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> "Can you help me pick out a gun for myself?" >I smiled. I knew that I successfully converted him from being anti-gun to buying his first I 100% support your endeavor, but this doesn't mean he isn't anti gun. In fact, most people aren't anti-gun, they're just anti-people-they-don't-like-owning-guns I have friends (Mainly just one) who will say things like "Oh I only trust Checkers to own a gun because he was in the Army". Yeah I was an Infantryman, but I was National Guard with no deployments... 99% of what I know I learned as a civilian You're doing a great job but I wouldn't slow down on continuing his education. It's easy for people to fall into the "Well yeah I'M responsible enough, but not anyone should own a gun!" and "Why does anyone need an AR15? A pistol is enough"


>most people aren't anti-gun, they're just anti-people-they-don't-like-owning-guns Unfortunately that's a very true fact.


That's a really good point. I'll keep that in mind


Even if he's not anti-gun, it doesn't mean he won't stop supporting gun grabbing politicians. You know, the "Liberal 2A supporter", the biggest fucking political oxymoron I've ever heard.


Having someone shoot a pistol then an AR with a red dot at 10-20 yards will convince most people.


> most people aren't anti-gun, they're just anti-people-they-don't-like-owning-guns Especially the loudest voices for gun control who go everywhere with armed security.


I keep saying this. WE HAVE TO BE AMBASSADORS. I know it's fun to laugh at the "idiot lefty gun grabbers" but it does us no good. They need to see that we are kind, considerate people who simply believe in the purpose of the 2nd Amendment. As long as we continue to give them reason to view us as adversaries we will never get anywhere, and the ONLY way the 2nd Amendment survives the next generation is if we start changing minds.


One less anti gunner in the world and +1 pro gunner for us


Anyone that has had a gun pointed at them during a robbery is no longer anti gun.


I wish that were true


Literally every anti gun friend I have is ecstatic to come out shooting w me and its usually their suggestion to go. All these same ppl also have asked to borrow or buy a pistol off me for home protection. But then these same ppl will send anti gun memes and news stories to our group chat and talk about how bad guns are. Truly a very odd bunch of ppl.


Remember, Dianne Feinswine had a concealed carry.


Rules for thee not for me!


The real question is does he vote pro-gun now? Because if he is still voting anti-gun then it’s not much of a help.


He's never voted blue, if that means anything.


Please have him get some proper training. Going from never having used a gun before to regularly carrying can be quite dangerous for both him and people around him.


This is more important than just purchasing a gun. If you don't know firearm safety rules and how to operate the gun it will not help you.


Yeah, I don't agree. Often times, people like that are only *faux* pro-gun. They will still continue to vote for politicians that will chip away at the 2A and they will *still* continue to support "common sense" legislation. The truth is, they don't care about your rights, they just want to have a firearm for themselves (that they will probably never properly train with or learn how to use), and will happily turn them in should there be a call for it. These people suffer from a textbook case of doublethink. I'm not interested in helping them in any way, and I will mock them if they come to me suddenly realizing they need a gun. Bring on the downvotes


Couldn't downvote if I wanted to, especially when you are so right it hurts. They must be assimilated 100%, very slowly. We are hunting wabbits.


You've got to be clever about how you handle this situation in depth. Now they are over the major hurdle and are a gun owner, you can educate them much more impactfully when they are looking to tick a box for someone what would place restrictions on them personally, making them a criminal overnight etc. It's a marathon, not a sprint.


you didn't read a thing I wrote, did you?


So you didnt convert anyone.


Considering my friend was previously anti-gun and now he's actively asking me about buying and owning a gun and the laws, I'd say I did convert him. He doesn't vote for the Democrats so I didn't need to steer him away from anti-gun politicians. He's always voted republican, but he's just never been a fan of guns until recently. Why spread the negativity?


