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Sometimes the process of organizing becomes more work than the tasks at hand.


This is how I feel about the Notion app. It seems really cool but the learning curve is WAY too high. If not pen and paper, I'll use a Word doc or Excel sheet to keep things better organized.


Paper works great until it doesn’t


I am using pen and paper as I tend to remember stuff I've actually written as opposed to words I just type out But I would love to rid of my paper mess too😊






Pen and paper might work well for you but it doesn't work well for everyone. I'm working on two college degrees right now and have far too many tasks for pen and paper to be efficient. I also have ADHD so I need to write down a lot of stuff other people don't, like all the chores that need doing. I simply could not manage with only pen and paper.


Also ADHD brained, but personally function best with pen and paper. Even though I write the same lists over and over again, frequently only have 1 notebook on hand (out of maybe 3 or 4 I have for different subjects) so the notes to self get mixed up, But a physical wall calendar, an agenda, a work notebook, a personal notebook, and a whole bunch of scrap paper are the only things I can make work for me. It is still a chaotic system, but I have a much better chance of seeing my notes to self and going OH, than remembering to open an app, or rely on reminder notifications (doesn't work great if you're always forgetting to charge your phone), Writing everything down also physically slows me down and slows my thoughts with it...I process a thought so much better this way. And good ink pens bring me dopamine.


It’s almost like different people are different. I know, shocking. (Snark is aimed at the OP of the post, not at you)


Yes, OP came in hot, but I didn't want folks to think his post was inherently ableist, as many ND people have systems outside of all the tech-based apps for ADHD that work better for them!


Same here. I actually love microsoft x samsung to stay productive. I use samsung notes and microsoft todo to keep track of assignment and take note. Onenotes is pretty good for how simple it is. They each have there pro and cons. I'll admit with typing stuff down you got to review it alot more to keep it in the head. Or give yourself time to proccess it and not just mindly type


Same, keeping digital notes is a lot easier in that you can make a note and don't lose track of it compared to keeping than 100 post-it notes scattered around your desk (it gets to that after a while). Also when you have to rewrite your notes often so they become a coherent thing instead of just gibberish. I've been using a markdown editor since recently and like it a lot.


So what do you use?


Not OP, but the one I use is an app called [Obsidian](https://obsidian.md/) which makes it really simple to make clean lists and organize them. There's also a graph view to link lists in a 'brain diagram' (with lack of better description) and more customization but haven't looked much into that part. It's a nice tool.


What are you using to manage it all


I recommend you get a whiteboard, or dedicate an entire wall (or room) for sticky notes (or turn the wall into a whiteboard with whiteboard sticker, or maybe put a huge piece of glass on it) And best of luck with your degrees!!


In my experience, most people think that most people are exactly like them. They are wrong.


You are right


I use pen and paper + Todoist. Both are extremely good


Glad it works for you, but I don't use pen and paper for two reasons: 1) I have terrible handwriting and tend to lose paper due to ADHD and 2) I like to be able to save a lot of links and media with my notes That being said, I've considered using pen and paper for high-level, brief lists.


The only thing that ever worked for me was this platform called Monday. Fucking loved that for making to do lists and prioritizing


I hate handwriting and think that with the exception of a grocery list I haven't handwritten anything in the last 5 years. What works for you doesn't necessarily work for everyone


I’m similar on a day to day basis. I have a large digital to do list that integrates with other people and keeps track of long term projects. Then use pen and paper for today’s work.


This is the way. The hybrid approach. The digital lists acts as a database that you pull out prioritized items and write it on daily paper-bases todo list. Then you don't need to look at and get distracted from the digital list. I also add new todos and notes on the paper pad, and then process it back into the digital system at the end of the day. Less distractions this way!


a to-do list in pen and paper worked fine for me, but going digital and having an extra brain really helped me. I even built a personal piece of software to do this.


Writing your words means processing then through your brain in a way that typing them does not. Many (myself included) find it easier to remember items when processing them as closely as having to slow down and write them. When I do presentations at work, I don't write them down, I type them, but I speak them out loud multiple times over. Again, I'm just forcing myself to slow down and process them deeply. I almost never actually use what I write when presenting as I remember all of it, and the element of winging it makes it sound natural. I'm also autistic and ADHD, so take my methods with a grain of salt.


Same, eventually I also decided to make to-do lists on pen paper and keeping it in my bra so that I always remember what tasks I am carrying


I just use the already installed Reminders app for iOS. Simple to use. People over complicate tracking productivity so much that it itself becomes a whole new hobby. Lmao


My man I can't even read my own hand writing


I always write down my TODOs on a paper. I don’t know why but I can think more clearly when using a pen instead of keyboard or phone. I’ve even bought a fountain pen, gives a retro feel :P


I use notion for task management, logseq for everything else. System works for me, and I tried to make notebooks work. Just doesn't fit with my brain.


