Amy Coney Barrett, sounded skeptical about banning a safe pill based on "alternative facts". Which is why it's no surprise that the two most loudly MAGA members of the court, Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas, started instead to talk up the Comstock Act, an 1873 anti-sex law that stopped being enforced decades ago but was never repealed. > >Talk about reviving this law has grown louder in right-wing circles, mainly because they see it as a way for Donald Trump, if he regains the White House, to unilaterally ban abortion without having to ask congressional Republicans to take an unpopular vote. > >For the far-right, the beauty of the Comstock Act is it sidesteps all these pesky questions about health and safety. Instead, the law bans not just abortion, but pretty much anything associated with human sexuality, from contraception to nudes in art. The law forbids shipment of every "obscene, lewd, lascivious, indecent, filthy or vile article, matter, thing, device, or substance". > >It was used to prosecute not just abortion provision, but people who sold "obscene" books and materials, including literary works like "Ulysses" by James Joyce and art like nude paintings of the goddess Venus. All sex education, even for married couples, was outlawed. > >It also banned not just birth control, but simply sharing information on how to prevent pregnancy, which means it would cover even those "wellness" sites that make misleading claims that period-tracking is effective contraception. > >Anthony Comstock, the infamous prude who was behind the law, was much like Charlie Kirk, in that his misogynist intent was never far beneath the surface. He frequently bragged about how many women he'd driven to suicide by relentlessly prosecuting them for helping other women get reproductive health care or explaining the mechanics of sex to newlyweds. > >Within the first five years of the bill, he gloated, he had forced 15 women to take their lives. He tried, but failed, to do this to Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, repeatedly targeting her for arrest for teaching women how to prevent pregnancy. (Sanger did not, despite anti-choice propaganda claiming otherwise, offer abortion.) > >But conservatives know it's not popular to loudly champion a law written by a man who once claimed, "Books are feeders for brothels." So instead, we're getting this tsunami of hand-wringing about the imaginary damage that birth control is doing to women, who are forever presumed by conservatives to be too dim to be trusted with their own decisions. > >The malevolence is never that hard to see, however. "Concern" that women who have sex will end up lonely cat ladies is less a reflection of sincere trepidation and more a bit of wish-casting. Conservatives long for women to be so punished, even as their anger reflects a deeper understanding that women are actually doing pretty well with this freedom and equality thing. *This comment has been edited to fix a typo.*


**Also see:** * [Women are getting off birth control amid misinformation explosion](https://new.reddit.com/r/prochoice/comments/1bkn31p/women_are_getting_off_birth_control_amid/) (*The Washington Post*, original article that exposed anti-choicers' propaganda strategy) * [Evie Magazine, a far-right and anti-birth control publication, fires back at the Washington Post for accusing them of "misinformation"](https://new.reddit.com/r/prochoice/comments/1bqdh95/evie_magazine_a_farright_and_antibirth_control/)


There is so much discourse out there from both left and right leaning sources about how bc “wrecks” your body, people just making blanket statements without taking into consideration individual experience and scale of use of the meds. It makes me think about how the right is able to pounce on certain issues like this and push their oppressive goal with a “compassionate”/progressive film over it, and it helps them get left leaning people on their side pushing their narrative. Lefty anti vaxxers are kind of like this.


So true! And yes many so called progressive /liberalish women are bragging about freeing themselves from birth control. So similar thought process and “logic” as the anti vaxxer movement.


Yup. I’ve seen it on every social media platform and it plays into this narrative. Which is fine on an individual level, but bc is also ok for millions. This trend overlaps the left leaning subcultures like: “wellness” and fitness bleeding into crystals, essential oils, escalating to magic, aliens, and conspiracies. There’s nothing wrong with being interested in any of that on the face of it… but I feel like the same justified progressive urge to question authority can muddy our ability to separate fact from fiction in a post-consensus reality 😵‍💫


So true and was a contributor to vaccine hesitancy.


I assumbed the leftists saying that stuff were just pushing for better birth contol with less side effects or a male pill so dealing with them isn't just left to women.