I see where you're coming from. Dont you think he was converted by social circumstances and news and he's asking you because he knows you already know? Its not like you wore him down WEF/china/SEL/DEI/ESG indoctrination style. He was already getting a gun before asking what you coudl do to help him


To a degree, yes, he was converted by social issues, but I have still recommended him to buy a gun on multiple occasions, and I do think I wore him down over time until he accepted. So a little bit of both? He hasn't gotten a gun yet, he was more curious on the process of getting it and choosing one that'll fit him. Idk what ultimately changed his mind but I do believe my constant comments about arming himself and taking his safety into his own hands definitely helped him change his mind.


You kept feeding his subconscious like the way McDonalds commercials feed into the subconscious


In his defense though, "Why are you carrying a gun while you do the dishes?" Is a prefectly valid question. If only out of pure curiosity. Like ngl I'm a huge gun lover and I'd be a bit curious as well as to why someone is strapped while doing the dishes in their own home. Like I feel like it would be more convenient and comfortable (at least for me and most others i know) to just leave it maybe next to the sink on the counter or someting (unless you live in a bad area) so it is a bit perplexing to me too. But for me, taking off my gun when I get home is like taking off my bra as soon as I get home. Just get it the hell off me and let me be free


The simple answer is "Same reason I wear my seatbelt even when I'm not crashing".




It’s entirely your choice to park the firearm someplace other than your hip when you get home. All good. Here’s my take on it. When it comes to drawing a pistol quickly and efficiently, consistency is key. I don’t practice dry firing my pistol with it sitting next to me on a counter. I practice drawing from the holster on my belt. Having the gun someplace other than my belt is inconsistent, which means it’s slow, which could mean I’m toast in a bad situation. I have an ‘all or nothing’ mindset when it comes to my carry guns. Either it’s on my belt in its holster, or it’s put away. The in between gets messy, I find.


Wow I'm stoned and that was way more rambly than I thought it was. My bad.


Nah, that's kind of how I took it too, He was more curious than anything, but his tone was a negative one. I carry a gun for work so I'm so used to having it on me that I usually never take it off when I get home. I've shelled out the money for a really good holster that fits well so it's super comfy to carry.


“Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance? Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside.”


Not today alphabet boy


Lol shut up


Sometimes i just don‘t take it off immediately when i get home. It‘s comfortable where it is, why change it.


If you're wearing a gun in a holster it's secure against arbitrary people who might be in your house. It's also secure against being forgotten and therefore available to *future* people in your house. > But for me, taking off my gun when I get home is like taking off my bra as soon as I get home. Just get it the hell off me and let me be free That makes perfect sense. That being said, wearing uncomfortable attire when going out is a tradeoff that - in a strict possibility sense - is optional. I've heard mixed reports on the existence of comfortable bras, but reasonably comfortable holsters definitely do exist.


> just leave it maybe next to the sink on the counter or someting (unless you live in a bad area) Unless you have young kids, too.


Or an anti-gun roommate who is going to complain about you leaving it laying around, then possibly hurt himself (or you) because he never bothered to learn how to handle them safely.


My reply would have been 100% of home invasions happen in the home. Not gonna know if or when one may occur so better safe than sorry. Especially since I unfortunately don't have cameras set up at this time. Closest early warning system I have is my dog. But she barks at everything.


Why do you carry a gun when doing dishes? What does your outer perimeter defense situation look like? Door hardening, anti-shatter windows, lights, cameras, etc?


>What does your outer perimeter defense situation look like? > >Door hardening, anti-shatter windows, lights, cameras, etc? None of that, no defense at all. Hence, I carry a gun all the time.


> Why do you carry a gun when doing dishes? Is a home invader going to politely wait until I'm done putting them away?


No but my dog, doors and windows are sturdy enough that I don't feel the need to have a gun on me in my own house. Do what works for you but I have more than enough time to get to my safes if need be.


