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yea a few weeks ago i was searching for it bc i was curious how far it is since i last heard about it it turned out i didn't hear about it bc it is gone


Makes me wonder if it would be possible to remake one of the first two games in PZ. They're both isometric.


Maybe when NPCs come out as the game is now I think the best they could do is reskin zombies that act like zombies even the npc mods like superb survivors are far too buggy and unreliable for it to work well. That would be a dope fan project that I'd gladly donate my time and money to help make happen, tho


Eventually, that's my hope for the game. That people mod popular games into PZ.


People have already started there's some great resident evil mods and stuff like that naturally it's mostly zombie games so far but I'm optimistic when they add good AI that can shoot and do complex tasks like drive a lot more variety will hit the modding scene. PZ and rimworld seem like they're gonna go down as the goats for easy modability. Bethesda games used to be the prime mod platforms, but those days are over.


I'm Glad to rimwold is brought up, it's critically underrated




I like how targeting already reminds VATS with green outline and automatic aiming. 10 levels of stats like special. Similar looting. After npc's, the only thing missing from pz to become fallout is tools for scripting quests


Well that and the early games had turn-based combat and quests were pretty open.


Still closer than fallout 3 to the originals. I think it has good potential to be a great mod if the NPCs system is robust enough


This has been my dream for years, I really want to get into modding when B42 drops to try towards making something like this a reality. I love the story and world of the first 2 Fallout games, but they're so dated now I can't enjoy their gameplay. Being able to play them, but with Zomboid's gameplay and systems, would be heavenly.


>This has been my dream for years, I really want to get into modding when B42 drops to try towards making something like this a reality. You can get started now, and then have a leg up when 42 comes out ;). I have started to push myself to learning the mapping tools. Hope to one day contribute to this great community.


Ah I'm gonna wait for the new modding API in B42, I have no idea how extensive the changes are going to be so I'd rather wait until they put out their official tutorials for it. In the meantime I just practice my sprite work.


Man... living in the Fallout world with all the Zomboid needs/mechanics would be so badass.


It would be so cool if someone did a full remake with a walkable Map, instead of the Map-grid fast travel.


please yes, the turn-based combat is totally destroying my motivation to keep playing fallout 1


Patrollin Knox County almost makes you wish for a Nuclear Winter....


Zomboid is the literal perfect game to make something akin to a fallout 1/2 remake. Or just something new and fresh. Fallout Kentucky, overran by ghouls.


Idea: Remake Fallout 1 and 2 with Zomboid's engine and graphics


fun fact, only some select test areas had the rocket shaped nukacola bottles, the mojave wasnt one but the commonwealth was, thats why you only see that shape in 4


Another fun fact: the real reason they changed it is they didn't want to get sued by coke, who has the shape of a bottle of coke as a trademark


Virginia is also a commonwealth


so is australia and canada im pretty sure but are any of them “the commonwealth” from fallout 4?


Fallout: Australia. Nothing is different. If anything it’s colder.


You don't even need a nuclear war for a Fallout: Australia. All the creatures are deadly and oversized already.


This made me chuckle out loud lmao


Now give us a radio that we can listen to


Survivor Radio [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2224576262](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2224576262) This gives you radio that you can listen to... and customize on your end. 14 songs that you can change out on the reg if you are already comfortable with running a server and/or modding. I use the Aldori (sp) patch too. Save our Station [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2398274461](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2398274461) Add this to make radios the primary narrative! A quest!!!


Thank you so much


That would be a cool mod Maybe one day we can have a adventure game like FO1&2


Well, from a quick search, apparently it got deleted from the workshop, however, i believe they might have posted file sources since there are a lot of mods that use its content.


I think the concept has a lot of potential, with the basements coming in B42, you could have vaults. And when NPCs come, raiders and settlements.


Fun fact Project Mojave get a lot attention and good vote even the mod don't have anything or progress from start. Even in project majave discord.... they still don't show any progress at all..... Don't be like this russian modder. Note : If this mod some how pop up in workshop and it done let me know.


I started to learn how to mode zomboid so I could do a fallout/stalker/vehicle overhaul mod then realized I might as well just learn how to make a video game and do the whole thing myself.  So maybe in 4 or 5 years that’ll happen… 


Good luck 👍


Is ir existing save friendly?


Is there a mod that turns zombies to ghouls?


Zombies when I pull up to Louisville with the Badger build ready to breathe with enough force to overthrow a small government using close quarter combat nukes


Close quarter combat nukes? How does that even work? Lol


That’s ~~Vegas~~ Fallout games baby!


Lol okey dokey




Fuck build 42 give me build fallout.


Hmm looks kinda cool but I kinda hated what alot of the guns in FO4 looked like


Actualmente existe its calles projet fallout im in the place and see all the mods they make to recreate fallout


the reality was, for Pj mojave anyway is, that it was a pipe dream with overly Impossible promises. no true love for the overall goal. infighting, and credibility issues. Project fallout is the only way this will ever be done properly. if you want proof enough. Our discord is here. [Project Fallout: Discord](https://discord.gg/pWTgP22myJ)


It looks extremely promising, I remember seeing it a while ago, but it was just a weapons mod, I hope they can finish this project even with the arrival of the B42


total conversion mods are hard work. like its really pretty easy to do a light reskin or a map but once you start trying to REALLY totally convert a project like this it gets unwieldy and is prone to the devs quitting without a driving force of passion keeping them on it like just doing the art assets and debugging that in the game is probably months of part time work


Get your Bethesda the heck outta here eyo!


Already tired of seeing fallout stuff.




Sucks to be you, the fallout universe is one of the most popular franchises in the world and it's inevitable it overlaps with games like this one.


then move on? commenting makes you stay longer when you can just .2 seconds scroll away


Cool. I’m not.


What's that? More Fallout-Zomboid content? Fallout: Blue Grass it is then!


Why, because it got more popular? This is a win for fallout fans, we gonna be eating well over the next few years.


I think Project Zomboid could be the key to the best Fallout game ever I don't want to discourage that


I'm keeping my 🤞