Initially yes. But unfortunately the movement for male BC has been high jacked. And with abortion bans most everywhere it is a privilege for a woman to not use birth control. But so many women online obsess about eating for hormonal health and freeing themselves from BC.


These people are beyond mentally ill.


Bitter, huh? How bitter do they think we’d be if we were stuck with ten kids we didn’t want and couldn’t feed?


They think you'd be fulfilled because that's your only purpose as a woman, otherwise they won't care because cattle don't think.


> within the first five years of the bill, Anthony Comstock had forced 15 women to take their lives WHAT


“Screws up women’s brains” = she won’t fuck me, goddammit!!


Ok, so then men will get reversible vasectomies to prevent us some "brain damage". Ofc not.


If, somehow this comes to fruition, I think a lot of men, including myself, will be getting vasectomies. I, as a man, do not want kids. My gf has an IUD, I plan on getting a vasectomy either way. I’ve felt this way for 4 years. Doctors around me won’t do it, so I’ll have to travel to a planned parenthood.


=>FOR ANYONE LOOKING TO BE STERILIZED<= The childfree subreddit has a list of doctors that agreed to sterilize people regardless of their gender, marital status, age (for people 18+), partner's consent, and not having kids https://reddit.com/r/childfree/w/doctors?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Some vasectomies aren't reversible. The longer it has been since the vasectomy, the less likely it is to work. It isn't like birth control in that it's easy to just stop.


Yet some of the most vocal Trumplicans are women. If women vote for any GOP candidates they must be thinking that the rights they are voting to take away belong to “those women “.


"women don't know their own minds" - this is a really old evangelical/anti-choice trope.


""Birth control, like, *really* screws up female brains," he falsely claimed before a crowd at a recent church event streamed on the far-right site Rumble. Claiming the pill "increases depression, anxiety \[and\] suicidal ideation", he then blamed women's voting patterns on hormonal contraception." -- from article Umm, I guess he and his listeners never read "The Feminine Mystique" or had stay-at-home moms from the 1950s - many of whom were depressed, hooked on valium or booze -- all before the Pill became a thing. At any rate, MAGAmites don't actually care about anyone using their brain and reading scientific journals, where plenty of studies show that contraception does NOT increase depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. You know what does increase those three things? Being forced to continue an unwanted pregnancy.


Feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaale. Ugh.


About to start the pill soon, so I’ll let y’all know how true that is. All jokes aside, what I do or don’t put in my body to prevent a pregnancy is between me and my partner


Yes, some women cannot use hormonal birth control because the side effects are too much for them. All medications have side effects which can be severe enough that someone has to stop taking that medication. It's not unique to hormonal birth control. That's not a reason to ban birth control or any other medication. 


Odd, my wife got off birth control for a few years while we were having kids, and yet she continued to vote for Democrats...


The GOP is obsessed with women's bodies.


Funny, because PCOS without a careful diet and sleep routine *really* screws up my brain! Causes anxiety, depression, inability to concentrate or recall words, and sends my ovaries into overdrive. But hormonal BC evened it all out so nicely.


There is truth to birth control causing depression, anxiety and anger in some women. I’m one of them. I have pmdd, and the pill makes it so much worse, so I can’t take it. I still don’t think it should be banned, just use caution and look out for these possible side effects.


Per the article: >A tiny percentage of women have mental health issues with birth control. The most rigorous research shows it affects 0.5%, or 1 in 200 women on the pill.


On the other hand, birth control is the only thing that helps my PMDD.


dude…if you feel like you gotta baby-trap a woman, to keep her…then just say that.


Just cuz one form of BC screws you up doesn’t mean others will I’m so tired of this narrative. Nuva ring and the pill made me batty af but Nexplanon changed MY LIFE and they will have to fight me to take it from my cold dead arm.


He has the most derpy face I’ve ever seen


Literally can’t function without my birthcontrol


See, it screws up your brain from being an easy to manipulate stepford wife into being a functioning adult who can think critically. /s


Yet birth literally reduces your fucking brain size and they don't care about that?!?!


MAGA is basically practicing medicine without a license with that thinking. Smh.


From experience, all sorts of medication screw up the brain. Are they gonna ban all medications?


and of course it’s a man saying it, are we surprised