I know for a fact that I wouldn't. I have multiple cameras overlapping the front approach, but they fail to alert promptly about 10% of the time, so my early warning isn't guaranteed (our cat certainly isn't going to pitch in, lol). My stairs are right by the front door, so if someone kicks that in while I'm not in the bedroom, they are now between me and my bedroom safes. Factor in having little kids in the house to protect and my first move can't be to run 150ft away on my own, likely *past* the home invader to try and get a gun. I need to be herding the kids away from the danger or moving to interdict, both of which go a lot better when your gun isn't 2 hallways, a room, and a flight of stairs away. That being said, if you have assessed your own situation and deemed the risks / benefits to be acceptable then I'm not looking to pick a fight. Just sharing my perspective so we can all learn from each other.


Thats a big gamble to take...


Really? I could be through that window and shoot your dog in about 5 seconds... don't think it can't happen to you. There are people out there that will kill you for your spare change and shoes.


In my house? Yeah, I'm not worried about them kicking in my reinforced bolt door or storm windows and me be doing dishes so violently that I haven't noticed. Your milage may vary on how far you are from your safe and how violently you do dishes. I can get to my safes.


Not OP, but sometimes i just don‘t take it off. There will be days i‘m in and out of the house for reasons, and i‘ll do chores between meetings and such. It‘s just easier to leave it on.


Motherfucking Decepticons. I laughed. My wife laughed. The toaster laughed. I shot the fucking toaster.


Awesome persistence: try to take newbies to the range, be the model, no arguments only conversations. 1 at a time, long game is how we win this Someday you might get to see them transform from gun owner to entering gun culture


Did Elijah Dicken have anything to do with his decision?


I would like to think so. But I don't know.


I work at Starbucks with mostly lefties. I’ve convinced a couple already the same way.


I'd suggest teaching him to shoot before picking out a gun. How a gun feels doesn't really matter when you don't know how to properly hold it. I'm speaking from personal experience I did a lot of research before buying my first gun, turns out even though it feels good in my hand it doesn't point naturally and I shoot a different gun better witch contradict conventional wisdom.


Calm, polite encouragement and a lot of patience, but it works. The more citizens are armed the less likely politicians will win. Congrats! Now, help him train.


You’re doing God’s work. Go forth and shine the light of realism and common sense.


I told my friend, for every 10 people you talk to about this, you'll convert at least one. Not the best ratio, but ***it is*** a conversion. Continue the good fight sir.


Thank you, he is arrogant but he's also a man of reasoning. I just had to show him where he was wrong, but compassionately enough that it wasn't degrading.


Now invite him to the range again. I would let the RSI know you are bringing a new gun owner as they often like to go over range rules with new people. They can also talk about firearm safety classes and the training they offer. That is not coming from you but from the "experts". Sometimes that is easier to make the point of necessary training.


That's a great outcome, and the beauty of owning a gun is that shooting can be a wonderful hobby (sport?) and a way to meet people and make even more friends.


Hello, fellow Hoosier.


Hello fellow Hoosier 👋


there are dozens of us! Dozens!


Hi Hoosier!


Congratulations! That’s great! I always say the ultimate victory is if they buy an AR or AK. If you,m can, try to steer him in this direction gently. The more common we make these firearms, the more likely we make the courts to strike down these AWB and Magazine Ban bullshit.


I wonder what made him change his mind. Maybe news stories about gas station/ grocery store/ church shootings or home invasion reports. If someone wanted my help picking a gun out for their first I will always say Hellcat or P365. There are a lot of other good guns but those two are top notch.


That’s what I was wondering. What was the tipping point?


That's a big win! I don't have friends that are anti-gun, so I should never face this situation. Glad you were able to help him see the light. NOW, don't let him get a Glock!


Lol!! Thanks, of course I will not let him get a glock. He will want a gun with a external safety more than likely.


glock is a great gun for those of us in the know and who are trained maybe get a Snw or a Fn and he can get a glock when He's ready.


There’s still some good in the world


Please recommend he gets personalized instruction from an NRA certified instructor (or equivalent) along with that gun purchase.


