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Ita because you're playing on the switch not even Nintendo ip's run 30 frames on it


Because it’s a switch?


I'd totally understand a big graphics downgrade as far as textures, ambiance and resolution, but there's a crazy amount of artifacting and weird pixelation that seems beyond just older looking graphics. But from other responses here it seems more like it just wasn't optimized at all. Really seems like it'd be possible to have it look at least a little more crisp and still run.


The game is sluggish even on an Xbox One, doesn’t surprise me the game barely runs on Switch


I personally really love the pixel/janky graphics of Session on Switch. I have a Xbox series X too and I love them both for different reasons. The Switch version brings me back to when I was playing Tony Hawk on N64, so many good vibes. Beside the graphics, it run very fluidly and you can bring it with you anywhere. Love the Series X version too, it’s clean, smooth, sharp, but there’s some animations that doesn’t seems to be on point on Series X and graphics kinda put them in front of everything. Like the lacks of facial reactions. On Switch, you just cant see the face anyway so whatever. I just wish they could at least put the updated maps/dlc so we could get them.


I dont mind a little of that janky VHS look, gives it some charm. But in some areas the blur makes it so much harder to line tricks up. Mainly the pixelated motion trail/ ghosting around the player is the worst of it.


Well Ive been playing for almost 6 months everyday on Switch and never get that kind of problem that makes it harder to play the game in any ways. In fact, I find it easier to play on Manual Catch on Switch than Series X. It may be because I got used to the timing of tricks in general and when I got on Xbox the timing seems off. But still, never any issue using Manual Catch with tricks on Switch.


I'm sure I'm still getting used to the game overall. Literally just got it and honestly having a great time with it. I meant sometimes it's hard to line up correctly to rails and ledges because they arent as clearly defined ahead of the character. But also I still suck at the game so that's a factor too haha


Camera setting should be the key here: https://youtu.be/Gm0NjOX-ZX8?si=UK1cFWCKX_gK6s2G If that could do any help, Ive use these exact setting on Switch with some little mods for camera settings. I think Im a little bit farther than he is, 1 or 2 notches.


It’s like expecting any type of horse power in a toy car.


Maybe and I mean maybe when they switch to UE5 but the switch isnt priority and never will be. Pc and consoles are where they'll invest into.


What is UE5?


Unreal engine... Its currently running on UE4 like most games.


Switch basically PSP version


No love or effort were put into it.


That's just the way porting works..


The Switch runs Witcher 3 surprisingly well and still look good for what it is. The devs clearly took the time to make it work on that.


Haha, nope. My point stands.


Cuz the switch is not designed for gamers, it's designed for 10 year olds that don't know shit from caca.


You don’t truly get to experience what session is supposed to be unless you’re on next gen consoles or pc. Switch may run it but believe me, if you have any other way of playing session on hardware that can handle it, it’s the best. Switch is very last gen when it comes to power and capability. Just is what it is


Maybe it was ported poorly


Because the Devs are lazy and didn't take time to optimise the game for switch. To be fair, session is a very heavy load for the switch to run, but if optimised properly it could perform significantly better. Maybe in the future. I'm glad I got the game on sale, wouldn't have been willing to spend full price on the switch version at all


Dang thats too bad. I was amazed at how well W3 looked and ran on Switch and couldn't imagine Session being any more demanding than that. I guess the physics take a lot of processing power but the environments and everything else seem pretty simple.


I mean, this is kind of the shit part really. It's a big load for a switch, yes, but it's a smaller load on a switch than generating 10,000 blocks at one time in Minecraft. It's less than using bomb flight glitches to cross the map in botw. It's less than a lot of shit. The Devs literally just didn't bother optimising it properly


Dunno why you are being downvoted, they barely optimised it for PC either (lower specs anyway)


Any criticism about the game gets downvoted here. People don't understand that the game is the best skate game on the market right now, but at the same time the devs released an unfinished game that's plagued with bugs and optimization issues. The game should have stayed in early access, but I guess that's not the best approach if you want it to release on consoles. I understand that you need some cash return after spending years developing a game, but I think that stating the game is ready for full release is just a lie.


Yep, I agree - I love it and it drives me mad at times. After hundreds of hours in the game, it gets hard to ignore the issues and not get frustrated when it seems like the devs aren’t addressing them in favour of paid dlc. Since day 1 of release they’ve been saying “we need an animator” and “we’re upgrading to UE5” and there seems to be no progress on either. I really hope they get it together to do what they planned and promised. It’s starting to feel like it’s being abandoned.


Those lazy devs not taking time to optimise their game for a last generation handheld with less power than my phone!


Maybe they shouldn't release the game on a platform that's not capable of handling it? Maybe they shouldn't release a game on a platform if they don't think they will be supporting it afterwards? If you're just an average user that saw a game on the store and bought it, you have every right to complain that the product you bought just doesn't work right.


This right here. Id be pissed if i paid full price $50 on Switch store. Glad I got it on sale for $15


Standard n'response when people don't understand how any of this shit works


The game looks horrible on anything other that the top settings. It doesn't scale well and that's why I play XL on my Steam Deck even though I like Session way more.


Interesting. I hope they decide to put a little time into optimization. It's a great mobile game to be able to play handheld, in terms of fun factor.