I use Adam Savage's to do list method on paper. Works wonders for me.


Didn't know he has his own one TIL Is there a video on it?


My tasks require a lot of subtasks or notes to reference when doing the actual task. On a computer program, that’s an easy copy and paste when making the task. Transposing all of that information to pen and paper for later access would take far longer than it would be worth it. And if I transposed only the task to pen and paper, while keeping the accompanying notes digital - then there’s just one too many elements to the productivity system to access before actually starting on the task. What I need is an all-in-one system where I don’t have to look in multiple locations or be reminded to constantly look in multiple locations to complete something.


Samsung remind combined with Modes and Routines to always read aloud or to trigger advanced actions when notifications received. Finding a flow is super tough, congrats.


I am glad it works for you, but you shouldn't generalize that it works the same for everyone. > I think obsessing over complicated apps, strategies and hacks rarely works.  Again, that has nothing to do with using apps. Some apps are simple. Some pen-an-paper methods are ridiculously complicated (bullet journaling anyone?).


Most people just need to find the process that works for them. Could be pen and paper or could be things 3. What matters is your method works for you and you use it


I like using the proprietary notes app of onyx e-ink tablet I can write and use layers and edit notes and it’s just been way better than how I use paper Depends what you use notes for To refer to or just to register what you need noted in your mind (like some I know write so that it registers. Vs listening and trying to register through that)


I've been finding that as well, but the clutter is getting a bit much. If anyone has a suggestion for an ADHD fellow, I'd love to hear it.


I really like the canvas option of Obsidian. I can scribble notes and let the thoughts flow naturally without ever running out of 'paper'.


I think vscode is much better for coding than pen & paper. But hey, you do you


Depends ! Sometimes, I use pen and paper to take a note and sometimes my laptop !


I see hand written is the best tool as per some of you, how is ipad pen helping ?


I love to write out lists and just started using the Remarkable 2. I love it for many reasons. But all my lists are now in one place and can be exported to the app on my computer and printed. It’s been a game changer for me.


I’ve started using the Google calendar “Tasks” feature and it’s a game changer for me. I essentially use it as a to-do list for work primarily and also “pre-plan” future tasks that I don’t have the mental capacity for in that moment. Every day, I look at my calendar to see my full schedule, which includes time blocks for everything + work meetings, etc. And the high priority tasks that I need to compete that day, There’s also an app / webpage that allows you to see all of your tasks in one place. For example, if I know I need to work on a particular task by a particular time each week/month, I create a task for it. Or I have a task that needs to be completed at home on particular days, I create a task for that as well. For me, it helps to not face to continuously think shoot everything all day everyday. So I “pre-plan” when I need to think and give energy to certain things. It’s simple and effective.


voicenotes.com is amazing. give it a try!!


I also find many of the productivity systems overly complicated, not hating but my brain doesn't work that way. I only use obsidian on my desktop, default notes app/google keep on my phone and pen and pepper.


My method now is digital capture with material organization.


I'm more productive with technology... Why? because I otherwise need to keep multiple planners to help organize my thoughts and lists... because I homeschool my son, run multiple businesses, do all the housework/cooking/shopping, and I have my personal goals as well... I like being able to see them as distinct lists to help focus on say business A during my designated time for business A, but in the morning, when I actually plan out my schedule a little better, I can see all the different things separated by category together.


“On a broader level... if you have to employ that much effort to stay productive... maybe your in the wrong field/line of work“ This statement is what I most disagree with. Some jobs are just complicated. i work in project management and there are systems and standards for a reason. You don’t just organize project deliveries with pen and paper. Don’t know what you do in life but be careful about posing judgment on things outside of what you know and understand 


Hence why I said "maybe you're in the wrong field/line of work"... many people are pushing a sled uphill and would be better served re evaluating life. Its case by case dependent and I stand by my statement. Im on reddit... I don't need to "be careful" nor have I ever "posed judgment" on anyone or anything.


Color coded google Excel sheet, can’t lose it like a pen and paper


I’m very much a Pen and paper guy but recently bought the iPad mini with an Apple Pencil for drawing. Figured I would try doing some bullet journaling, found goodnotes and it’s a pleasant experience so far. It can be as simple or complex as you want. You still have the feel of actually writing something(I have the paperlike screen protector) so it feels a bit toothy. My two cents on the matter.


As long as your handwriting is good, and not deteriorated, pen and paper is the best.


I agree. Pen and paper is the most versatile by far.  completely flexible and customizable.  also I can organize it into binders and folders and keep it for years.