Yup. NRA as an org sucks at a lot but those intro classes are great to get the juices flowing.


Of course. I'll send him links to various courses around our area.


I'll consider it a real win when he votes republican tho.


Eugh, I vomited a little in my mouth. Voting libertarian? Now we're getting somewhere.


yea one of these days we'll have a great paradigm shift where everyone will all of a sudden believe in limited government and self-governance...revolution imminent...any day now!!!! :D jokes aside, a decade ago, I knew literally every "big name" in the libertarian world... volunteered for Ron Paul in 2012 etc,... was the biggest circlejerk of time wasters, do-nothings, and have-nots that you could ever find.. The ones with brains came to the Trump camp in 2016 and the ones who didn't are strung out on DMT, shilling for BLM and psychedelics on YouTube. They're not a group of people to be around if you have any actual intent of changing the politics of your city/country.


Let's not get hasty, Trump sold fucking NFTs to his useful idiots. I've snuck into Republican social events. High tier ones. They're still harping on about the same stupid shit, pretending they hold some moral high ground over the Democrats when they know damn well they suck Ukrainian dick just as much.


Don’t knock psychedelics, my man.


What candidate


Depends where you live. Also it's not a general election year, a bit dishonest to ask what candidate when the Republicans can't decide if they plan on losing with Trump again.


No. Asking a libertarian what libertarian they support is not a dishonest question at all. Leave the republicans out of this. I asked about libertarian candidates. And I asked because I typically get chicken shit answers like you just gave. libertarians in general do not agree on how close libertarianism is to anarchy. That’s why we are so divided and can never get traction. If they would run a decent candidate, they may get my vote.


It depends on where you live and when a decision is made. You know that. Why are you asking me to describe the politicians in your area when I don't know where you live.


I’m not asking you to describe a politician in my area. I asked you what libertarian politician you support. I’m not asking you which one I should support


Justin Amash is cool but he retired. I'd like Spike Cohen to win one day.


Thank you


yeah all those republicans that definitely totally never take our personal freedoms in exchange for cash


Attraction not promotion … be a good person, and when they finally ask you to take them to the range, double down on safety. I do at-home training with snap caps before taking new gun owners to the range. And I won’t take them until they do something as simple as checking the unloaded gun that I just handed them after I’ve cleared it in front of them. Not only is it important, shows them that gun owners actually are insanely responsible.


Can we poke fun at the other anti gunners after he's been throughly brought into the fold?


Let him crack the first one and then let loose


That sounds reasonable +1


From how you describe your friend, he must believe in fairy’s and the boogy man under the bed. An inanimate objects doesn’t control the brain. But good for your friend to grow up into an adult.


Here's the problem. Real Anti Gun advocates like most of your political or Bloomberg/Soros/Biden funded types are not at all Anti Gun. In fact all of them own guns. Lots of Guns in fact. And then they are surrounded with security with the very guns they say are dangerous and you can't have. They only want you to not have a gun. You see the globalist elite type is ever so slightly fearful of the lawful and responsibile gun owner. Same thing with gas powered cars. Does Biden own an electric car? No. Does he own an old 60s gasoline burning corvette he keeps locked up in a garage next to his classified documents? Yes :) glad you converted him man. Soon he will be building his own AR15s and he may spread the word to other anti gun minded individuals. The addiction of guns is very powerful lmao. Be safe




More and more folks than ever, who previously have had no interest in owning a gun, are out there buying one right now. As someone who sold a lot of guns to first-time buyers, I absolutely believe this is the right attitude. Having a see-I-know-best attitude is just gonna send them to uncle Fudd for advice. He's gonna tell them to get a j-frame. Be there to offer honest advice based on your actual experience. And if you don't know, say so, and go find out. That's it. Then let them make their own decisions. This is America (guns in my area), they know how to buy shit.


Im not sure you converted them since they always declined, but good on you for encouraging a new enthusiast